- I am using an official build of Nova.
- I am running the latest version of Nova.
- I am using a server software supported by Nova
- I am running the latest version of my server software.
- I have checked for similar issues.
Check for plugin incompatibilites
There are no other plugins running on my server.
Plugin Version, Server Software, Server Version
Nova: 0.18-alpha.16 ; Paper 1.21.4-121-main@88bbead
Nova Addons and Versions
Logistics 0.2.10-alpha.4, Machines 0.4.7-alpha.5, Simple-Upgrades 1.5-alpha.2
Expected behavior
When using the planters, Harvesters and Cables with solar panels and Basic Power Cells, using logistics as an auto sorting system with cables. I expect the planter to plant carrots and potatos and the harvester to harvest em, Simple.
Observed/Actual behavior
It all works when I set it up, but When I restart the server and come back, the Connection to Blocks breaks so it can not put energy, or items in or out, and sometimes the Planters stop working and become inaccessible. This only happens in a link using the Planters and harvesters, Mob farms using the same system just with Mob duplicators work as expected. I also get Thousands of error messages saying the same thing.
This error message happens on Server startup.
These error messages start on Server Joining.
All the cables look like this. Not connected.
Then previous Cables dont connect to old cables and have to replace them all.
Only happens at the Crop farm. All other farms i have set up using mob dupers and mob killers etc work perfectly.
Steps to reproduce
- Create the Farm via using a planter and harvester combo.
- Connect the Harvester to a Storage Container
- Connect Storage container with Extract filter only. To the Planter.
- Power from above using 3 Solar panels connected to a Basic Power Cell.
- Power Harvester and Planter combo From above deselecting both Extract and Input for items to make sure no misplacing of items
- Have a farm built something like this
Make sure it works after completing and Potato's going into storage container then being pulled out by the planter to replace crop plants.
Restart Server By using stop command and then manually starting up.
In my instance All cables will be disconnected and Many error messages pop up.
Server log
Additional context
Sorry if i made this bug report wrong, Completely New to Minecraft server hosting.