POLE is a format for encoding object graphs similar to JSON, but:
- serialization and deserialization are close to zero-alloc, just write/read bytes into/from byte buffers
- serialization is close to zero work, i.e. POLE objects have no data fields that need to be serialized; their "fields" are in the output buffer
- deserialization is close to zero work, i.e. POLE payload is exatly the memory representation of the POLE object graph
- deserializer can read from a sequence of buffers, as opposed to a single contiquous buffer. This enables efficient transimssion without buffer resize-copy.
- deserialized object graphs can be all structs, i.e. no heap allocations, but the structs have natural (easy to use) reference semantics
- serialized payloads are typically much smaller than JSON
using var stream = new MemoryStream();
// write to stream
using PoleHeap heap = new PoleHeap(); // the heap rents buffers from a pool
var hello = heap.Allocate<TestModels.Server.HelloModel>();
hello.Message = "Hello World!"; // this does not actually allocate anthing on the GC heap.
hello.RepeatCount = 5;
SetIsEnabled(hello, true); // hello is a struct (no alloc), but has reference semantics, e.g. can passed to methods that mutate
// local method just to illustrate that POLE objects (structs) can be passed just like reference types
void SetIsEnabled(HelloModel hello, bool value) => hello.IsEnabled = value;
} // heap buffers are returned to the buffer pool here
Assert.AreEqual(29, stream.Length);
// read from stream
stream.Position = 0;
using var heap = PoleHeap.ReadFrom(stream); // the heap rents buffers from a pool and reads the stream into the buffers
HelloModel hello = heap.Deserialize<HelloModel>(); // this does not actually "deserialize", just stores an address in the struct
Assert.IsTrue(hello.IsEnabled); // this just dereferences a bool stored in the heap
Assert.AreEqual(5, hello.RepeatCount); // same but with an int
if (hello.IsEnabled)
for(int i=0; i<hello.RepeatCount; i++)
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World!", hello.Message.ToString());
public struct HelloModel
private readonly PoleReference __reference;
private HelloModel(PoleReference reference) => __reference = reference;
const int __RepeatCountOffset = 0;
const int __IsEnabledOffset = 4;
const int __MessageOffset = 5;
internal static HelloModel Deserialize(PoleReference reference) => new(reference);
public int RepeatCount
get => __reference.ReadInt32(__RepeatCountOffset);
public bool IsEnabled
get => __reference.ReadBoolean(__IsEnabledOffset);
public string Message
get => __reference.ReadString(__MessageOffset);
public readonly struct PoleReference
readonly int _address;
readonly PoleHeap _heap;
public PoleReference(PoleHeap heap, int address) : this()
_heap = heap;
_address = address;
internal int Address => _address;
internal PoleHeap Heap => _heap;
public int ReadInt32(int offset) => BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32LittleEndian(_heap.GetBytes(_address + offset));
public void WriteInt32(int offset, int value) => BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(_heap.GetBytes(_address + offset), value);
public bool ReadBoolean(int offset) => _heap[_address + offset] != 0;
public void WriteBoolean(int offset, bool value) => _heap[_address + offset] = value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
public PoleReference ReadReference(int offset) => new PoleReference(_heap, BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32LittleEndian(_heap.GetBytes(_address + offset)));
public void WriteReference(int offset, PoleReference reference) => BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(_heap.GetBytes(_address + offset), reference._address);
public void WriteObject<T>(int offset, T value) where T : IObject => WriteReference(offset, value.Reference);
public Utf8 ReadString(int offset) => new Utf8(this.ReadReference(offset));
public void WriteString(int offset, Utf8 value) => WriteObject<Utf8>(offset, value);
public ReadOnlySpan<byte> ReadBytes(int offset)
var len = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32LittleEndian(_heap.GetBytes(_address + offset));
return _heap.GetBytes(_address + sizeof(int), len);