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Roadmap Meeting June 20 2014 2pm AST

SamFritz edited this page Jun 26, 2014 · 16 revisions
  • Chair: Peter Murray
  • Note taking: Sam Fritz

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Paul Pound, Nick Ruest,Nigel Banks, David Wilcox
  • Apologies: Donald Moses, Mark Leggott, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Gabriela Mircea,

Old Business

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald/Nick) First meeting: Started with a round of intros and overview of tools in the newest release relating to preservation. Followed by road-mapping discussions. Discussions at OR 2014 also related to topics for this interest group, including taking a look at archivematica's object ingest formation policy registry. Looking to meet bi-monthly or quarterly. Meeting again in August either right before or after iCamp GTA

  • Archival interest group (Nick) UTS (University Toronto Scarborough) to take lead on terms of reference for community. Will hopefully have meeting and discussions towards end of summer. Some topics fit nicely with preservation interest group

  • Documentation interest group
    First meeting lead with introductions and road-mapping. Focus will be on documentation in Confluence- taking a look at the information to identify holes and look at reorganization if necessary. Looking to get feedback from community through short survey to understand when people are using documentation, for what purpose, and what they find most problematic.

  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (David) Brief meeting at OR2014 with general discussion. Interest form those installing F4. There is an interest in looking at Islandora use cases. More to be discussed at official meeting. Message to be sent out to community in the next few weeks.

Islandora Camp updates

  • GTA: met with the instructors a few weeks ago to put together the schedule and look at logistics. Have a number of registrants and a few proposals. In the upcoming weeks the focus will be on promotional material surrounding registration, schedule, instructors, and community presentations.
  • CO: met with local coordinators and hots. Many of the logistics have been taken care of and we are ahead of schedule. Focus right now is reach out to instructor team. Early bird registration is now open

New Business

  • Updates, action items from Open Repositories:

  • Discussion around different platforms, possibility of funding a week long work gathering- to be discussed further at next road map meeting. During OR, Mark J wrote feeds importer module and report of conference.

  • Common calendar for scheduled meetings/subscribe to

  • It has been proposed that Islandora host a google calendar to provide a single place where individuals can find meeting information for interest groups, committers calls, and roadmap committee. Affirmed by all those in attendance; confirmed with those absent, vote unanimous

  • Documentation Interest Group (cloning current documentation for working draft)(Sam)

  • As the documentation IG works towards filling gaps and restructuring information in the documentation, it is proposed that the IG be able to clone the current confluence space to allow for a working space. This work space would not be public so as not to interfere with users going to the current issue in confluence. Once the IG completes its overview of the documentation it will then be rolled into the next release's documentation. Affirmed by all those in attendance; confirmed with those absent, vote unanimous.

  • Islandora Deployments

  • The objective is to described deployments in a single place. Message has been sent out to the community and there has been some response. Proposal: to transfer the repo from Nick to the Islandora Foundation: Discussion: this would be a valuable tool for the community. Proposed to bring under the wing of the Foundation so it is seen as an official tool/resource. This may also be a great opportunity to tie into new documentation for upcoming releases, perhaps as part of introduction to set up. Mark J may want to include a description regarding his setup of (chef/puppet) Proposed:"Moving the islandora_deployments to the foundation under the wing of the roadmap committee". Vote is unanimous for those in attendance; confirmed with those absent, vote unanimous

  • Travis Server

  • Islandora tomcat repo- there needs to be a different way to do this - need a place to put (file server). Will proposed at committers meeting that Islandora lives somewhere else where Travis can still pull from. Nick proposed a working group to create a community solution. Nigel to look for DGI time working with Nick- first layer fixed in a stable location for binaries that travis needs


  • Nigel: chemistry solution pack for UPEI- improved quite a bit.

  • Nick: Conference hackfest- openstack instance with Fedora/Islandora. Cloud fuse testing over the summer. There will be a write up of conference activities.

  • Paul: UPEI- student project for bio informatics solution pack- being developed over the summer

  • Peter: gearing up to go to ALA

Final Comments: We will be using google hangouts for meetings going forward.

Next meeting: July 11th @ 2PM AST

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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