Tags: lgoettgens/GAP.jl
[Diff since v0.9.5](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.9.5...v0.9.6) **Closed issues:** - Warning on julia master (oscar-system#864) - Segfault on julia master during precompilation (oscar-system#868) - Get rid of annoying `Warning: TerminalMenus: Unable to enter raw mode` when running test suite (oscar-system#872) **Merged pull requests:** - Disable REPL hack in Julia 1.10 (oscar-system#866) (@fingolfin) - Actually run REPL completion tests (oscar-system#867) (@fingolfin) - compat: allow GAP_pkg_juliainterface_jll 0.800.202 (oscar-system#869) (@benlorenz) - CI: update Julia versions to be tested (oscar-system#871) (@fingolfin) - Fix propertynames signature (oscar-system#873) (@fingolfin) - avoid warnings shown by `TerminalMenus` (oscar-system#874) (@ThomasBreuer)
[Diff since v0.9.4](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.9.4...v0.9.5) **Merged pull requests:** - Allow iterating over Julia objects from within GAP (oscar-system#861) (@fingolfin) - removed two duplicate `\[\]` methods (oscar-system#863) (@ThomasBreuer) - CI: update doctests, Julia versions, OscarCI (oscar-system#865) (@fingolfin)
[Diff since v0.9.3](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.9.3...v0.9.4) **Merged pull requests:** - do not mention `fmpz` in the JuliaInterface manual (oscar-system#857) (@ThomasBreuer) - Tweak @gapattribute to not require 'import GAP: @gapwrap' (oscar-system#858) (@fingolfin) - Adjust JuliaExperimental to the great renaming in Nemo (oscar-system#859) (@fingolfin)
[Diff since v0.9.2](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.9.2...v0.9.3) **Closed issues:** - Adjust to upcoming Julia 1.10 changes (oscar-system#846) - gap-packages fails to unpack on Windows (WSL) (oscar-system#850) - Error "undefined symbol" when trying to load Digraphs after installation with `GAP.Packages.install` (oscar-system#851) **Merged pull requests:** - catch `Downloads.download` errors (oscar-system#853) (@ThomasBreuer) - Fix building digraphs and other packages (oscar-system#854) (@fingolfin) - Update to newer package snapshot (oscar-system#855) (@fingolfin)
[Diff since v0.9.1](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.9.1...v0.9.2) **Closed issues:** - `GAP.julia_to_gap` vs. `GAP.Obj` (oscar-system#827) **Merged pull requests:** - Adjust etc/setup_override_dir.jl, etc/README.md (oscar-system#843) (@fingolfin) - Use `jl_reinit_foreign_type` if available (oscar-system#845) (@fingolfin) - admit prescribing a package version ... (oscar-system#847) (@ThomasBreuer) - document `recursive` for `GAP.Obj` and `GAP.GapObj` (oscar-system#848) (@ThomasBreuer)
[Diff since v0.9.0](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.9.0...v0.9.1) **Closed issues:** - Documentation: add some non-trivial examples for how to use GAP.jl (oscar-system#838) **Merged pull requests:** - Update TagBot.yml (oscar-system#837) (@fingolfin) - added "the" Rubik's cube example (oscar-system#839) (@ThomasBreuer) - try to make also the random computations testable (oscar-system#841) (@ThomasBreuer) - Fix some type minor stability issues (oscar-system#842) (@fingolfin)
[Diff since v0.8.5](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.8.5...v0.9.0) **Closed issues:** - JuliaInterface manual: reference to `\[\]` and `\(\)` glitching due to MathJax (oscar-system#786) - Update to a newer package snapshot (oscar-system#812) - Upgrade to GAP 4.12.1 (oscar-system#821) - Failures with Julia nightly (oscar-system#836) **Merged pull requests:** - Update to GAP 4.12.1 (oscar-system#835) (@fingolfin)
[Diff since v0.8.4](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.8.4...v0.8.5) **Merged pull requests:** - Rewrite force_symlink to avoid a race condition (oscar-system#833) (@fingolfin)
[Diff since v0.8.3](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.8.3...v0.8.4) **Closed issues:** - Loading GAP in parallel julia setup fails (oscar-system#828) - Print about xgap package when loading OSCAR (oscar-system#831) **Merged pull requests:** - Avoid race when loading GAP.jl concurrently in multiple processes (oscar-system#829) (@fingolfin) - CI: update some actions to latest versions (oscar-system#830) (@fingolfin)
[Diff since v0.8.2](oscar-system/GAP.jl@v0.8.2...v0.8.3) **Closed issues:** - use Scratch.jl and/or RelocatableFolders.jl for gaproot, other stuff (oscar-system#728) - Fix running tests on Nanosoldier (oscar-system#818) - Move `GAPROOT` out of package directory (oscar-system#822) - Manual (and/or docstrings) should list all built in conversions between GAP and Julia (oscar-system#823) **Merged pull requests:** - install a `GAP.Globals.Download` method if possible (oscar-system#820) (@ThomasBreuer) - extend the `julia_to_gap` documentation (oscar-system#824) (@ThomasBreuer) - Use Scratch.jl for GAP root (oscar-system#825) (@fingolfin) - Fix banner printing (oscar-system#826) (@thofma)