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Roadmap Meeting August 18th 2017 11:30 am AST

Jordan Fields edited this page Aug 18, 2017 · 6 revisions
  • Chair: Diego Pino
  • Notes: Jordan Fields

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)
  • Oral Histories Interest Group (Kim)
  • UI Interest Group (Rosie?)


Islandora Camps

  • Zurich
  • Halifax

Round Table

Next meeting:

  • Chair: Jordan Fields
  • Notes: Kim Pham


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes

  • Islandora Bibliography

Melissa: The need for a disclaimer was recognized concerning rights and that contributions need to adhere to the Islandora Code of Conduct. Those changes were made to the previous copy.

Mark Jordan: Does the heading need to say “code?” Mark would prefer that it doesn’t since many will not be coders (especially for the bibliography).

A vote was called, Melissa will follow up with others by email.

New Business

  • New submodules for existing modules
  • ** Example

Diego: This is related to a pull request that came in last week during the committers call. It concerns how submodules will be treated. Will they be pull requests to the main code or separate submodules? Packaging a submodule in a main module makes a difference. Having many submodules could cause more of a maintenance burden.

Melissa: The committers thought that it should depend on whether or not the submodule contributed to the parent module, or whether it could stand on its own.

Mark: Less concerned with LSAP process more with liability. If a person contributing hasn’t signed a contribution license that might be an issue. Melissa said it wasn’t an issue since those licenses would already have been signed.

Diego: We should encourage people to write their own submodules.

Melissa: Badges was brought in with the expectations that it would gain submodules (Mark: it was specifically redesigned that way).

Diego: We should take some time to think about this and make recommendations on the distinctions.

Jonathan: What are the requirements for submodules (do they need all of the same things that full modules need)?

Mark: Asked with the Drupal standard is and volunteered to do research.

Diego/Mark/Jonathan: Discussed GPL3 requirement for Drupal and how that license goes with the code.

David: How are the citation counts different than the licenses? There was a question on what citation counts are (this was related to one of the submodules).

Diego: Submodules are good since they can be used for very specific use cases (like the one in the previous comment).

Melissa: This is more of a legal matter for the board, we’re more about whether we accept submodules. The committers decide whether it needs to come to this group.

Mark: Clarified that this is strictly about the LSAP process. What if the contributor of the parent module can make the call on the potential submodule (if it is contributed by someone else). Committers can decide if something needs to be considered by the roadmap.

David: Asked about the norm for timelines.

Diego: Depends, Jonathan: tends to be last minute, Melissa: we don’t have a lot of examples, many happened before we had formal processes.

Diego: Suggested that two weeks is okay and if something is urgent, we could discuss the week before (Melissa: this would work since the calls are staggered).

Diego: Should we write this up and post it somewhere so that we can test it when the situation comes up again.

Melissa: Maybe a footnote on the LSAP page, she volunteered to write it.

Mark: We also need something that qualifies a module as a submodule (the decision was that the committers would make recommendations on this).

Diego: The question is when do we feel like a module should be packaged with another one?

Mark: What is the perceived additional overhead if every module needs to go under LSAP?

Melissa: Layers of complication without gain.

Brian: Suggested that we don’t consider Scholas as an example.

Mark: Agreed, Badges is a better example.

Diego: It’s too complicated to come to a decision as a group right now. Suggested sending it out to the listserv.

Mark: We can avoid the decision and just say whether it’s a module or submodule, it needs an LSAP.

Mark: Would the suggestion extend into CLAW easily?

Diego: This would probably be okay.

Melissa: The formal procedures don’t kick in until there is a formal release of CLAW.

David: What are the module vs submodule issues for CLAW?

Mark: Gave an examples of how different submodules relate to the parent module.

Melissa: Requested that someone write out what we’re voting on.

Jonathan: Do all the things in the LSAP relate to submodules? Do we need component managers for each submodule?

Diego: Getting people to support a full module (like Scholar) is hard.

Mark: The maintainer of the parent module could take on the submodule too if that made sense.

Melissa: That would be formalizing what we’re already doing.

Diego suggested that we vote for having an LSAP procedure for anything that has an .info file.

We voted, Melissa will follow up by email

*Islandora Board of Directors: Consider name change for Roadmap Committee as a Technical Advisory Committee is formed.

Mark: At the last board meeting it was suggested that we create a Technical Advisory Group and it was accepted by the board of directors. Along with that was a suggestion that the roadmap committee rename itself since it is confusing (it is not a technical roadmap committee). Nick suggest the name “Islandora Leadership Group” as a similar title to Fedora.

Diego: Would LSAP stay with us? Yes

Melissa: Roadmap committee predates the foundation by quite a bit, this used to be a more technical committee.

We’re only talking about changing the name, not the terms of reference.

Diego: Doesn’t like the Leadership word, likes the committee word, would propose something like Islandora Amigos

Mark: Suggested a longer period to reflect on names and come up with suggestions that don’t reflect a technical committee.

Melissa: This group serves an extremely important function, and our name needs to reflect that function.

Diego suggested Advisory Committee.

David suggested Steering Committee.

Mark: Can this group take more time to think?

Melissa: Yes, not urgent.

Mark: We might also need to update terms of reference .

Melissa: Homework is to brainstorm names and review the terms of reference, she will send instructions as part of the email.

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa) No meeting, but conveners intent to get the group back together.

  • Dev Ops (Gavin) Diego merged solr and tomcat updates.

  • Metadata IG (Rosie) Haven’t met since we met, next meeting Monday.

  • IR interest group (Bryan) Haven’t met since last meeting.

  • Security Interest Group (Rosie) No update.

  • Oral Histories Interest Group (Kim) Presentation about oral history tool.

  • UI Interest Group (Rosie?) Haven’t met since last meeting.


Melissa: Danny not present. The CLAW install sprint is starting.

Jonathan: Goal of the first spring is to bring up a vagrant box with ansible scripts, that will be the checkpoint that they’ve reached their first goal.

Islandora Camps

  • Zurich On hold for schedule until August vacations are over.
  • Halifax July 18-20 is the official date, formal announcement will come next week.

We’re still on the fence about IslandoraCamp Texas

Round Table

Carell: Jared will be working on the next CLAW sprint. He’s also now part of the Fedora leadership group.

David: Update on Isle $67,000 of $84,000 has been pledged by 11 institutions. 5 more institutions are considering pledging funds. Need 4 more institutions to pledge $4,000 each. If you know of interested institutions, please send David Keiser-Clark their contact info (soon). August 31 deadline at which time this project will either be funded or it will be set aside.

Jonathan: Doing work on caching, hoping to put together a blog post on what they’re doing

Mark: No progress on library and archives Canada harvesting. Setting up a call to start working with archivematica.

Melissa: Covered all new foundation stuff on other agenda items, more on TAG coming

Diego: U Toronto has been testing with google API integration, hopefully going live with new changes next week. Trying to increase staff working on Islandora. They’re also doing a lot of collaborations with organization on the west coast.

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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