v4.22.4 (2022-09-22)
Merged Pull Requests
- Add google-pay type definition to recurly.d.ts #753 (cyberxander90)
v4.22.3 (2022-09-16)
Merged Pull Requests
- Sequential Preflight Calls #749 (isaacvance1027)
v4.22.2 (2022-07-26)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adyen 3ds risk strategy frame update #744 (isaacvance1027)
v4.22.1 (2022-07-20)
Merged Pull Requests
- Update Adyen sdk libUrl for 3ds risk strategy #742 (isaacvance1027)
- Credit card types refactor #736 (douglaslise)
v4.22.0 (2022-07-11)
Merged Pull Requests
- Add more BIN ranges for UnionPay #735 (douglaslise)
- Adding support to google-pay #733 (cyberxander90)
v4.21.1 (2022-05-26)
Merged Pull Requests
- ApplePay tokenize tax fields #730 (cyberxander90)
- Allow CNPJ as new tax id #729 (horozcorecurly)
v4.21.0 (2022-05-21)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fix snapshots for android10 #728 (cyberxander90)
- Select PayPal gateway #727 (rlew421)
v4.20.2 (2022-05-09)
Merged Pull Requests
- Accepts custom udf on kount #720 (cyberxander90)
v4.20.1 (2022-05-04)
Merged Pull Requests
- add gateway suggested field to braintree 3ds flow #724 (isaacvance1027)
v4.20.0 (2022-04-28)
Merged Pull Requests
- ApplePay through Braintree #715 (cyberxander90)
v4.19.1 (2022-03-31)
Merged Pull Requests
- Worldpay 3ds prod fix #717 (smagdicatrecurly)
- remove redirectURL from WorldpayStrategy #714 (ajkelso)
v4.19.0 (2022-02-24)
Merged Pull Requests
- Added Sofort selection form and validations #707 (gilv93)
- IDeal and Sofort #701 (cyberxander90)
- Adding the eu api url for eu on rjs #700 (flaviomuller)
Closed Issues
- Error during 3DS fingerprint check with Stripe #706
v4.18.1 (2021-11-09)
Merged Pull Requests
Closed Issues
- Outdated types on DefinitelyTyped #694
v4.18.0 (2021-10-20)
Merged Pull Requests
- Add elements to fix failing e2e tests #696 (efeygelson)
- Update jsdoc #695 (cyberxander90)
- Add chase orbital 3ds strategy #692 (cyberxander90)
v4.17.1 (2021-08-19)
Merged Pull Requests
- Add BIN range for Tarjeta Naranja #689 (efeygelson)
v4.17.0 (2021-08-12)
Merged Pull Requests
- Revert "add security to github CODEOWNER file" #688 (eternal44)
- Add support to SagePay 3DS2 #687 (cyberxander90)
- add security to github CODEOWNER file #685 (eternal44)
- Add test to support cuit tax identifiers #684 (cyberxander90)
- Add fields and details types to RecurlyError #680 (cyberxander90)
Closed Issues
v4.16.2 (2021-05-05)
Merged Pull Requests
- Venmo Desktop #670 (efeygelson)
v4.16.1 (2021-04-07)
Merged Pull Requests
- Allow recurly.js implementer to specify if 3ds2 device data collection calls occur #671 (glaubenstein)
v4.16.0 (2021-02-25)
Merged Pull Requests
- Allows a PricingPromise to be provided to the ApplePay constructor #665 (chrissrogers)
- Venmo support #661 (efeygelson)
Closed Issues
- Is there a way to configure inputs to remove Chrome's autofill styles? #659
v4.15.1 (2020-11-18)
Merged Pull Requests
- Support setup intents on 3ds2 #653 (glaubenstein)
v4.15.0 (2020-11-10)
Merged Pull Requests
- Add support for 3ds2 transactions with cybersource #652 (glaubenstein)
- TypeScript updates and fixes #648 (dbrudner)
- Adjust ELO BIN ranges #647 (billkauf1)
- Fixes test-unit-debug Make target #643 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes DefinitelyTyped GitHub action trigger #641 (dbrudner)
- Fixes error reporting #638 (dbrudner)
- Fix dt checkout action #637 (dbrudner)
- Adds e2e test for kount #636 (dbrudner)
- Enhances types for BankAccount #633 (dbrudner)
Closed Issues
v4.14.0 (2020-07-30)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds support to tokenize tax_identifier #629 (lexac1)
- Adds tsdoc comments for types #627 (dbrudner)
- Removes nonexistent token method from PayPal.d.ts #626 (dbrudner)
- Adds Element.focus method to types #625 (dbrudner)
- Fixes previous tabbing for Elements on non-mobile browsers #618 (chrissrogers)
- Adds Becs support #614 (calebbarde)
v4.13.1 (2020-07-16)
Merged Pull Requests
v4.13.0 (2020-06-23)
Merged Pull Requests
- Use more inclusive terms #616 (aaron-junot)
- Fixes BankAccount type test #615 (dbrudner)
- Updates dependencies #613 (dbrudner)
- Adds e2e tests for electron #610 (dbrudner)
- Adds Bacs Support #608 (calebbarde)
- Throws missing plan code error if plan is an empty string #603 (dbrudner)
- Sends requested currency in
GET /apple_pay/info
requests #600 (chrissrogers) - Caches plan requests #599 (chrissrogers)
- Restructures types for DT #595 (dbrudner)
- Increases the report collation period to 30 seconds #594 (chrissrogers)
- Adds electron as env for unit tests #593 (dbrudner)
- Adds PayPal#destroy #592 (dbrudner)
- Adds exports for types #591 (dbrudner)
Closed Issues
- Add support for SEPA billing info #606
v4.12.0 (2020-03-21)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds union pay #590 (lexac1)
- Fixes webpack-dev-server options in makefile #585 (dbrudner)
- Adds support for tokenizing IBAN Bank accounts #579 (chrissrogers)
- Updates fraud detection endpoint consumer #577 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes discount calculations on free trial subscriptions with a single-use coupon #574 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes HostedFields reset on re-configuration preceding initialization #573 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Wrong discount and subtotal next values #572
- Subsequent calls to
fail if hosted field(s) didn't fully load #570
v4.11.0 (2019-12-09)
Merged Pull Requests
- Add new Discover BINs #569 (billkauf1)
- Elements #568 (chrissrogers)
- Checkout pricing items #566 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes an issue with paypal incorrectly emitting a cancel event on success #564 (dbrudner)
- updates Frame to use enum instead of string types #557 (dbrudner)
Closed Issues
- Recurly Issue on Internet Explorer - Can't Proceed with Payment #562
- Safari Autofill does not seem to propagate Recurly change event state properly #561
- Fix spacing of expiry and CVV in the Card field #502
v4.10.3 (2019-09-24)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes Braintree authentication amount display #556 (chrissrogers)
- Renders Wirecard 3DS challenge as an iframe instead of new window #555 (chrissrogers)
- adds lint step to travis-ci .yml #554 (dbrudner)
- runs npm audit fix #550 (dbrudner)
v4.10.2 (2019-09-09)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes loading Braintree libraries #549 (miscer)
- Adds 3D Secure support for Worldpay #547 (chrissrogers)
- adds error emission instead of throwing in Fraud #546 (dbrudner)
- implement CIT for sagepay #543 (calebbarde)
- Adds 'aria-hidden' tag to hidden input field #542 (dbrudner)
- Emit PayPal cancel event on frame close #525 (aaron-junot)
Closed Issues
- Return an Error when actionTokenID is not provided to ThreeDSecure constructor #536
v4.10.1 (2019-08-27)
Merged Pull Requests
- Sets ThreeDSecureStrategy#container height and width to 100% #538 (chrissrogers)
- Requires actionTokenId to be provided when instantiating ThreeDSecure #537 (chrissrogers)
- Adds Wirecard 3D Secure support #535 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Return an Error when actionTokenID is not provided to ThreeDSecure constructor #536
v4.10.0 (2019-06-21)
Merged Pull Requests
- Updates StripeStrategy to resolve only the PaymentIntent.id #531 (chrissrogers)
- Corrects ApplePay completeShippingMethodSelection call signature #529 (chrissrogers)
- 3D Secure 2.0 #527 (chrissrogers)
- Use handleCardAction for post SCA #524 (jpgnotgif)
v4.9.7 (2019-05-23)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds 'details' to token validation errors #522 (chrissrogers)
v4.9.6 (2019-03-25)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds specific tax amount overrides to SubscriptionPricing and CheckoutPricing #515 (chrissrogers)
v4.9.5 (2019-01-31)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes Edge 44 bug when adding an iframe as a bus recipient #510 (chrissrogers)
- Adds adyen-error #507 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes detection of tabbing order on mobile browsers #504 (chrissrogers)
- Adds field type to reporter events on field focus and blur #501 (chrissrogers)
- Isolates buses across instances #500 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Unable click and fill up security code and expiration date using Microsoft Edge #509
- Add "adyen-error" to ERRORS #506
- Tabbing with multiple hosted fields in mobile Safari #503
v4.9.4 (2018-12-11)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes reference to Promise library #499 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes determination of individual field formatting configuration #498 (chrissrogers)
- Make fsevents optional to allow for builds on linux systems #495 (jss79)
- Fixes coupon resolving when switching subscription plans #489 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes SubscriptionPricing addon removal #487 (chrissrogers)
- Fix pricing calculation for multiple addons #471 (rstrand)
Closed Issues
- Object doesn't support property or method 'assign' #496
- Plan-restricted coupon works for another plan too #488
- Removing an addon from Pricing instance causes "invalid-item" error #486
- [Hosted pages] Current email address can be changed into an invalid email address with no error generated #481
- [Payment form] The "Pay $10.00 USD/mo." button becomes clickable even though the invalid CC number error is displayed #480
- Problem with Diners club number, the caret wrongly moves inside the string. #476
v4.9.3 (2018-10-09)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes storage availability check within hosted fields #482 (chrissrogers)
v4.9.2 (2018-10-03)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds Storage availability check and generic object fallback scenario #478 (chrissrogers)
- Catches non-critical worker init errors and reports them via debug #477 (chrissrogers)
v4.9.1 (2018-09-05)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes issue where tax exemption results in negative taxes #475 (chrissrogers)
- Allow specifying requiredShippingContactFields in Apple Pay #474 (emcro)
v4.9.0 (2018-08-09)
Merged Pull Requests
- Recurly.Event #459 (chrissrogers)
v4.8.7 (2018-07-31)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes Kount fraud detection when using Card field #470 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Fraud module and card field #469
v4.8.6 (2018-05-17)
Merged Pull Requests
- fix: switch to using window over global #456 (thisislawatts)
- chore: remove eval from minified file #455 (thisislawatts)
- Adds deviceId and sessionId #454 (chrissrogers)
- Moves request concerns out of main Recurly class module #452 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Hosted field focus issue in Firefox 59.0.2 (64-bit) #460
v4.8.5 (2018-03-29)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds tabIndex configuration support #448 (chrissrogers)
- Cleans up errors and adds select generation to createHiddenInput #445 (chrissrogers)
- Removes dates from CHANGELOG #443 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Incorrect validation of card number #441
- Checkout with PayPal in private window mode #419
- Loading Font Weight 300 from Google Font #360
v4.8.4 (2018-03-16)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes hosted field forced-focus binding #439 (chrissrogers)
- Adds displayIcon field configuration option pass-through #433 (chrissrogers)
- Small cleanup for field injections #431 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Option to prevent font fetching #424
v4.8.3 (2018-02-27)
Merged Pull Requests
v4.8.2 (2018-02-15)
Merged Pull Requests
- Apple pay zero amount authorizations #426 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Firefox: Red border around hosted fields #427
v4.8.1 (2018-01-17)
Merged Pull Requests
- Revert "Mobile Tabbing for Recurly.js" #420 (chrissrogers)
- Adds support for logo assignment in PayPal flow #418 (chrissrogers)
- Mobile Tabbing for Recurly.js #396 (jpgnotgif)
v4.8.0 (2017-12-13)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fix checkout coupon currency safety #417 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes vestigial coupons on Checkout Calculations #416 (chrissrogers)
- Adds safety check to calculation of discount amount #415 (chrissrogers)
- Updates recurly.css for cross-device standard appearance #414 (chrissrogers)
- Fix checkout deferred emitters #413 (chrissrogers)
- fix bug with listener not registered for cancel event on paypal #412 (keemy)
- Fixes subscription sort for discount selection #411 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes taxation of credit adjustments #410 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes CheckoutPricing discount taxation #408 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes issue with reporting of negative pricing amounts #407 (chrissrogers)
- Removes lodash.after dependency from BraintreeStrategy #406 (chrissrogers)
- Ensures an invalid coupon emits an error on CheckoutPricing #405 (chrissrogers)
- Adds Card Hosted Field support #404 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes dynamic removal of subscriptions and adjustments from CheckoutPricing/Attachment #403 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes CheckoutPricing attachment orphaned element discovery #402 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes issue with detachment reference to observer #401 (chrissrogers)
- CheckoutPricing #399 (chrissrogers)
- CheckoutPricing: Attachment and Shipping Addresses #398 (chrissrogers)
- CheckoutPricing: Apply Pay & PayPal support #394 (chrissrogers)
- CheckoutPricing: Taxes and Adjustment Currencies #393 (chrissrogers)
- add support for adyen hpp checkout #392 (adeitrick)
- CheckoutPricing: Gift cards #391 (chrissrogers)
- Updates README build status display #387 (chrissrogers)
- CheckoutPricing: Coupons #385 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Coupon impact on total price #343
- Pricing.attach: check that event target is a valid data-recurly element #181
- How to interrupt previous Pricing API call with promise? #164
- Plan add-ons don't return a property indicating editable quantity #162
- Error: Plan Undefined (Firefox/IE) when using Pricing on a form with add-ons #158
- Use a Decimal implementation in place of Number. #148
- Customer-facing error messages #129
- Have the properties in Tokenized billing info be available w/o additional request #116
v4.7.2 (2017-10-23)
Merged Pull Requests
- Don’t require form for Apple Pay #381 (snodgrass23)
v4.7.1 (2017-10-09)
Merged Pull Requests
- use Apple Pay contact data when form name and address are not supplied #380 (snodgrass23)
v4.7.0 (2017-09-15)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes field style propagation #378 (chrissrogers)
- Adds ‘attached’ event to Pricing #377 (chrissrogers)
- Adds inputType configuration to HostedField.fieldConfig #375 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Recurly doesn't support authorization amounts greater than 1$ #379
- Error styling #376
- Autocomplete / Autofill does not work #368
- Event/Promise when pricing.attach() is complete? #270
v4.6.4 (2017-09-05)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes Apple Pay pricing initialization #374 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Documentation: (1) Full list of recurly.configure options and (2) calling recurly.token with an object rather than form element #373
- React compatible version? #372
- Apple Pay init error - "" is not a valid amount #371
v4.6.3 (2017-08-10)
Merged Pull Requests
- Passes PayPal amount param to API start endpoint #369 (chrissrogers)
- Adds a missing error type #367 (chrissrogers)
v4.6.2 (2017-07-06)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds support for Braintree deviceData #363 (chrissrogers)
- Adds company attribute collection to ApplePay tokenizer #361 (chrissrogers)
- Adds support for ‘company’ field #358 (chrissrogers)
- Adds field container click event deference #356 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Can't make the Paypal example work w/ sandbox account #359
- Add company name field to the supported data-recurly fields #357
v4.6.1 (2017-06-08)
Merged Pull Requests
- Adds package-lock.json #355 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes error handler within bus relay handler #354 (chrissrogers)
- Adds polyfill for Object.assign #352 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Object.assign not supported in IE #350
- Option to show paypal in a popup window (instead of a new tab) #296
v4.6.0 (2017-04-22)
Merged Pull Requests
- PayPal Express Checkout #348 (chrissrogers)
- Adds support for local certificate assignment #346 (chrissrogers)
v4.5.3 (2017-03-28)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes issue with new PayPal API usage of deprecated method #345 (chrissrogers)
- Removes old dependencies #344 (chrissrogers)
- Adds BraintreePayPal failure fallback #336 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Change placeholder text at runtime #342
- After several times quickly open and close dialog with form, recurly fields are invisible #337
- Hosted fields should force numbers-only for ALL browsers #290
v4.5.2 (2017-03-14)
Merged Pull Requests
- Makes origin checking compatible with IE11 + possibly others #341 (davedevelopment)
- Prevents relay from polluting main Recurly instance #340 (chrissrogers)
- Sends Braintree device fingerprint along with PayPal requests #338 (chrissrogers)
- Adds device data collection to Braintree PayPal instantiation #333 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Reset the recurly form on error #334
- Bug: Recurly returns random 302 responses #324
- Can labels be put into iframes for better accessibility? #283
v4.5.1 (2017-02-27)
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixes dependent module resolution to main #332 (chrissrogers)
- Patch for issue #329 #330 (jchayan)
- Adds parentVersion property #325 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Hosted fields change event should be compatible with HTML5 input change event #331
- window.addEventListener('message') should verify the message origin #329
- Month field validation when year is empty #328
v4.5.0 (2017-02-21)
Merged Pull Requests
- Removes some superfluous comments #326 (chrissrogers)
- Update Apple Pay init to receive payment form #322 (snodgrass23)
- Braintree-PayPal #317 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Hosted fields change event should be compatible with HTML5 input change event #331
v4.4.1 (2017-02-10)
Merged Pull Requests
- Also send name, address, etc fields for apple pay token creation #320 (snodgrass23)
- Apple Pay part 2 #315 (chrissrogers)
- Revert "Add support for tabbing in a Mobile browser." #314 (chrissrogers)
- Apple Pay #313 (chrissrogers)
- Include the responseText when json is invalid #307 (geoffdutton)
- Ensures configuration objects are not externally mutable #303 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes issue with address attachment #302 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes issue with config coercion #301 (chrissrogers)
- Adds support for shipping address #300 (chrissrogers)
- Restructures config object to nest fields more logically #297 (chrissrogers)
- Sends initial field config over hash instead of query #295 (chrissrogers)
- Add support for tabbing in a Mobile browser. #293 (SteveDugas)
- Fixes bug with pricing attachment of addons #288 (chrissrogers)
- Adds safety check to dom value get method #282 (chrissrogers)
- Allows a label tag paired to a field container to defer focus to the field #279 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes expiry validation for invalid input #278 (chrissrogers)
- Add giftcard support. #275 (SteveDugas)
- Refactors Pricing into class pattern #273 (chrissrogers)
- Don't try to calculate addons if there aren't any addons defined for … #272 (SteveDugas)
- Enables CORS by default #269 (chrissrogers)
- Remove UsageAddons from Calculations #268 (SteveDugas)
- Multiple instances #267 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes bug around initial pricing not respecting coupons #264 (chrissrogers)
- Emits a pricing error when a coupon is not found #263 (chrissrogers)
- Version 4.0.4 #258 (snodgrass23)
- Adding data-collector module for fraud checking #254 (snodgrass23)
- Version 4.0.3 #251 (chrissrogers)
- Updates discount type indication #250 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes issue with trial ext coupon not zeroing totals #249 (chrissrogers)
- Version 4.0.2 #247 (chrissrogers)
- Adds pricing case for trial extension coupons #246 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- REXML::ParseException: #<REXML::ParseException: Missing end tag for 'meta' ﴾got "head"﴿ #318
- Tokenization error by recurly.token is not user friendly #316
- Is there a reason the tax estimation always rounds up partial cents? #312
- Recurly 4.3.0 broken reinitialize: visibility:hidden on fields afterwards #311
- Error in iFrame? #310
- Allow first_name and last_name as text input #308
- Help me : Could not verify Recurly's SSL certificate. #306
- [4.3.0] Card fields invisible #305
- Support for Amazon Payments #304
- npm deployment or a commonjs build #299
- Recurly js hosted field iframe style visibility set to hidden #298
- User-facing validation messages #294
- Display validation messages next to hosted fields #292
- Recurly returns a token when the credit card is valid and cvv is not present #291
- Generic font family is requested from Google Web Fonts #289
- Letter spacing css property #287
- 'field:submit' event is not emitted when the enter key is pressed on a hosted field #285
- Official NodeJS client #284
- Allow setting textAlign via recurly.configure() #281
- Onchange event crashes browser #280
- hosted month/year fields incorrectly validate #277
- Testing with WebDriver, but trouble with PhantomJsDriver #274
- Focus input fields on click, tap, and focus within field containers #271
- Surface coupon not-found errors #262
- Include appropriate currency separator for prices over $999 USD #261
- Set CSS padding via recurly.configure() #260
- Configuring tax with recurly.Pricing() #259
- V4 does not work when month and year fields are items #256 Provide a NPM package or SRI signatures #255 recurly.configure does not reinject iframes. #253 Placeholder font color does not get set in chrome #252 Basic usage of library doesn't work. #248 Incorrect information when using recurly.Pricing in Chrome Beta Version 50.0.2661.57 beta (64-bit) #245 Incorrect information when using recurly.Pricing in Chrome Beta Version 50.0.2661.57 beta (64-bit) #244 Styling for Recurly fields #241 Is it possible to programmatically focus field in iframe? #240 Add DOM state check to configure call #239 Add max length support to hosted fields #238 iframe form divs empty #235 NPM package #227 Credit card validation bug #226 get coupon description - hosted_description #225 Example of how to implement backend-less recurly usage with CORS #224 allow catch a pricePromise after done #223 Add safety check to valueGet function #220 Token not updated when using recurly.paypal #219 Billing info form defaults to 'United States' regardless of country specified. #218 Update account details with v3 #217 Bower support #216 discount_next not shown correctly with coupon #209 Coupon handling suggestion #203 Enforce String passage of credit card number #200 Update cardType to validate new MasterCard BIN ranges #185 Single use coupons are included in discount_next calculation #167 Lack of VAT rate in Pricing API output #163 Strip name attributes out of PCI-concerned fields #133 v3.1.1 (2017-02-09) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests fix test that is now failing because expiry isn’t a future date anymore #321 (snodgrass23) v4.4.0 (2017-01-25) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests Apple Pay part 2 #315 (chrissrogers) Revert "Add support for tabbing in a Mobile browser." #314 (chrissrogers) Apple Pay #313 (chrissrogers) Include the responseText when json is invalid #307 (geoffdutton) Add support for tabbing in a Mobile browser. #293 (SteveDugas) Closed Issues Is there a reason the tax estimation always rounds up partial cents? #312 Error in iFrame? #310 Allow first_name and last_name as text input #308 Help me : Could not verify Recurly's SSL certificate. #306 [4.3.0] Card fields invisible #305 Support for Amazon Payments #304 Recurly js hosted field iframe style visibility set to hidden #298 recurly.configure does not reinject iframes. #253 Add DOM state check to configure call #239 Add max length support to hosted fields #238 v4.3.0 (2016-11-01) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests Ensures configuration objects are not externally mutable #303 (chrissrogers) Multiple instances #267 (chrissrogers) v4.2.0 (2016-10-18) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests Fixes issue with address attachment #302 (chrissrogers) Fixes issue with config coercion #301 (chrissrogers) Adds support for shipping address #300 (chrissrogers) Restructures config object to nest fields more logically #297 (chrissrogers) Closed Issues npm deployment or a commonjs build #299 v4.1.1 (2016-08-30) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests Sends initial field config over hash instead of query #295 (chrissrogers) v4.1.0 (2016-08-02) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests Fixes bug with pricing attachment of addons #288 (chrissrogers) Adds safety check to dom value get method #282 (chrissrogers) Allows a label tag paired to a field container to defer focus to the field #279 (chrissrogers) Fixes expiry validation for invalid input #278 (chrissrogers) Add giftcard support. #275 (SteveDugas) Refactors Pricing into class pattern #273 (chrissrogers) Enables CORS by default #269 (chrissrogers) Closed Issues Official NodeJS client #284 Allow setting textAlign via recurly.configure() #281 Onchange event crashes browser #280 hosted month/year fields incorrectly validate #277 Focus input fields on click, tap, and focus within field containers #271 Set CSS padding via recurly.configure() #260 Styling for Recurly fields #241 Is it possible to programmatically focus field in iframe? #240 Add safety check to valueGet function #220 Enforce String passage of credit card number #200 v4.0.5 (2016-07-06) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests Don't try to calculate addons if there aren't any addons defined for … #272 (SteveDugas) Remove UsageAddons from Calculations #268 (SteveDugas) Fixes bug around initial pricing not respecting coupons #264 (chrissrogers) Emits a pricing error when a coupon is not found #263 (chrissrogers) Closed Issues Surface coupon not-found errors #262 v4.0.4 (2016-05-23) Full Changelog Merged Pull Requests Version 4.0.4 #258 (snodgrass23) Adding data-collector module for fraud checking #254 (snodgrass23) Closed Issues V4 does not work when month and year fields are items #256
- Provide a NPM package or SRI signatures #255
v4.0.3 (2016-04-28)
Merged Pull Requests
- Version 4.0.3 #251 (chrissrogers)
- Updates discount type indication #250 (chrissrogers)
- Fixes issue with trial ext coupon not zeroing totals #249 (chrissrogers)
v4.0.2 (2016-04-20)
Merged Pull Requests
- Version 4.0.2 #247 (chrissrogers)
- Adds pricing case for trial extension coupons #246 (chrissrogers)
Closed Issues
- Incorrect information when using recurly.Pricing in Chrome Beta Version 50.0.2661.57 beta (64-bit) #244
- iframe form divs empty #235
- NPM package #227
- get coupon description - hosted_description #225
- Example of how to implement backend-less recurly usage with CORS #224
- Token not updated when using recurly.paypal #219
- Update account details with v3 #217
- Lack of VAT rate in Pricing API output #163
- Strip
attributes out of PCI-concerned fields #133
v4.0.1 (2016-02-17)
Closed Issues
- iframe form divs empty #235
- NPM package #227
- Credit card validation bug #226
- get coupon description - hosted_description #225
- Example of how to implement backend-less recurly usage with CORS #224
- allow
a pricePromise afterdone
#223 - Token not updated when using recurly.paypal #219
- Update account details with v3 #217
- Bower support #216
- Lack of VAT rate in Pricing API output #163
v4.0.0 (2016-01-14)
Closed Issues
- Billing info form defaults to 'United States' regardless of country specified. #218
- discount_next not shown correctly with coupon #209
- Coupon handling suggestion #203
- Single use coupons are included in
calculation #167
v3.1.0 (2015-05-07)
Closed Issues
- price object emitted by the change event doesn't update total with discount #201
- the example of coupon code doesn' work from the 3.0.11 version #193
v3.0.11 (2015-03-19)
Closed Issues
- Validating plan-restricted coupons #175
- Invalid signature Error with Recurly.buildSubscriptionForm #174
- Single use coupon not applied after recalculation #173
- Error thrown on empty credit card number #161
v3.0.10 (2014-12-18)
Closed Issues
- Add plan price to pricing module #145
- pricing.remove does not have documentation at https://docs.recurly.com/ #136
v3.0.9 (2014-11-13)
v3.0.8 (2014-11-06)
Closed Issues
- Dankort (PBS) 76009244561 is not passing validation #156
- IE: PayPal relay messages lost #152
- Recommended currency based on ip #149
v3.0.7 (2014-09-17)
Closed Issues
- IE: PayPal relay messages lost #152
- Submit button enabled AFTER successful payment #114
- buildTransactionForm and Card Failure #109
- Add a custom ID to the form generated by buildSubscriptionForm #104
- Add a check for jquery version #100
- generic.png referenced in css but missing in images resources #84
- Translation requires separate scripts. #79
- vat as part of buildTransactionForm #77
- Provide form validation error callback #76
v3.0.6 (2014-09-08)
Closed Issues
- Rounding errors in tax calculation #147
- Pricing module does not update elements with setup fee values #144
- Another documentation typo #143
- Documentation typo? #142
- Documentation typo? #141
- billing info tokenizes without phone number field #135
v3.0.5 (2014-08-06)
v3.0.4 (2014-07-24)
Closed Issues
- Is it possible to get
list from api.recurly.com? #134
v3.0.3 (2014-06-10)
Closed Issues
field not included in billing info token #119
v3.0.2 (2014-06-06)
Closed Issues
- Uncaught ReferenceError: parse is not defined for recurly.validate.cardType #118