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Coordinating Meeting July 6th 2018 11:30 am AST

Melissa Anez edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 8 revisions
  • Chair: Danny Lamb
  • Notes: Melissa Anez (for David Wilcox)

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Danny Lamb, Melissa Anez, Rosie Le Faive, Will Panting, Wei Xuan, Jon Green, Mark Jordan, Wilhelmina Randtke, Gavin Morris


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (hiatus?)
  • Dev Ops (hiatus)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

  • iCampEU
  • iCampHRM
  • 3rd 2018 camp?

Round Table

Next meeting July 20

  • Chair: David Wilcox
  • Notes: Anna St. Onge


  • Welcome to new member Wei Xuan (taking over for Carell from University of Manitoba)

Old Business

New Business

  • Islandoracon 2019 Planning Committee
    • Melissa will put out a call for volunteers by email. Looking for members of the CC to sign up to help organize our third conference
    • Still need more bids for a location. Will put a deadline on the EOI call to see if that helps.
  • Draft Strategic Goals 2018/2019
    • Open for comments for two weeks, then it will go to the broader community for more comment. Goal is to have it ready by the AGM so that members can vote to make it official
  • Upcoming Islandora Foundation AGM - report needed (here's last year's)
    • Looking for volunteers to draft a report
  • New LSAP: Islandora Dev 101
    • listserv post
    • Suggested by iCampEU instructors, since it has been forked over and over
    • GPL licence was added once code crept in that touches Drupal, to meet Drupal standards
    • Melissa notes that the LSAP procedure for Labs expects a Drupal module, so a couple of the requirements don't fit for this (and some other contributions): Readme template and Drupal coding standards. We've made exceptions before (Islandora Awesome and Bibliography). Another exception is propose, and documented here.
      • There is a readme on a module within the repo, and it follows our standard.
    • Melissa will follow the meeting to ask for votes from absentees.

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (hiatus?)
    • Put off until a rep is at the meeting
  • Dev Ops (hiatus)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
    • Not on hiataus, but meeting was missed
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
    • Has switched to Zoom. Discussion of LASIR at last meeting.
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


  • Big stuff happening. Support for CentOS has been merged in. Installer with work to produce Ubuntu and/or CentOS VM using Ansible. Working now to put it on bare metal. Smithsonian is doing some work on this to help promote use internally.
  • Sprint coming up in August. Focus is migration.
    • End goal is to take a basic 7.x image and migrate it into CLAW. Must handle MODS. It will get MODS into the system, and from there we'll need a more concrete tool to work through the MODS>RDF mapping. The Metadata Interest Group will be looped in through the whole process to keep things on track. So far the efforts of both groups are well in line.
    • Individual committers have already done some work on this, such as Jared Whikloj's 7.x to CLAW module.
  • Danny hopes to demo using remote storage at iCampHRM. Drupal is multi-file-system aware at this point.
    • Uses Flysystem and other components
    • Further improvements coming once the Fedora community implements gets there

Islandora Camps

  • iCampEU
    • Budget in the black. Great experience, a lot of interest in CLAW
  • iCampHRM
    • Higher than typical number of comped registrations (members using benefits), so budget is a little in the red. Still a good group, great schedule of sessions.
  • 3rd 2018 camp?
    • Possible west coast camp in the works

Round Table

  • Mark: SFU is working hard on migration from their IR to Islandora Scholar.
  • Rosie: Back from Ireland, heading to HRM as an attendee. Joining the CLAW sprint and working with the MIG. Looking to do a walkthrough of CLAW to help draw in new people, and evaluate how easy it is to deploy.
  • Wilhelmina: FLVC consortium is moving towards more training and support for smaller institutions and less IT work. They have 40 institutions, around 20 use Islandora is some way.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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