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Tags: Tortar/Graphs.jl



Toggle v1.8.0's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Update Project.toml


Toggle v1.7.4's commit message
## Graphs v1.7.4

[Diff since v1.7.3](JuliaGraphs/Graphs.jl@v1.7.3...v1.7.4)

**Closed issues:**
- `is_cyclic` for undirected graphs (JuliaGraphs#34)
- error in erdos_renyi generator (JuliaGraphs#173)

**Merged pull requests:**
- fix is_cyclic  (JuliaGraphs#168) (@aurorarossi)
- fix typo in description of watts_strogatz(n, k, β) (JuliaGraphs#169) (@ChristianStehr)
- fix erdos renyi generator (JuliaGraphs#174) (@CarloLucibello)
- Fix incorrect inequality in watts_strogatz documentation (JuliaGraphs#175) (@simonschoelly)


Toggle v1.7.3's commit message
## Graphs v1.7.3

[Diff since v1.7.2](JuliaGraphs/Graphs.jl@v1.7.2...v1.7.3)

**Merged pull requests:**
- fix is_cyclic (JuliaGraphs#157) (@aurorarossi)
- Fix typo in `transitivereduction` function name (JuliaGraphs#160) (@heliosdrm)
- use a stable rng from `StableRNGs` for reproducibility (JuliaGraphs#170) (@t-bltg)


Toggle v1.7.2's commit message
## Graphs v1.7.2

[Diff since v1.7.0](JuliaGraphs/Graphs.jl@v1.7.0...v1.7.2)

**Closed issues:**
- [Port] [BUG] `a_star` fails on `SimpleWeightedDiGraph` (JuliaGraphs#59)
- Error in A* implementation (JuliaGraphs#120)
- [BUG] Unable to load global callgraph into memory (JuliaGraphs#138)
- [HELP] how to get edges of a vertex? (JuliaGraphs#151)

**Merged pull requests:**
- make clipboard(g) work (JuliaGraphs#121) (@anandijain)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Compat to 4, (keep existing compat) (JuliaGraphs#136) (@github-actions[bot])
- Clean README, notebook and docs  (JuliaGraphs#141) (@pitmonticone)
- Update CITATION.bib (JuliaGraphs#158) (@matbesancon)
- fix nightly (JuliaGraphs#159) (@matbesancon)
- Import Graphs in rich_club docstring. (JuliaGraphs#161) (@CarlColglazier)
- Bump Inflate dependency to include a bugfix for Julia 1.8. (JuliaGraphs#166) (@GunnarFarneback)


Toggle v1.7-1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Update Project.toml

Patch release for Compat compatibility


Toggle v1.7.0's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Bump version following A* fix


Toggle v1.6.0's commit message
## Graphs v1.6.0

[Diff since v1.5.2](JuliaGraphs/Graphs.jl@v1.5.2...v1.6.0)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Make zero function not mandatory for AbstractGraph interface (JuliaGraphs#85) (@simonschoelly)
- Make minimum Julia version v1.6 (JuliaGraphs#91) (@simonschoelly)


Toggle v1.5.2's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Bump patch version to v1.5.2

This will be a final version for Julia v1.3.


Toggle v1.5.1's commit message
## Graphs v1.5.1

[Diff since v1.5.0](JuliaGraphs/Graphs.jl@v1.5.0...v1.5.1)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Add more Julia versions to ci/cd workflow (JuliaGraphs#87) (@simonschoelly)


Toggle v1.5.0's commit message
## Graphs v1.5.0

[Diff since v1.4.1](JuliaGraphs/Graphs.jl@v1.4.1...v1.5.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Refresh icon (JuliaGraphs#6)
- Transfer issues from LightGraphs.jl (JuliaGraphs#18)
- broken documentation links in the README (JuliaGraphs#19)
- [BUG] Can't add vertices to a `MetaDiGraph` (JuliaGraphs#38)
- [Port] `eigs` in documentation of laplacian and adjacency spectrum (JuliaGraphs#40)
- [Port] Add `topological_sort_by_dfs` to documentation (JuliaGraphs#55)
- [Port] [BUG] `random_configuration_model(n::T, ks::Vector{T})` fails when `T` is not `Int64` (JuliaGraphs#58)
- [Port] [BUG] `merge_vertices` does not merge vertices of `star_graph` correctly (JuliaGraphs#62)
- [Port] Preserve vertex labels after deleting a vertex (JuliaGraphs#63)

**Merged pull requests:**
- fix merge_vertices (JuliaGraphs#11) (@etiennedeg)
- Use array of concrete type in function a_star (JuliaGraphs#14) (@jlapeyre)
- Fix bug in `adjacency_matrix(::SimpleGraph)` for Julia 1.7 (JuliaGraphs#15) (@mtfishman)
- Advice for transition (JuliaGraphs#16) (@mschauer)
- [Port] Add optional start vertex to maximum_adjacency_visit (JuliaGraphs#21) (@etiennedeg)
- [Port] fix induced_subgraph indexing with vector of Bools (JuliaGraphs#22) (@etiennedeg)
- [Port] fix Issue #1577 in src/SimpleGraphs/generators/randgraphs.jl (JuliaGraphs#25) (@etiennedeg)
- [Port] update docs on graph plotting (JuliaGraphs#26) (@etiennedeg)
- [Port] Add cycle_basis to docs (JuliaGraphs#27) (@etiennedeg)
- [Port] New rich club metric (JuliaGraphs#29) (@etiennedeg)
- [Port] fix possible NaN in closeness centrality. Closes #1555 (JuliaGraphs#30) (@etiennedeg)
- Documentation fixes (JuliaGraphs#31) (@samwycherley)
- LightGraphsMatching -> GraphsMatching (JuliaGraphs#33) (@Keno)
- Update codecov patch to 90% (JuliaGraphs#37) (@ViralBShah)
- Move Project status lower in the README (JuliaGraphs#70) (@ViralBShah)
- adjacency_matrix: Collect neighbors before sorting them (JuliaGraphs#71) (@Keno)
- Remove unused nv(G) in connected_components (JuliaGraphs#73) (@niklasschmitz)
- Add logo to docs (JuliaGraphs#75) (@gdalle)
- Update (JuliaGraphs#81) (@mschauer)
- Faster all_neighbors for SimpleDiGraphs (JuliaGraphs#82) (@etiennedeg)