0.99j (2024-02-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fix log files exclusive lock #358
- Adding VMNIC CRC error check #344
- vCenter: privileg check failed for user (missing permission Sessions.TerminateSession #341
- Mimic com.vmware.vc.vm.DstVmMigratedEvent behaviour in vROps for VMs and ESXs #325
- Add inventory history #275
- add scsi path state count per esx #258
- Rename or Move ESXI - Automatically integrated #243
- Veeam Backup Integration #147
Fixed bugs:
- [EROR] Cluster xxx root resource pool not found ?! [EROR] Cannot index into a null array. #357
- datastoreVMObservedLatency empty (NFS?) #354
- No more storage metrics when some cluster members are not responding #347
- Issues in VMware vSAN Disk Latency and VMware vSAN Disk Utilization dashboards #343
- Cluster multi ESX LiteStats -null #342
Closed issues:
- Sexigraf "Victory Mine" impacted by Grafana CVE-2023-4822 ? #371
- Add VMware asset version evolution dashboard #365
- Where do you get the data to display com_vmware_vc_authorization_nopermission? #363
- Error add vcenter #362
- VMware Multi Datastore Usage missing #355
- Export Dashboard data to CSV or Excel using Grafana or poweshell #352
- adding extra retention the first 4 days 30m:96h #351
- vm iops limit affects datastoreVMObservedLatency #350
- CPU ready in Sexigraf for vmware vm does not match the data in Vcenter #348
- ¿Remove old cluster? #346
- no data #345
- Latest ova for downloading are unavailible #340
- Problem with export #339
- Appliance network settings #338
- Protect against 0 vm and/or 0 host in the inventory #337
- Unable to collect performance #336
- Datastores used space metric #334
- OVA Download Link not working #333
- VsanPerfQueryPerf issue #332
- Can't download OVA #331
- After update - Variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop #329
- How to change timezone JST? #310
- ESX LiteStats - Detail? #307
- sexigraf 0.99h : vulnerability moderate on Grafana software (CVE-2022-24812 Grafana Enterprise fine-grained access control API Key privilege escalation : https://github.com/grafana/grafana/security/advisories/GHSA-82gq-xfg3-5j7v\), need to update it #305
- VMware All Cluster VM Stats: Add Graph of IOPS and Blocksize #284
Merged pull requests:
0.99i (2023-01-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Force Https #309
- Feature request - Scale storage on Capacity planning #304
- get rid of += in ps1 scripts #299
- Enhance PullGuestInfo #278
- add ntp servers option during ova deploy #211
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- force legacy dashboard alerting #320
- add grafana annotation limits #319
- add Datastores info inventory #318
- add ServiceTag in ESX inventory #317
- Add ability to load interface in HomeAssistant as iFrame #316
- Is Alerting possible for other dashboards too like vcenter bad events #315
- add full vSAN ESA support #312
- CPU and RAM Utilization above 100% #308
- Add IOPS per VM data #303
- VM per host count (HA risk monitoring) #302
- Direct link rendered image not working #301
- multiple ip in vm not listed in inventory #300
- Increase performance of Send-BulkGraphiteMetrics #298
- No data but show machines inventory #296
- add a way to identify vm restart by ha #295
- sexigraf 0.99g : OS vulnerabilities detected in banner reporting (PCI-DSS check) / severity high / CVSS v2 7.5 #294
- pre-install MIBs for collectd agent #293
- SHA1 checksum incorrect? #292
- fix cpu count in All Version dashboard #291
- "QueryPerf" with "1" argument(s): "A specified parameter was not correct: querySpec.interval"" #290
- Sexigraf Powershell version: "Exception calling "QueryPerf" with "1" argument(s): "XML document element count exceeds configured maximum 500000" #287
- VMware Multi Datastore Usage: monitor unused vmdks #283
- Add DRS score dashboard #228
Merged pull requests:
0.99h (2022-03-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- unify datastore iops and latency measure #272
- Implementation of a certificate #270
- inventory export in csv from commandline #269
- add non connected vm status count to VM graph in cluster dashboards #268
- Derivative to nonNegativeDerivative in vSAN dashboards #265
- Switch from VsanInternalSystem to VsanPerfQueryPerf #264
- add vSAN memory metrics #263
- add vSphere Replication events #259
- Add 7.0 U2 sdk #255
- Perl-SDK to PowerCLI migration #254
- add vSAN tcpip metrics #250
- add stunned process killer #249
- add EfficientCapacity metrics #248
- add VsanObjectIdentityAndHealth to resync dashboard #247
- increase inodes on sdb1 #238
- add allocated to all ram utilization dashboards #229
- Reduce whisper aggregation aggressivity during the first 48h to enhance troubleshooting capability #217
- improve purge script #215
- split ViPullStatistics.log and VsanDisksPullStatistics.log per server for troubleshooting purpose #212
- enhance vmotions count #203
- Kindly Add Virtual Disk matrics #180
- Frequently (every 1 minute) VsanPullStatistics from <vcenter> is already running! at /root/VsanPullStatistics.pl line 76 #174
- VMware Multi Cluster Usage Dashboard (missing resource) #162
- create a VMware_Multi_VSAN_Monitor_66 dashboard #154
- Empty vSAN latency/iops metrics in cluster fullstats dashboards #143
- Create some CHANGELOG file #55
Fixed bugs:
- disable ScriptBlockLogging to avoid flooding /var/log/syslog #261
- getinventory error #253
- VMs in resource pools are not processed #252
- VSAN Top vmdk #251
- ImportError: No module named 'graphite' in /etc/cron.hourly/graphite-build-index #242
- Vmware ESXi 6.0/6.5 import ova error #241
- standalone managed hosts only get multipleHostAccess datastores #237
- Export feature failed if data bigger than 4gb #233
- VMware_Multi_Cluster_Top_N_VM_Stats no Datapoint for disk usage #182
Closed issues:
- Maximum vCenter amount #288
- SexiGraf VI Offline Inventory panel does not refresh #286
- Can't connect to xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx:443 (Name or service not known) #285
- Add "datastore - vm" association to "VMware Multi Cluster Top N VM Latency" #282
- configure e-mail server for grafana alerts via SexiGraf Web Admin #281
- Description for "VMware All Cluster Capacity Planning" #280
- Replace FlambX by BroStats dashboard #277
- Make export/import possible via vmdk swap #276
- How to change interval of collecting date ? #271
- Sexigraf Ports #267
- Is there an easy way to change credentials for vcenters in credential store #266
- Error downloading older SUP-files #262
- Removing cluster in vcentre, loses historical data in sexigrafs #260
- Similar to #204 - Limiting web admin access to view only users #256
- Increase storage retention storage-schema.conf #246
- components version dashboard #244
- ova import error #240
- configure SexiGraph #236
- Number of hosts - no history #234
- add vsan smart metric #221
Merged pull requests:
0.99g (2020-11-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- redesign vmware-multi-cluster-usage dashboard #222
- disable grafana 'includeAll' on $vcenter variable for big dashboard #216
- replace IORM by IOPS to clarify datastore performance dashboards #207
- limit All and Top N dashboards to first vcenter on load to avoid IO storm #206
- Remove access for Web admin dashboard for non admin roles #204
- add pfsense support #202
- group graphite calls #199
- add consumed Overhead Memory to quickstats dashboards #196
- exportSexiGrafBundle.sh sizing issue #186
- add vdmk per datastore metric #185
- switch unit from short to none in Right Y #161
- add datastore # in shared datastores utilization graphs on clusters dashboards #158
- add 1 decimal instead of auto for % in dashboards #153
- Cluster of ESXi hosts not showing up #149
- regenerate ssh keys at first start up #139
- Add web admin tile for dashboard management #109
- [Request] Containerizing #106
- Add an admin tool to generate support bundle for troubleshooting #54
- Offline Inventory : Resource Pool name & vm folder path #42
- add refresh button in House Cleaner page #35
- support for unmanaged ESX #18
Fixed bugs:
- fix esx hardware sensor for standalone hosts #230
- fix apache empty scoreboard #226
- Avoid "Unsaved changes" when user select another variable than default (i.e. cluster selection) and move to another dashboard #223
- stack vmotion/svmotion metrics in vmotion dashboard #220
- update offline vminventory vm links #198
- Time sync for appliance #173
- DIE Can't call method "committed" on an undefined value at /root/getInventory.pl line 117. #137
Closed issues:
- HTTPS-SSL Configuration #219
- Debian 8 - EOL #218
- Disk expand #214
- "No Data Points" Error #210
- add early SMART support dashboard for FreeNAS #209
- add ipmi data from telegraf agent #208
- add alerting dashboard template for vcenter bad events #205
- Add Netdata dashboard #200
- add All ESX VM stats dashboard #197
- Missing esxi hosts #195
- new dashboard "VMware All ESX VM Stats #194
- All graphs except Home & PullExec are showing empty datapoint #193
- Add wait-idle metric for VMs #192
- No datapoints in VMware vCenter Bad Events #189
- Collect strategic events to mimic SexiLog #178
- /var/log/carbon/listener.log.1 filling up #177
- add "purge old data" button with days parameter #164
- add support for datastore clusters #159
- Rename VSAN in vSAN in dashboards/tags #156
- Add SMART dashboard for NAS monitoring #148
- How to get disk health status? #105
Merged pull requests:
- Dev6 #232 (vmdude)
- Dev #187 (vmdude)
- Update addVsanCrontab.sh #128 (acederlund)
- Update addViCrontab.sh #127 (acederlund)
0.99f (2019-05-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- speed up pulling process using hastables #168
- compute esx and datastore sum stats per cluster #167
- add iops for non iorm stats enabled datastore #157
Fixed bugs:
- bug in filetype and snashot measures #169
- vCSA 6.7 Update 1 - DIE Can't call method "apiType" on an undefined value at /root/VsanPullStatistics.pl line 136. #165
Closed issues:
- Update VI pull stats frequence #184
- files.sexigraf.fr is down #183
- Issues with VSAN Capacity and API version 6.7.1 #181
- Alerts not working #175
- Offline Inventory: Add vm cpu usage, vm memory usage #172
- DIE Illegal division by zero at /root/ViPullStatistics.pl line 146. #171
- add cpu latency metric #166
- add vcenter events counter #163
- VsanPullStatistics.pl line 408 - DIE Illegal division by zero at /root/VsanPullStatistics.pl line 408 #160
0.99e (2018-08-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Rename standalone ESX dashboards to avoid misunderstanding #150
- Please make HTTPS/SSL as a default for the 0.99e version #146
- Add host # per cluster in every cluster related dashboard #145
- Change logrotate frequency to hourly #144
- Add Sync reasons in vSAN Resync dashboard #142
- add network packets dropped #141
- Change join separator in the offline inventory #136
- add disk.commandsAveraged.average for vms #135
- add net.usage.average for vms #134
- add disk.usage.average metric for vms #133
- transform mem distributed fairness metric to negative Y #124
- Display appliance version in SexiMenu #122
- remove cluster link for "N/A" cluster in offline inventory #119
- add mem.allocated to VMware Multi Cluster QuickStats dashboard #118
- Pull Exec Time does not show .vm metrics beyond 2d #115
- Add a backup/export feature #67
- Dashboard init failed Template variables could not be initialized: undefined #62
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong allocated memory value in cluster dashboards #152
- ViPullStatistics.pl - Illegal division by zero #132
- set decimals to auto in power usage gaph in All Cluster FullStats #123
- House Cleaner not expanding subfolders #120
- dashboard metrics definition #26
Closed issues:
- add vmhba traffic counters #138
- Missing ESX Hosts #131
- fresh install: All vmware dashbords shows no data #130
- Dashboard not working on a mix environment #129
- Slow fetch from vcsa #126
- create dashboard for vcenter sessionCount metric #121
- lower Y-Max from 180 to 150 on cpu/ram usage graph #117
- Time data request Error on graph #37
Merged pull requests:
0.99d (2017-07-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Auto purge oldest wsp files and empty folders #112
- Error on testing vCenter status while connection to VC6.5 #102
- add storage consumption per file type per cluster #91
- add provisioned vRAM metric #90
- Unicode normalization #89
- increase logging #88
- add cluster vcpu/pcpu ratio metric #86
- Add link to filtered dashboard #81
- add datastore selection in capacity planning dashboards #80
- Add vSphere "ready" metric per vm #79
- Add https connection test before auth test against vCenter #73
- add auto archive/delete whisper files #69
Fixed bugs:
- /var/spool/exim4 filling up #107
- Typo in $graphite->send() #82
- WARN Use of uninitialized value in multiplication (*) at /root/ViPullStatistics.pl line 247 #78
- Syntax Error when using SexiGraf code on CentOS #77
- Use of uninitialized value $count in numeric lt (<) at /root/ViPullStatistics.pl line 129 #76
Closed issues:
- Datacenter names with ÅÄÖ will cause problems #114
- VSAN Disk Utilization dashboard #113
- Document what the different graphs mean #108
- Only 1 host being discovered #104
- doesn't match vsan resyrn value. #101
- How to switch to HTTPS #99
- Issue with parenthesis in clusternames? #98
- Issues Getting ESXi Stats #97
- No vsan statistics for disk usage / capacity #96
- VSAN Congestion inconsistent between Multi VSAN Monitor & VSAN Monitor #95
- enable Grafana "starred" dashboards #94
- How do you extend disk for the sexigraf appliance? #93
- add top N lowest cpu/ram usage dashboard #92
- error after updating from 0.99a to 0.99c #87
- No ESX metrics #85
- Add LVM #84
- Error after adding vCenter to the list of credentials and attempting to view data. #83
- VI Offline Inventory not being populated and all datastore related graphs are empty with "Timeseries data request error". #70
- Rounding in FlambX #38
Merged pull requests:
0.99c (2016-05-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for OVF properties #74
- Add support for VSAN 6.2 SDK #68
- Support for more than 500KB update packages #66
- Use 80 percentile instead of mean formula in QuickQueryPerf #63
- Display from>to version on upgrade page #56
Fixed bugs:
- VMware VSAN NAA Latency dashboard for T10 devices ? #65
- WARN Use of uninitialized value $vsan_cache_ssd_clean_naa[1] in string at /root/VsanPullStatistics.pl line 288 #61
Closed issues:
- Add support for Windows #72
- Add support for FreeNAS #71
- add new VSAN All Flash Monitor dashboard #64
- Aggregated Datastore IOPS No datapoints #60
- FlambX dashboard issue with number of ESXi hosts #59
- add new dashboard to monitor multiple VSAN cluster #58
- ViPullStatistics very slow on HostSystem.runtime #52
Merged pull requests:
0.99b1 (2016-03-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Enhance the SSD stats dashboard #49
- remove cluster configurationEx dependency for performace impact #48
- Handle VirtualSAN Witness ESXi #47
- Handle multiple puller on the same vcenter #43
- VMware Multi ESX QuickStats #39
- add icon next to "Upload Package" button #36
- VSAN capacity diskgroup templating #29
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Add VM quickstats dashboard #46
- Add Resync/Rebuild/Rebalance dashboard for VSAN #45
- Add NAA latencies dashboard for VSAN #44
Merged pull requests:
0.99a (2015-11-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- list old "orphaned" files in Stats Remover #28
- Add logs to VI and VSAN pull scripts #22
- add apache2 and carbon-cache services in the restart cycle of the SexiMenu #20
- add apache2 service state in seximenu #19
- Add MAC addresses on static inventory #13
- Re-inventory after vcenter entry removal #11
- Add 'Refresh' option for offline inventory #10
- New to add some 'Test' action on credential store #8
Fixed bugs:
- Issues during statistics pull #34
- Wrong logrotate file definition make log file unreadable by Log Viewer #33
- Can't see vm.left above 7j in Cluster Capacity Planning dashboard #25
- Incorrect path in service restart function #23
- ignore .gitignore file in Package Updater #15
Closed issues:
- Cluster Hosts basic stats dashboard #32
- Top 5 vmdk dashboard for VSAN #31
- change grafana.ini to enable dashboard saving #27
- /var/log/syslog tail GUI #17
- missing "refresh inventory" in Web Toolbox menu #16
- shrink sexigraf ASCII logo in seximenu #12
- carbon-cache status missing in seximenu #7
- need "dismissed" button on SexiGraf Package Update Runner log page #6
- crontab files not used after vi/vsan enabling #5
- strict search in VI Offline Inventory #4
- ViOfflineInventory run after vcentry addition ? #3
- cron files not removed after delete-vcentry #2
- web-admin.json wrong path #1
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator