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Roadmap Meeting July 24 2015 2pm AST

Nick Ruest edited this page Jul 24, 2015 · 3 revisions
  • Chair: David Wilcox
  • Notetaker: Nick Ruest

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:
  • Apologies:

Old Business

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald/Paul)

  • Archival Interest group (Melissa)

  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (David)

  • GIS Interest Group (Donald)

  • Documentation Interest Group (Melissa)

  • Dev Ops Interest Group (Noah)

  • Metadata Interest Group (Jennifer)

  • UI Interest Group (Melissa)

Islandora Camp updates


New Business

  • Solicitation in the community - what do we want to allow?


Closing Remarks

Next meeting: Chair: Nick Notes: Donald


  • Github organizations

  • Usage Stats

    • Approved
    • Nigel to transfer ownership to Islandora
  • Interest Groups

    • Preservation
      • No updates
    • Archival
      • New convenor has offered to begin before end of month
    • Fedora 4
      • Meeting July 30
      • Documentation udpates
      • Refactoring complete
      • Preparing for Islandora Conference
    • GIS
      • No updates
    • Documentation
      • Notes from last meeting available here.
      • Moving toward using JIRA for documentation issues
      • Members from documentation to join weekly committers call
    • DevOps
      • Meeting notes available here
      • Panel on DevOps and Islandora at Islandora Conference
    • Metadata
      • Meeting notes available here
      • Subgroups
        • Metadata Tools
        • Enhancement Features (including XML Forms, Microdata)
        • Fedora 4
        • Hydra Compatibility
        • Metadata best practices
        • Authorities
    • UI
      • Meeting notes available here.
  • Islandora camp updates

    • Islandora Conference
      • Registration at 68
      • 2 weeks away!
    • iCampCT
      • More planning to be done after Islandora Conference
      • Andrew Woods put out another call for another Hylandora day
  • Solicitation in the community

    • We decided not to create a policy at this time, and will revisit later if need be.
  • Roundtable

    • Gabriela
      • Completed installation for closed (dark archive) islandora instance.
    • Jen
      • Advancing to HEAD on their installation
    • Melissa
      • New collaborator - Andrews University
    • Nick
      • Cracked the 300k object mark
      • Begining to work with Enitities solution pack
    • Nigel
      • Basic solr config -- lots of updates
    • David
      • Fedora 4.3.0 release today (Nick is release manager)
      • Fall Fedora Camp almost full - 5 seats left

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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