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Coordinating Meeting April 26th 2019 11:30 am AST

Jonathan Green edited this page Apr 26, 2019 · 13 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: Jonathan Green

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
    • Jonathan Green 📝
    • Melissa Anez
    • Rosie Le Faive
    • Danny Lamb
    • David Wilcox
    • Don Richards
    • Marcus Barnes
    • Michael Kemezis
    • Wei Xuan
    • Will Panting


Old Business

New Business

  • Islandoracon CFP closes today
  • Access CFP closes May 10 - anyone going? Want to give a lightning talk?
    • Related: Can/should we try to provide some travel funding for Islandora community members to go talk about the platform at conferences?
  • Islandora 7.x-1.13 Release Managers
  • new Committers Emeritus

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Martha or Gavin)

Islandora 8 Update

Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting May 10

  • Chair: Janice Banser
  • Notes: Gavin Morris


Old Business

  • No updates on old business.

New Business

  • Islandoracon CFP closes today
    • Submissions are pouring in. We are currently two sessions short of the number for the last conference. Should encourage anyone that is thinking about it to submit.
  • Access CFP closes May 10 - anyone going? Want to give a lightning talk?
    • No one responded that they are going.
    • There is some interest in giving a stipend for people that want to present about Islandora at conferences. Perhaps $500 or something like that. Melissa will take this to the board.
  • Islandora 7.x-1.13 Release Managers
    • Currently no one is stepping up to be the release manager for the next release.
    • There were some suggestions from the previous release managers, but there isn't a previous release manager that is able to do the release management for this release.
    • If you know anyone to nominate we need 1 or 2 people ideally.
  • New Committers Emeritus
    • Thanks for all the hard work.
    • Rosie Le Faive
      • Stepping down from Islandora 7, but continuing on Islandora 8.
    • Matthew Perry
      • Didn't respond to the email sent out for 4 weeks.

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
    • Notes available here.
    • Close to the final MODS mapping document
    • Trying to get the workflow eased in
      • Workflow will involve some YAML
      • Want to make it as easy as possible to refine metadata using tools
    • This overlaps a lot with the Samvera mapping
      • But we go a little further with linked data in the basic mapping
      • It has been influenced by the Samvera mapping
  • IR interest group (Don Richards)
    • Notes available here.
    • There were a number of demos shown at the meeting.
    • Don Richards did a demo in the IG of the automated ingest workflow they are working on.
    • Bryan talked about LD-Base a new project that he is working on 80% now.
    • Brandon talked about his work on a OAI feed tool that fulfills a need in Canada for Libraries and Archives Canada to have a certain link in the feed.
    • There was an update from LASIR as well.
  • ISLE Interest Group
    • No updates from ISLE / LASIR.

Islandora 8 Update

  • In the final bit of the testing sprint
  • Recently added more test cases, currently at 30 / 48 issues covered in the spreadsheet.
  • Lots of good output from the UPEI RDM project to address issues that have been found.
  • Have begin to sweep though the issue queue to create a milestone of things needed for v1.0 release of the software.
  • After the sprint Danny will use the milestone to come up with our release date for v1.0.
  • Started to integrate with the Fedora 5 external content feature during this sprint.

Islandora Camps

  • Islandoracon CFP is the big news for Islandoracon
  • No updates for the Islandora Camp EU
  • No camps for 2020 selected yet, if you would like one at your institution please talk to Melissa.

Round Table

  • Danny
    • Forgot to mention in the Islandora 8 update, there is currently a review of the committers workflow going on. If anyone has any comments take a look at it here. Everyones feedback is welcome on the document.
  • David
    • Nothing to share today.
  • Don Richards
    • Still looking for a full stack developer for Islandora. They are starting interviews.
  • Jonathan Green
    • Nothing to share today.
  • Marcus Barnes
    • UTSC doing some work on their digitization workflow.
    • Getting ready for a large number of digital collections that are coming in.
  • Michael
    • Joined the Islandoracon planning committee.
  • Rosie
    • Keeping busy with the research data management project.
    • Working on defining the boundary of objects in Drupal or Fedora.
  • Wei
    • No updates this time.
  • Will
    • Nothing to discuss today.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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