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Roadmap Meeting March 17th 2017 11:30 am AST

David Wilcox edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 8 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: David Wilcox

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Melissa, Nick, David, Carell, Danny, Diego, Gavin, Jonathan, Jennifer, Donald, Jordan, Kirsta, Mark B, Mark J, Rosie


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes
  • Islandora 7.x-1.9 release
    • Made some minor changes to release VM
    • Had a release call yesterday
      • Many new JIRA tickets and pull requests
    • Allowing 2 weeks to test before RC2
    • April 28 final release
  • LSAP Review
    • Approved by Board of Directors
    • Updated on
    • Committers working on how things will work in Islandora Labs
      • Want to maintain standards but encourage more participation
  • Travis users for Islandora
    • We are using a free version of this service so we have limits
    • On big merges this causes problems
    • Travis is currently associated with multiple users - should just be one Islandora user
      • Nick: this won't work. Problems were the result of a perfect storm around code freeze time
    • Editing many files (e.g. licenses) on the day of the code freeze will cause problems
    • Some merges may need to wait a few days when we have a code freeze or Travis will break
    • We can cancel builds if there are problems
    • As we approach a release we should talk to the community about how best to mitigate these issues
      • This will be added to the agenda for the next committers call
  • Update on LAC theses harvesting
    • Moving (slowly) toward a community specification
    • University of Alberta is the largest Hydra site in Canada and they are scrambling to try to fulfill the requirements
      • Mark Jordan is coordinating with them

New Business

  • Islandora Slack?
    • Islandora could get Slack for free with the Foundation's non-profit status
    • Nick concerned with code of conduct
    • Need to establish owners
    • Why is Slack better than our current options?
      • Skype versions are a problem to keep up with
      • Slack is convenient
    • Need a public archive
    • Free Conference Call line is currently available:
      • Has been reliable
      • Includes international numbers
    • Melissa will survey the community to see if there is interest in Slack
    • This group will continue using Skype for now as it is a closed group and we make use of the Skype chat functionality

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
    • Has not met
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
    • Met in early March
    • Will meet again April 12
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer): The MIG met on March 13, 2017. The notes are now online. Paul van Schayck presented and showed a demo of his module Ontology Autocomplete. For the next meeting, we'll be working through issues from the Authorities and Tools subgroups.
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
    • Has not met
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
    • Has not met


  • Jon Green is now a committer
  • Slowing pushing forward
  • Getting contributions from UTSC
  • Jonathan did some great work with web tokens
    • Authentication can now be done with tokens instead of the Drupal filter
  • Lots of maintenance on the CLAW GitHub org
    • Cleaned up the repos
  • Updating docs
    • Adding pull request templates
  • Please contribute to the Fedora API specification:
    • In particular, we need input on how to handle externally referenced content
    • Rosie is concerned about how to contribute to the spec
    • This will be added to a future CLAW call

Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon
    • Working on Hackfest
    • Trying to encourage non-developers to attend as well
    • Also taking the opportunity to showcase CLAW and encourage contributions
  • iCampEU
    • Registration is open
    • 5 signups so far
    • European camps are always harder to pull off due to higher travel costs and lower attendance
    • Break even at 25 people
    • Good opportunity for Europeans to attend an Islandora event without crossing the ocean

Round Table

  • Carell
    • Wants to commit one developer day per week to the CLAW project
  • Danny
    • Working on code and GitHub
  • David
    • Nothing for today
  • Diego
    • Working on the release
    • Trying to answer questions on the mailing list
    • Finishing testing for CLAW at METRO
      • Moving data between Fedora 3 and 4
    • Testing S3 backend for large binaries
      • Using caching and S3 event system
    • Also testing Solr 6 with Islandora 7.x
  • Donald
    • No updates
  • Gavin
    • Currently working on project using Diego's IMI tool
    • Attending a conference tomorrow to promote Islandora:
  • Jonathan
    • Working on CLAW 1 or 2 days per week
  • Jordan
    • Nothing to report
  • Kirsta
    • Nothing to report
  • Mark
    • Experimenting with integrating Islandora into existing workflows
      • Automated ingests (put stuff in a watched folder, gets transformed by MIK and pushed into Islandora)
      • Extracting disk images for preservation but not access. Putting into Islandora with restrictions and fewer derivatives (since they are not needed for access)
  • Nick
    • Anna St. Onge with replace Nick on the roadmap calls when he leaves for sabbatical in June
    • An Apache Struts vulnerability was identified for Fedora 4
    • Patch release will be out shortly
  • Rosie
    • Working on exporting from Islandora
      • UPEI had a big push to put everything into Fedora repos
      • Lots of things to identify - students working on projects have moved on
      • Need to have timeframes for how long things will be kept
    • Transforming VRACore into MODS
    • Pydio sync tool has been updated to support Pydio 7
    • Working on getting things harvested by LAC
  • Will
    • Nothing to report

Next meeting: March 31st

  • Chair: David Wilcox
  • Notes: Nick Ruest

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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