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Nova v0.18

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@NichtStudioCode NichtStudioCode released this 19 Mar 12:19

Combined changelog from 0.17-alpha.1 to 0.18-RC.8, this version is functionally the same as 0.18-RC.8, there was no stable release for 0.17


  1. As always, please create a backup before updating to this version.

  2. Nova addons are now loaded as plugins. This means that they now need to be placed in the plugins/ directory, and NOT plugins/Nova/addons/. Addon configs, recipes, etc. will be automatically moved to their new data folders. For this to work properly, the addons need to be present on the first startup of 0.18.

General Changes

  • Updated to Minecraft 1.21.4 (1.20.4 is no longer supported)
  • Addons are now loaded as plugins
  • Nova now bundles all libraries instead of downloading them on startup.
  • nova:wrench was moved to the Logistics addon
  • Removed the shadow from fake vanilla boss bars & waila overlay background
  • Nova will now prevent server startup if FastAsyncWorldEdit is installed, as they are incompatible (#560)
  • Removed Oraxen support and added compatibility with Nexo
  • Added config option resource_pack > japanese_glyph_variants
  • Added force_path_style config option for S3 upload service (#415)
  • Energy networks now balance blocks that are insert & extract
  • Insert & Extract is now the default connection type chests and other vanilla blocks that store items


  • Fixed #275 - Jetpacks stop working when switching worlds
  • Fixed #304 - Break network connections during chunk save / chunk load ?
  • Fixed #307 - Unbreakable block with tool
  • Fixed #320 - Block#breakNaturally() and Block#remove() don't properly break solid custom Nova blocks.
  • Fixed #369 - Certain quasi-connectivity situations do not work
  • Fixed #413 - Crashing server using scaffolding
  • Fixed #414 - Commands requiring arguments used without arguments are throwing an error
  • Fixed #416 - Exception during initialization
  • Fixed #418 - Only one enchantment possible per item
  • Fixed #427 - Incorrect behavior with enchanted tools
  • Fixed #429 - Pick block mouse bind not working when Nova plugin is installed.
  • Fixed #430 - Incorrect bamboo behaviour
  • Fixed #431 - Problem with merging resource pack
  • Fixed #432 - Tripwire blocks missing behaviors
  • Fixed #439 - Sword sweeping absent in alpha 12 update
  • Fixed #440 - Placeholder items can be cloned with middle click
  • Fixed #441 - Problem with internal item removed when destroying Shulker box in Survival
  • Fixed #442 - Hopper facing
  • Fixed #448 - Tile-entity energy is not stored in item stacks
  • Fixed #451 - Deadlock when querying Towny protection for network tasks
  • Fixed #452 - Lava doesn't deal damage on Purpur
  • Fixed #454 - Crash due to Nova chunks not being loaded during world generation
  • Fixed #456 - Straight cables turn into chains when waterlogged (Logistics addon)
  • Fixed #462 - Incorrect block picking behavior
  • Fixed #490 - Colored/Dyed Shulker Boxes don't connect with wires, while natural colored Shulker Boxes do
  • Fixed #500 - [Logistics] Cables vanish if a block is placed on top of them
  • Fixed #503 - abnormal bossbar text with other languages
  • Fixed #506 - Disabled slots in vanilla crafter get filled up when using cables to insert items
  • Fixed #512 - Server lags and crashes when saving while handling multiple cable connections in the same chunk
  • Fixed #513 - Falling blocks replace cables, deleting them
  • Fixed #521 - Taking fluids from a fluid tank while on a full inventory deletes buckets
  • Fixed #522 - Either TRIPWIRE_UNATTACHED or TRIPWIRE_ATTACHED model working but not both
  • Fixed #527 - Updating to 1.21.4 breaks Nova blocks which were in the middle of a process
  • Fixed #532 - Placing an unenchanted item into an Enchanting Table crashes server
  • Fixed #535 - Nova is causing strings and tripwires to be unbreakable
  • Fixed #536 - Machines with fluid bars uninteractible
  • Fixed #537 - Storage units fail to initialize
  • Fixed #538 - Issues with loots & Machine upgrades
  • Fixed #539 - Biome injection not working
  • Fixed #546 - Nova crashes when applying patches on paper version 1.21.4-20 and newer
  • Fixed #550 - Nova is not compatible with nLogin
  • Fixed #556 - Incompatibility with ItemsAdder
  • Fixed #571 - Machines X Logistics Weird Bug
  • Fixed #575 - Crafting remainder not working in furnaces
  • Fixed an issue with page switching in the recipe viewer
  • Fixed an issue where ArmorEquipEvent was not fired
  • Fixed an issue where note blocks would still play sounds when there was a block above them
  • Fixed an issue where BlockMigrator would not despawn display entities of entity-backed Nova blocks
  • Fixed an issue where replacing blocks via BlockUtils#placeBlock would not call break handlers for the previous Nova block
  • Fixed an issue where custom armor textures would not work if the resource pack wasn't regenerated
  • Fixed an issue with block drops in creative
  • Fixed fake display entity metadata using wrong ids for interpolation-related entries
  • Fixed TileEntity#handleTickingEnabled and TileEntity#handleTickingDisabled not called on place/break
  • Fixed an issue where the energy bar's energy delta values would remain when energy is unchanged
  • Fixed an issue where tool tier was ignored when breaking Nova blocks with vanilla tools
  • Fixed an issue where world file save could run concurrently with network tasks, leading to file corruption
  • Fixed an issue where directional vanilla blocks would not be placed facing the correct direction if they were placed against Nova blocks with a replacable hitbox block.
  • Fixed some cases where fake player instances could be leaked through bukkit events
  • Fixed an issue where the energy side configuration of tile entities would reset on every chunk load
  • Fixed an issue where ghost items would appear in the hotbar when trying to pick a Nova block in creative mode
  • Fixed some false positives regarding Nova's creative block picking
  • Fixed WailaToolIconProviderRegistry not accepting WailaToolIconProvider
  • Fixed an issue where the default waila tool icon provider would return "wooden_" for unknown tiers
  • Fixed "zip file closed" exception during initialization
  • Fixed ToolTier#ofItem not recognizing gold tools
  • Fixed an issue where networks would not tick when containing hoppers
  • Fixed an issue where unzipped base packs would cause resource pack building to fail
  • Fixed an issue where client-side nova item data could leak into server-side items in creative mode
  • Fixed NoSuchFieldError for CraftMagicNumbers.INSTANCE on newer paper versions
  • Fixed NoSuchMethodError when opening anvil windows on newer paper versions
  • Fixed an issue where removing an end point that is part of a local network would not remove the connected end point from the network
  • Fixed No NetworkConfigurator for world when dynamically loading a world
  • Fixed UninitializedPropertyAccessException when accessing ProtectionManager early
  • Fixed block placing on Nova blocks with interactive backing state
  • Fixed a desync when trying to break a block without the Breakable behavior in creative
  • Fixed an issue where the axis value of blocks was selected incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where tile entity data was not saved properly
  • Fixed an issue where changes to network end points were not saved properly
  • Fixed an issue where added items to tile-entity inventories would be invisible until reopening the gui
  • Fixed an issue where water could destroy non-waterloggable Nova blocks
  • Fixed NovaItem#createItemStack always returning item stacks of count 1
  • Fixed an issue where lines of flying leaves would appear in the world
  • Fixed an issue where leaves, note blocks and tripwire would not have block break effects
  • Fixed an issue where leaves, not blocks and tripwire could not be picked via the middle mouse button
  • Fixed an issue where side configuration menus would not be closed when the associated tile entity was destroyed
  • Fixed an issue where some tile entity guis would stop updating after switching menus
  • Fixed IllegalStateException: zip file closed on shutdown
  • Fixed an issue where some tile entity data would only be saved once per chunk load cycle
  • Fixed an issue where items with the Stripping behavior could not strip pale oak log
  • Fixed an issue where tools with canSweepAttack = true would not sweep attack
  • Fixed an issue where custom swords would not break bamboo instantly
  • Fixed an issue where custom tools would not receive item damage when attacking entities
  • Fixed an issue where on-disk resource pack generation would not use the correct directory
  • Fixed an issue where Nova would crash on startup if it was previously interrupted during config extraction
  • Fixed an issue where network data for nova:unknown blocks would be removed on network chunk load
  • Fixed an issue where legacy region file conversion (v0.16 -> v0.18) would deadlock
  • Fixed an issue where the addonJar task of the nova-gradle-plugin would fail when a custom bootstrapper was specified, but createPlugin wasn't overridden
  • Fixed an issue where advancements for Nova items would not work
  • Fixed an issue where new nova item stacks would have the legacy modelId tag
  • Fixed an issue where Nova tile-entities would not drop storage contents if they were broken with an incorrect tool
  • Fixed an issue where both Nova and vanilla tile-entities would not drop experience orbs when broken with an incorrect tool
  • Fixed an issue where all non-tile-entity blocks that spawn experience orbs on break would always spawn them, even if broken in creative or with an incorrect tool

Addon API

New Features

  • Added LEAVES, TRIPWIRE_UNATTACHED and TRIPWIRE_ATTACHED backing state categories
  • Waterloggable blocks
  • Tools can now have multiple tool categories
  • Item behaviors can now modify block damage
  • Model generation Nova Documentation - Creating a custom block model
  • Added support for item model definitions in items and entity-backed blocks
  • Added support for equipment definitions
  • Added support for custom tooltip textures
  • New item behaviors: AnimatedDye, Cooldown, Dyeable, Glider
  • Added Canvas gui element
  • BlockBehaviors can now customize the item stack for creative block picking via pickBlockCreative


  • Major changes to custom items, blocks, tile-entities, and tile-entity networks.

Migration Guide

Plugin API

  • Added functionality to get all tile-entities in a chunk (#231)