This is a list of issues discovered during Copter and Rover 4.5 testing. The issues list for Copter/Rover-4.4 is here.
Backport PRs.
Reports requiring investigation:
- EKF3 fallback to baro not working? (discussion)
- Septentrio HDOP issue? (discussion)
- EKF3 control scaling causes drift away in high winds (issue, discussion)
- Visual Odometry arming check should check latest quality from camera (issue)
- EKF3 altitude slow correction with GPS broken? (discussion, related PR)
- Lua scripting binding for "play_tune" not working (reported by muramura in general channel)
- OmnibusF4 lost External Baro support? (issue)
- MR72 CAN rangefinder not adding distances to OA database (issue)
- Alexmos not working (Plane forum discussion)
- Auto mode using rangefinder should trigger failsafe if user disables rangefinder (reported by Harris Aerial)
- Custom build server of MatekH743 + flowhold (discussion)
- DShot 600 jerky movement without being armed (discussion) -- configuration error (MOT_PWM_TYPE = 0 but SERVO_BLH_MASK non-zero) -- AndyP
- Lua mount:set-angle-target binding doesn't work on Matek H743 mini V3 (discussion) -- Randy
- CAM messages with Img field "0" appearing in logs without pictures being taken (reported by Randy) -- Randy
Confirmed issues:
- SCurves internal error (discussion)
- LD06 proximity sensor buffer overflow (reported in Discord Rover channel, PR)
- Rover watchdog on 4.5.1 (discussion)
- RPLidarS1 erratic distances on Rover (discussion, possible fix, PR) -- Randy, Mirkix
- SmartRTL flow of control error (pre-existing issue) -- Randy, PeterB
- APM_Config can't be used to include/exclude features (issue)
Enhancements or Issues that may not be resolved before the stable release:
- ESC Telemetry on OSD for Servo9 (issue) -- andy1piper says this is caused by a bug fix and so an enhancement request is required
- DJI RS2 lock/follow not working? (discussion, issue) -- existing issue
- CAM2 using CAM1 servo output (discussion, issue)
- AP_Mount: mount_open servo output should work for all backends #26892
- Rover multiple inclusion fence support (discussion, WIP PR)
- GPS consistency checks Alt when GPS can't provide alt (discussion, issue)
- Custom Build server support for CUAV Pixhack v3x with 3 IMUs (discussion, product page)
- AP_OSD: Add CRSF link stats display fields (PR)
- Network params not visible for Pixhawk5x (discussion, issue)
- ViewPro does not track GPS location well (discussion, known limitation of ViewPro API)
Wiki issues/enhancement requests:
- Add MTF-01 flow sensor setup instructions ardupilot_wiki#5916
- Dynamic Notch filter instructions need consolidation (issue)
- Auto mode LOITER_TURNS does not support CCW? (discussion)
- Add vertical position controller tuning instructions (discussion)
- Add warning for AutoTune ESC desync (issue)
Mission planner issues/enhancement requests:
- add DO_FENCE_ENABLE to Rover (and Copter?) mission command list (discussion)
- fixup camera gimbal page (discussion)
- Loiter turns radius incorrect (issue)
QGC issues/enhancement requests:
- QGC sending invalid roll, pitch, yaw angles (discussion, QGC issue)
Resolved issues:
- 4.5.6 crash dump on startup (reported by lthall) -- DroneCAN locking issue -- fixed in 4.5.7-beta1
- Windows Cygwin build broken (issue, PR) -- fixed and will be included in Copter-4.6.0
- EKF Wind estimates not available when using GPS-for-yaw (issue, PR) -- fixed for 4.5.6-rc1
- Guided mode yaw when WP_YAW_BEHAVE = 0 (issue, PR) -- fixed ahead of 4.5.5
- iomcu reset with bdshot on 6X #27171 -- resolved ahead of 4.5.4-rc1
- EKF3 endless climb with EK3_OGN_HGT_MASK (PR)
- Kakute buzzer scream (issue) -- custom developmen issue
- Ardupilot v4.5.1 Batt4 Percentage Issue #27017 (PR)
- CubeOrange with Siyi A8 failing to boot 1 in 20 times (issue) -- fixed with Siyi firmware 0.3.7
- Lua rangefinder broken (discussion, PR) -- resolved for 4.5.3-beta1
- NoopLoop TOFSense-P noise (discussion) -- not 4.5.0, cannot reproduce (Rishabh)
- Jump message missing from telementry? (discussion, issue, PR) -- PeterB -- resolved for 4.5.3-beta1
- RC SBus input on Navio2 (discussion) -- QGC issue
- Avoidance backup for Z-axis is unconstrained (PR) -- fixed for 4.5.3-beta1
- Pixhawk 6C SBUS out not working with Tarot gimbal (discussion, issue1, PR, issue 2, PR) -- fixed in 4.5.2-beta1
- Pixhawk6C mini compass disappearing in flight issue (4.4 issue, 4.5 discussion, PR) -- hardware issue, work around ready for 4.5.3-beta1
- Neopixels broken (discussion, issue, PR-to-blame, PR with fix) -- fixed for 4.5.3-beta1
- Stabilize mode Internal Error in Land Detector (discussion, issue, code, PR) -- fixed for 4.5.3-beta1
- Copter-4.6 filter issue (discussion) -- not present in 4.5
- 3 of 12 Pixhawk6X display IOMCU error (discussion) -- AndyP, CUAV -- wrong IOMCU bootloader installed on the board (at factor?)
- Gremsy can't be used as 2nd mount (discussion) -- Randy can't reproduce, assumed ZIO issue, added warning to wiki
- Throw mode reliability (discussion) -- motor desync probably
- EKF loses attitude estimate if COMPASS_LEARN set to 3 (inflight) and GPS-for-yaw used (PR) -- Tridge / PaulR -- resolved for 4.5.2-beta1
- Guide mode using thrust causes internal error (issue, PR) -- resolved for 4.5.2-beta1
- MTF-01 Optical flow sensor not working (discussion) -- set config on sensor to different component id. -- resolved for 4.5.2-beta1
- DAL bug affecting VisualOdometry delay (issue, PR) -- resolved for 4.5.2-beta1
- Hereflow requires BRD_BOOTDELAY (discussion, PR) -- resolved for 4.5.2-beta1
- RTL engaged below Home alt and using Terrain alt returning too high? (reported by Tridge and PeterB) -- RTL seems to be acting as expected. It was engaged at 121m above terrain and so that's the altitude it maintained until it returned home.
- AP_Mount's default mode being overwritten by RC input (discussion, PR) -- resolved for 4.5.2-beta1
- T265 not working (discussion, related PR) -- user was using same sysid/compid as autopilot
- Developer issues integrating CAN RangeFinder (discussion1, discussion2, issue) -- worked at 1Mbps
- GPS_TYPE parameter descriptions in MP using 4.4 (issue, PR) -- resolved for 4.5.2-beta1
- Use MicroXRCEDDSGen Binaries instead of making users compile it from source #26811
- Near Fly-away with 4.4.4 (EKF failsafe was disabled, discussion) -- no further communication, likely bad compass cal
- KakuteH7 fails to initialise (discussion) -- also failed on 4.4.4 so Randy has concluded that it is a hardware issue
- Siyi mount stalls occasionally and bouncing near pitch and yaw limits (discussion) -- Siyi firmware / hardware mismatch
- do-condition-yaw bug (also in 4.4, PR) -- resolved for beta5 (assuming there is a beta5)
- Copters turns North in Guided_NoGPS (issue, discussion, PR) -- fixed for beta5 (assuming there is a -beta5)
- ViewPro not holding level during hard maneuvers (PR) -- resolved in beta4 (although no confirmation from user) -- fixed for beta5 (assuming there is a -beta5)
- altitude jump when GPS/Non-GPS transitions switching altitude source of ExtNav to Baro (reported by Randy) -- should jump when moving from camera->baro, cannot reproduce otherwise.
- MP's MAVFtp can't download SYS files (MP issue) -- SITL only issue
- Logging removed on some boards? (issue, PR) -- needs backport?
- Sending unknown message (issue, PR) -- resolved for -beta3
- increasing k_format_version does not reset parameters (dev question, issue) -- cannot reproduce, responses stopped
- MAV_CMD_DO_SEND_SCRIPT_MESSAGE not working? (discussion) -- only supported as Mission command
- TKOFF_RPM_MIN working? (4.3.x discussion) -- fixed in 4.4
- Record video while armed broken (PR) -- resolved for -beta3
- Parachute conversion issue (issue, PR) -- resolved for beta2
- Siyi running old camera fw message (discussion, original discussion, PR) -- resolved for beta2
- Matek H743 watchdog (discussion) -- development environment issue
- Stuck thread (discussion) -- exists in 4.4.4 as well, two devs say it's fine so concluded it is a hardware failure on the user's autopilot.
- AutoTune crash -- ESC de-sync (discussion)
- Here4 does not support GPS-for-yaw (aka Moving baseline) (discussion)