高端游戏开发资源干货分享QQ群:1067123079 职场灌水QQ群:894955505
Table of Contents
- Awesome-Game
- Awesome-General
- News
- Person/Social/Blogs
- Game-Company
- Game-Asset
- Game-Design-Tool
- locale
- Texture
- Animation
- Console/Command/Shell/Debugger
- Scenes
- 3D-File-Format
- Data
- Archive-GameReverse
- Patch
- File Systems
- IO
- Version-Control
- Game-Server-framework
- Serialization
- Huge-World
- DataBase
- ECS Libraries
- Hash
- Text-Template
- Authorization
- NetWork
- GameEngine Design
- GameAI
- Creative Code
- 并发执行和多线程
- Game-Math
- Physics
- Game-BenchMark/Metric/Tool
- ComputerGraphics && Shading
- Conference
- Journal
- Group
- Vendor
- Graphics-Library
- SoftWare-Render
- 3rd-Binding
- Collection
- Shading-Language
- Shader-Compiler
- ShaderVariant
- Course/Article
- Shader-Collection
- ShaderToy
- OpenGL
- Tool
- PlayGround
- RenderingAssets
- GPU-Architecture
- Optimize
- imposters
- Physically-Based-Render
- NPR-Tricks
- SphericalHarmonicLighting/CubeMap/Probes
- Outline
- VirturalTexture
- FootPrint
- Unity-Shader
- Noise
- RenderPipelineFrameWork
- Global illumination (GI)
- Shadow
- Compute-Shader
- Boids
- GPU Driven
- GPU-Particle
- Post-Process
- MatCaps
- Color
- Depth
- Interview/DataStruct-Algorithms
- Operating-System
- Bad Words Filter
- 高性能数据结构和算法
- Utils
- Javascript
- Lua
- Typescript
- C#
- C
- Java
- Lua
- Author
- Embed-Script/VM/
- DevOps
- Unity
- Awesome-Unity
- AssetBundle
- Unity-Framework
- Dependency Injection
- Skill
- Occlusion Culling
- ShaderGraph&&Effect
- Memory/GC
- Asyn-Await
- Node-Editor
- AI
- UI
- UI-Animation
- 2D
- Timeline
- TextureStreaming
- Util
- Code-Reload&&Unity-Editor-Compiler
- Windows-Show
- Unity 特色工程(精粹)
- Drawing
- Effect
- Scriptable Object
- PathFinding
- Bone&&Spring
- Create Model
- Mesh
- Voxel
- Fog&&Smoke&&Cloud&&Atmospheric
- Volumetric Mesh
- Editor
- Asset-Management
- Material-Cleaner
- Message Bus
- Time control
- Raycast&&Sensor
- CameraController
- GamePlay
- 知识库软件/笔记软件/思维构造工具
- UnityBuild
- Mobile
- Unity-Games
- Programmer-Common-Tool
- workflow
- Auto Test
- 问答
- 文案排版
- 游戏策划
- Interest is the best teacher
- 友情链接
- 看完不star,小心没jj :)!
- https://github.com/OTFCG/Awesome-Game-Analysis
- https://github.com/notpresident35/learn-awesome-gamedev
- https://github.com/gmh5225/awesome-game-security
- https://github.com/shadowcz007/awesome-metaverse
- https://github.com/wlxklyh/awesome-gamedev
- https://www.gamasutra.com/category/programming/
- http://www.onrpg.com/
- https://www.mmorpg.com/
- https://www.nephasto.com/blog/awesomegamedev.html
- https://osgameclones.com/
- https://github.com/radek-sprta/awesome-game-remakes
- https://zeef.com/?query=tag%3Aunity3d&in=null&start=10
- https://github.com/utilForever/game-developer-roadmap 如何成为一个优秀的game程序员
- gamextech A web-based knowledge management system for visualizing game related technologies.
- https://github.com/Kavex/GameDev-Resources
- https://github.com/raizam/gamedev_libraries
- https://github.com/qxiaofan/awesome_3d_restruction
- https://www.youtube.com/c/gdconf gdc 的各种talk,梯子自架
- https://github.com/leomaurodesenv/game-datasets#readme 各种游戏的数据集
- https://github.com/soruly/awesome-acg 嗯!acg
- cpp_youtube_channels : Listing of C++ Youtube channels for conferences and user groups
- programming-talks : Awesome & interesting talks about programming
- awesome-modern-cpp : A collection of resources on modern C++
- GameDevelopmentLinks : This is a collection of useful game-development links including, but not restricted to, development with MonoGame.
- awesome-cg-vfx-pipeline : List of open-source technologies that help in the process of building a pipeline for CG and VFX productions
- awesome-glsl : Compilation of the best resources to learn programming OpenGL Shaders
- cpp_blogs : C++ Blogs (plus other stuff we should care about like undefined behavior)
- awesome-rtx : Curated collection of projects leveraging NVIDIA RTX technology (OptiX, DXR, VKR)
- zalo.github.io : A home for knowledge that is hard to find elsewhere
- awesome-gamedev : A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
- gamedev-resources : An updated collection of useful resources to resources to design, develop and market games.
- build-your-own-x : Build your own (insert technology here)
- awesome-ray-tracing : Curated list of ray tracing resources
- hall-of-fame : Show some love to your contributors! A widget for your repo README. Visual and clean. Refreshes every hour.
- awesome-collision-detection : A curated list of awesome collision detection libraries and resources
- AwesomePerfCpp : A curated list of awesome C/C++ performance optimization resources: talks, articles, books, libraries, tools, sites, blogs. Inspired by awesome.
- awesome-d3d12 : Awesome D3D12 ecosystem
- awesome-cpp : A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
- awesome-bits : A curated list of awesome bitwise operations and tricks
- cpplinks : A categorized list of C++ resources.
- awesome-gametalks : A curated list of gaming talks (development, design, etc)
- awesome-design : Best UI/UX Design Sources For Developer & Designer Ever :)
- awesome-gamedev : A collection of free software and free culture resources for making amazing games. (mirror)
- awesome-mental-health : A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about mental health in the software industry.
- modern-cpp-tutorial : A curated list of Modern C++ articles, examples, tutorials, frameworks, libraries, and shiny things.
- awesome-wgpu : A curated list of wgpu code and resources.
- awesome-gametalks : A curated list of gaming talks (development, design, etc)
- data-oriented-design : A curated list of data oriented design resources.
- 3D-Machine-Learning
- http://nav.web-hub.cn/
- https://libs.garden/
- https://www.trackawesomelist.co
- https://awesomeopensource.com/
- https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome
- https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
- https://github.com/jnv/lists
- https://github.com/wesbos/awesome-uses
- http://www.lib4dev.in/topics/dotnet
- 林德熙收藏的开源项目
- https://github.com/kon9chunkit/GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts
- https://github.com/jobbole
- https://github.com/stanzhai/be-a-professional-programmer
- https://www.prettyawesomelists.com
- https://opensource.builders/
- https://github.com/adamsitnik/awesome-dot-net-performance
- https://github.com/kelthuzadx/EffectiveModernCppChinese
- https://github.com/33nano/awesome-Gentools
- https://github.com/MattPD/cpplinks
- https://github.com/mehdihadeli/awesome-software-architecture
- https://github.com/sacridini/Awesome-Geospatial
- 独立游戏共建知识百科
- rawg
- metacritic
- indienova
- gamedev
- gamefromscratch
- rust-gamedev
- https://zenn.dev/izm
- zig-gamedev
- acm
- replicability
- Graphics Programming weekly
- shaders
- 图形渲染weekly
- TA周刊 and archive
- pdcxs-专注计算机艺术,创意编程
- Unity技术美术
- RedYans-收集狂
- TA后备隐藏能源(持续更新嗷)
- unity-grenoble
- ea.seed
- Arm
- vfx_good_night_reading
- betterexplained
- dreamworks
- pixar
- disney
- realtimerendering-papers
- gpuopen papers
- paperbug
- nvlabs
- https://jcgt.org/read.html?reload=1
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14678659
- https://forums.ogre3d.org/index.php
- https://www.libhunt.com/
- https://news.ycombinator.com/news hacker news
- https://lobste.rs/ lobste
- http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/
- https://hellogithub.com/
- https://www.tuicool.com/mags
- https://github.com/toutiaoio/weekly.manong.io
- https://geeker-read.com/#/latest
- https://coolshell.cn/
- https://insights.thoughtworks.cn/
- https://www.webaudioweekly.com/
- https://github.com/dt-fe/weekly
- gauseen/blog#4
- https://www.infoq.cn/profile/1277275/publish
- https://weekly.techbridge.cc/
- https://github.com/Tnfe/TNFE-Weekly
- http://fex.baidu.com/
- https://weekly.75team.com/
- https://github.com/rust-lang/this-week-in-rust
- https://github.com/RustMagazine/rust_magazine_2021
- https://github.com/rustlang-cn/rust-weekly
- 日落间
- Unity尧明
- blurredcode 管线ta
- zznewclear13 管线ta
- eukky 管线ta
- Neo Zheng
- guardhei 管线ta
- 萤火之森
- 小朋友 管线ta
- 崔佬
- 极客红叶会-geekbrh
- 聂述龙 网络同步
- Lost Gate 网络同步
- 恶霸威
- 涂月观 urp
- 恶毒的狗
- noodle1983 服务器
- musoucrow
- 查利鹏 ue
- 王爱国
- bentleyblanks ue ta
- huanime unity ta
- yuqiaozhang 管线ta
- 大鹏的专栏
- mayidong
- skywind
- 行尸走肉的笔记
- TraceYang的空间 关注跨平台次世代游戏开发
- JiepengTan
- geekfaner
- dingxiaowei
- 行尸走油肉的笔记
- 云风
- 大熊
- 浅墨;
- 冯乐乐
- gameKnife
- 渔夫
- 马三小伙儿
- 静风霁
- 彭怀亮
- uchart作者
- 宣雨松
- 代码如诗
- Heskey0
- Dalton
- 烟雨迷离半世殇
- FishMan的技术专栏
- 刘利刚
- 东明的博客
- 有木酱的小屋
- 钱康来
- chenanbao
- whoimi-梁哲
- 木木猫
- CrowFea 晨风
- 毛星云
- 洛城
- 文刀秋二
- 叛逆者
- 秦春林
- 宾狗
- Tim's Blog
- dev666
- Unity - L.S的博客
- 杨文聪
- Flyfish
- wuch441692
- 苍白的茧
- 谢乃闻
- 房燕良
- 陆泽西
- KillerAery
- 笨木头
- Ulysses
- lt-tree
- Yimi的小天地
- manistein
- 蒋信厚
- 风蚀之月 ue ta
- aicdg cs
- xinzhuzi unity 程序员
- x-tesla 神的知乎
- Dezeming family 光线追踪
- 只剩一瓶辣椒酱 b站 blender 教程
- 庄懂-BoyanTat b站 美术向TA
- Flynnmnn b站 unity shader 教程
- 天守魂座_雪风 b站 hlsl 教程
- 尹豆 计算机图形学
- 周明倫 unity
- dotnetfly
- 张蕾 vulkan
- 重归混沌
- 卡姐
- glooow1024 数学
- https://halfrost.com
- jeremyong TA GI
- shaderbits TA
- theorangeduck math animation
- gamehacker1999 TA GI
- diharaw TA GI
- nvjobTA
- jasonbooth TA
- andbc TA
- coffeebraingames programmer
- frederikaalund TA
- astroukoff unity vfx houdini
- bgolus
- joyrok TA sdf
- psgraphics TA PBR
- theinstructionlimit TA
- alinloghin TA
- danielilett URP TA
- Herman Tulleken PCG
- therealmjp TA
- fasterthan TA
- maxkruf TA
- astralcode TA
- elopezr TA
- kosmonautblog TA
- thomaspoulet TA
- aschrein TA
- morad TA
- simoncoenen TA
- alain TA
- granskog TA
- roystan TA
- darioseyb TA
- roar11 TA
- yiningkarlli TA
- cyanilux TA
- ciechanow TA
- gametorrahod
- martindevans
- mellinoe
- nfrechette
- atteneder game asset load,math
- gabormakesgames game math
- goatstream animation
- xoofx c#
- realtimecollisiondetection
- imgeself TA
- lidia-martinez TA
- Hallucinations
- elopezr TA
- rg3 TA
- https://www.bruteforce-games.com/blog
- https://www.martinpalko.com/
- https://blog.selfshadow.com/
- https://www.gabrielgambetta.com/
- falstad math
- techartaid ue ta
- baba-s hatenablog
- UnityGems
- Jackson Dunstan
- https://tooslowexception.com/
- https://thegamedev.guru
- pydonzallaz working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- aras-p.info working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- sandervanrossen working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- timjones working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- mfatihmar working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- Ming Wai Chan working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- Jonathan Dupuy working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- Sebastian Aaltonen working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- Laurent Belcour working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- Tim Cooper github and blog working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- thomasdeliot working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- Kleber Garcia working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- Natalya Tatarchuk working at Unity Technologies on Unity.
- pbbastian working at Unity Technologies on Unity
- alinenormoyle I currently work as a visiting assistant professor at Swarthmore College. My research interests are in games and computer animation and I also do professional work as a game/AR/VR programmer for Venturi Labs and also Savvy Sine. My CV is available here
- iquilezles These are articles about the techniques I develop and lessons I learnt while toying or working with computer graphics.
- https://simonschreibt.de/
- catlikecoding nothing to comment
- http://www.ludicon.com/castano/blog/
- hvidtfeldts
- randygaul c/cpp game
- https://www.sebaslab.com/
- https://colinbarrebrisebois.com/
- http://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/
- prideout
- filmicworlds
- thetenthplanet
- gamedevbill
- https://cmwdexint.com
- http://www.andremcgrail.com/
- https://artomatix.com/
- https://www.briangershon.com/
- https://blog.aaronsee.media/
- https://programing-fun.blogspot.com/
- http://jonathanchambers.blogspot.com/
- https://mynameismjp.wordpress.com
- https://www.jordanstevenstechart.com/
- http://www.iryoku.com/
- kode80 TA
- http://www.iquilezles.org/
- http://www.edxgraphics.com/
- https://casual-effects.com/#blog
- http://malcolm-mcneely.co.uk/blog/?p=214
- http://aras-p.info/blog/2009/05/05/shaders-must-die/
- http://blog.stevemcauley.com/
- http://mikaelzackrisson.se/
- http://www.alexandre-pestana.com/
- http://blog.demofox.org/
- http://blog.mmacklin.com/
- http://sebastiansylvan.com/post/ray-tracing-signed-distance-functions/”
- http://robert.cupisz.eu/
- http://9bitscience.blogspot.jp/
- http://blog.hvidtfeldts.net/
- http://ericpolman.com/
- http://bpeers.com/blog/
- http://brabl.com/
- http://marcel-schindler.weebly.com/blog
- rorydriscoll
- http://www.jonmanatee.com/
- http://www.physicallybasedrendering.com/
- http://www.codinglabs.net/default.aspx
- http://celarek.at/
- https://farfarer.com/blog/
- http://www.joshbarczak.com/blog/
- https://www.3dgep.com/
- https://rasmusbarr.github.io/
- http://blog.icare3d.org/
- http://solid-angle.blogspot.jp/
- john-chapman-graphics
- http://simonstechblog.blogspot.jp/
- https://mmikkelsen3d.blogspot.com/
- https://graphicsrunner.blogspot.jp/
- http://bitsquid.blogspot.hk/
- graphicrants
- https://tuxedolabs.blogspot.com/
- https://technik90.blogspot.com/search/label/Programming
- https://simonstechblog.blogspot.com/
- colinbarrebrisebois
- martinsh
- interplayoflight
- bartwronski
- https://knarkowicz.wordpress.com/
- https://mynameismjp.wordpress.com/
- https://ndotl.wordpress.com/
- https://hairrendering.wordpress.com/
- https://volumetricshadows.wordpress.com/
- https://adventuresinrendering.wordpress.com/
- https://imagineraytracer.wordpress.com/
- https://nbertoa.wordpress.com/
- https://flashypixels.wordpress.com/
- https://lonalwah.wordpress.com/
- https://blog.molecular-matters.com/category/graphics/
- https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/category/graphics-pipeline/
- https://devfault.wordpress.com/
- https://www.saschawillems.de/
- http://wiki.nuaj.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
- http://martindevans.me/game-development/2015/02/27/Drawing-Stuff-On-Other-Stuff-With-Deferred-Screenspace-Decals/
- http://www.keithlantz.net/
- https://benedikt-bitterli.me/
- https://www.alanzucconi.com/
- http://lousodrome.net/blog/light/
- https://blog.demofox.org/
- http://www.michaelwalczyk.com/blog/
- http://blog.simonrodriguez.fr/
- http://kylehalladay.com/archive.html
- https://grahamhazel.com/blog/
- http://renderdiagrams.org/
- https://turanszkij.wordpress.com/
- http://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/
- https://aras-p.info/blog/
- https://lxjk.github.io/
- http://trevorius.com/scrapbook/blog/
- http://reedbeta.com/all/
- seblagarde
- https://ivokabel.github.io/
- https://www.geeks3d.com/hacklab/
- https://bitshifter.github.io/
- http://halisavakis.com/category/blog-posts/
- https://erkaman.github.io/index.html
- http://donw.io/
- https://agraphicsguy.wordpress.com/
- http://reedbeta.com/
- https://graphicsrunner.blogspot.com/
- https://diaryofagraphicsprogrammer.blogspot.com/
- http://trevorius.com/scrapbook/
- https://marc-b-reynolds.github.io/
- http://www.gijskaerts.com/wordpress/
- anteru
- http://pharr.org/matt/blog/
- https://schuttejoe.github.io/post/
- https://technik90.blogspot.com/
- http://www.yosoygames.com.ar/wp/category/graphics/
- 0fps
- ashoulson
- https://viclw17.github.io/
- https://shihchinw.github.io/
- https://www.sebastiansylvan.com/
- http://momentsingraphics.de/
- https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/category/graphics-pipeline/page/1/
- https://www.breakin.se/learn/index.html
- https://kosmokleaner.wordpress.com/
- http://the-witness.net/news/
- wunkolo c++ game
- blackmatov unity c#
- joshpeterson stuff of unity
- Alex Strook Twitter 3d gameArt
- jonadinges Twitter 3d gameArt
- Joyce Twitter 3d gameArt
- Ragnorium Twitter 3d gameArt
- Ruben_Fro Twitter 3d gameArt
- zeltergame zeltergame 3d gameArt
- Scott Hanselman's Blog c#
- alvinashcraft c#
- ardalis c#
- troyhunt c#
- timheuer c#
- thedatafarm c#
- haacked c#
- ploeh c#
- cazzulino c#
- visualstudio c#
- maartenballiauw c#
- jonskeet c#
- jimmybogard c#
- west-wind c#
- jetbrains c#
- Shawn Wildermuth c#
- Fabulous adventures in coding c#
- strathweb c#
- dontcodetired c#
- awesome-3D-Morphable-Model-software-and-data
- cgi-resources List of some useful databases and resources for Computer Graphics
- CG艺术家都会去那些国内外的资源网站
- https://casual-effects.com/data/
- https://assetstore.unity.com/
- https://itch.io/
- http://www.3dmodelfree.com/ free model (免费模型,不能用于商业用途)
- https://www.gamedevmarket.net/
- https://gametextures.com/
- https://www.textures.com/
- https://www.cgbookcase.com/
- https://ambientcg.com/
- http://www.plaintextures.com/
- https://sketchfab.com/
- https://www.zhihu.com/question/298715376/answer/1277503311
- www.cgsoso.com
- https://www.humblebundle.com/
- https://www.rrcg.cn/
- http://www.polycount.com/forum/ - 他们有不同的招募论坛,包括有薪与无薪。- http://www.reddit.com/r/GameDevClassifieds - 发布你的工作,确认酬劳状态。浏览寻找艺术家。
- http://www.gamedev.net/classifieds - GameDev.net 工作版块。
- http://forum.deviantart.com/jobs/ - 太多具有才华的人了,不过许多都没有游戏工作经历,但还是一个值得看看的地方。只针对有酬劳的工作。
- https://www.3dmodelscc0.com/ - Public domain 3D Models.
- https://polyhaven.com/
- Classic-Sponza Unity remaster of the classic Sponza scene.
- objaverse.allenai Objaverse is a Massive Dataset with 800K+ Annotated 3D Objects
- https://www.100font.com/ chinese font
- https://www.hellofont.cn/ chinese font
- https://github.com/lxgw/LxgwNeoXiHei chinese font
- https://github.com/DrXie/OSFCC chinese font
- https://www.fontspace.com/ english font
- https://www.dafont.com/ english font
- https://www.1001fonts.com/ english font
- https://lana-ro.itch.io/sra-free-pixel-font-pack pixel-font-pack
- dspmotion
- https://github.com/raysan5/rfxgen
- https://ardour.org/
- https://www.audacityteam.org/
- https://lmms.io/
- fmod
- wwise
- miles
- criware
- artlist
- native-audio unity-plugin
- Audio-Manager-for-Unity microsoft Audio-Manager-for-Unity
- https://github.com/OmiyaGames/omiya-games-audio
- vivaldi-audio-engine unity-plugin
- Lasp Low-latency Audio Signal Processing plugin for Unity
- usfxr
- layersaudio unity audio plugin
- https://github.com/nixon-voxell/UnityAudioVisualizer
- https://github.com/MathewHDYT/Unity-Audio-Manager
- https://www.image-line.com/
- https://www.goldwave.com
- https://www.guitar-pro.com/en/index.php
- https://sonicscores.com/
- CasparCG - A Windows and Linux software used to play out professional graphics, audio and video to multiple outputs as a layerbased real-time compositor
- DJV - Professional review software for VFX, animation, and film production
- ffmpeg - A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
- qctools - A free and open source software tool that helps users analyze and understand their digitized video files through use of audiovisual analytics and filtering
- GStreamer - Pipeline-based multimedia framework that links together a wide variety of media processing systems to complete complex workflows
- Kdenlive - Video editing software based on the MLT Framework, KDE and Qt
- Olive - Non-linear video editor aiming to provide a fully-featured alternative to high-end professional video editing software
- MediaPipe - Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media
- BlazePoseBarracuda
- Natron - Open Source Compositing Software For VFX and Motion Graphics
- Shotcut - A free, open source, cross-platform video editor
- https://www.vegaschina.cn
- https://www.edius.net/
- mocha
- Davinci Resolve DaVinci Resolve 16 is the world’s only solution that combines professional 8K editing, color correction, visual effects and audio post production all in one software tool! You can instantly move between editing, color, effects, and audio with a single click. DaVinci Resolve Studio is also the only solution designed for multi user collaboration so editors, assistants, colorists, VFX artists and sound
- https://www.substance3d.com/ sb
- https://www.sidefx.com/ houdini
- https://github.com/Fe-Elf/FeELib-for-Houdini 精灵超可爱
- https://www.autodesk.com/products/3ds-max/overview max
- https://www.autodesk.com/products/maya/overview maya
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Maya/wiki/index
- https://www.foundry.com/products/modo modo
- https://www.cheetah3d.com/ cheetah3d
- AppleSeed - Physically-based global illumination rendering engine
- ArmorPaint - A stand-alone software designed for physically-based texture painting
- Animation Nodes - A node based visual scripting system designed for motion graphics in Blender
- Blender - Modeling and animation
- awesome-blender
- Blender-Render-Engine-for-Unity-MeshSync
- awesomeblend
- Dust3D - Dust3D is brand new 3D modeling software. It lets you create watertight 3D models in seconds. Use it to speed up character modeling for games, 3D printing, and so on. Source are available on Github.
- FragM - Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen's Fragmentarium fork representing a compilation of features and fixes
- glChAoS.P - RealTime 3D Strange Attractors scout on GPU
- Mandelbulber v2 - Mandelbulber creatively generates three-dimensional fractals
- Mandelbulb3D - A program designed for the Windows platform, for generating 3D views of different fractals
- MeshLab - System for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes
- Möbius Modeller - End-user visual programming in the browser for automating complex tasks
- Possumwood - A graph-based procedural sandbox, implementing concepts of graph-based visual programming in a simple interface
- Sorcar - A procedural modeling node-based system which utilises Blender and its Python API to create a visual programming environment for artists and developers
- Tissue - Blender's add-on for computational design
- VFX Fractal Toolkit - Set of tools for generating fractal and generative art
- Wings 3D - An advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use
- sculptris
- zbrush
- mudbox
- 3dcoat
- dilay A 3D sculpting application that provides an intuitive workflow using a number of powerful modelling tools.
- https://github.com/AdamFrisby/UnityHairShader
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.demoteam.hair
- https://github.com/Unity-China/cn.unity.hairfx.core
- https://github.com/kennux/VHair
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/330259306 头发渲染
- hairstudio
- ephere
- https://cgpal.com/fibershop/
- flux-dynamic-hair
- fluffy-grooming
- [Unity-HairFX-Tutorial](https://learn.u3d.cn/tutorial/Unity-HairFX-Tutorial?
- poser
- daz3d
- makehuman
- studio 3D Character Creation Software
- reallusion URP Support:cc_unity_tools_URP
- com.unity.demoteam.digital-human Library of tech features used to realize the digital human from The Heretic and Enemies.
- VR-Stage-Lighting VR-Stage-Lighting
- MediaPipeUnityPlugin
- https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-unity
- https://github.com/runwayml/RunwayML-for-Unity
- https://github.com/crdrury/Unity-Rhubarb-Lip-Syncer
- https://github.com/DanielSWolf/rhubarb-lip-sync
- https://github.com/bilibili/UnityBVA
- https://github.com/Danial-Kord/DigiHuman
- https://github.com/TheRamU/Fay
- https://github.com/yuzu-unity/HumanoidCollider
- https://github.com/mochi-neko/facial-expressions-unity
- 《Enemies》制作秘诀 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zS4y1P7jC/
- Unity China HairFX 毛发系统使用说明 https://learn.u3d.cn/tutorial/Unity-HairFX-Tutorial
- Unity数字人制作不求人 - 卡通风格 https://learn.u3d.cn/tutorial/unity-making-digital-human-cartoon-style
- 一个角色最终呈现在引擎里,美术制作上的思考以及注意事项 https://developer.unity.cn/projects/5ff27be7edbc2a60edd32ead
- Unity HDRP数字偶像登场 Project SU-A https://developer.unity.cn/projects/5ea4e43cedbc2a0021a295db
- https://github.com/Metric/Materia substance designer的 c#实现
- https://rodzilla.itch.io/material-maker material-maker
- https://quixel.com/bridge
- http://www.materialx.org/
- https://artomatix.com/
- simplygon
- unity-mesh-simplifier
- instalod
- pixyz
- ultimate-lod-system unity-plugin
- mantis-lod-editor unity-plugin
- poly-few unity-plugin
- UnityMeshSimplifier Mesh simplification for Unity.
- Halfedge mesh handler on Unity
- CGCmake - CMake modules for CG apps
- Cortex - Libraries for VFX software development
- Cross3D - Scene and node management abstraction
- ExoCortex for Max 2018 - ExoCortex ported to Max 2018
- mGui - Portable pure-python GUI library for Maya
- minq - Maya query language for speeding up common scene operations
- NXT - A layered code compositing application
- OpenWalter - USD Plugins Arnold, Houdini, Katana, Maya and USD
- Photoshop Python API - Python API for Photoshop.
- Py3dsMax - 3dsMax API in Python
- Pymiere - Python API for Premiere Pro
- PyMEL - Python in Maya Done Right
- https://starscenesoftware.com/unifilebrowser.html
- https://www.tilesetter.org/
- Tiled 2D free, easy to use and flexible tile map editor
- autotilegen
- [SuperTiled2Unity] (https://github.com/Seanba/SuperTiled2Unity) Imports Tiled files to Unity. Better than regular Tiled2Unity.
- tile-map-accelerator
- tileplus
- https://github.com/Cammin/LDtkToUnity
- https://www.slynyrd.com/blog
- Isometric unity-plugin
- Ultimate Grids Engine unity-plugin
- KUBIKOS - 3D Cube World unity-plugin
- hex map unity-plugin
- https://www.zcool.com.cn
- https://www.gtn9.com/index.aspx
- https://www.behance.net/
- https://dribbble.com/
- https://www.pinterest.com/
- appccelerate asyn fsm
- pixelover
- spritemate
- pixelatorapp Pixelator is a smart software to convert images into pixel art sprites and cover arts. With Pixelator you can use any source picture to easily generate Pixelated graphics for games or posters.
- PiskelApp Piskel is a free online editor for animated sprites & pixel art
- ProMotion pro motion is a pixel drawing and animation software designed similar to the famous Amiga Deluxe Paint (DPaint). Ideal for artists working on detailed and pixel precise graphics as required for mobile games and portable game consoles. It also suites well to create light weight graphics for web games.
- pixenapp Pixen is a professional pixel art editor designed for working with low-resolution raster art, such as those 8-bit sprites found in old-school video games. Pixen packs all the tools pixel artists need in an intuitive, native interface including support for high zoom levels, animation editing, color palettes, and a lot more.
- pyxeledit
- aseprite
- GrafX2
- GraphicsGale
- cpetry
- crazybump
- https://github.com/kmkolasinski/AwesomeBump
- https://www.codeandweb.com/spriteilluminator
- http://www.mikktspace.com/
- 【教程】游戏流程如何烘焙出完美法线
- generating-perfect-normal-maps-for-unity
- Cascade Image Editor - A node-based image editor with GPU-acceleration
- Pencil2D - An easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations, the best way to visualize your story
- Inkscape - Professional quality vector graphics softwar
- Imogen - GPU Texture generator using dear imgui for UI
- Krita - A professional painting program
- MyPaint - Graphics editor for digital painters with a focus on painting rather than image manipulation or post processing
- Opentoonz - Animation production software
- Storyboarder - Storyboard editor
- Synfig - 2D animation software
- TexGraph - A procedural texture creation tool that let you create textures by connecting nodes in a graph
- The Gimp - A cross-platform image editor
- http://www.snakehillgames.com/spritelamp/
- http://renderhjs.net/shoebox/
- https://www.autodraw.com/
- pixelandpolygon Texture File Viewer
- pngquant pngquant is a command-line utility and a library for lossy compression of PNG images
- MaCrea - Material Creation Tool MaCrea is a little material creation tool I wrote for use with Sculptris, while it simply creates material sphere images that can be used with Zbrush or any other App that takes advantage of that idea.
- cubemapgen
- EZTextureProcessor A bunch of texture tools for unity
- PixPlant PixPlant is a smart texturing app with the best tools to quickly transform a photo into seamless repeating textures and 3D maps.
- Affinity Designer - Vector graphics editor with a bunch of features which also supports Adobe file formats
- doodad
- ImageViewer HDR, PFM, DDS, KTX, EXR, PNG, JPG, BMP image viewer and manipulator
- hdrview hdrview
- hdrihaven
- texturepacker
- spriteuv
- UnityPackedColor Packer for already packed textures at unity game engine - up to 3 times less space.
- unity-texture-packer Utility to combine color channels from different textures into a single output.
- SmartTexture Unity tool to pack texture channels into a single texture.
- texture_maker A texture maker tool for unity.
- mixture Mixture is a powerful node-based tool crafted in unity to generate all kinds of textures in realtime. Mixture is very flexible, easily customizable through ShaderGraph and a simple C# API, fast with it's GPU based workflow and compatible with all the render pipelines thanks to the new Custom Render Texture API.
- MA_TextureAtlasser Texture atlas creator for Unity
- https://github.com/StbSharp
- CC0Textures Unity Editor scripts for preprocessing CC0 Textures
- https://cc0textures.com/ CC0 Textures is a library of high quality PBR materials for 3D rendering and game design licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 License.
- Waifu2xBarracuda Waifu2x Unity Barracuda implementation
- uAnime4K Anime4K port to Unity
- https://github.com/weihaox/awesome-image-translation
- procedural-stochastic-texturing Modified Shader Graph package implementing Procedural Stochastic Texturing
- 超强一键生成特效常用贴图网站介绍!
- noisegen
- texturelab About Free, Cross-Platform, GPU-Accelerated Procedural Texture Generator
- pixaflux Create custom CG materials using a non-destructive, node-based workflow.
- texturecauldron Texture Cauldron is a node based tool to generate detailed able textures.
- filterforge Mighty graphics software with thousands of photo effects and seamless textures, and an editor to create your own filters.
- https://github.com/caosdoar/Fornos
- BakeShader Unity editor tool for baking shaders to textures. Blit2D, Blit3D, or MeshRenderer (uses model UV). Adds options to Material & MeshRenderer context menus and Editor Window (under Window/Cyanilux/BakeShader)
- UnityTexture2DArrayImportPipeline A Texture2DArray Import Pipeline for Unity 2019.3 and newer.
- VatBaker A tool to bake VAT (Vertex Animation Texture) from AnimationClip with sample shaders for Unity.
- material-animation-curve A Material Property Drawer for the Curve attribute which lets you edit curves and adds them to the shader as textures
- unity-texture-curve Example showing how to bake an AnimatedCurve into a Texture and use it in a shader
- Curves-And-Gradients-To-Texture Contains utilities for defining a curve or gradient in the inspector and automatically generating a texture for that to pass on to shaders.
- GradientTexture Unity Gradient Texture generator
- TransformAnimationTextureBaker
- DynamicAtlas
- RuntimeTextureAtlas
- UVAtlas isochart texture atlasing
- thekla_atlas Atlas Generation Tool
- xatlas Mesh parameterization / UV unwrapping library
- DynamicSpriteSheets
- Thekla atlas | This tool performs mesh segmentation, surface parameterization, and chart packing.
- xatlas | Fork from theakla atlas, it's a library to generate an UV for -example- lightmap uv.
- AtlasGenerator Rule based SpriteAtlas Generator for Unity3D
- GPU-Skinning-Demo
- Unity-Gpu-Skinning-Tool
- Animation-Texture-Bake
- GPU_Mesh_Instancing
- UnityGpuInstancing
- Animation-Instancing
- Render-Crowd-Of-Animated-Characters
- GPGPU Computing Animation & Skinning
- GPUAnimation
- GPUSkinning
- 李恒的知乎文章
- UnityGPUSkinning
- GPU Instancer - Crowd Animations unity-plugin
- Mesh Animator unity-plugin
- Unity_ECS_GPUSkinning
- Mesh-Animation Mesh Animation is lightweight library for rendering hundreds of meshes in one draw call with GPU instancing.
- Animation-Texture-Baker
- Unity下大量物体同屏渲染的性能优化思路
- RenderHugeByGPUInstance
- Unity3D-ToolChain_StriteR
- Dual quaternion skinning for Unity
- GPUInstance Instancing & Animation library for Unity3D
- UrMotion Flexible motion engine for non time-based animation in Unity.
- Tween Player This is a simple & high performance & powerful interpolation animation tool. Unlike other interpolation animation tools, Tween Player is more data-driven and extensible.
- dotween-pro famous unity plugin
- leantween LeanTween is an efficient tween engine that offers a many of the same features as the other tween engines (and more!) while having much less overhead.
- OneTween OneTween is a more efficient tween tool, easy to use in Unity UGUI animation.
- ECS-Tween - Simple Unity tweening system using ECS that works with GameObjects!
- PlasticTween - Tween Library for Unity3D(ECS+JOBS)
- unity-jtween - A job-based tween library for Unity
- GoKit Lightweight tween library for Unity aimed at making tweening objects dead simple and completely flexible. The wiki contains some usage information and examples.
- Uween - Lightweight tween library for Unity
- ZestKit - Tween library for Unity. The best of GoKit and GoKitLite combined in an easy to use API
- ApureEasing Easing library for Unity Visual Scripting
- 游戏开发中的阻尼器和阻尼弹簧
- unity-tweening-system
- unity-animation Extended Animation Framework for Unity based on Coroutines
- PlasticTween Tween Library for Unity3D(ECS+JOBS)
- unity-tweens
- TweenRx Reactive animation utility for Unity
- unity-animation-library
- physicsbasedanimation
- CSC417-physics-based-animation
- goatstream
- animation
- interactive-graphics
- https://github.com/IndieVisualLab
- ActiveRagdoll
- Christopher Batty
- binh.graphics
- Hairibar.Ragdoll A package for animating ragdolls through keyframed animations.
- https://github.com/nashnie/MotionMatching
- https://github.com/JLPM22/MotionMatching
- https://github.com/sssnidebaba/motionmatch
- https://github.com/dreaw131313/MotionMatchingByDreaw
- https://github.com/dreaw131313/Open-Source-Motion-Matching-System
- https://www.zhihu.com/people/fengkan
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/motion-matching-for-unity-145624
- https://github.com/orangeduck/Motion-Matching
- https://forum.unity.com/threads/released-want-good-3d-character-animation-but-are-short-on-time-budget-or-training-help-is-here.392317/
- deadReckoning1
- deadReckoning2
- ( 这个实用性很强) 贝塞尔逼近 参考 astarPath 插件里面的BezierMover
- 速度优化 参考 astarPath 插件里面 MovementUtilities 脚本
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/SuperScience 官方3rd 移动模拟
- https://github.com/redwyre/com.redwyre.physics-custom-authoring
- 这个实用性最强 bulletHell
- https://github.com/jongallant/Unity-Bullet-Hell
- https://github.com/iWoz/path_follow_steer 集群跟随路径移动
- movement-plus unity-plugin
- AnimeTask
- Fluent Animation - An incredible animation queue system unity-plugin
- https://github.com/rygo6/CardExample-Unity
- https://github.com/ycarowr/UiCard
- https://github.com/IainS1986/UnityCoverFlow
- https://github.com/CragonGame/CasinosClient
- Unity-Proportional-Navigation-Collection A collection of PN guidance systems, in Unity
- https://github.com/hiroki-o/VoxBlend unity 表情
- https://github.com/rurre/PumkinsAvatarTools unity 表情
- https://github.com/huailiang/knead_proj unity 捏脸
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/puppet-face-181312
- https://github.com/PixelWizards/BlendShapeController blendShapeController
- https://github.com/hiroki-o/VoxBlend blendShapeController
- https://blog.uwa4d.com/archives/USparkle_Animation-AI.html
- https://www.sohu.com/a/259856518_463994?qq-pf-to=pcqq.group -吃鸡的动画状态机设计
- animancer
- https://github.com/fengkan/RuntimeRetargeting
- https://github.com/robotron2084/animation-retargeting
- traversal This module allows characters to traverse the environment through multiple built-in and fully customizable obstacles and climbable elements.
- protores ProtoRes: Proto-Residual Network for Pose Authoring via Learned Inverse Kinematics
- UnityKinematicaX A next-generation character animation system built on top of Unity's Kinematica.
- DOTSAnimation A high level Animation State Machine Framework for Unity DOTS
- unity-dots-animation Simple animation system for the unity dots stack.
- kinematica
- reanimation An alternative animator for Unity tailored for traditional animation
- dmotion DMotion - A high level Animation Framework for Unity DOTS
- rukhanka unity-plugin
- Puppeteer A graph based animation controller for Unity.
- nkgmoba-animsystem-dawn-blossoms-plucked-at-dusk
- uPlayableAnimation
- Vortex Play/blend animations, animator controllers in runtime. Uses playable API
- CharacterControllerSamples
- GenshinImpactMovementSystem
- Netick-KCC An implementation of Kinematic Character Controller with Netick Networking
- rival Unity Plugin
- UNet-Controller A CharacterController based controller for Unity's new Networking system
- Kinematic Character Controller unity-plugin
- character-movement-fundamentals unity-plugin
- character-controller-pro unity-plugin
- Erbium 🤺Third Person Character Controller for unity🤺
- Dynamic-Parkour-System
- Traverser
- UnitySourceMovement Source engine-like movement in Unity, based on Fragsurf by cr4yz (Jake E.).
- https://github.com/nicholas-maltbie/OpenKCC
- https://github.com/runevision/LocomotionSystem
- advanced-locomotion-controller unity-plugin
- https://github.com/Another-Axiom/GorillaLocomotion
- motion-matching-locomotion-controller unity-plugin
- https://github.com/Goodgulf281/Unity-Formation-Movement2.0
- https://github.com/ssell/UnityDotsCharacterController
- Ultimate-2D-Controller
- Celeste-Movement Recreating the movement and feel from Celeste
- https://github.com/Wafflus/unity-genshin-impact-movement-system
- https://github.com/joebinns/stylised-character-controller
- https://github.com/mixandjam/Batman-Arkham-Combat
- unity-antagonistic-controller
- 2D-Character-Controller
- UnityAdvancedFPSCharacterController
- Unity-FullBody-FPS-Controller
- CustomBody A wheel of KinematicBody
- platformer-project-206584
- procedural-climbing
- UnityTutorials-ProceduralAnimations
- ProceduralAnimation Procedural Animation Scripts For Unity
- sox-animation
- unity-flash-tools Convert your flash animation for Unity easy!
- https://github.com/qwe321qwe321qwe321/Unity-EasingAnimationCurve
- https://github.com/akof1314/AnimationPath
- https://github.com/ecidevilin/UnityBoneTools
- https://github.com/natsuneko-laboratory/refined-animation-property
- https://github.com/qwe321qwe321qwe321/Unity-AnimatorTransitionCopier
- https://github.com/rrazgriz/RATS
- Unity-DeveloperConsole
- Typin Declarative framework for interactive CLI applications
- BeastConsole
- Reactor-Developer-Console
- proxima-inspector-244788
- Quantum Console unity-plugin
- srdebugger unity-plugin
- debugging-essentials unity-plugin
- hdg-remote-debug unity-plugin
- unity-remote-file-explorer
- https://github.com/natemcmaster/CommandLineUtils 命令行
- https://github.com/Tyrrrz/CliFx 命令行
- https://github.com/Tyrrrz/CliWrap 命令行
- https://github.com/jsakamoto/XProcess 命令行
- process-governor This application allows you to put various limits on a Windows process.
- https://github.com/adamralph/simple-exec 命令行
- https://github.com/wingcd/UnityToolExtender
- https://github.com/adamralph/bullseye
- https://commanddotnet.bilal-fazlani.com/
- https://github.com/gwaredd/unium
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/hdg-remote-debug-live-update-tool-61863
- https://github.com/proletariatgames/CUDLR
- https://github.com/Sacred-Seed-Studio/Unity-File-Debug
- https://github.com/mayuki/Cocona
- https://github.com/cobbr
- https://github.com/Cysharp/Kokuban
- https://github.com/alexrp/system-terminal
- fabfile Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment.
- http://www.world-machine.com/
- https://www.world-creator.com/
- Gaia UnityPlugin
- Gena UnityPlugin
- CTS UnityPlugin
- Map Magic UnityPlugin
- UnityMapMagic2Extensions
- Terrain Composer UnityPlugin
- Landscape Builder UnityPlugin
- TerraLand 3 UnityPlugin
- MegaSplat UnityPlugin
- World Streamer UnityPlugin
- Voxeland UnityPlugin
- terrain-grid-systemUnityPlugin
- terrain-slicing-dynamic-loading-kit UnityPlugin
- floating-origin UnityPlugin
- gaia
- https://github.com/JuniorDjjr/Unity-Procedural-Stochastic-Texture-Terrain-Shader
- https://github.com/staggartcreations/UnityTerrainLayerSampler
- PrefabPainter github
- prefab-brush unity-plugin
- prefab-painter unity-plugin
- transform-tools unity-plugin
- prefab-world-builder unity-plugin
- grabbit-editor-physics-transforms unity-plugin
- flexalon-3d-layouts
- Hey-Area-Object-Spawner
- https://github.com/Ogbest/Unity_MapEditor_Terrain 动态渲染Unity地形网格,记录网格是否是玩家的行走范围,然后导出编辑好的网格用于服务器导航、验证使用 https://github.com/frankhjwx/Unity-ShaderCharDisplay
- https://github.com/Caeden117/ChroMapper -- 地图编辑器
- real-world-terrai unity-plugin
- ntg-unity
- real-ivy-2-procedural-ivy-generator unity-plugin
- games.noio.planter The plant simulation from Cloud Gardens as a Unity package for level design.
- hedera paint 3D ivy in the Unity Editor, watch procedurally generated meshes simulate growth and clinging in real-time
- unity-procedural-tree
- unity-procedural-flower
- The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
- citygen3d UnityPlugin
- Arcgis UnityPlugin
- OSM City
- cscape-city-system- UnityPlugin
- SPORE-Creature-Creator Procedurally generate creatures in Unity - inspired by the incredible game, Spore!
- SpaceshipGenerator blender plugin proceDurally spaceShip
- 3DWorld
- DeBroglie Generate tile based maps using Wave Function Collapse
- Edgar-Unity
- Marching-Cubes-Terrain
- cityengine
- https://www.raywenderlich.com/3169311-runtime-mesh-manipulation-with-unity
- AltTrees System UnityPlugin: AltTrees is an alternative tree system for Unity. Supports SpeedTree, Tree Creator, and meshes
- Broccoli Tree Creator UnityPlugin Broccoli Tree Creator is still in-development and will get constantly improve
- Vegetation Studio UnityPlugin
- VegetationStudioProExtensions
- vegetation-engine-amplify-impostors
- vegetation-spawner
- Nature Renderer UnityPlugin
- Open World Nature Kit UnityPlugin
- Alttrees System UnityPlugin
- infini-grass UnityPlugin
- BigworldPlants
- InfinityFoliage
- OpenWorldGrassDemo
- shaders-6grass Six varied methods for drawing grass with a range of use cases
- Interactive-Grass A continueshion of this grass shader
- Grass-Shader Implementation of a GPU grass shader in Unity with fancy scripting features
- Grass-Tool A GPU-based real-time grass placement tool for Unity by Astrid Wilde. Currently only works in Unity's Standard Rendering Pipeline
- Grass-N-Stuff Grass N Stuff is a high performance foliage rendering system designed to be able to render a lot of foliage and handle runtime editing of foliage placement without performance issues.
- Procedural-Plant-and-Foliage-Generator The Procedural Plant and Foliage Generator is a tool written in C# and Unity URP to dynamically generate a stunning array of foliage and full plants from a set of over 100 parameters
- URP-foliage-shader wrote with shader graph. Lambert direct diffuse + blinn-phong direct specular + fast approximate translucency + indirect light
- Instanced-Foliage Foliage System to Replace Default Terrain Foliage
- Critias-FoliageSystem Critias Foliage System' is an system that is designed to paint, render and extract millions of instances of foliage without taking into account all the foliage but only the one that is in the proximity of the player
- 1msRenderVegetation 基于Unity,在1ms内渲染大规模植被
- unity-optimized-grass Optimized 3D grass for unity that works on Mobile. OpenGL 3.5+
- Unity-StylizedGrass Create numerous stylized grass blades with this highly performant and scalable HDRP grass asset that makes use of VFX Graph.
- GrassBending A replacement for Unity's terrain grass shader with alpha blended rendering and touch bending effect
- HiZ_grass_culling
- https://github.com/Milk-Drinker01/Milk_Instancer01
- Unity-Grass-Instancer
- https://github.com/GarrettGunnell/
- https://github.com/SoSoReally/RenderFeature_HizCull
- 分享《生死狙击2》的大场景草渲染
- Unity 程序化生成草地
- 风格化树——树叶分析与实现
- unity-geometry-grass-shader
- TerrainGrassShader
- GPUInstanceManager
- ways-to-render-1M-cubes
- shaders-botw-grass
- Unity-Grass
- Unity-Optimized-Coins-Shader
- Easyroads3d UnityPlugin
- Path-painter UnityPlugin
- R.A.M 2019 - River Auto Material 2019 UnityPlugin
- Field3D - An open source library for storing voxel data
- luma_usd - Plugins for USD
- MaterialX - Materials and look-dev
- Kiko - DCC-agnostic animation curves storage (works between Maya and Nuke, with more DCCs to come)
- OpenCV - An open source computer vision and machine learning software library
- OpenDCX (repo) - C++ extensions for OpenEXR's "deep" file format
- OpenEXR (repo) - exceptional image format for visual effects purposes, pioneered by ILM
- OpenEXRid - Object isolation
- OpenImageIO - A library for reading and writing images in many common and VFX related formats
- OpenTimelineIO (repo) - Editorial timeline
- OpenVDB (repo) - Volumetric data
- OpenVDB AX - Fast expression language for manipulating OpenVDB files
- ImageMagick - Use ImageMagick to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
- pfstools - A set of command line programs for reading, writing and manipulating high-dynamic range (HDR) images and video frames
- texture-synthesis - Example-based texture synthesis written in Rust
- USD - Scenes
- usd-arnold - USD Schemas and tools for exchanging Arnold shader information between multiple 3rd party packages
- USD Manager - Program designed for lightweight browsing, managing, and editing of Universal Scene Description (USD) files
- usd-noodle - Pretty node graph showing dependencies of a USD file
- UsdQt - Qt components for building custom USD tools
- USD-URI-resolver - A generic, URI based resolver for USD, support custom plugins
- DracoUnity Unity package that integrates the Draco 3D data compression library within Unity.
- table-export
- xresloader
- lubanluban是一个相当完备的游戏配置解决方案,同时也可以用作通用型对象生成与缓存方案
- BakingSheet Easy datasheet management for C# and Unity. Supports Excel, Google Sheet, JSON and CSV format.
- go-xlsx-exporter a tool for parse xlsx and export to other fomart and data, such as: probuf3 file and buffers, golang, csharp and so on
- https://github.com/WoW-Tools/
- https://github.com/NtreevSoft/Crema
- https://github.com/vriad/zod
- https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/stream-registry
- https://github.com/davyxu/tabtoy
- https://github.com/liaochong/myexcel
- https://github.com/SheetJS/sheetjs
- https://github.com/alibaba/easyexcel
- https://gitee.com/dotnetchina/MiniExcel
- https://github.com/EPPlusSoftware/EPPlus
- http://kaitai.io/
- https://github.com/xaboy/form-create
- https://github.com/rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form
- https://github.com/vue-generators/vue-form-generator
- https://github.com/quicktype/quicktype
- https://github.com/dloss/binary-parsing
- https://github.com/secretGeek/AwesomeCSV
- https://github.com/cue-lang
- https://github.com/dloss/binary-parsing
- https://github.com/yretenai/Cethleann
- juicefsJuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
- datahub The Metadata Platform for the Modern Data Stack
- https://github.com/Cinchoo/ChoETL ETL Framework for .NET / c# (Parser / Writer for CSV, Flat, Xml, JSON, Key-Value, Parquet, Yaml formatted files)
- https://github.com/alibaba/DataX 数据交换
- https://github.com/wgzhao/Addax 进化版 datax
- https://github.com/mimetis/dotmim.sync A brand new database synchronization, multi platform, multi databases, developed on top of .Net Standard 2.0
- OpenDDL
- https://avro.apache.org/
- https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/
- SuperSet
- Redash
- metabase
- rawgraphs The missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization
- https://datavizcatalogue.com/ZH/
- https://github.com/fasouto/awesome-dataviz
- Game-Cheating-Tutorial
- Unity-game-hacking
- GameExtractor Reads and writes thousands of different archive and image formats used in games.
- puyotools Puyo Tools is a collection of tools and libraries used to access the contents of various game files. Although it was initially built to handle files used in Puyo Puyo games, it can handle files used in other games as well
- MPQ技术内幕
- https://github.com/uustory/u-mpq
- GameReverseNote
- https://github.com/super-continent/game-reversing-resources
- https://github.com/dsasmblr/game-hacking/
- https://github.com/kovidomi/game-reversing
- il2cpp-modder
- FakerAndroid A tool translate a apk file to stantard android project include so hook api and il2cpp c++ scaffolding when apk is a unity il2cpp game. Write code on a apk file elegantly.
- EpicFixShader Patch shaders in AssetBundles to support Single Pass Stereo Instancing
- O-Z-Unity-Protector
- Ether-Uprotector An Integrated Encryption & Protection Scheme for Unity Project(Mono & IL2CPP)
- RemoteNET Examine, create and interact with remote objects in other .NET processes.
- AssetsTools
- UtinyRipper GUI and API library for working with Engine assets, serialized and bundle files
- AssetRipper GUI Application to work with engine assets, asset bundles, and serialized files
- UAAE Unity .assets and AssetBundle editor
- AssetStudio A tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles
- HoYoStudio
- CNStudio
- UABEA c# uabe for newer versions of unity
- UABEA Cross-platform Asset Bundle/Serialized File reader and writer. Originally based on (but not a fork of) UABE.
- UABE Asset Bundle Extractor
- Snuggle WIP Unity AssetBundle Exporter
- GenshinStudio Modded AssetStudio for Genshin Impact
- REE.PAK.Tool Tool for extract PAK archives from games based on RE Engine
- Http-Multipart-Data-Parser A C# Http Multipart/form-data parser that works correctly on binary data and very large files.
- FCBConverter
- VGO VGO is a 3D data format for Unity that can store Mesh, Texture, Material, Collider, Rigidbody, Cloth and Particle information.
- gbx-netGBX.NET is a C#/.NET parser for Gbx files from Nadeo games. Supports deserialization of 150+ classes, where 50 %+ can be serialized back to Gbx.
- PakFiles
- ValveResource Valve's Source 2 resource file format parser, decompiler, and exporter.
- RainbowForge .NET managed toolkit for working with Rainbow Six: Siege .FORGE (Scimitar) archive files.
- Cethleann KTGL (Soft Engine) data exploration and research
- TACTLib A C# library for reading Blizzard's CASC storage
- OWLib Series of programs (tools) to interact with the Overwatch files.
- CUE4Parse C# Parser for Unreal Engine packages & assets
- yordle League of Legends Research Project
- CASCExplorer CASCExplorer
- nefsedit NeFS archive editor for Ego Engine
- SoulsFormats A .NET library for reading and writing FromSoftware file formats.
- Switch-Toolbox A tool to edit many video game file formats
- libsbml
- WoWDBDefs
- flaclibsharp
- CathodeLib Functionality to parse and write various formats from the Cathode engine, used for modding Alien: Isolation.
- ILSpy .NET Decompiler with support for PDB generation, ReadyToRun, Metadata (&more) - cross-platform!
- dnSpy .NET debugger and assembly editor
- UnityExplorer An in-game UI for exploring, debugging and modifying IL2CPP and Mono Unity games.
- Il2CppDumper Unity il2cpp reverse engineer
- Il2CppDumper-GI
- Il2CppInspector Powerful automated tool for reverse engineering Unity IL2CPP binaries www.djkaty.com
- Cpp2IL Work-in-progress tool to reverse unity's IL2CPP toolchain.
- UnityFusionCLR
- il2cpp-cpp-class-generator A program that generates C++ classes that wrap around the IL2CPP functions to access C# classes.
- coreclr CoreCLR for Unity
- natsu-clr il2cpp transpiler and runtime compatible with .Net Core
- Unity手游开发札记——基于累积差异的Patch系统实现
- https://github.com/redwood/redwood
- https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN
- https://github.com/iwiniwin/unity-remote-file-explorer
- https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Octodiff
- https://github.com/canton7/SyncTrayzor
- https://github.com/LavaGang/MelonLoader The World's First Universal Mod Loader for Unity Games that is Compatible with both Il2Cpp and Mono
- https://github.com/Reloaded-Project/Reloaded-II Next Generation Universal .NET Core Powered Mod Loader compatible with anything X86, X64.
- FastRsyncNet
- bsdiff.net A .NET port of Colin Percival's bsdiff & bspatch
- https://github.com/mattiasgustavsson/libs
- https://icculus.org/physfs/
- https://github.com/Tape-Worm/Gorgon/tree/master/Gorgon/Gorgon.FileSystem
- https://github.com/xoofx/zio vfs
- https://github.com/psmacchia/NDepend.Path path helper
- https://github.com/JosefPihrt/Orang file opreation
- https://github.com/System-IO-Abstractions/System.IO.Abstractions
- https://github.com/Singulink/Singulink.IO.FileSystem
- https://github.com/tagcode/Lexical.FileSystem
- https://github.com/dre0dru/LocalStorage
- https://github.com/ByronMayne/UnityIO
- GIO:一个现代和易用的 VFS API。[GNU LGPL2.1]。官网
- https://www.betrfs.org/
- https://github.com/MathewHDYT/Unity-Data-Manager
- https://github.com/coryleach/UnitySaveLoad
- https://github.com/FronkonGames/GameWork-Local-Data
- https://github.com/Lurler/VirtualFileSystem
- https://github.com/SpryFox/DarkConfig
- SaveLoadSystem
- 肝了很久!一文了解操作系统 I/O
- IO 模型知多少
- IO复用模型同步,异步,阻塞,非阻塞及实例详解
- 服务器端网络编程之 IO 模型
- The von Neumann Computer Model
- I/O模型(同步、非同步、阻塞、非阻塞)总结
- 深度解析nio、epoll多路复用等网络编程模型
- 清华大牛权威讲解nio,epoll,多路复用
- 网络 IO 演变过程
- Linux I/O 原理和 Zero-copy 技术全面揭秘
- Linux 内核详解以及内核缓冲区技术
- https://github.com/microsoft/CopyOnWrite
- https://github.com/kekyo/GitReader
- https://github.com/unixorn/git-extra-commands
- https://github.com/meaf75/GitNity
- https://github.com/alirezanet/Husky.Net
- https://github.com/skywind3000/awesome-cheatsheets/blob/master/tools/git.txt
- https://semver.org/lang/zh-CN/ -- 版本号规范
- https://github.com/Artees/Unity-SemVer
- https://github.com/adamreeve/semver.net
- https://github.com/pcottle/learnGitBranching -- 学习git 提交的网站
- https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2sharp -- git的 c# 实现
- Linus讲解git - Google大会演讲,Linus介绍他创造git的原因,对比了git和svn。
- Git教程 - 廖雪峰的官方网站 - 史上最浅显易懂的Git教程!
- git - 简明指南 - 助你入门 git 的简明指南,木有高深内容 ;)
- 常用 Git 命令清单 - 来自阮一峰的网络日志,列出了 Git 最常用的命令。
- Pro Git(中文版) - 书
- Git权威指南 - 书
- git-flow 备忘清单 - git-flow 是一个 git 扩展集,按 Vincent Driessen 的分支模型提供高层次的库操作。
- Git Magic -stanford出品
- Atlassian Git Tutorials - atlassian出品
- Try Git ( Interactive) -互动性的教你使用git
- Git (简体中文) -archlinux出品
- Git Community Book 中文版 -这本书汇聚了Git社区的很多精华, 其目的就是帮助你尽快的掌握Git.
- git-recipes -高质量的Git中文教程,来自国外社区的优秀文章和个人实践
- git-it - GitHub一位女员工写的Git教程,繁体中文版在这里可以找到: http://jlord.us/git-it/index-zhtw.html
- Git Town - GitTown 定义了很多高级的 git 命令,例如 git ship / git sync 等以方便 git 的使用
- git-tips - 最常用的Git的提示和技巧。
- 「Githug」Git 游戏通关流程 - 这个命令行工具通过游戏的方式来练习你的 Git 技能
- progit2-zh - Pro Git,第二版,简体中文
- git-style-guide- git风格指南
- Git 进阶技巧 - 适合了解 Git 的基本使用,知道 commit、push、pull,希望掌握 Git 更多功能的人阅读。
- learn-git-basics - git 指南
- 30 天精通 Git 版本控管
- 图解Git - 图解git中的最常用命令。如果你稍微理解git的工作原理,这篇文章能够让你理解的更透彻。
- 工作中常用的Git命令行 - 自己在工作中常用的Git命令行的小总结!
- unity-gitattributes
- https://github.com/jzyong/ugk-server
- https://github.com/CypherCore/CypherCore
- https://github.com/mangoszero/server
- https://github.com/mirbeta/OpenMir2
- https://github.com/networkprotocol/yojimbo
- https://github.com/MFatihMAR/Game-Networking-Resources#readme 游戏服务器汇总网站-爸爸级别
- https://github.com/dotnwat/awesome-seastar
- https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore
- https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk
- https://github.com/rathena/rathena
- https://github.com/ylmbtm/GameProject3
- https://github.com/Cysharp/MagicOnion
- https://github.com/egametang/ET
- https://improbable.io/spatialos
- https://aws.amazon.com/cn/gamelift/
- https://github.com/9miao/G-Firefly
- https://github.com/cloudwu/skynet
- https://github.com/hanxi/skynet-admin
- https://github.com/Manistein/SparkServer
- https://github.com/surparallel
- https://github.com/xiaonanln/goworld
- https://github.com/kbengine/kbengine
- https://github.com/imgamer/kbengine
- https://github.com/topfreegames/pitaya
- https://github.com/liangdas/mqant
- https://github.com/name5566/leaf
- https://github.com/heroiclabs/nakama
- https://www.comblockengine.com
- https://github.com/cocowolf/kestrel
- https://github.com/ketoo/NoahGameFrame
- https://github.com/Golangltd/LollipopGo
- https://github.com/servicetitan/Stl.Fusion
- https://github.com/naia-rs/naia
- https://github.com/coolspeed/century
- https://www.networknext.com/
- https://github.com/DukeChiang/DCET
- https://github.com/node-pinus/pinus
- https://agones.dev/site/
- https://github.com/googleforgames/agones
- https://heroiclabs.com/
- https://github.com/grofit/persistity
- https://github.com/kingston-csj/jforgame
- https://github.com/LeagueSandbox/GameServer
- https://github.com/frog-game/frog-game-framework
- https://github.com/nykwil/UnityGGPO
- https://github.com/Maufeat/MobileMOBA-Server
- https://github.com/Uyouii/TPS-SLG-GAME
- https://github.com/jwpttcg66
- https://github.com/liuhaopen/SkynetMMO
- https://github.com/zfoo-project
- https://github.com/no5ix/realtime-server
- https://github.com/duanhf2012/origin
- https://github.com/leeveel/GeekServer
- https://github.com/v2v3v4/BigWorld-Engine-2.0.1
- https://github.com/yekoufeng/seamless-world
- https://github.com/yxinyi/YCServer
- https://github.com/googleforgames/quilkin
- https://jzyong.github.io/game-server/
- https://github.com/bobohume/gonet
- https://github.com/jzyong/game-server
- https://github.com/jzyong/GameAI4j
- https://github.com/ZerlenZhang/distributed-architecture-of-moba-game-server
- https://github.com/surparallel/luacluster
- OpenCoreMMO Open-source MMORPG server emulator written in C#
- MST This is a framework that allows you to create game servers and services for your game inside Unity. It allows you to avoid using third-party services such as Playful, PAN, or Smartfox server. This framework does not claim to be a substitute for all these systems. No way!
- zfoo Extreme fast enterprise Java server framework, can be RPC, game server framework, web server framework.
- unityai golang port of Unity NavMesh module.
- https://github.com/zhangqi-ulua/ServerFramework
- https://github.com/mmogdeveloper/MO.Framework
- https://github.com/Searchstars/Leekcutter
- iogame 国内首个基于蚂蚁金服 SOFABolt 的 java 网络游戏服务器框架;无锁异步化、事件驱动的架构设计; 通过 ioGame 你可以很容易的搭建出一个集群无中心节点、分步式、高性能的网络java游戏服务器! Netty + spring + protobuf + websocket + tcp + udp;全球同服;业务线程基于disruptor LMAX架构;FXGL、心跳、帧同步、状态同步
- iron iron 基于vertx高性能游戏服务器框架
- NFShmServer NFShmServer 是一个使用C++开发的轻量级,敏捷型,弹性的,分布式的共享内存的插件开发框架, 让你更快更简单的开发服务端应用. 部分思路来自UE4和Ogre.(当前主要用在游戏领域) 我写的开源架构,前几年开源过,后来自己做项目,又没开源了,现在没搞项目了,加上修改了2年了,打算重新开源
- hive A cross-platform,lightweight,scalable game server framework written in C++, and support Lua Script
- wind Wind是一款面向云的高性能、高效率以及高扩展性的分布式游戏服务器引擎框架
- seastar High performance server-side application framework
- SLikeNet SLikeNet is an Open Source/Free Software cross-platform network engine written in C++ and specifially designed for games
- Summer
- https://github.com/vu-luong/ezy-smashers
- hotel A simple master/lobby server for multiplayer games.
- PlanetaMatchMaker A very simple and light match making system for P2P online game. Server binary for linux and windows, and client library for C# including Unity are provided.
- 浅谈街霸的帧数据
- 6-community-videos-to-get-you-started-with-multiplayer
- Sakura Engine 中的状态同步
- [网络游戏的进阶架构](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/565731139)
- 漫话帧同步
- 载具的物理同步
- 手游载具物理同步的实现方案
- 游戏网络同步绿皮书
- 从零开始的Unity网络同步 6.客户端本地预测(预表现)
- 如何理解游戏引擎中的逻辑帧?
- 网络游戏是如何同步的?
- 技能系统的同步机制
- 手游中的载具物理同步的实现方案
- 游戏中的网络延迟
- 图形引擎实战:战斗同步分享
- 网络游戏移动同步那点事
- 如何使用unity做帧同步模式的网络游戏?
- 帧同步和状态同步是如何处理断线重连的?
- 我的收藏
- https://github.com/yiv/blog
- https://space.bilibili.com/3981300
- https://github.com/briatte/awesome-network-analysis
- https://www.codersblock.org/blog/client-side-prediction-in-unity-2018
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bj5uLdnxZYlJykBg3Qd9BNOtvE8sp1ZQ4EgX1sI0RFA/edit#gid=127892449
- 52im 高手在这里
- gafferongames
- 服务端高并发分布式架构 14 次演进之路
- Networking Scripted Weapons and Abilities in Overwatch 中文版
- 无缝大地图世界构建!!!
- 基于状态帧同步的战斗系统教程——帧同步,状态同步,状态帧同步科普
- 细谈网络同步在游戏历史中的发展变化 (上)
- 细谈网络同步在游戏历史中的发展变化 (中)
- smooth-sync-unity-plugin unity-plugin
- dedicated-server-physics-synchronization unity-plugin
- 帧同步联机战斗(预测,快照,回滚)
- 213的博客
- 游戏服务端的高并发和高可用
- 某百万DAU游戏的服务端优化工作
- 网络游戏开发中的通讯杂谈
- 端游、手游服务端常用的架构是什么样的?
- 网络游戏同步技术概述
- Unity帧同步解决方案
- 网游帧同步的分析与设计
- 帧同步:浮点精度测试
- 帧同步和状态同步该怎么选
- A guide to understanding netcode
- 再谈网游同步技术
- 帧同步的相关问题
- 关于帧同步和网游游戏开发的一些心得
- 帧同步优化难点及解决方案
- ACT类游戏 帧同步及预表现技术分享
- How do multiplayer games sync their state
- Don’t use Lockstep in RTS games
- Lockstep protocol
- lockstep 网络游戏同步方案
- 帧同步整理
- Jeris大佬b站空间
- 《Exploring in UE4》关于网络同步的理解与思考[概念理解]
- 《Exploring in UE4》网络同步原理深入(上)[原理分析]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHWquMYtji0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xiwJukvb60
- 守望先锋等FPS游戏的网络同步
- 《守望先锋》回放技术:阵亡镜头、全场最佳和亮眼表现
- 暴雪Tim Ford:《守望先锋》架构设计与网络同步
- Latency Compensating Methods in Client/Server In-game Protocol Design and Optimization
- A latency compensation technique based on game characteristics to mitigate the influence of delay on cloud gaming quality of experience
- Timelines: simplifying the programming of lag compensation for the next generation of networked games
- Lag Compensation for First-Person ShooterGames in Cloud Gaming
- The effect of latency on user performance in Real-Time Strategy games
- Lag Compensation for First-Person Shooter Games in Cloud Gaming
- Fast-Paced Multiplayer (Part IV): Lag Compensation
- ag-compensation-in-a-real-time-game
- Lag Compensation
- Enhancing the experience of multiplayer shooter games via advanced lag compensation
- How to reduce Lag - A Tutorial on Lag Compensation Techniques for Online Games
- Lag Compensation using Bolt Physics
- Fighting Latency on Call of Duty: Black Ops III
- 以CSGO为例 分析不同网络延时下FPS游戏同步的实现
- I Shot You First: Networking the Gameplay of Halo: Reach
- 8 Frames in 16ms: Rollback Networking in Mortal Kombat and Injustice 2
- Destiny 2's Uniquely Complicated Netcode Analysis
- Running the Halo Multiplayer Experience at 60fps: A Technical Art Perspective
- World of Warcraft's Network Serialization and Routing
- 与“延迟”抗争,射击游戏如何做到更好的体验
- How to keep server-client clocks in-sync for precision networked games like Quake 3
- Source_Multiplayer_Networking
- Dead Reckoning: Latency Hiding for Networked Games
- https://github.com/QinZhuo/IDG_Game_One
- https://github.com/Yinmany/NetCode-FPS
- http://netcoding4d.com/
- https://cloud.tencent.com/product/mgobe
- https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepECS
- https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepEngine
- https://github.com/Golangltd/LollipopUnity
- https://github.com/SnpM/LockstepFramework
- https://github.com/proepkes/UnityLockstep
- https://github.com/CraneInForest/LockStepSimpleFramework-Client
- https://github.com/dudu502/LittleBee
- https://github.com/aaa719717747/TrueSyncExample
- https://github.com/CraneInForest/LockStepSimpleFramework-Shared
- UnityLockstep - Deterministic Lockstep with serverside framerate for Unity
- https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepCollision
- https://github.com/HeatXD/PleaseResync
- open-netcode
- https://github.com/nilpunch/unity-prediction-rollback
- https://github.com/zpl-c/librg
- https://github.com/minism/fps-netcode
- https://github.com/Yinmany/NetCode-FPS
- https://github.com/CodingCodingK/UnityMobaDemo
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.multiplayer.samples.coop
- https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteEntitySystem
- https://github.com/oculus-samples/Unity-UltimateGloveBall
- https://github.com/526077247/ETPro
- https://github.com/Mun1z/KingNetwork
- https://github.com/moetsi/Unity-DOTS-Multiplayer-XR-Sample
- https://github.com/luoyikun/UnityMobaDemo
- https://github.com/LambdaTheDev/NetworkAudioSync
- https://github.com/dz0039/NetworkPhysics
- https://github.com/GiovanniZambiasi/Client-Side-Prediction
- https://github.com/TheVypur/UnityMovementPrediction
- https://github.com/bluejayboy/Unity-Network-Prediction
- unity-fastpacedmultiplayer - Features a Networking Framework to be used on top of Unity Networking, in order to implement an Authoritative Server with Lag Compensation, Client-Side Prediction/Server Reconciliation and Entity Interpolation
- https://github.com/atrakeur/unity-unet-authoritative-networking
- https://github.com/FlameskyDexive/Legends-Of-Heroes
- https://github.com/wqaetly/NKGMobaBasedOnET
- https://github.com/VergilUa/EntitiesExt
- https://github.com/kidagine/Darklings-FightingGame
- https://github.com/genxium/DelayNoMoreUnity
- https://github.com/insthync/UnityMultiplayerARPG_MMO.NET
- https://github.com/SolarianZ/Unity-Animation-Sync-Demo
- https://github.com/UnityTechnologies/GalacticKittens
- https://github.com/spectre1989/unity_physics_csp
- https://github.com/fbsamples/oculus-networked-physics-sample/
- sylar C++高性能分布式服务器框架
- https://github.com/Levchenkov/NetCode
- https://github.com/Cysharp/MemoryPack
- https://github.com/dbolin/Apex.Serialization
- https://github.com/space-wizards/netserializer
- https://github.com/apache/arrow
- https://github.com/koralium/Koralium
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_description_language
- https://github.com/chronoxor/CppSerialization benckmark
- https://chronoxor.github.io/FastBinaryEncoding/ FastBinaryEncoding
- https://capnproto.org/ capnproto
- https://github.com/c80k/capnproto-dotnetcore
- https://github.com/google/flatbuffers flatBuffer
- https://github.com/jamescourtney/FlatSharp
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/FlatSharp
- https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers pb
- https://github.com/real-logic/simple-binary-encoding sbe-fastest
- https://github.com/neuecc/ZeroFormatter zero
- https://msgpack.org/ messagepack
- https://github.com/cloudwu/sproto sproto
- https://uscilab.github.io/cereal/
- https://github.com/mzaks/FlexBuffersUnity
- https://github.com/ReubenBond/Hagar
- https://github.com/1996v/Bssom.Net
- https://github.com/Dogwei/Swifter.MessagePack
- https://github.com/RainwayApp/bebop
- https://github.com/Sergio0694/BinaryPack
- https://github.com/akkadotnet/Hyperion
- https://github.com/leandromoh/RecordParser
- https://github.com/RudolfKurka/StructPacker
- https://github.com/wqaetly/OdinSerializerForNetCore
- https://github.com/quabug/AnySerialize
- https://github.com/KrzysztofCwalina/POLE
- https://github.com/JasonXuDeveloper/Nino
- https://github.com/chronoxor/FastBinaryEncoding
- https://github.com/neuecc/Utf8Json C#
- https://github.com/Dogwei/Swifter.Json C#
- https://github.com/zachsaw/Binaron.Serializer
- https://github.com/smopu/DragonJson c#
- https://jsonhero.io/
- https://jsoncrack.com/editor
- https://altearius.github.io/tools/json/index.html
- https://github.com/nemesissoft/Nemesis.TextParsers
- https://jsoneditoronline.org/
- ScatterStream A runtime object scattering/vegetation authoring, streaming and rendering tool for Unity optimised for instanced rendering a very large number of placed items.
- mega-scatter-14954 unity-plugin
- MightyTerrainMesh A Unity Plugin for Converting Terrain 2 Mesh & Terrain 2 Data for Runtime Virtual Texture.
- mountains-beyond-mountains
- https://github.com/NextGenSoftwareUK/
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/easy-open-world-192659
- https://github.com/SimBlocks
- https://github.com/tkonexhh/OpenWorld
- https://github.com/Ermiq/GodotMono-InfiniteTerrain
- https://github.com/tkonexhh/LearnGPUDrivenTerrain
- https://github.com/missyouangeled/GPUDriven_Project
- https://github.com/guchengyidao/OpenWorldTerrainToolset
- https://github.com/emrecancubukcu/Terrain-Decorator
- https://github.com/jintiao/VirtualTexture
- https://github.com/haolange/InfinityTexture
- https://github.com/ACskyline/PVTUT
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Megacity-Sample
- MegacityMultiplayer
- DOTSoftheDead
- https://github.com/decentraland/unity-renderer
- https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-unity
- https://github.com/SimBlocks/OneWorldSDKforUnity
- SnowyOwl Unity Large World & Toon Shading Solution.
- ZoneTree ZoneTree is a persistent, high-performance, transactional, ACID-compliant ordered key-value database for NET. It can operate in memory or on local/cloud storage.
- realm Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
- LiteDB LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file
- ravendb ACID Document Database
- MasterMemory Embedded Typed Readonly In-Memory Document Database for .NET Core and Unity.
- RepoDB RepoDB is an open-source .NET ORM library that bridges the gaps of micro-ORMs and full-ORMs. It helps you simplify the switch-over of when to use the BASIC and ADVANCE operations during the development.
- FASTER Fast persistent recoverable log and key-value store + cache, in C# and C++, from Microsoft Research.
- UltraLiteDB Unity LiteDB
- DBreeze LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store
- Siaqodb Siaqodb is a NoSQL embedded object and document database engine that currently runs on .NET, MonoMac, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac and Unity3D.
- UnityMemoryMappedFile
- SliccDB Light Embedded Graph Database for .net
- VeloxDB
- BGDatabase unity-plugin
- awesome-entity-component-system : A curated list of Entity-Component-System (ECS) libraries and resources
- anax - Open source C++ entity system github
- ECS - C++ single-header entity component system library github
- ecs.hpp - A single header C++14 entity component system library github
- ecst - Experimental C++14 multithreaded compile-time entity-compnent-system library github
- EntityFu - A simple, fast entity component system written in C++ github
- EntityPlus - C++14 entity component system github
- EntityX - Fast, type-safe C++ entity component system github
- entt - Fast and reliable entity-component system github
- Flecs - A Multithreaded Entity Component System written for C89 & C99 github
- goomy - A tiny, experimental ECS framework github
- Kengine - Type-safe and self-documenting implementation of an Entity-Component-System github
- matter - C++17/20 ECS implementation github
- Entitas Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
- Ecstasy Simplest powerful ECS for Unity. Flexible and fast. Works w/ Burst
- KECS KECS is a fast and easy C# Entity Component System framework for writing your own games.
- https://github.com/PixeyeHQ/actors - ecs框架,代码不错
- DefaultEcs - ECS for syntax and usage simplicity with maximum performance github
- Svelto.ECS - Lightweight data oriented entity component system framework github
and here is a example
- Hydrogen.Entities - A collection of helpers for work with Unity's ECS framework, used in our games.
- Morpeh ECS Framework for Unity Game Engine.
- https://github.com/hdmmY/BillionsUnit
- NanoECS c#-Unity ECS framework
- Unity ECS EntityBuilder This project is a wrapper around Unity ECS entities that allows one to simplify the process of creating / modifying entities.
- LeoECS LeoECS is a fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework powered by C# with optional integration to Unity
- unity-entity-component-system A better approach to game design that allows you to concentrate on the actual problems you are solving: the data and behavior that make up your game. By moving from object-oriented to data-oriented design it will be easier for you to reuse the code and easier for others to understand and work on it.
- ME.ECS ECS for Unity with full game state automatic rollbacks
- ME.ECSBurst
- ecsrx.unity A simple framework for unity using the ECS paradigm but with unirx for fully reactive systems.
- morpeh Fast and Simple Entity Component System (ECS) Framework for Unity Game Engine
- VodeoECS
- esper - A lightweight Entity System for Python github
- Shipyard - Entity Component System written in Rust github
- Specs - Parallel entity component system written in Rust github
- ecs_benchmark: EnTT vs. entityx vs. anax vs. Artemis-Cpp
- Ecs.CSharp.Benchmark Benchmarks of some C# ECS frameworks.
- Blake3 Blake3.NET is a fast managed wrapper around the SIMD Rust implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function.
- HashDepot
- xxHash Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm ,implement by c
- xxHash xxhash c# implement
- Gridify Gridify is a dynamic LINQ library that converts your string to a LINQ query in the easiest way possible with excellent performance. it also, introduces an easy way to apply Filtering, Sorting and Pagination using text-based data.
- cottle High performance template engine for C#
- scriban A fast, powerful, safe and lightweight text templating language and engine for .NET
- dotliquid .NET Port of Tobias Lütke's Liquid template language.
- fluid Fluid is an open-source .NET template engine that is as close as possible to the Liquid template language.
- Nustache Logic-less templates for .NET
- csharp-source-generators
- Gobie Simple C# source generation based on custom templates
- Unity-AltSourceGenerator)
- UnityCodeGen
- nevod Nevod is a language and technology for pattern-based text search. It is specially aimed to rapidly reveal entities and their relationships in texts written in the natural language.
- AngouriMath Open-source cross-platform symbolic algebra library for C# and F#. One of the most powerful in .NET. Can be used for both production and research purposes
- t4 T4 text template generative importer for Unity3D
- t4-templates-unity3d T4 Text Template Processor for Unity3D
- UriTemplates
- https://github.com/osohq/oso oso is an open source policy engine for authorization that’s embedded in your application
- https://github.com/casbin/Casbin.NET
- GameNetworkingSockets
- clumsy clumsy makes your network condition on Windows significantly worse, but in a controlled and interactive manner.
- Explaining how fighting games use delay-based and rollback netcode
- deterministic-netcode
- NetworkBenchmarkDotNet
- 硬不硬你说了算!近 40 张图解被问千百遍的 TCP 三次握手和四次挥手面试题 防止迷路,微信公众号:( 小林coding )
- 你还在为 TCP 重传、滑动窗口、流量控制、拥塞控制发愁吗?看完图解就不愁了 防止迷路,微信公众号:( 小林coding )
- 万字详文:TCP 拥塞控制详解
- TCP 的那些事儿
- 计网 IP 知识全家桶,45 张图一套带走
- ping命令用得这么6,原理知道不?图解一波!
- 探究:一个数据包在网络中到底是怎么游走的?
- 硬核!30 张图解 HTTP 常见的面试题
- 如果面试再问GET和POST区别,就把这篇甩给他
- 计网 TCP/UDP 部分高频面试题大集合
- 面试官:换人!他连 TCP 这几个参数都不懂
- 4G5G和上网带宽与下载速度的换算方法
- Enclave.FastPacket The FastPacket project provides efficient, zero-allocation mechanisms for reading and writing individual network packets
- netmq A 100% native C# implementation of ZeroMQ for .NET
- DOTSNET unity -dots netcode plugin
- multiplayer-community-contributions
- ENet-CSharp Reliable UDP networking library
- NetworkToolkit This project contains networking primitives for use with .NET.
- http://www.hslcommunication.cn/
- normcore Normcore is the best way to add multiplayer to any project. Period. Whether you’re creating mobile games, the next esport title, enterprise collaboration tools, or any project with real-time communication
- photonengine The world's #1 independent networking engine and multiplayer platform — Fast, reliable, scalable.
- darkriftnetworking DarkRift Networking is a high performance, multithreaded networking system for Unity designed for speed and flexibility. It aims to be the ideal solution for every type of game, be it a First Person Shooter, a Trading card game or a Massively Multiplayer Online game. DarkRift Networking is the right choice for you.
- Mirror A community replacement for Unity's abandoned UNET Networking System.
- Unity-Mirror-Helper-Scripts A collection of helper scripts for (Unity3d) Mirror networking.
- aurora-engine-mirror-network-229925 Aurora Engine - Mirror Network is ready made network solution for Aurora FPS Engine!
- Ruffles Lightweight and fully managed reliable UDP library.
- libplanet Blockchain core in C#/.NET for persistent peer-to-peer online games
- supersocket 国人的骄傲
- BeetleX high performance dotnet core socket tcp communication components, support TLS, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket, RPC, Redis protocols, custom protocols and 1M connections problem solution
- SAEA SAEA.Socket是一个高性能IOCP框架的 TCP,基于dotnet standard 2.0;Src中含有其应用测试场景,例如websocket、rpc、redis驱动、MVC WebAPI、轻量级消息服…
- ValveSockets-CSharp This repository provides a managed C# abstraction of GameNetworkingSockets library which is created and maintained by Valve Software. You will need to build the native library with all required dependencies before you get started.
- lidgren-network-gen3 Lidgren.Network is a networking library for .NET framework, which uses a single UDP socket to deliver a simple API for connecting a client to a server, reading and sending messages.
- SpaceWizards.Lidgren.Network
- DotNetty DotNetty project – a port of netty, event-driven asynchronous network application framework
- SpanNetty Port of Netty(v4.1.51.Final) for .NET
- Dotnetty-Practice 主要讲解dotnetty企业级的应用开发,帮助开发者更容易的学习掌握该网络通讯框架。
- DotNettyForUnity
- HiSocket It is a lightweight client socket solution, you can used it in Unity3d or C# project
- NetStack Lightweight toolset for creating concurrent networking systems for multiplayer games. NetStack is self-contained and has no dependencies.
- NetCoreServer Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
- Sockets Under Control unity-plugin
- UnitySocketIO - socket.io client for unity3d.
- Hazel-Networking - A low level networking library for C# providing connection orientated, message based communication via TCP, UDP and RUDP.
- MassiveNet - Unity3d UDP networking library focused on high-CCU, multi-server architecture.
- Nakama - An open-source distributed social and realtime server for games and apps by Heroic Labs. It includes a large set of services for users, data storage, and realtime client/server communication; as well as specialized APIs like realtime multiplayer, groups/guilds, and chat.
- Barebones Master Server - Master Server framework for Unity
- Forge Networking Remastered - In short, Forge Networking is a free and open source multiplayer game (multi-user) networking system that has a very good integration with the Unity game engine. You wanna make a multiplayer game or real time multi-user application? This is the library for you.
- Facepunch.Steamworks - Another fucking c# Steamworks implementation
- MagicOnion - gRPC based HTTP/2 RPC Streaming Framework for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.
- lidgren-network-gen3 - Lidgren.Network is a networking library for .NET framework, which uses a single UDP socket to deliver a simple API for connecting a client to a server, reading and sending messages.
- LiteNetLib - Lite reliable UDP library for Mono and .NET
- LiteNetLibManager - Higher level implementation for LiteNetLib
- UNet-Controller - A CharacterController based controller for Unity's new Networking system
- Steamworks.NET - Steamworks wrapper for Unity / C#
- UnityHTTP - A TcpClient-based HTTP library for Unity
- SocketIoClientDotNet - Socket.IO Client Library for .Net
- MLAPI - A game networking framework built for the Unity Engine to abstract game networking concepts
- Networker - A simple to use TCP and UDP networking library for .NET. Compatible with Unity
- SmartFoxServer 2X - A comprehensive SDK for rapidly developing multiplayer games and applications with Adobe Flash/Flex/Air, Unity, HTML5, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Android, Java, Windows 8, C++ and more
- Colyseus - Multiplayer Game Server for Node.js. Demo with Unity3D
- UnityWebSocket - Web Socket client for Unity
- UnityWebSocket 🐳 The Best Unity WebSocket Plugin for All Platforms.
- unity-websocket-webgl Hybrid WebSocket implementation for Unity 3D with support of native and browser client.
- websocket-sharp - A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server
- NativeWebSocket WebSocket client for Unity - with no external dependencies (WebGL, Native, Android, iOS, UWP)
- RESTClient - REST Client for Unity with JSON and XML parsing. (Features JSON helper to handle nested arrays and deserializing abstract types)
- GrpcWebSocketBridge Yet Another gRPC over HTTP/1 using WebSocket implementation, primarily targets .NET platform.
- SpeedDate - SpeedDate Masterserver: Connecting Players
- ET - Unity3D Client And C# Server Framework
- Entitas-Sync-Framework - Networking framework for Entitas ECS. Targeted at turnbased games or other slow-paced genres
- RestClient - Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also supports Callbacks!
- Davinet - Minimalist Unity networking package with goals of responsive physics, loose coupling, extensibility and encapsulation of netcode.
- ECSPowerNetcode Library to power up your experience with the DOTS Unity Netcode.
- FastTunnel 二次开发的内网穿透服务
- BeetleX high performance dotnet core socket tcp communication components, support TLS, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket, RPC, Redis protocols, custom protocols and 1M connections problem solution
- BedrockFramework High performance, low level networking APIs for building custom servers and clients.
- RailgunNet A Client/Server Network State-Synchronization Layer for Games
- EuNet Peer to peer network solution for multiplayer games
- Telepathy Simple, message based, MMO Scale TCP networking in C#. And no magic.
- Megumin 应用程序和游戏网络层解决方案
- Mirage Easy to use Network library for Unity 3d
- HouraiNetworking Transport level library for peer-to-peer networking with multiple backends for the Unity.
- Unity-Netcode.IO A lightweight plugin to allow Unity games to use Netcode.IO for secure UDP socket communication.
- RiptideNetworking Reliable UDP networking solution for building multiplayer games. (In public testing phase)
- LiteNetwork
- csharp-kcp
- kcp2k
- java-Kcp 基于java的netty实现的可靠udp网络库(kcp算法),包含fec实现,可用于游戏,视频,加速等业务
- kcp-Code-annotation
- learning-kcp-protocol KCP协议基本数据结构和算法介绍
- KCP KCP C#版。线程安全,运行时无alloc,对gc无压力。,
- kcp-genshin
- Ignorance Ignorance utilizes the power of ENet to provide a reliable UDP networking transport for Mirror Networking.
- FishNet FishNet: Networking Evolved. (OPEN BETA)
- FFO-FishNet-Floating-Origin Floating Origin for FishNet. Tested with FN versions 2.5.4, 2.5.10 and 2.6.3. Should work with everything in between as well.
- TurtlePass Turtle Pass is an addon for Fishnet that allows you to send large byte arrays over several frames so it doesn't overwhelm more limiting transports like FishySteamworks and FishyUtp
- NetworkTilemap Networked tilemap synchronizer for FishNet.
- FishNet-ThirdPersonPrediction
- UnityCustomRaycastVehicle
- RVPFishNet-Multiplayer-Car-Controller
- fishnet-tutorial
- FishMMO FishNetworking MMO Template
- FishyEOS A FishNet Transport Library for Unity FishNet.
- [NetworkParticleSystem](- https://github.com/celojevic/NetworkParticleSystem)
- NetworkPositionSync Network Transform using Snapshot Interpolation and other techniques to best sync position and rotation over the network.
- Snapshooter An implementation of the snapshot interpolation algorithm on Unity 3D, with client-server architecture and possibly, prediction.
- zapnet Zapnet is a Unity framework for game networking built with Lidgren
- Imp.NET Imp.NET is a fast, high-level, object-oriented C# networking library that supports the invocation of remote methods through proxy interface objects.
- RRQMSocket RRQMSocket是一个整合性网络通信框架,特点是支持高并发、事件驱动、易用性强、二次开发难度低等。其中主要内容包括:TCP、UDP服务通信框架、大文件传输、RPC、WebSocket、WebApi、XmlRpc、JsonRpc等内容
- FastTunnel expose a local server to the internet. 高性能跨平台的内网穿透解决方案 远程内网计算机 域名访问内网站点 反向代理内网服务 端口转发 http代理
- weaving-socket 支持.NET5.0,core, U3D,物联网,web,通用,网关 socket通讯,架构带有内置协议,保证数据完整.
- Cube Scalable high level network library for Unity
- NewLife.Net 单机吞吐2266万tps的网络通信框架
- TouchSocket TouchSocket是 C# 的一个整合性的、超轻量级的网络通信框架。包含了 tcp、udp、ssl、http、websocket、rpc、jsonrpc、webapi、xmlrpc等一系列的通信模块。一键式解决 TCP 黏分包问题,udp大数据包分片组合问题等。使用协议模板,可快速实现「固定包头」、「固定长度」、「区间字符」等一系列的数据报文解析。
- Netcode.IO.NET A pure managed C# implementation of the Netcode.IO spec
- Nethostfire Nethostfire is a UDP server/client created with C# (netstandard2.0), it's a simple and easy-to-understand project, with it you can set up your game server, video calls, file transfers and more.
- Netly Netly is a open source socket library for c# (C-Sharp). It facilitates the use of socket (UDP and TCP, Client and Server) with which it is compatible (Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, ...) as long as it is compiled with its destination.
- CppNet
- Muduo
- NanoSockets Lightweight UDP sockets abstraction for rapid implementation of message-oriented protocols
- ggpo Good Game, Peace Out Rollback Network SDK
- yasio A multi-platform support c++11 library with focus on asio (asynchronous socket I/O) for any client applications.
- libhv 比libevent、libuv更易用的国产网络库。A c/c++ network library for developing TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket client/server.
- handy 简洁易用的C++11网络库 / 支持单机千万并发连接 / a simple C++11 network server framework
- workflow C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Engine
- Server 基于muduo网络库的集群聊天服务器
- slikesoft
- crystalorb Network-agnostic, high-level game networking library for client-side prediction and server reconciliation (unconditional rollback).
- https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets
- https://actix.rs/
- https://github.com/codeskyblue/gohttpserver
- https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash
- https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser
- https://github.com/SrejonKhan/AnotherFileBrowser
- UnityFileDownloader Download multiple files at a time in Unity.
- OctaneDownloader A high performance, multi-threaded C# file download library.
- Downloader Fast and reliable multipart downloader with asynchronous progress events for .NET applications.
- DownloadFile基于Unity平台 C#编写的断点续传、多线程下载模块
- BackgroundDownload
- 手游Android端后台下载技术分享
- RestClient A Promise based REST and HTTP client for Unity
- https://isetta.io/resources/
- https://ourmachinery.com/
- 多线程渲染
- UE4 关于主循环的资料
- http://www.thisisgame.com.cn/book/makegameenginatnight/
- https://github.com/Pikachuxxxx/Razix
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36765725 -- 天涯明月刀
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/68575577 -- 游戏引擎随笔
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/20311224 -- 文件摘要的方式管理资源
- Ambient The multiplayer game engine
- Easy3D A lightweight, easy-to-use, and efficient C++ library for processing and rendering 3D data
- Skybolt Planetary rendering engine and aerospace simulation tools
Agen - Cross-Platform framework for making 2D games with Lua, compatible iOS, Mac and Windows devices.
Allegro - Allegro 4 & 5 are cross-platform, open source, game programming libraries, primarily for C and C++ developers.
🅾️ -
AndEngine - 2D Android Game Engine
🅾️ -
Bacon2D - A framework to ease 2D game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games.
🅾️ -
Bladecoder - Classic point and click adventure game engine and editor.
🅾️ -
Box2D - A 2D Physics Engine for Games.
🅾️ -
projectchrono An Open Source Multi-physics Simulation Engine
Chipmunk C# - C# implementation of the Chipmunk2D lib.
🅾️ -
Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library.
VelcroPhysics High performance 2D collision detection system with realistic physics responses.
Cocos2D - graphic library for games and multimedia, for python language
🅾️ -
Cocos2d-x - a C++ OpenGL 2D and 3D game engine. Uses C++ but has JS and Lua bindings. 🆓
Construct 2 - an HTML5 game maker, meaning you are not actually writing JavaScript. Instead, you use actions, events and conditions to do the heavy lifting. 🚩
Coquette - A micro framework for JavaScript games. Handles collision detection, the game update loop, canvas rendering, and keyboard and mouse input.
Corona SDK - A Cross-Platform Mobile App Development for iOS and Android.
Defold 2D game engine by King 🆓
Duality - C# / OpenGL 2D Game Engine that comes with visual editor.
neoaxis NeoAxis Engine is an integrated development environment with built-in 3D, 2D game engine
EasyRPG - role playing game creation tool compatible with RPG Maker 2000/2003 games 🆓
ENGi - A multi-platform 2D game library for Go.
🅾️ -
Ejecta - A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS.
🅾️ -
EnchantJS - A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and apps.
Farseer - a collision detection system with realistic physics responses.
FlashPunk - free ActionScript 3 library designed for developing 2D Flash games.
Flixel - an open source game-making written in ActionScript3.
🅾️ -
GameMaker - 2D Game Engine 🚩
GameSalad - Game Creation Engine for Mac and Windows.
Gideros - Mobile Cross-Platform framework using Lua programming language.
🅾️ -
Glide Engine - Game engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS and tvOS, with practical examples.
🅾️ -
Gosu - 2D game development library for Ruby and C++
🅾️ -
HaxeFlixel - Create cross-platform games easier and free.
iio.js - A javascript library that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications
🅾️ -
ImpactJS - Impact is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop stunning HTML5 Games for desktop and mobile browsers.
Juno Lua - Framework for making 2D games with chunky pixels in Lua
🅾️ -
Juno TypeScript - Clean and lightweight 2D game framework written in TypeScript
Kivent - A 2D game framework for Kivy.
Kivy - Cross platform Python framework for creating apps and games for Linux, Windows, OS X, Android and iOS
KiwiJS - a fun and friendly Open Source HTML5 Game Engine. Some people call it the WordPress of HTML5 game engines
🅾️ -
LibGDX - Powerful (totally free) library for Java, code once and run the game on desktop, Android, Web, and iOS.
🅾️ -
LimeJS - HTML5 game framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and
Lums - A 2D / 3D framework written in C++11. Very efficient and modern. Still under heavy development.
🅾️ -
LÖVE - Lua 2D Game Engine.
🅾️ -
MINX - Open Source 2D game framework written in C++ (to the style of XNA)
🅾️ -
MOAI - Cross-Platform framework designed for pro game developers to create iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Chrome and OSX games using C++, OpenGL and Lua scripting.
Matter.js - a 2D physics engine for the web.
MelonJS - open source light-weight HTML5 game engine.
🅾️ -
Monkey X - Multi-platform programming language and cross-compiler, aimed at fast game programming.
Monogame - Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework.
🅾️ -
NodeBox - a family of Python tools to create generative design.
OpenFL - Open Source Haxe Engine for making multi-platform games.
🅾️ -
OpenRA - OpenRA is a Libre/Free Real Time Strategy Game Engine.
PICO-8 - A fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
PandaJS - Open Source HTML5 Engine.
🅾️ -
Phaser - free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
PixiJS - is a newcomer HTML5 game renderer - first released in early 2013. A main appeal of the engine is its use of WebGL for faster performance. If WebGL isn't supported, the engine falls back to standard canvas.
PuzzleScript - open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine.
PyGame - a 2D game engine in Python. 🆓
RPGMaker - series of programs for the development of role-playing games. 💲
Ren'Py - visual novel engine using the Python language in simplified form. It supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS
🅾️ -
Rpgboss - A 2d rpg game engine and editor based on scala and libgdx. Ease of use, with no programming knowledge.
SDL - SDL is a cross-platform library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. 🆓
SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library. 🆓
Solarus a free and open-source Action-RPG (Zelda) game engine 🆓
SpriteBuilder - Open Source Game Development Suite for MacOS
🅾️ -
SpriteKit - iOS/Mac 2D Game Engine.
Stage.js - Lightweight and fast 2D HTML5 rendering and layout engine for cross-platform game development.
Starling - The GPU powered 2D Flash API
Stencyl - a game creation platform that allows users to create 2D video games for computers, mobile devices, and the web.
Tilengine - C Engine with wrappers for C#, Python and Java
🅾️ -
Tiny Computer - a tiny computer where you can make, play and share tiny games.
- NextEngine NextEngine is designed with rapid iteration and high-end desktop graphics in mind.
- LinaEngine Lina Engine is an open-source , modular, tiny and fast C++ game engine, aimed to develop 3D desktop games.
- Horde3D Horde3D is a small 3D rendering and animation engine. It is written in an effort to create an engine being as lightweight and conceptually clean as possible.
- keyshot
- marmoset
- StratusGFX
- RenderPipelineShaders Render Pipeline Shaders SDK
- cycles-renderer Cycles is a physically based production renderer developed by the Blender project.
- flowers 🤸🏾♀️👗开源的动画渲染软件,提倡以简单、易用,高质量的物理演算以及渲染质量和性能,为喜爱二次元动画的用户降低视频制作门槛
- LuisaRender
- anki-3d-engine AnKi 3D Engine - Vulkan backend, modern renderer, scripting, physics and more
- garEnginePublic C# Engine - Features: Directional Shadows, PBR, SSAO, Bloom, IBL, ECS, Render/Frame Buffers, Baked Cubemaps
- mach Mach is a game engine & graphics toolkit for the future.
- zenustech ZEn NOde system - a simulation & rendering engine in nodes
- RenderLab 渲染实验室,包含了实时渲染,离线渲染和场景编辑的功能
- appleseed A modern open source rendering engine for animation and visual effects
- Turbo Turbo is rendering engine base Vulkan
- hybrid-rendering A Vulkan sample that demonstrates a Rasterization and Ray Tracing Hybrid Rendering Pipeline.
- kajiya Experimental real-time global illumination renderer
- Cafe-Shader-Studio
- EveryRay-Rendering-Engine Robust real-time rendering engine on DirectX 11 with many advanced graphics features for quick prototyping
- ray-mmd The project is designed to create a physically-based rendering at mikumikudance
- neoGFX Cross-platform GPU-oriented C++ application/game framework
- SpartanEngine
- Amethyst - Data-driven game engine written in Rust for 2D & 3D
🅾️ - ariyana Ariyana is an ECS work in progress game engine written in Orthodox C++ and Beef with a focus on cross-platform and multiplayer games
- Azul3D - A 3D engine written in Go.
- bgfx - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
🅾️ - Blend4Web - A Javascript framework for creating and displaying interactive 3D computer graphics in web browsers.
🅾️ - CRYENGINE - A pay what you want next gen 3D game engine written in C++.
🅾️ - Dash - A free and open 3D game engine written in D.
🅾️ - Diligent Engine - A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library that supports Direct3D11, Direct3D12, OpenGL/GLES, and Vulkan.
🅾️ - gameplay3d - 2D + 3D game framework written in C++
🅾️ - Godot - An advanced, feature-packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open-source game engine.
🅾️ - Havok Vision - a cross-platform game engine that provides a powerful and versatile multi-platform runtime technology.
- Hive3D - Real Time Collaboration 3D engine.
- Horde3D - small open source 3D rendering engine.
🅾️ - Irrlicht - open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++.
🅾️ - jMonkeyEngine 3 - a 3D open-source game engine for adventurous Java developers.
- JPCT - jPCT is a 3D engine for desktop Java and Google's Android.
- Lumberyard - Amazon Lumberyard is a free AAA game engine deeply integrated
- ODE - ODE is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics.
🅾️ - Ogre3D - is a scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++.
- OpenXRay - a community-modified X-Ray engine used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. 🚩
- Panda3D - a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs.
- Paradox - Open Source C# Game Engine.
🅾️ - Piston - a modular open source game engine written in Rust.
🅾️ - PlayCanvas - A WebGL Game Engine.
- Polycode - Open-Source Framework for creating games in C++ (with Lua bindings).
- Rajawali - Android OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 Engine
🅾️ - Source Valve's Flagship engine 🆓
- Spring - A powerful free cross-platform RTS engine.
- Stingray - 3D game engine and real-time rendering software 💲
- Superpowers - HTML5 Collaborative 2D/3D Game Maker
- Three.js - Javascript 3D Library.
- Turbulenz - Turbulenz offers the ability to build, publish, iterate and monetise high-quality games that react like no others, with immersive 3D effects and real-time physics that open up a whole new world of unprecedented and extraordinary web content.
- Unity 3D - A development engine for the creation of 2D and 3D games and interactive content.
- o3de
- Unreal Engine 4 - the new game engine technology developed by Epic Games.
- Urho3D - Cross-platform rendering and game engine.
🅾️ - Wave - Cross-platform engine written in C#
- WhiteStorm.js - 3d javacript framework for building apps and games
🅾️ - voxel.js - voxel.js is a collection of projects that make it easier than ever to create 3D voxel games like Minecraft all in the browser.
- Xenko Game Engine - open-source C# game engine designed for the future of gaming
🅾️ - FocusEngine
- ge A general-purpose 3D game engine with editor, built with .NET Core
- MoltenEngine A spare-time C# .NET 7 game engine project. Cross-platform, multi-threaded.
- Furball A Game Engine designed in C# using a custom made Renderer called Furball.Vixie, uses a similiar design to the Engine peppy made while developing osu!stable
- DeltaEngine Open Source Multiplatform Game Engine, C# OpenGL Version (custom wrapper) including the Editor
- NeoAxisEngine NeoAxis Engine is a versatile real-time platform for making 3D, 2D games and apps.
- XNA - Microsoft's game development framework.
- https://saeruhikari.github.io/SakuraEngine/#/ Sakura
- https://github.com/SakuraEngine
- https://github.com/magefree/mage
- https://github.com/nem0/LumixEngine
- https://github.com/tkgamegroup/flame An ECS Game Engine Based On Reflection.
- WickedEngine
- Hazel
- FNA FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
- Gorgon
- ezEngine ezEngine is an open source C++ game engine in active development. It is currently mainly developed on Windows, and higher level functionality such as rendering and the tools are only available there, but the core libraries are also available for other platforms such as Mac and Linux.
- skylicht-engine Skylicht Engine is C++ Game Engine based on Irrlicht 3D
- FlaxEngine
- rbfx
- WolfEngine The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C/C++ open source libraries for realtime rendering, realtime streaming and game developing
- source-engine Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
- EntitiesBT - Behavior Tree for Unity ECS (DOTS) framework
- https://github.com/SinyavtsevIlya/DOTS-BehaviorTree
- awesome-behavior-trees : A list of awesome Behavior Trees resources
- com.bananaparty.behaviortree Unity package. Fully cross-platform Behavior Tree featuring support for deterministic simulation and prediction-rollback netcode.
- https://github.com/piruzhaolu/ActionFlow
- https://github.com/SinyavtsevIlya/BehaviorTree
- https://github.com/ls361664056/GameAI-paper-list
- https://github.com/jzyong/GameAI4j
- https://github.com/kietran99/BehaviorTree
- https://github.com/thekiwicoder0/UnityBehaviourTreeEditor
- https://github.com/crashkonijn/GOAP
- Cinder - Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
🅾️ - https://github.com/terkelg/awesome-creative-coding
- awesome-casestudy : Curated list of technical case studies on WebGL and creative development
- https://github.com/jasonwebb/morphogenesis-resources
- Processing - Processing is a programming language, development environment for artists, designers, researchers.
- http://structuresynth.sourceforge.net/
- https://github.com/TheFuseLab/VL.Fuse
- https://github.com/nannou-org/nannou
- https://ciphrd.com/
- https://github.com/IxxyXR/polyhydra-upm
- https://github.com/rigtorp/awesome-lockfree
- Boost.Compute:用于OpenCL的C++GPU计算库。官网
- Bolt:针对GPU进行优化的C++模板库。官网
- C++React:用于C++11的反应性编程库。官网
- Intel TBB:Intel线程构件块。官网
- Libclsph:基于OpenCL的GPU加速SPH流体仿真库。官网
- OpenCL:并行编程的异构系统的开放标准。官网
- OpenMP:OpenMP API。官网
- Thrust:类似于C++标准模板库的并行算法库。官网
- HPX:用于任何规模的并行和分布式应用程序的通用C++运行时系统。官网
- VexCL:用于OpenCL/CUDA 的C++向量表达式模板库。官网
- TBB Threading Building Blocks (TBB) lets you easily write parallel C++ programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are portable, composable and have future-proof scalability.官网
- fiber-job-system This library offers a multi-threaded job-system, powered by fibers.
- cchan:一个线程间通信通道构建的小型库。公共领域。官网
- ck:并发原语,安全内存回收机制和非阻塞数据结构。FreeBSD。官网
- mill:用 C 写成的 Go 风格并发。X11官网
- MPICH:MPI 的另一种实现。MPICH licence。官网
- OpenMP:一组 C 编译指令,使其易于并行化代码。标准(许可不适用)。官网
- OpenMPI:一个消息传输接口实现。3-clause BSD。官网
- PETSc:一系列数据结构和例程,用于计算由偏微分方程建模的应用程序的可扩展并行解。FreeBSD。官网
- pth:一个非抢占式优先级调度多线程执行的可扩展实现。GNU GPL3 或者更高版本。官网
- pthreads:POSIX 线程库。标准(没有适用的许可)。官网
- SLEPc:一个在并行计算机中的解决大型,稀疏特征值问题的软件库。GNU LGPL3。官网
- TinyCThread:一个可扩展,小型的 C11 标准线程 API 实现。zlib。官网
- Vortice.Mathematics Cross platform .NET math library.
- geometry3Sharp C# library for 2D/3D geometric computation, mesh algorithms, and so on
- redblobgames CGALDotNetGeometry
- unityMath c# unity
- komietty Computational Geometry Programmer
- MathUtilities c# unity
- clipper clipper Delphi, C++ and C#
- Math Library for Unity c# unity plugin
- triangle c# clipper
- accord-net c#
- random-from-distributions c# unity-plugin
- game-math c#
- Unity GPU Nearest Neighbor c# gpu
- 3DMath Unity C# 3D Math methods library.
- Mathfs c# Expanded Math Functionality for Unity
- Geometric Algorithms Java Geometric Algorithms implemented for Java and Processing v3
- delaunator c# Fast Delaunay triangulation of 2D points implemented in C#.
- UnityMathReference Math reference for games and more. All visualized in Unity3D.
- ComputationalComputational Geometry Unity library with implementations of intersection algorithms, triangulations like delaunay, voronoi diagrams, polygon clipping, bezier curves, etc
- UGM cpp
- Armadillo:高质量的C++线性代数库,速度和易用性做到了很好的平衡。语法和MatlAB很相似。官网
- blaze:高性能的C++数学库,用于密集和稀疏算法。官网
- ceres-solver:来自谷歌的C++库,用于建模和解决大型复杂非线性最小平方问题。官网
- cml:用于游戏和图形的免费C++数学库。官网
- GMTL:数学图形模板库是一组广泛实现基本图形的工具。官网
- GMP:用于个高精度计算的C/C++库,处理有符号整数,有理数和浮点数。官网
- Eigen ⭐ linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. Eigen
- MathGeoLib 👍 A C++ library for linear algebra and geometry manipulation for computer graphics
- GeometricTools 👍 A collection of source code for computing in the fields of mathematics, geometry, graphics, image analysis and physics.
- glm OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) https://glm.g-truc.net
- CGAL geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library.
- GEOS Geometry Engine
- klein 👍 P(R*_{3, 0, 1}) specialized SIMD Geometric Algebra Library https://jeremyong.com/klein
- MTL Matrix Template Library, a linear algebra library for C++ programs.
- DirectXMath DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps
- polyscope A prototyping-oriented UI for geometric algorithms https://polyscope.run
- geomc A c++ linear algebra template library
- fastapprox Approximate and vectorized versions of common mathematical functions
- hlslpp Math library using hlsl syntax with SSE/NEON support
- vml C++17 GLSL-like vector and matrix math lib
- mathfu C++ math library developed primarily for games focused on simplicity and efficiency. http://google.github.io/mathfu
- cglm Highly Optimized Graphics Math (glm) for C
- eigen Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
- red3d
- Realtime Math
- vectorial Vector math library with NEON/SSE support
- MaxMath
- nalgebra rust math
- DualQuaternionsForUnity
- opengjk C implementation of the GJK algorithm
- pcg-random
- geogram c++ a programming library with geometric algorithms
- FastMath C# library with very fast but not very accurate realisations of System.Math methods.
- MathLibrary 数学计算相关类库
- Unity.Mathematics-Extensions
- dots-plus-227492
- gimme-dots-geometry-241774
- KlakMath An extension library for Unity Mathematics.
- awesome-manim
- manim
- Shadershop
- wolframalpha
- geogebra
- graphtoy
- https://www.mathcha.io/
- https://www.mathtype.cn/
- https://zh.numberempire.com/
- http://penrose.ink/
- https://github.com/FXH1/C-CPP-function-development-library
- https://www.keycurriculum.com/
- http://tobyschachman.com/Shadershop/
- graphtoy
- https://www.andre-gaschler.com/rotationconverter/
- unity-nurbs Unity base NURBS spline and surface module
- Unity-Spline-Editor
- Lagrange Interpolatio
- https://github.com/mxgmn/Blog/blob/master/squircles.md
- bezierjs A nodejs and client-side library for (cubic) Bezier curve work
- bezierinfo中文版
- CurveDesigner A free tool for designing tubes, ramps, curves, and half-pipes in unity
- 2d 曲线
- unity-curve-utils 曲线
- nurbs js Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) of any dimensionality
- BGCurve
- NaughtyBezierCurves Bezier Curve Game Object for Unity
- https://d3gt.com/index.html
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/362148370
- https://github.com/rossant/awesome-math
- 傅里叶变换交互式入门
- 一分钟看完漫画搞懂卷积
- https://www.wolfram.com/
- https://mathvault.ca/websites/
- https://brilliant.org/
- https://www.3blue1brown.com/
- http://www.matrix67.com/blog
- https://mmaqa.com/
- https://gist.github.com/munrocket/f247155fc22ecb8edf974d905c677de1?
- 空间划分
- 切线空间(Tangent Space)完全解析
- 图形学 | Shader |用一篇文章理解法线变换、切线空间、法线贴图
- 谈谈法线图的压缩
- 游戏相关的几何分支:欧式几何、射影几何、微分几何、代数几何和非交换几何
- projectivegeometricalgebra 摄影几何
- comparison with math libraries
- 线性代数的本质 - 系列合集
- lir Largest Interior Rectangle implementation in C# for Unity.
- https://github.com/Ohmnivore/com.not-unity.bsplines
- Unity 和 Unreal 渲染中的坐标变换和跨平台兼容
- 矩阵变换的本质 --- 欧拉角与矩阵与万向锁问题
- 视图变换和投影变换矩阵的原理及推导,以及OpenGL,DirectX和Unity的对应矩阵
- 一篇文章彻底弄懂齐次裁剪
- 计算机图形学六:透视矫正插值和图形渲染管线总结
- 渲染管线中MVP矩阵的推导
- Unity坐标系变换那些事
- 图形学中常见的数学困惑
- Unity空间坐标转换的矩阵应用
- 动态与静态欧拉角视角下的万向节死锁(Gimbal Lock)问题
- 对于MVP矩阵变换以及其推导过程浅析
- 计算机图形学:一文读懂透视投影
- 图形学常见的变换推导
- 关于unity shader中偏导重建法向量
- 彻底理解投影矩阵(一)
- 彻底理解投影矩阵(二)
- OpenGL中投影矩阵(Projection Matrix)详解
- Unity Shader 各个空间坐标的获取方式及xyzw含义
- decoding-a-projection-matrix
- Unity_ShaderMatrixHacks
- 从MVP矩阵提取Frustum平面
- Matrix-crash-course
- 《RTR4》第4章 变换(Transforms)(上)
- 为什么Unity3d旋转默认采用了有万向节死锁的欧拉角,而不用四元数?
- Unity从深度缓冲重建世界空间位置
- 可视化理解四元数,愿你不再掉头发
- 四元数与旋转
- 四元数应用——顺序无关的旋转混合
- https://github.com/Krasjet/quaternion
- https://thenumbat.github.io/Exponential-Rotations/
- https://github.com/Milk-Drinker01/CoR-Skinning
- bepuphysics2 Pure C# 3D real time physics simulation library, now with a higher version number.
- bepuphysics1int Pure C# deterministic fixed-point 3D real time physics simulation library
- https://github.com/Kimbatt/unity-deterministic-physics
- https://github.com/devlinzhou/deterministic_physics
- https://github.com/jonjon007/unity-deterministic-physics
- https://github.com/labbbirder/DecimalNavigation
- https://github.com/PetteriAimonen/libfixmath
- https://github.com/Unity-X/FixMath
- https://github.com/BXRan/PEMath
- https://github.com/GameArki/FPPhysics2D
- https://github.com/yingyugang/FixedPointPhysics
- https://github.com/zeroerror/ZeroPhysics
- https://github.com/chenwansal/FPPhysics2D
- https://github.com/GameArki/FPMath
- https://github.com/CodingCodingK/CodingKPhysx
- https://github.com/Fractural/GodotFixedVolatilePhysics
- Bullet - Real-time physics simulation.
- collision-rs A collision extension to cgmath
- https://github.com/MADEAPPS/newton-dynamics/ -newton-dynamics
- fcl The Flexible Collision Library
- Jitter - a fast and lightweight physics engine written in C#.
- libccd Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
- ncollide 2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust.
- reactphysics3d
- tinyc2 Collection of cross-platform one-file C/C++ libraries with no dependencies, primarily used for games
- qu3e qu3e is a compact, light-weight and fast 3D physics engine in C++.
- https://github.com/kroitor/gjk.c gjk.c
- https://github.com/wnbittle/dyn4j dyn4j
- https://github.com/wellcaffeinated/PhysicsJS
- https://www.havok.com/products/havok-physics/
- https://www.geforce.cn/hardware/technology/physx
- https://www.sofa-framework.org/
- https://github.com/jeffvella/UnityNativeCollision
- https://github.com/lwwhb/OptimizingUnityCollision
- https://www.bepuentertainment.com/
- https://samuelpmish.github.io/notes/RocketLeague/#_navigation
- https://github.com/devnio/Flowmo
- https://parry.rs/
- https://rapier.rs/
- https://github.com/fxredeemer/jitterphysics
- https://github.com/jrouwe/JoltPhysics
- https://github.com/irlanrobson/bounce
- https://github.com/Scrawk/CyclonePhysicsEngine
- Physics for Game Programmers
- Physics Modeling for Game Programmers
- Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics
- The Art of Fluid Animation
- Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques
- Physics Based Animation
- Game Physics
- Real-Time Collision Detection
- Guide to Dynamic Simulations of Rigid Bodies and Particle Systems
- Game Physics Engine Development: How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game
- Game Physics Pearls
- Fluid Engine Development
- zibra
- Foundations of Physically Based Modeling and Animation
- Blender-FLIP-Fluids 👍 FLIP Fluids is a powerful liquid simulation plugin that gives you the ability to create high quality fluid effects all within Blender
- fluviofx Fluid dynamics for Unity's VFX graph https://getfluv.io
- Piranha A simple tool to make rigidbodies swarm a mesh in Unity.
- SPlisHSPlasH physically-based simulation of fluids.
- GridFluidSim3D A PIC/FLIP fluid simulation based on the methods found in Robert Bridson's "Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics"
- SPHFluid Interactive 3D Fluid Simulation based on SPH
- RealTimeFluidRendering Implementation of the i3D2018 paper "A Narrow-Range Filter for Screen-Space Fluid Rendering".
- fluid-engine-dev Fluid simulation engine for computer graphics applications https://fluidenginedevelopment.org/
- Bimocq Efficient and Conservative Fluids Using Bidirectional Mapping
- PBD-Fluid-in-Unity A PBD fluid in unity running on the GPU
- Trinity Programmable 3D GPU (WebGL) fluid simulator
- Unity-ECS-Job-System-SPH Implementation of the SPH Algorithm (fluid simulation) in Unity, comparing singlethread and ECS/Job System performances.
- Fluid-Simulator Case study on fluid dynamics, Volumetric GPU-Based fluid simulator
- Liquid-Simulation
- FluxInUnity
- boat-attack-water Package repo containing the water system created for the URP Boat Attack demo project
- unity-stylized-water
- Unity中实现瓶中液体晃动的效果(从建模开始)
- AQUAS Water UnityPlugin
- Stylized Water For URP UnityPlugin
- Dynamic Water Physics 2 UnityPlugin
- https://github.com/Scrawk/Brunetons-Ocean
- https://github.com/Verasl/BoatAttack water
- https://github.com/eliasts/Ocean_Community_Next_Gen
- FFT-Ocean
- https://github.com/bearworks/URPOcean
- https://github.com/wave-harmonic/water-resources
- Compute-Shaders-Fluid-Dynamic- Blog
- UnityInteractableWater-Grass-Wind_URP
- https://github.com/aniruddhahar/URP-WaterShaders
- https://github.com/abitofgamedev/water_vfx from hereyoutube
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/WaterScenes
- https://github.com/z4gon/water-caustics-shader-unity
- GPU-Cloth-Simulation GPU Mass-Spring Simulation Cloth in Unity
- Fusion Unity Physics on GPU
- https://github.com/dragonbook/awesome-cloth
- opencloth A collection of source codes implementing cloth simulation algorithms in OpenGL
- GPUClothSimulationInUnity About Trying to replicate what this legend did: https://youtu.be/kCGHXlLR3l8
- Position-Based-Dynamics
- unity-position_based_dynamic 在unity上实现的一些基于position based dynamic的效果
- PBD2D Unity Position Based Dynamics in two dimensions
- PositionBasedDynamics physically-based simulation of rigid bodies, deformable solids and fluids.
- PositionBasedFluids CUDA/C++ implementation of several papers in the spirit of developing a small demo similar to Nvidia's FleX framework
- Softbodies Softbodies, jiggly items and other slimy stuff in Unity
- SoftBodySimulation Squish! A quick exploration of mesh deformation in response to collision
- tork Arcade vehicle physics for Unity
- Randomation-Vehicle-Physics
- awesome-android-performance Android performance optimization tutorials, videos and tools list(Android性能优化视频,文档以及工具)
- iOS-Performance-Optimization 关于iOS 性能优化梳理、内存泄露、卡顿、网络、GPU、电量、 App 包体积瘦身、启动速度优化等、Instruments 高级技巧、常见的优化技能- Get — Edit
- Remotery
- tracy C++ frame profiler
- perfdog 移动全平台性能测试分析专家
- upr 一款Unity出的性能分析工具,基于UnityProfiler的基础上制作的UPR,UPR的数据来自与UnityProfiler,会比Profiler有更多细节信息
- loli_profiler Memory instrumentation tool for android app&game developers.
- Unity-Excpetion-Crash
- MonitorTool Unity性能监控软件
- VisualProfiler-Unity The Visual Profiler provides a drop in solution for viewing your mixed reality Unity application's frame rate, scene complexity, and memory usage.
- UnityHeapExplorer Heap Explorer is a Memory Profiler, Debugger and Analyzer for Unity.
- UnityMemorySnapshotThing Tool to work with unity memory snapshots
- uwa4d
- selective-profiling Selectively deep profile code in Unity
- optick Optick is a super-lightweight C++ profiler for Games. It provides access for all the necessary tools required for efficient performance analysis and optimization: instrumentation, switch-contexts, sampling, GPU counters.
- performance.tools
- orbit C/C++ Performance Profiler
- profiling
- palanteer
- WatchDog WatchDog is a Realtime Message, Event, HTTP (Request & Response) and Exception logger and viewer for ASP.Net Core Web Apps and APIs.
- lnav
- UnityChoseKun Unity Remote Control on Editor
- MemoryProfiler
- speedscope
- Vertx.Debugging Debugging Utilities for Unity
- lineburst Plot functions and draw large amounts of debug lines, shapes and text to the Unity game and scene view
- https://github.com/taptap/render-doctor
- https://github.com/taptap/perf-doctor
- perfstudio
- renderdoc
- renderdocArticle
- RenderDocMeshParserForUnity
- Qualcomm GPU Tools.
- Shader中的代码优化原理分析
- Arm Mobile Studio - includes the Arm Graphics Analyzer to trace graphics performance issues easily, and Arm Streamline performance analyzer, for a whole-system view of performance to determine bottlenecks quickly across both the CPU and GPU.
- Unity Arm Mobile Studio Article
- ARM Mobile Studio性能优化
- UnityShaderAnalyzer powered by mali
- com.unity.shaderanalysis
- MaliCompiler
- 使用Mali Compiler对Unity Shader进行优化
- com.unity.profiling.systemmetrics.mali
- 全新Arm Mobile Studio for Unity软件包,增强移动端性能分析
- Arm Mali GPU Training Series
- Authoring Efficient Shaders for Optimal Mobile Performance David Sena and Zandro Fargnoli's 2022 GDC session
- Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 5.2+.
- perfTestA simple GPU shader memory operation performance test tool. Current implementation is DirectX 11.0 based.
- Intel-GPA
- Android GPU Inspector
- ShaderDebugger unity-shader-debugger
- UnityShaderDebug This material can print shader value.
- Unity-ShaderCharDisplay
- ShaderDebug 详细文档参见知乎: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/104643601
- pix
- WaitForTargetFPS、Gfx.WaitForPresent
- 垂直同步,G-sync,Freesync
- OverdrawForURP
- OverdrawMonitor
- highperformancegraphics
- siggraph-2021-links
- ACM Siggraph 2020
- ACM Siggraph ASIA 2020
- ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2020
- China Israel Bi-National Conference 2009 2011
- Computational Visual Media 2012 2020
- Computer Animation and Social Agents 2020
- Computer Graphics International 2020
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2020
- Euographics EuroVis 2020
- [https://sgp2020.sites.uu.nl](Euographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2020)
- >Euographics Symposium on Rendering 2020
- Geometry Modeling and Processing 2004 2020
- >International Conference of Computer Vision 2021
- Pacific Graphics 2002
- 2015
- 2020
- SIAM Geometric Design and Computing 2019
- [https://smi2020.sciencesconf.org/](Shape Modeling International 2020)
- Solid and Physical Modeling 2007
- 2020
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- Computer-Aided Design
- Computer Aided Geometric Design
- Computational Geometry
- Computer&Graphics
- Computer Graphics Forum
- Computational Visual Media
- Graphical Models
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence
- IEEE Transaction on Visualizations and Computer Graphics
- International Journal of Computational Geometry and Application
- International Journal of Computer Vision
- Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
- The Visual Computers
- Arizona-CAGD
- Bath-Graphics
- Brown-Graphics
- City U HK-Creative Media
- Cardiff-Visual Computing
- Caltech-Graphics
- City University of Hong Kong - Graphics
- CMU-Graphics
- Cornell-Graphics
- ETH Zurich-Graphics
- Hanyang U-Voronoi Diagram
- Harvard-Graphics, Vision & Interaction
- HKU-Geometric Computing
- >HKUST-Vision&Graphics
- Interdisciplinary Center -Graphics
- Kentucky-Graphics & Geometric Modeling
- MIT-Graphics
- Princeton-Graphics
- Rice-Graphics & Geometric design
- [http://www-i8.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/](RWTH-Graphics & Multimedia)
- SNU-3D modeling & Processing
- South Florida-CAD
- Stanford-Graphics
- Stony Brook- Visual Computing
- Technion-Graphics & Geometric Computing
- Tel Aviv University-Graphics
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel-Graphics
- The University of Toronto-Dynamic Graphics
- TU Wien-Geometry
- UC Berkeley-Graphics
- UC Davis-CAD&manufacturing
- Computer Graphics and Visualization
- UC San Diego-Graphics
- UCL-Virtual Environments & Computer Graphics
- UIUC-Graphics
- UNC at Chapel Hill- GAMMA
- University of Virginia- Graphics
- Utah-Geometric Design and Computation
- Washington-Graphics and Image
- Washington Univ. St. Louis - Media and Machines
- Yale-Graphics
- https://www.disneyanimation.com/publications/
- https://www.disneyanimation.com/technology/hyperion/
- https://graphics.pixar.com/library/
nuklear nuklear-A single-header ANSI C gui library
bgfx - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style library. github
bs::framework - Modern C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications github
Diligent Engine - Modern cross-platform low-level graphics library. github
Falcor - Real-time rendering framework designed specifically for rapid prototyping. github
Magnum - Lightweight and modular graphics middleware for games and data visualization. github
OGRE3D - Scene-oriented flexible 3D engine written in C++. bitbucket]
OpenSceneGraph - High performance 3D graphics toolkit. github
OptiX - Application framework for achieving optimal ray tracing performance on the GPU
OSPRay - Ray tracing based rendering engine for high-fidelity visualization. github
Polyscope - Prototyping-oriented UI for geometric algorithms. github
Taichi - Computer graphics R&D infrastructure github
The Forge - Cross-platform rendering framework. github
VulkanSceneGraph - Vulkan & C++17 based Scene Graph Project github
- mesa3d nothing to say :)
- tinyrenderer A brief computer graphics / rendering course
- renderer A shader-based software renderer written from scratch in C89
- SoftwareRenderer Software rendering engine with PBR. Built from scratch on C++.
- mini3d 3D Software Renderer in 700 Lines !! (700 行代码的 3D 软件渲染器)
- Zagara A tiny softrendering engine based on unity3d.
- SoftRenderer
- rasterizr
- https://github.com/kosua20/herebedragons
- https://github.com/Litmin/SoftRenderer-Unity
- SalviaRenderer SALVIA is the rasterizer based software renderer. The goal of SALVIA is capacity of Direct3D 10+.
- EmberGL EmberGL (Ember Graphics Library) is a low-level open source graphics library
- igl Intermediate Graphics Library (IGL) is a cross-platform library that commands the GPU. It provides a single low-level cross-platform interface on top of various graphics APIs (e.g. OpenGL, Metal and Vulkan).
- veldrid A low-level, portable graphics library for .NET.
- sharpdx SharpDX is an open-source managed .NET wrapper of the DirectX API.
- SharpVulkan C# bindings for the Vulkan graphics API, used by the Xenko game engine.
- VulkanSharp Open source .NET binding for the Vulkan API
- Silk Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL and OpenAL. Use Silk.NET to add cross-platform 3D graphics, audio, compute and haptics to your C# application.
- helix-toolkit Helix Toolkit is a collection of 3D components for .NET Framework.
- SharpGame 基于Vulkan的多线程渲染引擎,采用C#9.0开发,支持.Net5.0
- SharpBgfx C# bindings for the bgfx graphics library
- Vortice.GPU A low-level, cross-platform .NET GPU library
- https://github.com/egorodet/MethaneKit
- https://github.com/dotnet/Silk.NET
- https://github.com/gfx-rs/gfx
- https://github.com/threejs4net/threejs4net
- https://github.com/DigitalRune/DigitalRune
- https://github.com/Raikiri/LegitEngine
- https://github.com/Trivaxy/WGPU.NET
- https://github.com/haolange/SharpGPU
- XUSG XUSG, XU's supreme graphics lib, is a handy wrapper currently for DirectX 12. It can be a good reference for designing your own DX12 wrapper APIs.
- LLGL Low Level Graphics Library (LLGL) is a thin abstraction layer for the modern graphics APIs OpenGL, Direct3D, Vulkan, and Metal
- awesome-geometry-processing)
- Computer Graphics Research Software
- https://github.com/neverfelly/awesome-light-transport
- https://dl.acm.org/journal/tog/software
- https://github.com/GeorgeAdamon/ModernComputerGraphicsResources
- realtimerendering
- graphicscodex
- https://github.com/luisnts/awesome-computer-graphics
- https://github.com/Go1c/AboutGameEngineGraphics
- https://paroj.github.io/gltut/
- https://www.interactiveshaderformat.com/popular
- https://github.com/Calence/BookContainer
- https://github.com/Gforcex/OpenGraphic
- https://github.com/ArturoNereu/ComputerGraphics
- https://github.com/mattdesl/graphics-resources
- https://docs.krita.org/zh_CN/general_concepts.html
- https://github.com/jbhuang0604/awesome-computer-vision
- https://github.com/sjfricke/awesome-webgl
- https://github.com/vinjn/awesome-vulkan
- https://github.com/ericjang/awesome-graphics
- https://github.com/IndieVisualLab/UnityGraphicsProgramming
- https://github.com/jslee02/awesome-graphics-libraries
- https://github.com/FancyVin/fun-with-graphics
- https://github.com/FaithZL/fun-with-graphics
- https://github.com/vo01github/ComputerGraphics
- https://github.com/AngelMonica126/GraphicAlgorithm
- https://github.com/mikbry/awesome-webgpu
- https://github.com/toji/webgpu-best-practices
- https://github.com/Graphics-Programming-Virtual-Meetup/Resources
- https://github.com/tensorush/Awesome-Graphics-Programming
- https://github.com/wshxbqq/GLSL-Card
- cg
- hlsl
- https://github.com/microsoft/hlsl-specs
- https://github.com/NaitorStudios/FusionShaderRepo
- lygia lygia, it's a granular and multi-language shader library designed for performance and flexibility
- FidelityFX
- VR-Stage-Lighting
- common-shaders
- HLSL-Library
- glsl-pcg-prng Glsl implementation of the PCG algorithm for the generation of random numbers.
- unity shaderlab 和 3dsmax maya .fx 自定义 hlsl directx material 材质的联系 doc
- a-review-of-shader-languages
- spir The Industry Open Standard Intermediate Language for Parallel Compute and Graphics
- DirectX Intermediate Language
- AMD Developer Guides, Manuals & ISA Documents
- Parallel Thread Execution ISA Version 7.5
- CUDA Binary Utilities
- 跨平台引擎Shader编译流程分析
- 如何阅读和还原分析器中的DXBC
- DXBC指令
- MFShaderRecover ■■Updating■■ A simple tool to recognize DXBC language then translate to unity shaderlab typed shader
- dxbc_reader
- RenderDoc截帧DXBC编译 一文详解
- GLSLShaderShrinker Optimizes the size of GLSL shader code.
- DXBCShaderRecover
- DXDecompiler DXDecompiler is a Direct3D shader bytecode decompiler for .NET. It is in currently in very early development.
- how-to-read-shader-assembly
- ShaderConductor
- ShaderPackager
- Shader中的代码优化原理分析
- HLSL中的MUL指令深层剖析
- shader mad是汇编指令吗_Shader中的代码优化原理分析
- The Shader Permutation Problem - Part 1: How Did We Get Here?
- The Shader Permutation Problem - Part 2: How Do We Fix It
- How does a GPU Shader work?
- ShaderLab
- crossshader
- pmfx-shader
- ShaderVariantCollector 一种Shader变体收集和打包编译优化的思路
- https://github.com/networm/ShaderVariantCollectionExporter
- https://github.com/SixWays/UnityShaderStripper
- https://gist.github.com/yasirkula/d8fa2fb5f22aefcc7a232f6feeb91db7
- https://github.com/needle-tools/shader-variant-explorer
- https://techartaid.com/cheatsheet/
- branching-in-shaders
- 技术美术学习大纲
- 图形学硬件拾遗
- Life of a triangle
- Scratchapixel
- 学习笔记:GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门
- 一个角色最终呈现在引擎里,美术制作上的思考以及注意事项
- 技术美术 (Technical Artist)
- 霜狼_may - TA技术美术学习体系框架
- https://github.com/lygyue/Books (来自味精的图形学入门书籍)
- Unity图形渲染——基础渲染系列教程20篇
- shader map总结
- ComputeShader手机兼容性报告
- Unity3D shader优化技巧集合
- Unity3D的渲染路径的细节一览表
- 深度探索Skinned Mesh【翻译】
- MultiThread SkinnedMeshRenderer原理及实现
- 理解高动态范围光
- The Book of Shaders
- 总结一些TA(技术美术)学习的网站
- 全局光照:光线追踪、路径追踪与GI技术进化编年史
- 技术美术工作内容及举例
- CgFX-Shader-Compilation
- Unity-Advanced-Shaders-Tutorial Implementation of advanced shaders in Unity like raytracing, interior mapping, parallax mapping
- UNITY-Arc-system-Works-Shader Shader created to emulate the design style of Arc System Works games such as Guilty Gear and Dragon Ball FighterZ. Created using Amplify Shader Editor.
- Next-Generation-Character-Rendering
- https://github.com/MochiesCode/Mochies-Unity-Shaders
- Unity_Shader_Library_Zoroiscrying This is a shader library used for unity shader coding, pointing to different shader effects found from various sources. Several library topics may become public in the future. This project is mainly for personal study and lack the knowledge of code management and formal name formatting.
- https://github.com/Xibanya/ShaderTutorials
- https://github.com/z3y/shaders
- https://github.com/sam20191128/shader_URP
- https://github.com/orels1/orels-Unity-Shaders filament unity shader
- https://github.com/momoma-null/GeneLit GeneLit is an alternative to standard shader for Unity built-in pipeline.
- https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader A feature rich toon shader for unity and VR Chat
- https://github.com/AoiKamishiro/PoiyomiToonShader
- https://github.com/Alligrater/Shader-Practice
- https://github.com/cnlohr/shadertrixx shader tricks
- https://interplayoflight.wordpress.com/2022/01/22/shader-tips-and-tricks/
- https://github.com/pema99/shader-knowledge
- https://github.com/danilw/GPU-my-list-of-bugs
- avoiding-shader-conditionals
- https://github.com/McNopper/OpenGL
- https://github.com/nucleartide/Shaders-for-Game-Devs-Workbook
- https://github.com/ipud2/Unity-Basic-Shader
- https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_1347510841814691840
- https://github.com/QianMo/Awesome-Unity-Shader
- https://github.com/JiepengTan/FishManShaderTutorial
- https://github.com/przemyslawzaworski/Unity3D-CG-programming
- ShaderLab 开发实战- 沈军
- Shader实验室专栏
- RoadOfShader 学习Shader的一些练习记录。
- LearnUnityShader
- shaderslab-shaders
- UnityShaderRepository
- ConfigurableShaders
- https://github.com/cinight/ShadersForFun
- https://github.com/ellioman/ShaderProject
- https://github.com/adrian-miasik/unity-shaders
- https://github.com/CrowFea/ShaderToy
- https://github.com/KaimaChen/Unity-Shader-Demo
- https://github.com/marcozakaria/URP-LWRP-Shaders
- ShaderSketches
- https://space.bilibili.com/5863867/article
- https://space.bilibili.com/6373917/video
- http://glslsandbox.com/
- https://www.ronja-tutorials.com/
- https://github.com/lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners
- https://github.com/WorldOfZero/UnityVisualizations
- https://github.com/knapeczadam/Unity-Shaders
- https://github.com/ewersp/Shaders
- https://github.com/igradeca/Unity-Shaders
- https://github.com/netri/Neitri-Unity-Shaders
- https://github.com/Delt06/urp-toon-shader
- https://github.com/Xiexe/Unity-Lit-Shader-Templates
- ultimate-10-shaders unity free plugin
- urpplus
- omnishade-mobile-optimized-shader
- NovaShader unity Uber shader for Particle System
- shaders-impossible-geom A shader project for Unity URP featuring impossible geometry shaders like those seen in the game Antichamber.
- Anisotropy-Shader
- https://github.com/eangulee/UnityShader
- https://github.com/soupday/cc_unity_tools_URP
- https://github.com/AnCG7/URPShaderCodeSample
- https://github.com/neon-age/VFX-Lab
- https://github.com/MirzaBeig/Post-Processing-Scan
- https://github.com/sacshadow/3D_ChineseInkPaintingStyleShader
- https://github.com/mixandjam/Okami-Celestial-Brush
- https://github.com/julienkay/genesis
- Coloring 基于通道混合的染色系统
- Unity3DCrossSectionShader
- https://github.com/umutbebek/shadertoy-to-unity-URP
- https://pema.dev/glsl2hlsl/
- https://www.shadertoy.com/browse
- https://github.com/smkplus/ShaderMan
- noteForOpenGL
- https://github.com/eug/awesome-opengl
- https://learnopengl-cn.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/
- http://www.opengl-tutorial.org
- http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/index.html
- IESviewer IESviewer is the world's most popular photometric viewer. It lets you quickly view, find and convert photometric data files.1
- shadered
- vscode-shadered
- shader-school
- shaderfrog
- glslEditor
- glslb
- shader-playground
- UnityShaderViewer
- shader-playground
- McGuire Computer Graphics Archive - OBJ format scenes
- ORCA: Open Research Content Archive - Free large graphics scene samples
- ambientCG - Public Domain materials for Physically Based Rendering
- Rendering Resources - Benedikt Bitterli
- GPU 渲染管线和硬件架构浅谈
- CIS 565 GPU Programming and Architecture
- Gentle introduction to GPUs inner workings
- GCN – two ways of latency hiding and wave occupancy
- Breaking Down Barriers
- https://raphlinus.github.io/gpu/2020/02/12/gpu-resources.html
- https://interplayoflight.wordpress.com/2020/05/09/gpu-architecture-resources/
- adreno-gpu
- 英伟达GPU架构演进近十年,从费米到安培
- [GPU架构及运行机制学习笔记](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/393485253
- gpu-architecture-types-explained
- Modern-GPU-Architecture
- Samsung-GPU-DOC
- https://www.jianshu.com/p/87cf95b1faa0
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/12ahbqGXNfY3V-1Gj5cvne2AH4BFWZHGD/view
- AMD Vega Architecture
- Nvidia Turning Architecture
- Nvidia Pascal Architecture
- PowerVR
- 移动设备GPU架构知识汇总
- GPU架构 核心问题笔记
- Awesome-GPU
- 移动处理器CPU性能天梯图
- GPU-BenchMark
- 深入GPU硬件架构及运行机制
- 微信公众号:GPUer
- GPU/CPU性能天梯图
- gpu/cpu硬件信息
- 实时渲染管线
- 针对移动端TBDR架构GPU特性的渲染优化
- Performance Tunning for Tile-Based Architecture/Tile-Based架构下的性能调校
- 后处理效率问题和Tile-Based GPU
- Loads, Stores, Passes, and Advanced GPU Pipelines
- 再议移动平台的AlphaTest效率问题
- 深入剖析GPU Early Z优化
- https://software.intel.com/en-us/gamedev
- http://developer.download.nvidia.com/GPU_Programming_Guide/GPU_Programming_Guide.pdf
- GPU Optimization for GameDev
- https://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/
- https://github.com/neil3d/awesome-pbr
- https://github.com/AntonPalmqvist/physically-based-api
- https://github.com/Josh015/Alloy
- https://github.com/xelatihy/yocto-gl
- https://dassaultsystemes-technology.github.io/EnterprisePBRShadingModel/
- https://github.com/DassaultSystemes-Technology/EnterprisePBRShadingModel
- 基于物理的渲染—更精确的微表面分布函数GGX
- Physically Based Shading in Unity
- smallvcm
- mitsuba which though focuses on advanced R&D on light transport
- [lightmetrica](Lightmetrica : A modern, research-oriented renderer )
- Filament - Real-time physically based rendering engine. github
- 【基于物理渲染】业界主流GGX
- publications
- 图流:Unity 标准PBR材质 美术向数据流程
- 学习PBR路程(四、Specular)
- PrimoToon Shader for Unity (Built-in Rendering Pipeline) attempting to replicate the shading of Genshin Impact developed by miHoYo. This is for datamined assets, not custom-made ones nor the MMD variants.
- FernNPR NPR相关实验,基于Unity。
- UnityURP-AnimeStyleCelShader A custom shader and post-processing effect for achieving anime-style characters or levels in Unity using the Universal Render Pipeline.
- NPR_ResearchFactory NPR相关实验,基于Unity。
- 浅谈卡通渲染与真实感渲染结合思路
- 卡通渲染漫谈
- 卡通渲染流程2.0-【罪恶装备效果解析与优化】
- https://space.bilibili.com/32731698/channel/collectiondetail?sid=153541
- https://github.com/TechMiZ/ToonShadingCollection
- http://stylized.realtimerendering.com/
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/532600738
- 非真实渲染
- PBR Lego Shading – 基于PBR的偏风格化的乐高材质
- 【NPR】卡通渲染及其对应的github库NPR_Lab
- UnityChanToonShaderVer2 toon shader的解决方案
- UnityChanToonShaderVer2-Detail
- Unity NPR之日式卡通渲染(基础篇)
- 卡通渲染及其相关技术总结
- 各向异性头发效果
- Unity-plugin:Toony Colors Pro 2
- Unity-plugin:Flat Kit: Cel / Toon Shading
- 【翻译】西川善司「实验做出的游戏图形」「GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN-」中实现的「纯卡通动画的实时3D图形」的秘密
- UnityURPToonLitShader
- 这是一个Unity HDRP 卡通渲染管线,我会将学习到的NPR技术不断完善到这个管线中
- 到目前为止的二次元渲染总结
- Unity中二次元渲染算法总汇
- 崩坏3卡通渲染 · 贺甲:《从移动端到高端PC:实现Unity卡通渲染》· 完整版
- 程序干货:日式卡通渲染基础技术
- Sunao Shader
- https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader
- https://github.com/Xiexe/Xiexes-Unity-Shaders
- https://github.com/unity3d-jp/UnityChanToonShaderVer2_Project
- https://github.com/whiteflare/Unlit_WF_ShaderSuite
- ReflexShader
- https://github.com/synqark/Arktoon-Shaders
- https://github.com/ciro-unity/BotW-ToonShader
- https://gitlab.com/s-ilent/SCSS
- https://github.com/chrisloop
- URPToonShader2
- kShading
- https://unity-chan.com/contents/news/unitychankagura/
- https://github.com/ChiliMilk/URP_Toon
- https://github.com/you-ri/LiliumToonGraph
- https://github.com/SnutiHQ/Toon-Shader
- https://github.com/Santarh/MToon
- https://github.com/lilxyzw/lilToon
- kamakura toon shader
- https://github.com/you-ri/LiliumToonGraph
- https://github.com/yoship1639/UniToon
- https://github.com/madumpa/URP_StylizedLitShader
- ToonShadingCollection阴影章节
- 新的程序化面部光照修正,支持顶点动画
- UnityURP管线实现高质量角色单独投影
- UnityURP卡通渲染中的刘海投影·改
- 从零开始的原神角色渲染
- 神作面部阴影渲染还原
- Unity URP 卡通渲染 原神角色渲染记录-Function-Based Light and Shadow: Emission + SDF脸部阴影
- SDF-LightMap 实现了基于SDF的卡通阴影图生成
- YuanShen_Face
- https://github.com/CedricGuillemet/SDF
- https://github.com/StarsX/SDFTracing/
- https://github.com/cecarlsen/SDFTextureGenerator
- Discregrid A static C++ library for the generation of discrete functions on a box-shaped domain. This is especially suited for the generation of signed distance fields.
- SDFr a signed distance field baker for Unity
- MeshToSDF Convert a mesh to an SDF for the Visual Effect Graph (Unity) in realtime
- Signed-Distance-Field-Generator A Unity tool to generate signed distance field volumes (as Texture3D assets) from meshes.
- msdfgen Multi-channel signed distance field generator
- Typogenic Signed-distance field text rendering for Unity
- SDF Signed Distance Field Builder for Contour Texturing
- SDFGen A simple commandline utility to generate grid-based signed distance field (level set) generator from triangle meshes
- DeepSDF Learning Continuous Signed Distance Functions for Shape Representation
- sdfu Signed Distance Field Utilities https://crates.io/crates/sdfu
- mTec Rendering the World Using a Single Triangle:Efficient Distance Field Rendering
- distance-occlusion A library of distance and occlusion generation routines
- pb_CSG Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) csg.js
- What-Are-SDFs-Anyway
- NativeSDF Evaluate signed-distance-fields with speed using Unity Jobs and Burst
- IsoMesh IsoMesh is a group of related tools for Unity for converting meshes into signed distance field data, raymarching signed distance fields, and extracting signed distance field data back to meshes via surface nets or dual contouring.
- A Dataset and Explorer for 3D Signed Distance Functions
- sdf-explorer
- https://github.com/rgl-epfl/differentiable-sdf-rendering
- mesh-to-sdf
- SpecularProbes Bake specular highlights into Unity Reflection Probes, allowing baked lights to cast sharp specular highlights for free
- https://github.com/wlgys8/SHLearn
- https://github.com/pema99/BakeSH
- 详解Cubemap、IBL与球谐光照
- AmbientProbesUnity Ambient lighting probe sampling
- light_probe_placement Unity component for the implementation of the Eurographics 2021 Poster: Illumination-driven Light Probe Placement.
- Unity-Specular-Probes A simple editor script that emulates specular highlighting for every light in the scene on reflection probes when baking them.
- magic-light-probes unity-plugin
- LightProbeBinderAn editor extension that restores light probes when the specified game object is loaded; Multi-Scene and Timeline support are also available.
- OBBReflectionProbeSupport
- InfLightProbe Automatic Light probe generator for Unity engine. Based on "Light Grid" of "Precomputed Lighting in CoD IW 2017". and "Light probe interpolation using tetrahedral tessellations" by "Robert Cupisz".
- https://github.com/pieroaccardi/Unity_SphericalHarmonics_Tools
- https://github.com/526077247/Dual-Paraboloid-Reflection-Mapping
- https://alexanderameye.github.io/notes/rendering-outlines/
- https://github.com/Shrimpey/UltimateOutline
- https://www.patreonm/posts/urp-mesh-part-1-55990741
- https://github.com/IronWarrior/UnityOutlineShader
- https://github.com/Arvtesh/UnityFx.Outline
- https://github.com/malyawka/URP-ScreenSpaceCavity
- https://github.com/Robinseibold/Unity-URP-Outlines
- sdf-outline unity-plugin
- ultimate-outlines-highlights unity-plugin
- QuickOutline
- Unity3D之DrawCalls、Batches和SetPassCalls的关系
- 网易技术美术总监:深度解析次世代手游的贴图与着色技巧 [UNITE SHANGHAI 2017qq.]
- 一口气解决RenderQueue、Ztest、Zwrite、AlphaTest、AlphaBlend和Stencil
- 渲染杂谈:early-z、z-culling、hi-z、z-perpass到底是什么?
- Unity中影响渲染顺序的因素总结
- [2017.8]半透明的绘制顺序与接收阴影问题](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/113399133)
- unity 半透明渲染技巧合集
- 关于理解 Premultiplied Alpha 的一些 Tips
- 图形学|shader|用一篇文章理解半透明渲染、透明度测试和混合、提前深度测试并彻底理清渲染顺序。
- to-z-prepass-or-not-to-z-prepass
- 渲染状态改变消耗详情
- Notes on ddx/ddy
- 关于ddx/ddy的一些思考和测试
- MeasuredMaterialLibraryURP
- URP管线的自学HLSL之路
- 译 URP shader coding教程
- Universal RP Unity通用渲染管线学习
- HDRP高清渲染管线-学习资料汇总
- Unity自定义可编程渲染管线(SRP)
- How the URP unlocks games for you
- 关于静态批处理/动态批处理/GPU Instancing /SRP Batcher的详细剖析
- SRP Batcher工作原理探究
- 从DX角度看SRPBatcher
- Unity手游项目优化记录
- SRP到URP从原理到应用
- ProjectKaya Project Kaya for mobile game platform powered by urp
- HDRP-Custom-Passes
- Unity-MeshMask effient,easy use Mask Component compare to Unity Mask, cost less drawcall and lower pixel fill rate.
- http://sorumi.xyz/posts/unity-fur-shader/
- https://github.com/jiaozi158/ShellFurURP
- https://github.com/hecomi/UnityFurURP
- https://github.com/shyaZhou/UnityURPFurDemo
- XFur Studio 2 unity-plugin
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/446221956
- https://github.com/HigashiSan/Fur-Rendering
- https://github.com/Acshy/FurShaderUnity
- ShaderAccessor Define the structure, assign values to shader parameters using C#
- https://github.com/gasgiant/Markup-Attributes
- https://github.com/JasonMa0012/LWGUI
- https://github.com/Thryrallo/ThryEditor
- https://github.com/Straw1997/UnityCustomShaderGUI
- https://github.com/ipud2/Unity-Basic-Shader/tree/master/SimpleShaderGUI
- shader-graph-markdown
- OpenGraphGUI
- chroma-creative-shader-ui
- https://github.com/Gaxil/Unity-InteriorMapping
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/575453172
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/159439811
- InkPainter Texture-Paint on Unity. https://esprogram.github.io/InkPainterDocument/
- TexturePaint Painting directly in mesh textures in Unity 3d with shaders
- Paint in 3D
- Easy Decal
- Decal Master: Advanced Deferred Decals
- kDecals kDecals is a system for definition, placement and rendering of projection Decals in Unity's Universal Render Pipeline
- DynamicDecals
- driven-decals
- AirSticker Air Sticker is a decal system that addresses the limitations of URP decals and has a low impact on performance.
- https://github.com/keijiro/NoiseShader
- https://github.com/tuxalin/procedural-tileable-shader
- https://github.com/Auburn/FastNoiseLite
- https://flogelz.itch.io/noisemixer
- https://github.com/Hengle/FastNoiseLite
- https://github.com/boppygames/FastNoiseEditorUnity
- https://github.com/tuxalin/procedural-tileable-shaders
- https://github.com/ToasterTub/UniNoise
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/560229938
- https://github.com/BrianSharpe/Wombat
- https://github.com/BrianSharpe/GPU-Noise-Lib
- https://github.com/ashima/webgl-noise
- https://github.com/Fewes/CloudNoiseGen
- https://github.com/stegu/psrdnoise
- https://github.com/xshazwar/noize-job
- RevealShader This is a set of shaders for Unity3D. It maps worldspace position of a gameObject and draws to a RenderTexture in relation to world bounds and remaps it back onto the worldas a mask, allowing for various shader effects.
- https://github.com/StressLevelZero
- https://github.com/Hypnos-Render-Pipeline
- https://github.com/MaxwellGengYF/Unity-MPipeline m大神的渲染框架
- https://github.com/haolange/InfinityRenderPipeline
- https://github.com/MatheusMarkies/MagicByte
- https://github.com/JorenJoestar/DataDrivenRendering
- https://github.com/larsbertram69
- https://github.com/TakeshiCho/UI_RenderPipelineInLinearSpace
- https://cmwdexint.com/2019/05/30/3d-scene-need-linear-but-ui-need-gamma/
- https://github.com/chenjd/Unity_UI_Gamma
- https://github.com/alelievr/HDRP-UI-Camera-Stacking
- https://github.com/tkweizhong/CustomURP
- https://github.com/AkilarLiao/ForwardPlusURP
- https://github.com/Raphael2048/URP_ForwardPlus
- https://github.com/bcrusco/Forward-Plus-Renderer
- https://github.com/GuardHei/SRP
- https://github.com/wlgys8/SRPLearn
- https://github.com/Cyanilux/URP_BlitRenderFeature
- https://github.com/AKGWSB/ToyRenderPipeline
- https://github.com/GuardHei/UltimateTAA
- https://github.com/sienaiwun/TAA_Unity_URP
- https://github.com/Raphael2048/URPTAA
- https://github.com/CMDRSpirit/URPTemporalAA
- https://github.com/CrazyEngine/Unity_Indirect-Rendering-With-Compute-Shaders
- https://github.com/Looooong/Unity-SRP-VXGI
- dots-renderer
- https://github.com/flwmxd/LuxGI
- https://github.com/JoshuaLim007/Unity-ScreenSpaceReflections-URP
- https://github.com/draftPRD/URP_PlanarReflections
- https://github.com/NineTwoMay1st/URP_PlanerReflection
- https://github.com/Reuben-Sun/SSPR
- gi-study
- IlluminationComparison A comparison of typical illumination methods. (SSAO, HBO, VXGI, and Ray Traced Global Illumination)
- dirtchamber A mixed reality testing environment for real-time global illumination algorithms
- DXR-Sandbox-GI Simple DirectX 12 toy framework for testing Global Illumination: Reflective Shadow Mapping, Light Propagation Volume, Voxel Cone Tracing, DXR
- NatRender NatRender is a lightweight graphics utility library for Unity Engine.
- A voxel cone traced realtime Global Illumination rendering engine in dx12, wip
- precomputed-radiance-transfer
- SHTest
- SphericalHarmonicLighting
- Urho3D-1.4-SphericalHarmonicLighting
- 实时PRTGI技术与实现
- 预计算辐照度全局光照(PRTGI)从理论到实战
- Unity-Baked-Volumetrics
- Volumetrics_URP A render feature to recover Unity 5.x's offical volumetric fog in Adam demo
- CasualPRT
- lighting-data-asset-reverse
- webgl-deferred-irradiance-volumes An implementation of deferred irradiance volumes in WebGL
- RTXGI RTX Global Illumination (RTXGI) SDK
- unity-radiance-cache
- VSGL Fast Indirect Illumination Using Two Virtual Spherical Gaussian Lights
- qt5-shadow-maps Shadow mapping implementation with Qt5 and OpenGL
- Light-Propagation-Volumes
- GI-LPV Implement global illumination with OCaml, using light propagation volumes
- 【渲染】算法分析:Deferred Voxel Shading for Real-Time Global Illumination
- Nigiri A fully-dynamic voxel-based global illumination system for Unity.
- SEGI Almost real-time Global Illumination for Unity.
- Unity-SRP-VXGI Voxel-based Global Illumination using Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline.
- VCTRenderer Deferred voxel shading for real-time global illumination. https://jose-villegas.github.io/post/deferred_voxel_shading/
- voxel-cone-tracing A real-time global illumination implementation using voxel cone tracing.
- VoxelConeTracingGI Global illumination with Voxel Cone Tracing in fully dynamic scenes using a 3D clipmap to support huge areas around the camera while maintaining a low memory footprint.
- Vulkan-VXGI-VR-FrameWork University of Pennsylvania, CIS 565: GPU Programming and Architecture, Final Project
- MAGE Game and rendering engine featuring both forward and deferred PBR (physically-based rendering) pipelines with optional indirect illumination using Voxel Cone Tracing.
- VoxelConeTracing An implementation of the "Voxel Cone Tracing" global illumination technique proposed by Cyril Crassin
- VCTGI GPU-based real-time global illumination renderer based on voxel cone tracing
- Voxel_Cone_Tracing Voxel-Cone-Tracing easy to understand
- MAGE Game and rendering engine featuring both forward and deferred PBR (physically-based rendering) pipelines with optional indirect illumination using Voxel Cone Tracing.
- SSGI-URP Screen Space Global Illumination for Unity Universal Render Pipeline
- FSSGI Fast Screen Space Global Illumination
- LGHDemo Real-Time Rendering with Lighting Grid Hierarchy I3D 2019 Demo
- PBGI Point Based Global Illumination
- instant_radiosity
- simple-instant-radiosity
- GIGL Tiny Global Illumination OpenGL Renderer
- openmoonray MoonRay is DreamWorks’ open-source, award-winning, state-of-the-art production MCRT renderer
- gpurt
- https://github.com/Pjbomb2/Realtime-Compute-Shader-Unity-PathTracer
- https://github.com/fallingcat/ComputeRayTracingSamples
- Helios Real-time unidirectional GPU path tracer using the cross-vendor Vulkan ray-tracing extensions.
- snelly A system for physically-based SDF (signed distance field) pathtracing in WebGL
- nori Nori: an educational ray tracer
- minilight another good educational path tracer.
- https://github.com/daseyb/pathgraph
- https://www.ospray.org/index.html
- cmake-raytracer
- https://developer.download.nvidia.com/ray-tracing-gems/rtg2-chapter30-preprint.pdf
- https://github.com/AlerianEmperor/LuxRenderer
- https://github.com/Pjbomb2/TrueTrace-Unity-Pathtracer
- https://github.com/teofilobd/URP-RayTracer
- https://github.com/AlucardDH/dh-reshade-shaders
- https://github.com/SebLague/Ray-Tracing
- https://github.com/StarsX/RayTracedSPH
minpt A path tracer in 300 lines of C++
GLSL-PathTracer 👍 A GLSL Path Tracer
PSRayTracing A (modern) C++ implementation of the first two books of the Peter Shirley Ray Tracing mini-books
rayn A small path tracing renderer written in Rust.
Volumetric-Path-Tracer Volumetric path tracer using cuda
simple-spectral A Simple Spectral Renderer
- Quartz Physically based Vulkan RTX path tracer with a declarative ES7-like scene description language.
- DXRPathTracer A (very) simple path tracer implemented using DirectX Ray Tracing (DXR)
- WispRenderer RTX Ray Tracing Renderer, made by Y3 students at Breda University of Applied Science https://teamwisp.github.io
- rtx-explore DirectX Raytracing Path Tracer
- Kaguya This is a hobby project using DirectX 12 and DirectX RayTracing (DXR)
- RayTracingInVulkan Implementation of Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing In One Weekend book using Vulkan and NVIDIA's RTX extension.
- PBRVulkan Vulkan Real-time Path Tracer Engine
- Helios Real-time unidirectional GPU path tracer using the cross-vendor Vulkan ray-tracing extensions.
- vk_mini_path_tracer A beginner-friendly Vulkan path tracing tutorial in under 300 lines of C++.
- CPMFIGIOTVVD Correlated Photon Mapping for Interactive Global Illumination of Time-Varying Volumetric Data by Daniel Jönsson and Anders Ynnerman
- SOPGI A VEX raytracer for SideFX Houdini with photon mapping global illumination and full recursive reflections and refractions
- DXR-PhotonMapper An implementation of Photon Mapping using DXR
- KinoObscurance Alchemy Ambient Obscurance ---AlchemyHPG11
- ScalableAmbientObscurance https://research.nvidia.com/publication/scalable-ambient-obscurance
- XeGTAO An implementation of [Jimenez et al., 2016] Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion, MIT license
- ASSAO Adaptive Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- UnitySSReflectionURP
- Robust Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Robust Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- HBAOPlus HBAO+ is a SSAO algorithm designed to achieve high efficiency on DX11 GPUs.
- gl_ssao optimized screen-space ambient occlusion, cache-aware hbao
- VXAO Voxel Ambient Occlusion
- MiniEngineAO SSAO image effect from Microsoft MiniEngine, ported to Unity.
- NNAO Neural Network Ambien Occlusion
- dssdo Deferred Screen Space Directional Occlusion http://kayru.org/articles/dssdo/
- ssgi Screen space global illumination demo: SSAO vs SSDO
- SSRT Real-time indirect diffuse illuminaton using screen-space information for Unity.
- AmplifyOcclusion Full source-code for Amplify Occlusion plugin for Unity AmplifyOcclusion-URP
- Unity-Ground-Truth-Ambient-Occlusion A physically based screen space ambient occulsion post processing effect
- Unity-GeoAO Fast ambien occlusion in Unity at runtime
- ConeSphereOcclusionLUT ConeSphereOcclusionLUT generates a cone sphere occlusion LUT to be used with TLoU style capsule AO shadows. For details "Lighting Technology Of "The Last Of Us".
- RTAO Ray Traced Ambient Occlusion (RTAO) implemented using DirectX Raytracing (DXR)
- BNAO A tiny, GPU-based Bent Normal and Ambient Occlusion baker for Unity.
- dxr-ao-bake A demo of ambient occlusion map baking using DXR
- ssbn Screen Space Bent Normals
- GzRNM brings Radiosity Normal Mapping/Directional Light Mapping to Unity 3D!
- SSbumpGenerator A GUI interface to a tool for generating SSBumps (Self Shadowed Bump Maps).
- lightmapper A C/C++ single-file library for drop-in lightmap baking. Just use your existing OpenGL renderer to bounce light!
- seamoptimizer A C/C++ single-file library that minimizes the hard transition errors of disjoint edges in lightmaps.
- BakingLab A D3D11 application for experimenting with Spherical Gaussian lightmaps
- GPULightmass Luoshuang's GPULightmass for UE4
- trianglepacker Triangle packer for light map
- HDR_Lightmapper Implements a cycles based lightmapper with denoiser
- The_Lightmapper Fast and easy baked GI Lightmaps for Blender and Cycles
- LightmapperToy This project is a hobby lightmapper completely based on Houdini geometry nodes. Basically it grew out of a re-implementation of Matt's The Baking Lab with some modification.
- https://github.com/laurenth-personal/lightmap-switching-tool
- https://github.com/Ayfel/PrefabLightmapping
- https://github.com/Burn1ngApe/Prefab_Lighting_Baker
- https://github.com/MahmoudKanbar/Unity-Dynamic-Lightmaps
- https://github.com/liuwenjiexx/Unity.BakedLightmap
- https://github.com/laurenth-personal/LODLightmapScripts
- https://github.com/nukadelic/Unity-Lightmap-Prefab-Baker
- https://github.com/lujian101/LightmapRepacker_FixedDemo
- https://github.com/gordonbest/UnityCullMaskBake
- DeepIllumination Code and examples from our paper "Deep Illumination: Approximating Dynamic Global Illumination with Generative Adversarial Networks," by Manu Mathew Thomas and Angus Forbes
- ltcgi Optimized plug-and-play realtime area lighting using the linearly transformed cosine algorithm for Unity/VRChat.
- LTC-Polygon-Light-For-URP
- Unity_LightBeamPerformance This package can create light beam performance with Unity's timeline functionality.
- volumetric-light-beam unity-plugin
- realtimeshadows codes
- Unity SRP 实战(三)PCSS 软阴影与性能优化
- UnityShadows Shadow map in unity, include hard shadow, PCF, PCSS, VSSM.
- PerObjectShadowSRP Per-object shadow implementation using Unity SRP.
- Shadows 👍 A sample app that demonstrates several techniques for rendering real-time shadow maps
- UnityPCSS Nvidia's PCSS soft shadow algorithm implemented in Unity
- ContactShadows Experimental implementation of contact shadows for Unity.
- HFTS NVIDIA Hybrid Frustum Traced Shadows in NVIDIA ShadowLib.
- ShadowFX DirectX 11 and 12 library that provides a scalable and GCN-optimized solution for deferred shadow filtering
- Cinder-Experiments A collection of experiments, samples and other bits of code.
- of-ESMShadowMapping Exponential Shadow Mapping in openFrameworks
- RayTracedShadows This demo implements BVH construction and GPU traversal for rendering hard shadows.
- RaytracedHardShadow DXR based raytraced hard shadow for Unity
- ShadowVolume Shadow Volume for Static-Scene-Object of Unity
- variance_shadow_mapping_vk Variance shadow mapping for omni lights with Vulkan
- Precomputed-Shadow-Fields-for-Dynamic-Scenes A realization of computing soft shadow by shadow fields
- voxelized-shadows-improved Construction and sampling of precomputed shadows in a compressed voxel octree
- DeepShadowMap Real-Time Deep Shadow Maps for Unity3D
- CachedShadowMaps Cached Shadow Map Solution for Unity
- Unity-Capsule-Shadows A work in progress solution for capsule shadows in Unity.
- https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire
- 现代C++中的高性能并行编程与优化
- https://github.com/tech-quantum/Amplifier.NET
- https://www.ilgpu.net/
- https://github.com/KomputeProject/kompute
- https://github.com/Sergio0694/ComputeSharp
- https://github.com/kunzmi/managedCuda
- https://github.com/andmax/gpufilter
- Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA
- Thinking Parallel, Part I: Collision Detection on the GPU
- Thinking Parallel, Part II: Tree Traversal on the GPU
- Thinking Parallel, Part III: Tree Construction on the GPU
- compute-shaders-in-unity-multiple-kernels-computebuffers-cpu-gpu-data-flow
- Compute Shader 简介
- Introduction to Compute Shaders
- More Compute Shaders
- Even more Compute Shaders
- Compute Shader Glossary
- MinimalCompute Minimal Compute Shader Examples
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/368307575
- https://github.com/cabbibo/IMMATERIA/
- https://github.com/luckyWjr/ComputeShaderDemo
- https://bitbucket.org/catlikecodingunitytutorials/basics-05-compute-shaders/src/master/
- https://github.com/googlefonts/compute-shader-101
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZRn_jNZjbw
- https://github.com/googlefonts/compute-shader-101/blob/main/docs/glossary.md
- https://therealmjp.github.io/posts/breaking-down-barriers-part-1-whats-a-barrier/
- https://github.com/keijiro/NoiseBall6
- https://logins.github.io/graphics/2020/10/31/D3D12ComputeShaders.html
- https://www.3dgep.com/learning-directx-12-4/#Compute_Shaders
- https://github.com/Robert-K/gpu-particles
- https://github.com/Ninjajie/Fusion
- https://github.com/ellioman/Indirect-Rendering-With-Compute-Shaders
- https://github.com/EmmetOT/BufferSorter
- https://github.com/hiroakioishi/UnityGPUBitonicSort
- https://github.com/ruccho/BitonicPixelSorter
- https://github.com/krylov-na/Compute-shader-particles
- https://github.com/IRCSS/Procedural-painting
- https://github.com/keijiro/Swarm
- https://github.com/voxell-tech/GPUClothSimulationInUnity
- https://github.com/TarAlacrin/HeightmapOnTheGPU
- https://github.com/Scrawk/GPU-GEMS-3D-Fluid-Simulation
- https://github.com/LouisBavoil/ThreadGroupIDSwizzling
- Compute Shaders: Optimize your engine using compute / Lou Kramer, AMD
- Indirect-Rendering-With-Compute-Shaders An example of drawing numerous instances using Unity3D, compute shaders and Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect with Frustum & Occlusion culling and LOD'ing.
- Unity物理引擎实战-基于SPH方法的简单水体模拟
- https://github.com/Gornhoth/Unity-Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics
- https://github.com/aceyan/Unity3D_PBR_Path_Tracer
- https://github.com/b0nes164/SimpleComputeShaderHashTable
- https://github.com/happy-turtle/oit-unity
- https://github.com/candycat1992/OIT_Lab
- https://github.com/przemyslawzaworski/Unity-GPU-Based-Tetrahedralization
- https://github.com/fuqunaga/GpuTrail
- https://github.com/keijiro/ComputeMarchingCubes
- Boids c# gpu
- Boids EntityComponentSystemSamples Boids
- nvjob-boids #NVJOB Simple Boids (Flocks of Birds, Fish and Insects). Flocking Simulation. nvjob.github.io/unity/nvjob-boids
- DragonSpace A simple boids simulation to show the difference between implementations of a few spatial partitioning structures in Unity.
- BoidsUnity
- Unity-Flocking-CPU-GPU CPU and GPU flocking implementations in the Unity game engine. Based on Unity's ECS implementation using DOTS, presented by Mike Acton.
- Unity-BatchRendererGroup-Boids
- Unity-Boids-Behavior-on-GPGPU
- unity-jobsystem-boids Superfast CPU boids for Unity
- Realtime-Compute-Shader-Unity-PathTracer A passion projects that has been going on for awhile, finally at a place where I feel comfortable tentatively uploading it to Github for others
- GPUDrivenTerrainLearn
- GPUDriven
- webgpu-compute-rasterizer
- URasterizer URasterizer: A software rasterizer on top of Unity, accelerated by Job system & Compute Shader
- vkguide gpu_driven_engines
- Max:GPU Driven Pipeline — 工具链与进阶渲染
- GPU Driven Render Pipeline
- 撸一个GPU Driven Pipeline
- 现代渲染引擎开发-GPU Driven Render Pipeline
- GPU-Driven Rendering 有没有可能应用到移动端呢?如果不能是什么原因导致的?
- [Siggraph15] GPU-Driven Rendering Pipelines
- max:GPU Driven Rendering Pipeline 开发小结
- 游戏引擎随笔 0x13:现代图形 API 的 Bindless
- Unity中实现高性能渲染遇到的问题
- Unity_GPU_Driven_Particles
- [GDC16] Optimizing the Graphics Pipeline with Compute
- unity-gpu-culling-experiment
- VkGPUDrivenCNGuide 基于Vulkan的GPU Driven Rendering教程
- KvantSpray Object instancing/particle animation system for Unity
- ComputeShaderBVHMeshHit Unity ComputeShader implementation of BVH(Bounding Volume Hierarchy) based mesh hit checking.
- NativePhysicsBVH A Bounding Volume Hierarchy with basic physics queries for Unity DOTS
- UnityBoundingVolumeHeirachy Unity Bounding Volume Heirachy (BVH)
- Fast-BVH A Simple, Optimized Bounding Volume Hierarchy for Ray/Object Intersection Testing
- bvh About A modern C++ BVH construction and traversal library
- https://github.com/ToruNiina/lbvh
- https://github.com/EmmetOT/BoundingVolumeHierarchy
- https://github.com/Sylmerria/Spatial-Hashing
- https://github.com/AdamYuan/SparseVoxelOctree
- https://github.com/bartofzo/NativeTrees
- https://github.com/emilianavt/BVHTools
- Berny_Core
- UnityGPUVectorGraphics
- https://github.com/yasuohasegawa/SVGPainterUnity
- https://github.com/CiaccoDavide/Unity-UI-Polygon
- https://github.com/anyuser/vectorshapes-unity
- https://github.com/keijiro/KinoBloom 牛逼的bloom
- https://github.com/AKGWSB/FFTConvolutionBloom
- https://github.com/tkonexhh/X-PostProcessing-URP
- https://github.com/GarrettGunnell/Post-Processing
- https://github.com/xwidghet/StereoCancer
- exposure
- colour-unity
- 万能的曲线——堪称调色之王(颜色篇)
- 色彩理论」颜色是怎么回事儿?以及如何高效使用 Adobe 颜色库
- 皮克斯光线与色彩应用培训中文字幕
- 电脑颜色是错的
- 实时渲染之how to render pixels
- 伽马还是线性?用一张图理理在U3D中该如何设置。
- 一篇文章彻底搞清PS混合模式的原理
- Photoshop blending modes in glsl
- blending modes
- 色彩空间基础
- 漫谈HDR和色彩管理
- 色彩原理
- 停止扯淡!!漫谈显示器色彩管理
- 颜色:原理和应用
- 浅谈伽玛和线性颜色空间
- Gamma的传说
- 通过实验透彻理解颜色空间
- Color: From Hexcodes to Eyeballs
- A short history of color theory
- color vision
- color science
- 色彩基础知识
- 微信公众号: 领略色彩之雅
- colorizer
- 光学原理在绘画中的应用
- 配色网站一锅端
- 物理学大神如何研究颜色
- color-studio unity-plugin
- https://opencolorio.org/
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RS3KYxq5hmLAGrmijk3FtQ
- https://bbs.perfdog.qq.com/article-detail.html?id=5
- https://github.com/enjalot/algovis
- https://github.com/gaerae/awesome-algorithms-education
- https://github.com/lnishan/awesome-competitive-programming
- https://github.com/tayllan/awesome-algorithms
- https://github.com/0voice/interview_internal_reference#1
- https://github.com/ZXZxin/ZXBlog
- https://github.com/awangdev/LintCode
- https://github.com/apachecn/Interview
- https://github.com/kdn251/interviews/blob/master/README-zh-cn.md
- https://algorithm.yuanbin.me/zh-hans/?q=
- https://github.com/labuladong/fucking-algorithm
- https://github.com/algorithm-visualizer/algorithm-visualizer
- https://github.com/aalhour/C-Sharp-Algorithms
- https://github.com/SolutionsDesign/Algorithmia
- https://github.com/OpenGenus/cosmos
- https://github.com/CyC2018/CS-Notes
- https://github.com/azl397985856/leetcode
- https://github.com/wolverinn/Waking-Up
- https://github.com/AobingJava/JavaFamily
- https://github.com/MisterBooo/LeetCodeAnimation
- https://www.keithschwarz.com/interesting/
- https://gitee.com/SnailClimb/JavaGuide
- https://github.com/dongyuanxin/blog
- https://leetcode.wang/
- https://github.com/Xunzhuo/OI_Sharing
- https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Java
- https://github.com/greyireland/algorithm-pattern
- https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html
- https://visualgo.net/zh
- https://algorithm-visualizer.org/
- https://github.com/geekxh/hello-algorithm
- https://github.com/Xunzhuo/Algorithms-in-4-Steps
- https://github.com/halfrost/LeetCode-Go
- https://github.com/sephirothx/DStruct.NET
- https://github.com/justcoding121/Advanced-Algorithms
- https://github.com/ikesnowy/Algorithms-4th-Edition-in-Csharp
- https://github.com/pinefor1983/CS-Growing-book
- https://github.com/changgyhub/leetcode_101
- https://github.com/youngyangyang04/leetcode-master
- https://light-city.club/
- https://oi-wiki.org/
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/advanced-data-structures/
- https://doocs.github.io/#/README_CN
- https://github.com/IceLanguage/LinHowe_GameAlgorithm
- https://github.com/afatcoder/LeetcodeTop
- https://www.scaler.com/topics/data-structures/
- https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo
- bad-word-filter unity-plugin
- https://github.com/toolgood/ToolGood.Words -- 中文敏感词过滤
- https://github.com/NewbieGameCoder/IllegalWordsDetection 敏感词过滤
- https://github.com/871041532/ZMatchForLua
- https://github.com/yuanjie-ai/ChineseSensitiveVocabulary 敏感词库
- Arithmetics Next-generation arithmetic implementations, improved floating point number types for .NET, written in C#. Includes the following number types:
- [BreakInfinity](https://github.com/Razenpok/BreakInfinity.cs) Double replacement for numbers that go over 1e308
- https://github.com/BlueRaja/High-Speed-Priority-Queue-for-C-Sharp -- 高性能优先级队列
- swifter -- swifter 的和核心库,里面很多unsafe 优化
- StructureOfArraysGenerator Structure of arrays source generator to make CPU Cache and SIMD friendly data structure for high-performance code in .NET and Unity.
- https://github.com/giacomelli/GeneticSharp 遗传算法
- https://github.com/DesignEngrLab 里面的有很多的优化项,不知道为啥不火
- https://surparallel.org unity 多线程优化工具
- https://github.com/linys2333/TimingWheel c# 时间轮优化
- https://github.com/HalfLobsterMan/TimingWheel c# 时间轮优化
- https://github.com/wangjia184/HashedWheelTimer HashedWheelTimer implemented in C# and .Net Standard inspired by io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer
- https://github.com/bitfaster/BitFaster.Caching 高性能cache
- https://github.com/ZiggyCreatures/FusionCache 高性能cache
- WeightedRandomSelector
- bithacks bithacks
- SparseBitsets A pure C# implementation of sparse bitsets
- https://github.com/MrUnbelievable92/Bit-Collections Bit Collections for Unity is all about saving as much RAM as possible, by providing array value types of single bits, aswell as array value types of signed- and unsigned integers with a given number of bits.
- https://github.com/dennisdoomen/FluidCaching Multi-threaded .NET high performance Least Recently Used cache with async/await support shipped as source-only NuGet package
- https://github.com/NetFabric/NetFabric.Hyperlinq High performance LINQ implementation with minimal heap allocations. Supports enumerables, async enumerables, arrays and Span.
- https://github.com/jackmott/LinqFaster Linq-like extension functions for Arrays, Span, and List that are faster and allocate less.
- https://github.com/disruptor-net/Disruptor-net The Disruptor is a high performance inter-thread message passing framework. This project is the .NET port of LMAX Disruptor.
- https://github.com/lujian101/GCFreeClosure A gc-free closure implementation for unity
- https://github.com/Microsoft/Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream A library to provide pooling for .NET MemoryStream objects to improve application performance, especially in the area of garbage collection.
- https://github.com/MiloszKrajewski/K4os.Streams
- https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/CachedQuickLz Allows you to compress and decompress with QuickLz while keeping low the GC pressure
- KDTree 3D KDTree for Unity, with fast construction and fast & thread-safe querying, with minimal memory garbage.
- UnityOctree A dynamic octree implementation for Unity written in C#.
- trienet .NET Implementations of Trie Data Structures for Substring Search, Auto-completion and Intelli-sense. Includes: patricia trie, suffix trie and a trie implementation using Ukkonen's algorithm.
- https://github.com/AArnott/Nerdbank.Streams 高效流
- NaturalSort Extension method for StringComparison that adds support for natural sorting (e.g. "abc1", "abc2", "abc10" instead of "abc1", "abc10", "abc2").
- Collections.Pooled Fast, low-allocation ports of List, Dictionary, HashSet, Stack, and Queue using ArrayPool and Span.
- Collections.Pooled
- BurstCollections
- MemoryExtensions
- Faster.Map A fast & densely stored hashtable based on robin-hood backshift deletion c#
- caffeine A high performance caching library for Java
- AdvancedDLSupport Delegate-based C# P/Invoke alternative - compatible with all platforms and runtimes.
- https://github.com/mono/Embeddinator-4000
- NativeOctree
- SharedMemory C# shared memory classes for sharing data between processes (Array, Buffer, Circular Buffer and RPC)
- interprocess A cross-platform shared memory queue for fast communication between processes (Interprocess Communication or IPC).
- LeslieXin.SimpleMMF 简单、易用的进程间通信框架,基于共享内存实现。
- DawgSharp DAWG String Dictionary in C#
- Towel A .NET library intended to make coding a bit more towelerable: data structures, algorithms, mathematics, metadata, extensions, console, and more. :)
- QuikGraph About Generic Graph Data Structures and Algorithms for .NET
- SparseSet
- ObservableCollections High performance observable collections and synchronized views, for WPF, Blazor, Unity.
- ObservableComputations Cross-platform .NET library for computations whose arguments and results are objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged (ObservableCollection) interfaces.
- daachorse A fast implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm using the compact double-array data structure.
- fasterflect
- ZeroLog A high-performance, zero-allocation .NET logging library.
- Varena
- NativeStringCollections The toolset to parse text files using C# JobSystem on Unity.
- c#零成本抽象
- https://github.com/benaadams/Ben.StringIntern string intern
- https://github.com/Cysharp/ZString 零内存消耗的stringbuilder
- https://github.com/871041532/zstring 零内存消耗的stringbuilder
- https://github.com/Cysharp/ZLogger/ Zero Allocation Text/Structured Logger for .NET Core and Unity
- https://github.com/snozbot/FastString Alternative to StringBuilder class for Unity games, with minimal memory allocation and faster performance.
- https://github.com/MikePopoloski/StringFormatter Zero-allocation string formatting for .NET.
- stringHelper unsafe zero alloc string from swifter
- ZeroLog ZeroLog is a zero-allocation .NET logging library
- https://github.com/Misaka-Mikoto-Tech/MutableString
- https://github.com/linkdotnet/StringBuilder
C Algorithms:一个常用算法和数据结构的集合。官网
CPL:The Common Pipeline Library;一系列详尽,高效和强壮的软件工具包。GNU GPL2.1。官网
GLib:一个便携,高效和强大的实用函数和数据结构库。GNU LGPL2.1。官网
GObject:一个 C 的面向对象系统和对象模型。GNU LGPL2.1。官网
libnih:一个轻量级的 C 函数和数据结构库。GNU GPL2.1。官网
PBL:一个包括实用函数,特色数据结构等的大型库。GNU LGPL2.1及更高版本(库),GNU GPL2.1及更高版本(测试代码)。官网
qlibc:一个简单且强大的 C 库,当我们想要小且轻的库时,可作为 Glib 的替代品。qLib license (类似于 FreeBSD)。官网
stb:一系列单文件 C 库。公共领域。官网
- https://github.com/ljianshu/Blog -js优秀博主
- https://muyiy.cn/blog/ -- js优秀博主
- https://github.com/airbnb/javascript JavaScript Style Guide
- https://github.com/ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript clean-code-javascript
- https://github.com/vuejs/vue 不解释,最牛逼的框架
- https://github.com/denysdovhan/wtfjs/blob/master/README-zh-cn.md js的奇技淫巧
- https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms js相关的数据结构
- https://github.com/lydiahallie/javascript-questions
- http://cloudwu.github.io/lua53doc/manual.html
- Rxlua
- https://github.com/iwiniwin/LuaKit
- https://github.com/frog-game/lua-5.4.4-comments
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/597188766
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/603584772
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Ya9nQRBPLPkeaO2vpIg7-w
- https://github.com/PlutoLang/Pluto
- https://github.com/gautema/cqrslite cqrs
- https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2sharp -git的c#实现
- https://github.com/NetchX/Netch -nat打洞
- https://referencesource.microsoft.com/ C#源码
- https://github.com/kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd 领域设计驱动
- https://getakka.net/ - Akka.Net
- https://dotnet.github.io/orleans/ actor
- https://github.com/OrleansContrib/Orleankka actor
- https://github.com/ledjon-behluli/OrleanSpaces
- https://github.com/PiotrJustyna/road-to-orleans
- https://github.com/RayTale/Vertex Vertex is a distributed, ultimately consistent, event traceable cross platform framework based on Orleans, which is used to build high-performance, high throughput, low latency, scalable distributed applications
- https://www.newlifex.com/
- https://github.com/iamoldli/NetModular NetModular 是基于.Net Core 和 Vue.js 的业务模块化以及前后端分离的快速开框架
- https://github.com/nodatime/nodatime 时间管理
- https://github.com/night-moon-studio/Leo A high-performance type dynamic operation library.
- Chinese 中文解析通用工具。包括拼音,简繁转换,数字读法,货币读法。
- Demystifier High performance understanding for stack traces (Make error logs more productive)
- ProductionStackTrace Without deploying PDBs, generate a .NET exception stack trace that can be processed to retrieve source file and line number info
- fasterflect .NET Reflection Made Fast and Simple
- unity3d_quick_reflection 作者知乎
- https://github.com/madelson/DistributedLock
- https://github.com/thedmi/Equ
- https://github.com/bitwarden/server
- https://github.com/randyklex/caffeine.net
- https://github.com/nothings/stb
- Tinyhttpd Tinyhttpd 是J. David Blackstone在1999年写的一个不到 500 行的超轻量型 Http Server,用来学习非常不错,可以帮助我们真正理解服务器程序的本质。建议源码阅读顺序为:main ->startup ->accept_request ->execute_cgi, 通晓主要工作流程后再仔细把每个函数的源码看一看。这500行代码吃透了,C语言的功底就会大幅提升。
- MyTinySTL MyTinySTL的作者它就用 C++11 重新复写了一个小型 STL(容器库+算法库)。代码结构清晰规范、包含中文文档与注释,并且自带一个简单的测试框架,非常适合新手学习与参考!
- oatpp oatpp是一个轻量、跨平台、高性能、完全零依赖,用纯 C++ 实现的 Web 框架,实在是难得,小伙伴们可以学习学习
- CPlusPlusThings C++那些事
- eladmin eladmin 是一款基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Jpa、 Spring Security、redis、Vue 的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由
- 人人开源
- COLA Clean Object-Oriented and Layered Architecture
- SnowJena SnowJena是一个基于令牌桶算法实现的分布式无锁限流框架,支持熔断降级,支持动态配置规则,支持可视化监控,开箱即用。可用于Java后端项目常见的本地限流和分布式限流的场景。
- jodd(Produce lightweight code and focus on unleashing your full potential. Jodd is a set of developer-friendly and open-source Java micro-frameworks. It's designed to make things simple, but not simpler.)
- https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet
- sa-token sa-token是一个轻量级Java权限认证框架,主要解决:登录认证、权限认证、Session会话、单点登录、OAuth2.0 等一系列权限相关问题
- https://github.com/Akagi201/learning-cmake
- https://github.com/ttroy50/cmake-examples
- https://github.com/onqtam/awesome-cmake
- https://github.com/iBicha/NativePluginBuilder
- https://github.com/xiaoweiChen/Professional-CMake
- https://www.bookstack.cn/books/CMake-Cookbook
- https://github.com/SFUMECJF/cmake-examples-Chinese
- https://github.com/xiaoweiChen/CMake-Cookbook
- https://github.com/fenneishi/cmake
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/393316878
- https://github.com/leetal/ios-cmake
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/534439206
- IwasmUnity
- cyber Fast and concurrent scripting.
- luajit-remake
- minivm A VM That is Dynamic and Fast
- CS2X Transpiles a C# subset to non .NET languages and runtimes. (Powered by Roslyn)
- roblox-ts ts2lua
- titan
- tolua The fastest unity lua binding solution
- xlua xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc.
- PureJSB
- gravity
- quickjs
- wren
- skip Skip is a general-purpose programming language that tracks side effects to provide caching with reactive invalidation, ergonomic and safe parallelism, and efficient garbage collection. Skip is statically typed and ahead-of-time compiled using LLVM to produce highly optimized executables.
- miniJVM Develop iOS Android app in java, Cross platform java virtual machine, embeded jvm , the minimal jvm .
- cone Cone is a fast, fit, friendly, and safe systems programming language.
- flax A low level, general-purpose language with high level syntax and expressibility.
- coreVM Language runtime framework designed to empower developers devise modern and novel programming language features.
- dora JIT-compiler for the programming language Dora implemented in Rust. Works on Linux, Windows and macOS (x86_64 and aarch64).
- awesome-jit A curated list of awesome JIT frameworks, libraries, software and resources
- WAVM WAVM is a WebAssembly virtual machine, designed for use in non-web applications.
- Bytecoder Bytecoder is a Rich Domain Model for Java Bytecode and Framework to interpret and transpile it to other languages such as JavaScript, OpenCL or WebAssembly
- skew A web-first, cross-platform programming language with an optimizing compiler
- delta A new systems programming language in development
- Volta Volt is a systems level programming language, that aims to be safe by default but still allowing you access to nitty gritty low level details.
- Eagle A compiled language that is halfway between C and Go/Swift/Rust
- ponyc ony is an open-source, object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language
- gosu-lang Gosu is a pragmatic programming language for the JVM. It has been designed with Java developers in mind by providing a set of features that allow them to be more productive without sacrificing the benefits of Java's simple syntax and type-safety. Gosu is an object oriented language with a sprinkle of functional programming features.
- Tern Tern is an optionally typed object oriented language with first class functions and coroutines. It borrows concepts and constructs from many sources including Swift, JavaScript, Java, and Scala amongst others. It is interpreted and has no intermediate representation, so there is no need to compile or build your application.
- fanx A portable language with elegant libraries
- mun A programming language empowering creation through iteration.
- beef Beef is an open source performance-oriented compiled programming language which has been built hand-in-hand with its IDE environment. The syntax and many semantics are most directly derived from C#, while attempting to retain the C ideals of bare-metal explicitness and lack of runtime surprises, with some "modern" niceties inspired by languages such as Rust, Swift, and Go
- dascript daScript is high-level, statically strong typed scripting language, designed to be fast as embeddable ‘scripting’ language for C++ performance critical applications like games.
- neos neos is a cross-platform (C++) universal compiler that can theoretically compile any scripting/programming language.
- rune
- https://github.com/LemonVM/LemonVMRedesign2
- https://github.com/flix/flix
- inko
- arturo
- artichoke python in dnasm
- Yuri AVG Engine Project Yuri将着眼于设计一个包含基本AVG游戏所需功能的引擎套装。
- chaos Chaos is a purely functional programming language that achieves zero cyclomatic complexity.
- RTCLI.Runtime
- langs-in-rust
- sol2 Sol3 (sol2 v3.0) - a C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance - is here, and it's great! Documentation:
- lc3-vm Write your Own Virtual Machine
- nekovm
- Jinx
- terralang
- mana_lang
- halide
- ulox
- umka-lang
- luau
- BorrowScript
- tuyin
- cosmopolitan build-once run-anywhere c library
- https://langium.org/
- https://github.com/shining1984/PL-Compiler-Resource
- https://github.com/alilleybrinker/langs-in-rust
- https://github.com/prathyvsh/pl-catalog
- awesome-jit
- awesome-wasm-runtimes
- awesome-language-engineering
- https://github.com/ChessMax/awesome-programming-languages
- UpsilonGC Zero GCs and one real-world Upsilon GC
- bdwgc The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative C/C++ Garbage Collector (libgc, bdwgc, boehm-gc)
- libffi
- dyncall
- xbyak Xbyak is a C++ header library that enables dynamically to assemble x86(IA32), x64(AMD64, x86-64) mnemonic.
- https://github.com/royalapplications/beyondnet
- https://github.com/Cysharp/csbindgen
- bashtop Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes.
- https://github.com/michidk/Unity-Script-Collection
- needle
- https://github.com/agarcialeon/awesome-unity#awesome-unity
- https://github.com/baba-s/awesome-unity-open-source-on-github
- https://lab.uwa4d.com/
- https://unitylist.com/
- https://openupm.com/packages/
- https://github.com/insthync/awesome-unity3d
- https://github.com/RyanNielson/awesome-unity
- https://github.com/Warl-G/GRUnityTools
- https://gdx.dotbunny.com/
- https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary
- https://github.com/crazyshader/GameDev
- https://www.zhihu.com/search?q=renderdoc%20unity&range=3m&type=content
- UnityDataTools
- Locus-Bundle-System Simple Unity Addressables Alternative That Supports Synchronized API
- UnityAutoBundles Extension to Unity Engine's Addressables for making it easier to distribute large projects and keep mobile download size small.
- xasset Fast & powerful, asset system for unity.
- YooAsset 途游 unity3d resource system
- WooAsset
- AssetBundleLoadManager
- AssetBundleManager Yet another asset bundle manager for Unity.
- unity-addressable-importer A rule based addressable asset importer
- HiAssetBundle_unity Unity's asset bundle solution for end-users to access resources dynamically at runtime.
- assetUpdater AssetUpdater is a Unity plugin which helps developers build assetbundles and download it easily
- AddressableTools Addressables utils for Unity3D
- addressable-asset-system-chinese-manual
- EZAddresser
- AssetBundle-ContentHasher This tool can be integrated into a build pipeline in order to generate more reliable hashes for AssetBundles using Unity's built in pipeline.
- AddressablesServices A set of classes to convert Unity Addressables callbacks/coroutine workflow to async/await with UniTask.
- Addler Preloading, Pooling, Lifetime Management for Unity Addressable Asset System.
- AssetBundles-Browser
- AssetManagement
- AssetBundleLoadManager
- QuarkAsset
- https://qinzhuo.coding.net/public/
- https://github.com/cocowolf/loxodon-framework
- https://tinax.corala.space/#/ tinax
- https://github.com/gmhevinci/MotionFramework
- https://github.com/yimengfan/BDFramework.Core
- https://github.com/liangxiegame/QFramework
- https://github.com/EllanJiang/GameFramework
- https://github.com/mr-kelly/KSFramework
- https://github.com/CatLib/CatLib
- https://github.com/OnClick9927/IFramework
- https://github.com/jarjin/FinalFramework
- https://github.com/Tencent/InjectFix
- https://github.com/hadashiA/VContainer
- https://github.com/Justin-sky/Nice-Lua
- https://github.com/Juce-Assets/
- https://github.com/MattRix/Futile
- https://github.com/dotmos/uGameFramework
- https://github.com/ManakhovN/FigmaToUnityImporter
- https://github.com/kyubuns/AkyuiUnity
- https://github.com/dotmos/uGameFramework
- https://github.com/DonnYep/CosmosFramework
- https://github.com/christides11/hack-and-slash-framework
- https://github.com/ALEXTANGXIAO/GameFramework-at-YooAsset
- TaoTie 基于YooAsset资源管理的轻量级UI框架
- GameDevelopmentKit
- UniFramework
- OxGFrame
- ZeroGameKit
- https://github.com/danielpalme/IocPerformance
- https://github.com/gustavopsantos/reflex
- https://github.com/ssannandeji/Zenject-2019
- https://github.com/hadashiA/VContainer
- https://github.com/ipjohnson/Grace
- https://github.com/dadhi/DryIoc
- https://github.com/Mathijs-Bakker/Extenject
- https://github.com/somedeveloper00/Binject
- https://github.com/labbbirder/UnityInjection
- https://github.com/labbbirder/DirectRetrieveAttribute
- https://github.com/lsunky/SkillEditorDemo
- https://github.com/NoBugCn/ActionEditor
- https://github.com/BillEliot/GASDocumentation_Chinese
- https://github.com/m969/EGamePlay
- https://github.com/huailiang/seqence 剧情-技能编辑器
- https://github.com/jewer3330/plato timeline-技能编辑器
- https://github.com/Elfansoer/dota-2-lua-abilities
- https://github.com/sjai013/unity-gameplay-ability-system(The approach for this is taken from that used by Unreal's Gameplay Ability System, but implemented in Unity using the Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) where possible.)
- https://github.com/taotao111/SkillSystem
- IcSkillSystem - A simple and reusable skill system
- https://github.com/PxGame
- https://github.com/WAYNGROUP/MGM-Ability
- https://github.com/qq362946/AOI
- https://github.com/wqaetly/SkillEditorBasedOnSlate
- https://github.com/KrazyL/SkillSystem-3 (Dota2 alike Skill System Implementation for KnightPhone)
- https://github.com/weichx/AbilitySystem
- https://github.com/dongweiPeng/SkillSystem (丰富的接口可便于使用扩展 完整的技能效果流程【如流程图】 配套的技能管理器 自定义的技能数据表)
- https://github.com/dx50075/SkillSystem (skill system for unity , 思路 http://blog.csdn.net/qq18052887/article/details/50358463 技能描述文件如下 skill(1000) //技能1 { FaceToTarget(0) PlayAnimation(1,Skill_1) Bullet(1.3,Bullet,7) PlayEffect(0,Explode8,3) })
- GASDocumentation My understanding of Unreal Engine 4's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.
- https://github.com/SuperCLine/actioneditor
- https://github.com/PhysaliaStudio/Flexi
- https://github.com/smartgrass/XCSkillEditor_Unity
- https://github.com/526077247/GenshinGamePlay
- 剔除:从软件到硬件
- 使用Unity DXR加速PVS烘焙
- 适合于移动平台的预计算遮挡剔除
- Vision UnityEngine.CullingGroup API for everyone.
- ta-frustrum-culling Demo repository for URP + Frustrum Culling + Jobs
- culling Unity ECS implementation of a typical Culling system supporting Frustrum Culling and Occlusion Culling
- Unity GPU Based Occlusion Culling
- ShaderGraph暴力学习
- 赵京宇
- 浮生若梦Jason
- 游戏特效优化指南—贴图篇
- ShaderGraphAssets
- ShaderGraph_ExampleLibrary
- ShaderGraphExamples
- Unity_ShaderGraphStudy
- Shader Graph所有节点讲解
- [Brackeys] Unity Shader Graph教程合集](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pV411U7sE)
- https://github.com/andydbc/unity-shadergraph-sandbox
- https://github.com/Zallist/unity-universal-shadergraph-extensions
- https://github.com/gilescoope/shader-graph-nodes
- https://github.com/SergeyTeplyakov/ObjectLayoutInspector
- Unity游戏内存分布概览
- 分析Unity在移动设备的GPU内存机制
- 解决unity3d mono内存问题的架构思路
- 关于unity mono内存优化的工具
- Unity内存分配和回收的底层原理
- Unity的内存管理与性能优化
- Unity2019新特性增量式垃圾回收[译文]
- 浅谈 Unity 内存管理
- Unity 活动-浅谈Unity内存管理
- 解读MONO内存管理:BOEHM GC原理及总结
- .NET内存性能分析指南
- https://www.albahari.com/threading
- https://www.zhihu.com/question/554133167/answer/2690808608
- https://github.com/timcassell/ProtoPromise
- https://github.com/RageAgainstThePixel/com.utilities.async
- https://github.com/Enderlook/Unity-Threading
- https://github.com/modesttree/Unity3dAsyncAwaitUtil
- https://github.com/Cysharp/UniTask
- https://github.com/Arvtesh/UnityFx.Async
- https://www.cnblogs.com/heyuquan/archive/2013/04/26/3045827.html
- https://github.com/brminnick/AsyncAwaitBestPractices
- https://github.com/mgravell/PooledAwait
- https://github.com/coryleach/UnityAsync
- https://asyncexpert.com/
- https://github.com/StephenCleary/AsyncEx
- https://github.com/mehdihadeli/awesome-dotnet-async
- https://github.com/microsoft/coyote
- minicoro Single header asymmetric stackful cross-platform coroutine library in pure C.
- libcsp A concurrency C library 10x faster than Golang.
- ZeroAllocJobScheduler A high-performance alloc free c# Jobscheduler.
- durabletask Durable Task Framework allows users to write long running persistent workflows in C# using the async/await capabilities.
- AsyncWorkerCollection A collection of tools that support asynchronous methods and support high-performance multithreading.
- Bolt.Addons.Community
- UAlive
- UNode
- XNode
- Node_Editor_Framework
- BlueGraph
- NewGraph
- https://github.com/StephenCleary/StructuredConcurrency
- https://github.com/CoffeeVampir3/Graphify?
- UnityGUI UGUI Panel Systems for navigation, animation and more
- MacacaViewSystem ViewSystem is a element based UI management system based on Unity GUI
- Unity-Async-UIFrame
- fiber
- NRFramework
- CSReactive 纯C#下实现Vue,特别针对Unity
- MVI4Unity 基于MVI架构为Unity设计的UI框架 (不管你是使用UGUI,NGUI或者其它,MVI4Unity都可以适用)
- OwlAndJackalope.UX A simple property binding and UX management library for Unity.
- Rosalina Rosalina is a code generation tool for Unity's UI documents. It generates C# code-behind script based on a UXML template.
- https://github.com/LibraStack/UnityUxmlGenerator
- https://github.com/ChebanovDD/UnityMvvmToolkit
- https://gameinstitute.qq.com/community/detail/117690
- https://github.com/litefeel/Unity-AlignTools ugui锚点设置
- https://github.com/JingFengJi/UpdateSpriteAssetTool
- https://github.com/Elringus/SpriteDicing 这才叫图集工具
- https://github.com/scottcgi/MojoUnity-Packages
- https://github.com/coding2233/TextInlineSprite
- https://github.com/chick-soups/TextFilesForTextMeshPro tm 的字体库
- https://github.com/wy-luke/Unity-TextMeshPro-Chinese-Characters-Set
- https://github.com/akof1314/Unity-TextMeshPro-DynamicText
- https://github.com/TonyViT/CurvedTextMeshPro
- https://github.com/jp-netsis/RubyTextMeshPro
- https://github.com/FallingXun/
- https://github.com/Ikaroon/TMP3D
- https://github.com/STARasGAMES/tmpro-dynamic-data-cleaner
- https://github.com/Giresharu/TMPro-Player
- https://github.com/JimmyCushnie/FancyTextRendering Render markdown & clickable links with TextMeshPro in Unity.
- https://github.com/gwaredd/UnityMarkdownViewer
- https://github.com/mitay-walle/com.mitay-walle.text-asset-inspector-edit
- https://github.com/Wilson403/Html2UnityRich
- https://github.com/garsonlab/GText
- https://github.com/redbluegames/unity-text-typer
- easy-multiple-healthbar
- https://uiforia.io/
- https://github.com/LudiKha/Graphene
- https://github.com/ReactUnity/core
- https://github.com/chexiongsheng/XUUI
- https://github.com/BennyKok/unity-tailwindcss
- GentlyUI Custom Unity UI solution by Gentlymad Studios.
- Unity-RuntimeEditorWindow
- uicomponentsA small front-end framework for Unity's UIToolkit with a goal to reduce boilerplate code and make development more fun
- UI-Toolkit-Plus
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/flexbox-4-unity-139571 unity ugui layout system
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/flexbuilder-2023-flexbox-css-3-ui-245345
- https://github.com/chasinghope/CurveLayoutGroup
- https://github.com/niwatly/SectorLayoutGroup
- https://github.com/zambari/LayoutPanel.UI.Unity
- flexalon-ui-layouts
- https://github.com/cyberaslan/AdaptiveGrid
- https://github.com/feifeid47/Unity-UI-Adapter
- https://github.com/mitay-walle/com.mitay-walle.ui-circle-segmented
- https://github.com/506638093/RichText 头顶血条
- https://github.com/wuxiongbin/uHyperText
- https://github.com/coding2233/TextInlineprite
- https://gitcode.net/linxinfa/UnityEmojiTextDemo
- https://edu.uwa4d.com/course-intro/0/127
- https://github.com/Unity-UI-Extensions/com.unity.uiextensions
- modular unity 3d ui
- https://github.com/mattak/Unidux
- https://github.com/kirurobo/UniWindowController
- https://github.com/liuhaopen/UGUI-Editor
- https://github.com/zs9024/quick_psd2ugui
- psd-2-ugui
- SlidingScreenAndSurfaceBall 实例的球形分布+UGUI切换卡牌效果
- RadialProgressBar 牛逼的雷达进度条
- ParticleEffectForUGUI 最好的ui 特效组件
- UnityUiParticles
- ui-particle-image unity-plugin
- canvas-particle-system unity-plugin
- UIEffect UIEffect is an effect component for uGUI element in Unity
- Sample file of Unity SYNC2022 "Rich UI effects created with shader and animation"
- HSV-Color-Picker-Unity HSV color picker for Unity UI
- TexturePanner This shader is a glorified texture panner, with a few extra features oriented towards adding variety. By getting creative with mesh geometry and textures, we can achieve a wide range of results
- UnityUIOptimizationTool
- ui-shapes-kit
- raganddrop-unity3d
- SLGDrawLine SLG游戏画行军线
- ui-toolkit-safe-area
- UniversalInventorySystem
- UnityUIPlayables
- Dash
- https://github.com/brunomikoski/Animation-Sequencer
- https://github.com/DhafinFawwaz/Unity-AnimationUI
- https://github.com/instance-id/ElementAnimationToolkit
- http://zh.esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity
- https://github.com/gindemit/unity-rlottie
- SkiaForUnity Skia For Unity with skottie animations
- https://github.com/pofulu/TimelineTool
- https://github.com/needle-tools/custom-timeline-editor
- https://github.com/corle-bell/UnityTimeLineEvent
- https://github.com/k-okawa/WaypointSystemForTimeline
- https://github.com/ddionisio/MateAnimator
- https://github.com/snaphat/UnityTimelineTools
- https://github.com/AnnulusGames/TweenPlayables
- https://github.com/nmxi/Unity_AbstractTimelineExtention
- animate-ui-materials
- postprocessing-controller
- material-timeline-track
- https://github.com/Hertzole/runtime-options-manager
- https://github.com/joebinns/asteroids-scriptable-objects
- https://github.com/gilzoide/unity-easy-project-settings
- https://github.com/neuecc/LINQ-to-GameObject-for-Unity
- https://github.com/lujian101
- https://github.com/shinn716/ShinnUtils
- https://github.com/cs-util-com/cscore
- https://github.com/silphid/silphid.unity/
- https://github.com/IainS1986/UnityCoverFlow
- https://github.com/blueberryzzz/UIAndShader
- https://github.com/rfadeev/pump-editor
- https://github.com/bradsc0tt/Unity-Extended-Transform-Editor
- PlayHooky PlayHooky is a simple C# Class that can be used to hook C# Methods at runtime.
- https://github.com/doitian/unity-git-hooks
- https://github.com/SirHall/Excessives
- https://github.com/prime31/UtilityKit
- https://github.com/vertxxyz/NTexturePreview
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/AutoLOD/tree/master/Runtime/Helpers
- https://github.com/renanwolf/UniRate/
- https://github.com/ashblue/oyster-package-generator
- https://github.com/Deadcows/MyBox
- https://github.com/handzlikchris/Unity.TransformSetterInterceptor
- https://github.com/handzlikchris/Unity.TransformChangesDebugger.API
- https://github.com/SolarianZ/UnityPlayableGraphMonitorTool
- https://github.com/KybernetikGames/LinkAndSync
- https://github.com/Rhinox-Training/rhinox-lightspeed
- Cable 在Unity中使用Verlet积分模拟绳索
- https://github.com/GaryMcWhorter/Verlet-Chain-Unity
- https://github.com/ehakram/FrameRateBooster
- https://github.com/stonesheltergames/Unity-GUID
- https://github.com/williamrjackson/UnityScriptingUtilities
- https://github.com/sotanmochi/PlayerLooper
- https://github.com/Refsa/PlayerLoopInjector
- https://github.com/Baste-RainGames/PlayerLoopInterface
- unity-domain-reload-helper
- UnityScriptHotReload
- fast-script-reload-239351 unity-plugin
- hotreload and his free version gitlab-freeVersion github-freeVersion
- BuildingHotReloadForUnity
- editoriterationprofiler Assists in capturing frames from the Profiler of Domain Reloads in the Unity Editor. Compatible with Unity 2019.3
- CSharpCompilerSettingsForUnity
- Unity Editor performance A set of tools and utilities to help track Unity Editor performance
- compilation-visualizer This tool visualizes the assembly compilation process in Unity3D. It hooks into the Editor-provided events and nicely draws them on a timeline. That's especially helpful when trying to optimize compile times and dependencies between assemblies.
- MethodChangeWithILPostProcessor
- 引擎编译时间优化
- https://github.com/Blinue/Magpie 使游戏窗口全屏显示
- https://github.com/sator-imaging/AppWindowUtility
- https://github.com/XJINE/Unity_TransparentWindowManager
- linefy unity-plugin
- fast-line-renderer
- Shapes
- aline
- draw-xxl-246836
- PaddleGameSO A demo project to showcase design patterns and game architecture using ScriptableObjects
- ScriptableObjectCollection The ScriptableObjectCollection exists to help you deal with scriptable objects without losing your sanity! Its a set of tools that will make your life a lot easier.
- unity-atoms - Tiny modular pieces utilizing the power of Scriptable Objects
- SoCreator ScriptableObject creation menu
- Scriptable-Framework - A Unity Framework for modular app creation based on ScriptableObject architecture, data oriented design and event driven programming to help programmers and designers adhere to the 5 SOLID programming principals.
- yaSingleton - A singleton pattern implementation for Unity3d. Based on ScriptableObjects instead of the conventional MonoBehaviour approach.
- SOFlow - A ScriptableObject oriented design SDK.
- ScriptableObject-Architecture - Makes using Scriptable Objects as a fundamental part of your architecture in Unity super easy
- GenericScriptableObjects This package allows to create and use generic ScriptableObjects in Unity3D. Although generic serializable classes are now supported by Unity 2020, generic ScriptableObject and MonoBehaviour are not yet, and this plugin allows to overcome this limitation.
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ECS-Network-Racing-Sample
- https://github.com/Wind-Coming/MultiUnitSameScreen
- KNN - Fast K-Nearest Neighbour Library for Unity DOTS
- SpriteSheetRenderer - A powerful Unity ECS system to render massive numbers of animated sprites
- NSprites DOTS based sprite render system
- UnitySpriteGPUInstancing
- IsoSorting Isometric sorting system for Unity using ECS
- NativeCollections - Native Collection Types for Unity https://jacksondunstan.com/articles/tag/native-collection
- UnsafeCollections - Native Collection Types for Unity
- EntitySelection - A minimal solution for selecting entities in the unity sceneview.
- Reinterpret
- Unity-2D-Pathfinding-Grid-ECS-Job - ECS Burst Job System 2D Pathfinding
- My_DOTS-NavMeshAgent DOTS 1.0 Producive PathFinding by NavMeshQuere
- EntitySelection - A minimal solution for selecting entities in the unity sceneview
- Easy-Road-3D-ECS-Traffic - Unity DOTS/ECS traffic using Easy Roads 3D for the data
- Unity-ECS-Job-System-SPH Implementation of the SPH Algorithm (fluid simulation) in Unity, comparing singlethread and ECS/Job System performances.
- Latios-Framework The packages contained in this repository are packages built upon Unity DOTS which I use for my own personal hobbyist game development
- Tdbe-2023-URP-DOTS-ECS-Graphics-Physics
- NativeMessenger This is system-wide native messenger for Unity Entities. It provides an efficient way to trigger systems on demand without involving entities data or any structural changes.
- tertle
- ReactiveDots Reactive systems and other utilities for Unity DOTS.
- DOTS-Stackray
- bovinelabs
- actors
- ReeseUnityDemos
- UniteAustinTechnicalPresentation
- https://github.com/nothke/UnityDOTSGotchas
- https://github.com/Tree37/Unity-DOTS-RTS-Collision-System
- https://github.com/unitycoder/Unity-DOTS-RTS-Collision-System
- https://github.com/quabug/EntitiesBT
- https://github.com/GilbertoGojira/DOTS-Stackr
- https://github.com/AI-In-Games/FormationMovement
- https://github.com/NagaChiang/entity-tween
- https://github.com/mikyll/UnityDOTS-Thesis
- https://github.com/sschoener/burst-simd-exercises
- Trove Collection of tools for Unity DOTS
- https://coffeebraingames.wordpress.com
- http://qiao.github.io/PathFinding.js/visual/
- https://github.com/trgrote/JPS-Unity
- https://space.bilibili.com/477041559
- https://github.com/bustedbunny/Pathfinding
- EntitiesNavMeshBuilder Runtime NavMesh dynamic building for Unity Entities.
- Unity-Formation-Movement2.0 Formation movement for Unity 3D using built in NavMesh navigation or A*Pathfinding
- unity-ecs-navmesh - A demo implementation of Unity Entity Component System with NavMesh
- NavMeshAvoidance Custom Nav Mesh Avoidance to replace default one
- NavMeshAvoidance Custom Nav Mesh Avoidance to replace default one in Unity.
- CustomNavMesh Alternative to Unity's NavMesh system where the agents avoid each other.
- dotsnav A fully dynamic planar navmesh Unity package supporting agents of any size
- Unity_DOTS_NodePathFinding Unity DOTS node based path finding, using Eager Dijkstra modified Shortest Path algorithm
- unity-rrt
- RecastSharp dotnet 6 port of the C++ recastnavigation library.
- DotRecast C# Recast & Detour is a navigation mesh toolkit for games, Unity3D and servers.
- https://github.com/recastnavigation/recastnavigation
- https://github.com/KimHeeRyeong/SphereNavigation
- https://github.com/idbrii/unity-navgen
- https://github.com/h8man/NavMeshPlus
- https://github.com/jzyong/NavMeshDemo
- https://github.com/llamacademy/ai-series-part-14.5/
- https://github.com/brunomikoski/Simple-optimized-A-Pathfinder
- https://github.com/dbrizov/Unity-PathFindingAlgorithms
- https://github.com/samueltardieu/pathfinding
- https://github.com/hugoscurti/hierarchical-pathfinding/
- https://clementmihailescu.github.io/Pathfinding-Visualizer
- https://www.zhihu.com/people/cong-zi-64/posts
- https://wuzhiwei.net/group-path-movement/
- https://github.com/zhm-real/PathPlanning
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MIGnEW_VxOBAHNm9uAu5AQ
- https://forum.unity.com/attachments/com-bovinelabs-navigation-7z.679287/
- https://github.com/ppiastucki/recast4j
- https://github.com/Cr33zz/Nav
- https://github.com/snape/RVO2-CS
- https://github.com/warmtrue/RVO2-Unity
- https://github.com/Nebukam/com.nebukam.orca
- agents-navigation unity-plugin
- SimpleAI
- WZCQ 用基于策略梯度得强化学习方法训练AI玩王者荣耀
- https://github.com/RubenFrans/ContextSteering-Unity
- https://github.com/friedforfun/ContextSteering
- https://github.com/SunnyValleyStudio/Unity-2D-Context-steering-AI
- 避障算法 - VO、RVO 以及 ORCA (RVO2)
- Swing Bone
- dynamic Bone
- Boing Kit
- AutomaticDynamicBone
- uSpringBone
- Unity-DynamicBone-JobSystem-Opmized
- SPCRJointDynamics
- UnityHighPerformanceDynamicBone
- Graphmesh Graph-based mesh modifiers.
- mesh-baker
- skinned-mesh-combiner
- costume
- mesh-combine-studio
- super-combiner
- fast-skinned-mesh-combiner
- AvatarClothes Unity 人物换装系统解决方案
- 网格汇编程序 unity-plugin
- Mount Points unity-plugin
- MeshDebugger First-class Mesh debugging tools for Unity
- LyumaMeshTools
- https://github.com/BennyKok/unity-hotspot-uv
- mudbun-volumetric-vfx-mesh unity plugin
- clayxels unity plugin
- https://github.com/nementic-games/mesh-debugging
- BakerBoy A tiny GPU-based ambient occlusion and bent normal baker for Unity
- GMesh a node-based procedural geometry generator for Unity
- uv-inspector unity plugin
- UVPreview
- meshlab MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing of unstructured large 3D triangular meshes
- libigl libigl - A simple C++ geometry processing library
- Open3D Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
- meshoptimizer Mesh optimization library that makes meshes smaller and faster to render
- trimesh Python library for loading and using triangular meshes.
- meshio There are various mesh formats available for representing unstructured meshes. meshio can read and write all of the following and smoothly converts between them
- MeshBoolean Make Boolean Operator on Mesh. In Unity.
- Open3D Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
- MonoManifold Differencial Geometry library on Unity
- voxel-renderer-unity This is a voxel renderer made using Unity
- https://github.com/voxelbased/core
- unity-voxel-SC-WGRDemo Unity playground for voxel world generation / rendering.
- Vapor Volumetric Fog for Unity
- FogOfWar unity实现的基于视野的战争迷雾
- Unity-URP-SmokeLighting
- https://github.com/vanish87/UnityVolumetricCloud
- https://github.com/adrianpolimeni/RealTimeVolumetricClouds
- https://github.com/Raphael2048/URP_SkyAtmosphere_VolumetricClouds
- https://github.com/ebruneton/precomputed_atmospheric_scattering
- https://github.com/Reguluz/Moonflow-Lensflare-System
- https://github.com/AKGWSB/RealTimeAtmosphere
- volumetric Mesh Clayxels is an interactive volumetric toolkit to sculpt models in editor and in game
- UnityDrawers 👍 A collection of property and decorator drawers for Unity
- NaughtyAttributes 👍 Attribute Extensions for Unity
- ShaderAccessor Define the structure, assign values to shader parameters using C# reflection,work in unity
- CategoryTool Unity Editor tool to create Categories in the Hierarchy. The Categories work as dividers between GameObjects.
- RapidGUI Unity OnGUI(IMGUI) extensions for Rapid prototyping/development
- unity-toolbar-extender Extend the Unity Toolbar with your own Editor UI code
- Unity-Editor-Toolbox
- BetterAttributes
- CustomizationInspector
- Unity-Ripgrep-Search-Tool
- unity-project-pin-board
- UnityEngineAnalyzer Roslyn Analyzer for Unity3D
- ProjectAuditoruntiy工程分析工具
- analyzers Package to add Roslyn Analyzers to Unity projects.
- ReferenceExplorer ReferenceExplorer will visualize the object and component dependencies
- AssetsReporter [Unity] Report System for Asset Import Settings
- Unity-AssetDependencyGraph An Asset Dependency Graph for Unity
- UnityResourceStaticAnalyzeTool 分析Unity资源,如贴图、精灵图、旧版图集, 新版图集SpriteAtlas,支持AB包资源冗余
- unitysizeexplorer Visualize how much space each asset in your Unity game takes
- UnityAddressablesBuildLayoutExplorer
- UnityComponent
- Maintainer
- find reference2
- Unity-Dependencies-Hunter
- asset-relations-viewer
- InspectorGraph
- shader control
- Asset Hunter PRO
- A+ Assets Explorer
- AssetBundle加密-fair-guard
- Unity-Resource-Checker
- https://github.com/ZxIce/AssetCheck
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/asset-auditing-tools
- https://github.com/MarkUnity/AssetAuditor
- https://github.com/charcolle/CustomAssetImporter
- https://github.com/daihenka/asset-pipeline
- render-order-settings-editor
- Choosing the Right Load Type in Unity’s Audio Import Settings
- Unity 下网格内存的优化
- https://github.com/starburst997/Unity.Trimmer
- missing-component-info
- unity-animation-compressor
- Unity-Textures-Hunter
- Unity-MissingReferences-Hunter
- 清理material中无用的的property
- EZMaterialOptimizer
- MaterialCleaner
- unity-material-cleaner
- MotionFramework/Scripts/Editor/EditorTools
- Unity材质冗余序列化数据清理
- UnityClearMaterailsProperties
- https://github.com/Unity-Javier/SimpleEditorLogParser
- ASTC纹理压缩格式详解
- 常用纹理和纹理压缩格式
- Unity-Textrue-Format
- 工作技巧 | 纹理压缩格式Block Compression
- 几种主流贴图压缩算法的实现原理详解
- 小数派报告-Shader加载的纹理压缩的原理
- 游戏图片纹理压缩相关总结
- 游戏资源常见贴图类型
- 你所需要了解的几种纹理压缩格式原理
- 各种移动GPU压缩纹理的使用方法
- BasicEventBus - Basic event bus
- UniEventSystem - A generic Event-Bus
- Unibus - Unibus is event passing system
- klab-messagebuses-unity - Message bus
- signals - A typesafe, lightweight messaging lib
- unity-events - A code focused strongly typed event system with global system and per GameObject system
- Unity3d-Signals - Signals are in-memory publish/subscribe system and effectively replace Unity SendMessage
- MessageKit - Decoupled message sending system meant as a replacement for SendMessage and its variantslibrary
- edriven - Event-driven / asynchronous framework for Unity3d
- Brighter Command Dispatcher, Processor, and Distributed Task Queue
- signals
- UnityEventVisualizer
- ExtEvents A better replacement for UnityEvents
- Unity.MissingUnityEvents
- bovinelabs.event A high performance solution for safely creating events between systems in Unity ECS.
- agamotto unity-plugin
- ultimate-replay unity-plugin
- https://github.com/AkiKurisu/Time-Control
- https://github.com/SitronX/UnityTimeRewinder
- https://github.com/CyberSys/ChronosTimeControl
- RayCastCommand - Dealing with Physics bottle necks? You can use Unity C# Job System's RayCastCommand to boost your performance. Test example.
- https://github.com/staggartcreations/Graphics-Raycast/
- https://github.com/muveso/Unity-Detection-Sensor
- A hackable markdown note application for programmers
- 印象笔记
- 有道云笔记
- mybase
- 蚁阅
- 语雀
- notion
- diigo
- 微软 onenote
- obsidian
- withpinbox
- taskade
- 思源
- 日常学习工作流
- zhixi 国人做的xmind
- JenkinsUnityPyAutoMator 通过Jenkins服务使用python语言来对Unity和周边进行构建和自动化操作
- 详解iOS打包、发布与证书体系
- Usdk 这是一个Unity3D移动平台sdk快速适配框架和多渠道打包平台 Game-ci自动测试和构建游戏项目的最快、最简单的方法
- https://github.com/UNSH/Unity-Apple-Distribution-Workflow
- https://github.com/tylearymf/UniHacker
- buildtool
- unity-build-system
- u3d fast lane
- AndResGuard Android资源混淆工具
- UnitySkipSplash Skip Unity Splash Screen only one script
- xcode-project The package provides a visual way to set XCode project settings and properties for your Unity project. Editor based C# API is avaliable as well.
- UnityAndroidRuntimePermissionsA native Unity plugin to handle runtime permissions on Android M+
- unity-background-service
- unimgpicker]
- BlankGalleryScreenshot Unity 3D Gallery Screenshot
- Unity-iOS-Android-Download
- Unity-NativePlugins
- Android-Auxiliary Unity开发过程中部分安卓操作会用到的函数
- AppIconChangerUnity
- BlankDeviceUniqueIdentifier 用于在 Unity3D 中获取Android 和 iOS 平台上唯一机器码的插件
- BlankOperationClipboard Unity 读写Android 和 iOS 的粘贴板插件
- UnityWebBrowser
- UnityNativeFilePicker
- UnityMobileLocalizedAppTitle
- https://github.com/liuhaopen/UnityMMO
- https://github.com/136512892/Unity-Multiplayer
- https://github.com/insthync/UnityMultiplayerARPG_MMO
- https://github.com/jynew/jynew
- Pal3.Unity 仙剑奇侠传三(以及外传)C#/Unity实现
- https://github.com/skyteks
- https://github.com/judah4/MMO-Dragon-Game-Framwork
- https://github.com/TastSong/CrazyCar 网络联机游戏解决方案---Unity制作的联机赛车游戏,服务端为SpringBoot + Mybatis;后台为Vue + Element;游戏端采用QFramework框架,支持KCP和WebSocket网络(商用级)
- DarkGod 基于 Unity 的 3D ARPG 移动端网游
- https://gitee.com/NKG_admin/NKGMobaBasedOnET 基于ET框架致敬LOL的Moba游戏,包含完整的客户端与服务端交互,热更新,基于双端行为树的技能系统,更多精彩等你发现!
- NineChronicles Unity client application for Nine Chronicles, a fully decentralized idle RPG powered by the community.
- CodeFPS Unity引擎实现的一款FPS游戏,实现《使命召唤4》训练靶场关卡
- GameKit Pre-built commonly needed gameplay elements, with examples. Developed for Fish-Networking.
- https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/04/17/a-list-of-programming-playgrounds/
- https://learn-english.dev/ 程序员 常用英语
- https://github.com/nusr/hacker-laws-zh 程序员应该知道的原则
- http://binaryconvert.com 专门做二进制转换的网站
- 这样讲原码、反码、补码,帮学妹解决困扰了三天的问题
- box3 开发者工具箱
- https://ihateregex.io/expr 正则表达式
- https://github.com/loonggg/DevMoneySharing 独立开发者赚钱经验分享
- https://www.toolnb.com toolnb
- https://github.com/eastlakeside/awesome-productivity-cn
- https://www.kwgg2020.com/
- https://jianwai.youdao.com/
- https://github.com/zhaoolee/OnlineToolsBook 集锦
- https://github.com/csdjk/ToolsShare
- https://masuit.com/
- https://github.com/hoochanlon/NeiJuan
- http://www.qijishow.com/down/navigation.html
- https://www.iamxk.com/navigation
- https://xclient.info/s/
- https://github.com/cunyu1943/amazing-websites
- http://www.gfxcamp.com/houdini-185462/
- https://www.iiicg.com/
- https://www.cger.com/
- https://wiki.eryajf.net/pages/2415.html#_1-%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E3%80%82
- https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n
- https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane
- https://github.com/aelassas/Wexflow
- https://bonsai-rx.org
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/rocktomate-156311
强烈推荐阅读 《提问的智慧》、《如何向开源社区提问题》 和 《如何有效地报告 Bug》、《如何向开源项目提交无法解答的问题》,更好的问题更容易获得帮助。
- 赫蹏
- 中文技术文档写作风格指南
- 中文文案排版
- 掘金计划- 中文文案排版
- https://github.com/writing-resources/awesome-scientific-writing
- https://github.com/wechatsync/Wechatsync
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/67963068
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/34213415
- 有哪些非游戏领域的书籍读后有利于显著提升游戏策划和设计水平
- 国外游戏理论研究的前沿都在研究什么?
- https://www.zhihu.com/people/cptz-23
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/138144313
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/371213488
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/22098814
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/411366466
- https://github.com/alaskasquirrel/Chinese-Podcasts
- https://youquhome.com/
- https://github.com/geekan/HowToLiveLonger
- https://cook.yunyoujun.cn/
- https://www.animatedknots.com 如何系绳子-关键时候救你一命
- http://www.iqsuperman.net/ IQ 超人
- https://www.allhistory.com 全历史
- https://new.shuge.org/ 博物馆
- https://www.die.net/earth/ 白天和黑夜实时预览
- https://humanbenchmark.com/ 脑力benckmark
- https://chatroulette.com/ 全世界随机聊天
- http://www.cbaigui.com/ 中国妖精合集
- https://works.yangerxiao.com/honeyed-words-generator/ 土味情话
- https://github.com/soulteary/tenant-point 程序员如何租房子
- https://github.com/beiliangshizi/China_House 程序员如何租房子
- 天涯 kkndme 神贴聊房价
- 北京买房
- 上海买房
- https://wallroom.io 壁纸网站
- https://wallhaven.cc/ 壁纸网站
- https://github.com/Odaimoko/ACE-CPT-Notes 程序员如何健身
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/130216185 电子书下载
- https://www.zhihu.com/question/20915020/answer/2269578502
- https://github.com/pipiliang/hello-comic 程序员漫画
- https://github.com/easychen/one-person-businesses-methodology 一人公司方法论
- https://github.com/itgoyo/TelegramGroup
- https://www.yuque.com/greatghoul/remote 远程工作
- MyStudyNote MyStudyNote
- 图形学随笔
- Article_About_GameDevelopment
- AwesomeUnityTutorial
- OpenGraphic
- 马三小伙儿的Unity杂货铺
- Game-Development-Notes
- GithubRepositoryStudy 一些UnityRepository的学习笔记
- 网络手游开发技术图谱 网络手游开发知识、技术与信息库,游戏研发技术从业者的导航地图
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