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Islandora Foundation Community edited this page Apr 6, 2022 · 5 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don
  • Seth πŸͺ‘
  • Rosie
  • Willow


  • Seth Shaw (Chair)
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Don Richards
  • Alan Stanley
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Tom Misilo
  • Adam Vessey
  • Annie Oelschlager
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Isabella Nikolaidis (notes)


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by date
  2. PR Roundup- Link sorted by date
  3. Add solr core reload/optimize #215
  4. Secrets to be generated #226
  5. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


Issue Roundup

  • - Test suites are failing

    • Jordan reached out via slack
    • Addition from January to do experimental things, has assumption on how github actions handles failures with Travis
    • Drafted PR that makes our things pass but it doesn't necessarily show fails. Annotation of the error will be there.
    • There's a lot of broken builds that we're not seeing
    • The test helper scripts are making hardcoded assertions of certain things, versions of dependencies
      • Will need a lot of work
    • Seth: does anyone object to this as a solution for now?
      • no complaints
    • Next steps: Make the draft PR real, tag the Islandora 8 committers group to ask if anyone objects? If none reach out and object, it can be merged

    • Seth: Responded on the email list and tried to get more detail, but don't have enough info
    • Don: Looks like reference to a windows OS
    • Seth: Need to follow up and ask for more details to try and reproduce
    • Yamil: Can ask the OS and their circumstances
    • Adam: Looks like an environment problem on their end.
    • Tom: Are they skipping steps? It's 2 different errors they're seeing - one is outside of it, a third party package. then they're running composer and getting that error.
      • Could it be an old version of composer they have?
    • Yamil to follow up

    • Don: By default, ISLE isn't set to use Fedora. There's a configuration that you manually have to go in and do. This might be all, or it might not be exposed?
      • to follow up with this in a comment?
    • Seth: traefik could be somehow misconfigured and pointing to something else instead of port 8080
    • Don: Has been seem multiple times, set some default values to automatically turn stuff on.
    • Tom: What exactly in Fedora should be publicly accessible? Or should that backend values be accessed through API? Should the end user really be hitting those third party services directly?
    • Tom: For the defaults, you want to go with a production type view on that. because people will set this up and think they have it working.
    • Don:
      • In ISLE under the wiki, production change notes
      • stuff default comes with that should be disabled
      • to make this production we had to do X Y Z ....
    • Don will follow up

    • consolidated with 2077

    • Seth: We have a Milliner config that seemingly isn't documented anywhere
    • Needs to be noted somewhere - in the README but also possibly in the default config file
      • updates needed for: documentation site, README, and possibly the config files?
    • Yamil to collaborate on the documentation
  • Seth about to post about Fedora 5 to 6 migration in Islandora


    • Rosie: people in the community saying Mirador worked out of the box, but can't seeem to get it to work
      • Mirador block that doesn't show anythiing, complains about a network error.
      • Did in Sandbox, so in ISLEe, but also in Ansible
    • Seth: Configs were built with the playbook in mind looking at the local host 8000
      • there's likely a default config somewhere presuming Ansible or something else that needs to be updated to wherever the Drupal site is

    • Rosie: Change in migrate csv and it needs a diff config
    • Jordan will look at PR - missing D9 upgrade because all other ones were done

    • Resolved
    • Isabella: Where else should the URL query for active issues be surfaced?

    • Alex: New things failing that weren't before, creating a draft PR to address

PR Roundup


    • Can't test any of the ISLE pull requests without first making this change
    • When install profile was first merged it was done with the understanding that another PR would go in after it but it didn't
    • So this PR reverts it back - band aid solution.
      • Needs a reviewer
    • Tom: There's way too many commits since - not knowing what has changed in those 30 commits from the last PR.
    • This PR would only change the default values in the sample config file. Still able to change it, but the current default value just doesn't build.
    • Seth will do a check on the PR, and then merge upon confirmation this works
  • Seth to check dependabot-generated PRs


    • Merged


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