- I am running the latest version of Nova.
- I am running the latest version of my server software.
- I have checked for similar issues.
- I am using an official build of Nova.
Check for plugin incompatibilites
There are no other plugins running on my server.
Plugin Version, Server Software, Server Version
Nova Addons and Versions
Logistics-0.2.7-RC.2, Machines-0.4.4-RC.1, Simple-Upgrades-1.2-RC.1
Expected behavior
No response
Observed/Actual behavior
Blocks that can be broken instantly will not break if you have a tool in hand.
If the block breaks instantly by hand, regardless of the tool in hand, it will not break if you have a tool in hand.
If the block only breaks instantly when using a specific tool, it will not break when using that tool or a superior tool tiers.
Steps to reproduce
- Place a creativ energy cell
- Take diamond axe in main hand
- Try to break it in survival gamemode
Server log
No response
Additional context
No response