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Jared Whiklo edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 2 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Jared Whiklo
  • Alan Stanley
  • Don Richards
  • Brandon Weigel
  • Jonathan Green
  • Danny Bernstein


  1. Quick discussion of issue where using Homarus to create derivatives from an unpublished resource (one that requires a authentication to access) fails. Alan has heard an unconfirmed report that the total length of the FFMpeg command line can only be 512 characters and our JWT (which can be passed with the --headers flag) makes it (possibly) too long. Alan will open a new ticket for this issue.
  2. Meeting adjourned due to lack of agenda (bad jared)

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