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Jonathan Green edited this page Oct 26, 2016 · 7 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Nick Ruest
  • Don Richards
  • Jared Whiklo ⭐
  • Amanda Lehman
  • Tom Shorock
  • Ed Fugikawa
  • Jon Green
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Bryan Brown
  • Danny Lamb
  • Natkeeran Kanthan
  • Melissa Anez
  • Aaron Coburn


  1. How to proceed with #372 (nruest)
  2. Discuss: "What routes do we provide for FedoraResource entities" (nruest)
  3. Discuss Islandora Metadata Interest Group's wish to support CLAW efforts somehow.
  4. Where to put the MVP doc
  5. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


  1. AuthZ

    Before we were accessing stuff directly from Fedora so permissions had to be synchronized. But now that we are serving from Drupal. Originally suggested a single user, but that messes up the audit trail. So the logical conclusion, you have a user in Drupal and in Fedora. But the locking down happens in Drupal as they don't get to access Fedora.

    But we need to make sure that the user that modified or does anything is tracked by the audit trail.

    Using a microservice would be outside of Drupal, so stuff you do could conflict with stuff done by Drupal users. But there be be careful.

    All authN and authZ will happen through Drupal. Like the Drupal filter we have now, but using tokens. Drupal would provide a token and allows you to communicate. Fedora would have WebAC permissions set on the resources.

    Jared disappears....stuff happens...Jared returns

    Consensus on AuthN and AuthZ happening in Drupal and update/rewrite the current servlet filter and have a plan for migration from XACML.

  2. Routes madness

    Playing around with Drupal and ran into a bit of a problem which is slated to be fixed in Drupal 8.3. Routes stomp on each other.

    If we can make this work, then we are repeating the same steps for all other relationships. Trees, members of collections, compound, lists of files could all be a view with the same sort of interface.

    Do we wait for Drupal 8.3 to allow Drupal to get its REST together or we build custom controllers.

    Drupal 8.3 is scheduled to land in April 2017.

    Danny: So you still get all the basics for free, and you build the views through the interface. But you wouldn't push it out and instead you have a custom controller that pushes a route to a view. Then later we remove that at 8.3 assuming they (Drupal) builds it the way we are expecting. Still get viewing, editing and deleting but the REST stuff and views stuff maybe need to be rewritten for now. What are we willing to live with?

    Jared: Build the custom controller/routes, we can't wait 6 months and it is a piece of the puzzle. The rest can be reused later when Drupal catches up and if their (Drupal's) implementation does not pan out how we envisioned we can pivot to match or continue to support our own custom controller code.

    Consensus is...does Danny and Jared count as consensus? Good, then move forward with building the custom route controller to allow us to use the Drupaly goodness for views, then remove when Drupal 8.3 is released and makes it redundant.

  3. Islandora Metadata Interest Group

    Had an errant ticket about CLAW which brought this back to mind. Reviewed the MVP and now the group is wondering how they could work to assist, perhaps to solicit community feedback for anything?

    Yes, there is this and a default metadata profile to be designed. Aaron Coburn's team at Amherst has done a good MODS to RDF mapping we could build off of.

    XML Form Builder is unsustainable, so we need to migrate to RDF.

    Perhaps looking at metadata needs other than MODS.

    Also we already map from MODS to Solr, which is a key => value pair so it could help us understand the question of what do you lose by flattening the metadata.

    The Hydra community has had many migrations due to a shifting data model. Our data model has been fairly consistent over the past several years. A release is generally just updating the modules.

    That data migration is a large issue for some of the Hydra community, it is one of the reasons that Amherst has not updated their Hydra instance.

    This is why CLAW wants to get this nailed down before it is out in the wild. Islandora is generally small institutions without the resources to do a lot of migrations.

    Migrate from Fedora 3 to 4 and migrate from MODS/PBCore/etc to RDF.

    Key to MODS to RDF mapping is pick common vocabularies, good match is better than a perfect match if the good match is more well known. Otherwise, you get a bunch of made up vocabularies that are opaque.

    Next call for Metadata Interest Group is November 14th. Could Nick come to help get them started on the path?

    Nick will try, Aaron Coburn also offered to attend as Amherst College has spent significant time on their own metadata migration strategy.

    Christina Harlow will be up at York to assist in mapping their data, so that work can be provided to the community as a starting point.

    Is there somebody from the Metadata Interest Group call that could attend the CLAW calls?

    Amanda is planning to attend all CLAW calls moving forward. 👍 👍

  4. MVP doc

    Now in Markdown format

    Where should it go?

    Lots of 7.x-1.x is in the docs folder, so it can be removed.

    Consensus says put the MVP in its own folder, then scorch the rest of the out of date stuff.

  5. Remaining 9 minutes...

    Jon Green is back 🎉

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