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Mark Jordan edited this page Mar 11, 2020 · 6 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Daniel Lamb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Paul Cummins
  • Debbie Flitner 🌠
  • Mark Jordan
  • Alan Stanley
  • Brandon Weigel
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Seth Shaw
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Aaron Birkland
  • Bethany Seeger
  • Rosie LeFaive
  • Danny Bernstein


  1. ISLE Phase 3 - Full Steam Ahead
  2. Issue Roundup
    1. Add fields and RDF mapping to Document media type
    2. Intermittent WSOD with FITS
    3. Solr config isn't imported when provisioning
    4. Homarus doesn't work on private content
    5. Bad maven URL in Pax Exam
    6. Update Migrate Source CSV to 8.x-3.2
    7. Grok fails to build on CentOS 7
    8. Condition plugins are sometimes being double-negated
    9. Remove deprecated keyword "context" from Conditions


  1. ISLE Phase 3 - Full Steam Ahead

    • It's happening!
    • Phase 3 is wiring Fedora and back end to Drupal, etc.
    • Not scaling yet but will be able to do so in the future.
    • Great job to everyone working on this. It's going smoothly.
  2. Issue Roundup

    1. Add fields and RDF mapping to Document media type
      • Drupal 8.8 introduced Document media type. Needs to be “Islandora-ized”.
      • Should check how Drupal is treating this type vs File (default allowed extensions, intended purpose, etc).
      • Maybe we say Document preferred but we need to treat them the same so there isn't a problem.
      • Bethany will take this issue.
    2. Intermittent WSOD with FITS
      • Most FITS fields aren’t searched on, probably only need to capture 2-3.
      • Add a try/catch for now to avoid WSOD and work on permanent fix later.
      • Would be nice to hide superfluous fields on SOLR since FITS make a lot of empty fields.
      • Interesting test - create a content type with many fields (@mjordan suggested 1k fields but we could work our way up to that). See if there is a problem with MySQL and where it makes sense to use Postgres.
    3. Solr config isn't imported when provisioning
      • There is a difference between enabling a feature as a module and importing it. This feature needs to be imported on top of enabling it to make it work properly.
      • Danny also cleaned up some residual playbook stuff where we had to enable/disable/enable modules to get them to work properly.
    4. Homarus doesn't work on private content
      • Need to add token to private content to get FFMPEG to work. Need to add header to request.
    5. Bad maven URL in Pax Exam
      • URL is http rather than https. There is a PR for this. Three thumbs up == Merged during call. \o/
    6. Update Migrate Source CSV to 8.x-3.2
      • We’re on 2.1, they’re on 3.2 so we should update. Just need to edit Islandora module’s composer.json
      • Jordan: there’s a change record on the major version jump which’ll require some re-writing:
      • Will also check other dependency updates (geerlinguy’s stuff)
      • Ansible 2.9 is broken for multiple reasons. Won’t be able to use it at all until underlying roles get updated.
      • Matomo also needs some fixes. Hard-coded host, etc.
    7. Grok fails to build on CentOS 7
      • When we switched to Ubuntu 18.04, compiling Grok involved pulling in libraries that conflicted with our customized ImageMagick.
      • Updated Grok to 3.1 and it worked for Ubuntu but didn’t test on CentOS and of course it doesn't work.
      • Fix might be as easy as manually setting Grok version back to 2. Seth is working on this and will also test Grok 4 to see if that fixes it.
      • If 4 doesn’t work, will put in a PR to split versions.
    8. Condition plugins are sometimes being double-negated
      • Please test PR. Now it returns straight true/false rather than negating negations.
      • Not hard to test, just tedious.
    9. Remove deprecated keyword "context" from Conditions
      • PR in but hasn’t passed auto tests. Danny is going to work on it some more.
    10. Islandora_7x_migrate: Make source PID available to default (MODS) row type
      • PR that adds PID to the item being imported if it doesn't already exist.

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