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Debbie Flitner edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 6 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Danny Lamb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Alan Stanley
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Debbie Flitner ⭐ 💪
  • Nguyen Huynh
  • Seth Shaw
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Natkeeran
  • Mark Jordan
  • Don Richards
  • Eli Zoller
  • Bethany Seeger
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Hertzel Armengol
  • Adam Vessey
  • Bryan Brown
  • Brandon Weigel
  • Jonathan Green
  • Jared Whiklo


  1. Multi-file media is in!
  2. Cantaloupe permissions for restricted objects issue (ASU)
  3. SSL for all of the Islandora services that go over the web (ASU)
  4. Islandora Object Typification Determination next steps:
  5. Issue Roundup
  6. PR Roundup
    1. Feel free to add any PRs you'd like to have addressed
  7. Feel free to add agenda items...


  1. Multi-file media is in!
    1. Thank you Alan and all the reviewers!
    2. New type of action can be created, will create a derivative and create a file field on an entity.
    3. Media can hold all related files/derivatives
      1. Useful for transcript/caption files to be on same media for display in the same player
      2. Also can be useful for paged content
    4. We need clearer documentation before we move forward with this so people can use it.
    5. Alan offering to make a demo module if that would help
    6. There is some duplication with Alex’s RDM module
    7. Puts focus of modelling on media, don’t need to add model type to node, because several can be attached to the same node.
  2. Cantaloupe permissions for restricted objects
    1. If media is not viewable by anonymous, then Cantaloupe gives a 403 error, because it interacts with everything as an anonymous user.
    2. Seth created a context condition as a workaround: if media not available to anonymous user, then don’t use viewer and display static jpg instead.
    3. Jordan and Adam have a custom setup to send a token to Cantaloupe if the user has permission to see it - might be similar to how OpenSeadragon worked in I7.
    4. Include JWT for current user in OpenSeadragon module to send to Cantaloupe
  3. SSL for all of the Islandora services that go over the web
    1. Also dealing with this in ISLE, have an issue (link)
    2. ASU example: Islandora elements spread on multiple servers and traffic between the two should be encrypted
    3. ISLE is doing SSL termination so SSL traffic up to the front part of the site, and any backend traffic is unencrypted. This is annoying with the way Drupal does things and is becoming a real problem.
  4. Islandora Object Typification Determination next steps
    1. Declare what is in the repository and what is not
    2. We’re already doing this: Islandora config has a list of all entity types, and you check the box for things where you want Fedora URLs to appear
    3. Suggestion is we keep the same form and modify what uses that information.
    4. Check the list for what bundles are selected
    5. This would also enable splitting create content menus to separate repository items vs regular Drupal content types (articles, basic pages).
    6. Rewrite the wording on that config page and rewrite the existing contexts
    7. So every module that interacts with repository objects would need to check this list if it didn’t already rely on the condition
    8. This might be an issue for sites that are using media for non-repository images
      1. Can get around this by making Islandora media types that don’t use the standard Drupal media types
      2. Maybe also layer contexts for media that looks at parent for whether the media should be in the repository.
  5. Issue roundup
    1. Travis and local sniffs out of alignment
      1. Update sniffs across the board and include the DrupalPractice sniff.
      2. Travis is also having trouble doing all the things it needs to do in the time it has allotted.
    2. Connection timeout errors using migrate_claw_7x
      1. Very large files are timing out in the migration. Need to figure out if there are some guzzle settings we can alter to not time out.
      2. Mark recommends setting request options: stream to TRUE
      3. Have to find where in migrate settings we can change guzzle settings
    3. 401 errors with Fedora 3 using migrate_7x_claw
      1. Migrate not connecting to Fedora. Let Danny know if anyone else has run into that problem.
    4. Full URLs in AS2 messages are problematic to ISLE
      1. ISLE/Docker issue - full URLs muck up on private networks because they can’t resolve the public domain
      2. Possible solution - drop the domain from the URLs or add a config setting to set domain that could be changed based on environment
    5. Integrate with Drupal's queueing mechanisms
      1. Lots of work but has several advantages
      2. Ran out of time before we could discuss this very much

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