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Coordinating Meeting January 18th 2018 11:30 am AST

Melissa Anez edited this page Jan 19, 2019 · 6 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez (for Rosie Le Faive)
  • Notes: Don Richards

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
    • Melissa Anez
    • Danny Lamb
    • Janice Banser
    • Bryan Brown
    • Gavin Morris
    • Jonathan Green
    • Marcus Barnes
    • Wilhelmina Randtke
    • Will Panting
    • Martha Tenney
    • Don Richards


Old Business

New Business

  • Islandora CLAW - naming & branding strategy

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Don R)
  • ISLE Interest Group


Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting Feb 1

  • Chair: Don Richards
  • Notes: Don Moses


Previous Meeting -

New Business -

Islandora CLAW - naming & branding strategy

Claw Call notes:

Discussing if it should we rebrand?

  Not to link version to Fedora versioning

  Suggested to use Semantic Versioning Islandora 8.x

  Linking name to Drupal version #

  Islandora 8.x-1.0.0

How to address the repo structure?

  8x as a branch?

  Workflows and permissions will cause issues but can retain the 7x history

  Breakdown the PROS and CONS into a document for the community to compare (visually)

    Who should write a doc?

      Danny Lamb will create the initial doc and open it up to the committers group

	Show the impact on 7.x as well as 8.x

	Cover topics like End-of-Life for 7.x? Like EOL vs SOL.

	Nov-2021 is the EOL for Drupal 7 so Islandora should be support to at lease then.

	Gavin volunteered to help Mellissa drafting a statement about 7.x support (EOL)

Formally known as "CLAW"

Metadata Interest group - (Danny)

Rosie show off migration tool - had some issues.

Continuing to progress with the simple mapping (7.x to 8.x)

	Afterwards will work on a complex mapping addition.


IR - Bryan

Nothing new

Security - Don

Nothing new

ISLE - Gavin

Released a steering committee a schedule for Phase 1 and 2

CLAW - Danny

Video Derivatives - PRs waiting

	Abstract away camel from the derivatives generation

Moved over migrate csv[]( 

	Improvements made; walk through the basic for migrate workflow.

Working on improving the Migrate 7.x tooling and documentation (be on the lookout)

Improvement coming for 8.x rewriting fedora 

Running like sprints(announcement coming)

	1st sprint: Wish list made of what needs to be improved/added for the documentation spring[](

	2nd sprint: Followup sprint to address the feedback

	3rd sprint: Then release candidate (hear about it next week)

UPEI has RDM improvements 

Islandora Camps -

Islandora Camps EU - Proposals coming in

Islandoracon - Proposals open until April

	List of workshop ideas survey 

		6 - 8 will be selected

		Leaving it open for another week or so

		Committee will create a schedule

	Workshop proposals committee to reach out to those best suited to teach

	Should be finalized by the end of May

	Currently seeking sponsors and have a few already have a few that have signed up.

Round Table

Marcus - Finalizing work for 2019. Urge Islandora developers to be vigilant accessibility standards  and add checks to their developer workflow and multilingual support. The have project in the pipeline that will need this and needs to make sure Islandora has the support built in. 

Martha - ICG rep to ICC working governance things, ways we manage the group and publishing the code of conduct

Wilhelmina - Working Islandora this 1/4 working on performance improvements (OCR) passes video files to a ftp server to run ORC then to upload and ingest into production

Creating a workflow for Batch insert write states

	Used a spreadsheet generated from Solr

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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