Pre-releaseNew in v5
IMPORTANT: This version of Snipe-IT requires PHP 7.1.3 or greater.
We're thrilled to announce the beta release of the long-awaited Snipe-IT v5! Lots of stuff is changed under the hood, as we've upgraded the underlying framework to Laravel 5.7, but there are tons of bugfixes and new features, as well as some UI improvements.
One of the bigger changes to the system is the introduction of Flysystem support, which means you can host your asset uploads, logos, etc on S3 or Rackspace.
We've also reworked a lot of the backend LDAP functionality and made the UI on the LDAP settings page a little easier to use.
The small things matter as much to us as the big ones do, so we've spent some time trying to really refine some of the commonly used UI elements, for example the improved logo upload+preview interface:
Additionally, we've cleaned up the contextual help, and added a Save button at the top of forms that tend to run a little longer.
Plus, we have (very basic) client-side validation to help give you more immediate feedback if you've missed a required field in the forms.
But wait - there's more! Here's a full list of the changes:
- Added attempted logins admin screen
- Added better support for NFC/RFID/Barcode scanners in select boxes
- Added ability to trigger password reset emails for users
- Added Raspbian 9.4 to snipeit.sh installer
- Added Department to user import
- Added php version check to upgrade.php
- Added check for minimum PHP version in setup
- Added #5957 - Flysystem support #6262 which allows you to use S3 or Rackspace to host your file uploads
- Added accessories images for seeder
- Better validation for manager_id on User model
- Added save button at top of long create/edit forms
- Added basic front-end validation
- Added alt tags to logo
- Added toggleDisabled on form validator
- Better logic for disallowing company selection when user is not a superadmin and FMCS is enabled
- Make dashboard snapshots clickable
- Added #6349 - add view permission for print all assigned
- Added Department update API endpoint
- Added #6463 - ability to override session path in .env
- Added #6464 - added company name to searchable field in user search
- Added ability to upload favicon and email logo
- Added #6099 - XML as new uploadable file type
- Added #6241 - user license api endpoint
- Added #6617: Added endpoint for licenses checked out to an asset
- Added #6625 - include fully depreciated date in custom asset report
- Added simplified slack channel regexp and allow private (no # prefix) channel
- Fixed #6004 - set a default next_audit_date if none provided
- Fixed #6011 - use correct file created at date
- Limit width of title logo so it doesn’t break with long names
- Fixed #6013 - add accessory checkout notes to detail page
- Fixed #5964 - Group IDs can be now be passed to user creation API
- Fixed bug where checkout right-side menu would display assets checked out to non-users with the same ID
- Fixed DBAL issue affecting MariaDB 10.2.7 or greater
- Fixed #6029 - Model number not appearing in checkin/checkout emails
- Fixes #6016 - Check for an existing username before getting creative
- Fixed - Only allow activated users to reset their password
- Fixed - Set activated checkbox to 1 by default on new user
- Fixed #6082 - don’t show expected checkin in email if none given
- Fixed MAC address regex
- Fixed: #6263 V5 - Missing oauth tables when using the setup
- Fixed issue where admin users could disable activation when editing their own profile
- Fixed #6323 - typo in link for low inventory
- Allow min:0 for consumables
- Fixed check whether the user can edit an asset before allowing them to change the name on checkout
- Fixed #6175 - crashing when accessory has been deleted
- Fixed #5879 - added user department filter for custom report
- Fixed #6386 - licenses not searching on category name
- Fixes #6341. Adding condition that checks offset of licenses seats when the user looks other page than the first.
- Fixed: #5896 Custom fields of type "CUSTOM REGEX" are always saved as "ANY
- Fixed #5554 - Language of acceptance email ii admin language, not recipient language
- Fixed bad groups route on error
- Fixed #6350 - import page was blank on MS Edge browser
- Fixed issue importing encrypted custom fields
- Fixed #6644 - asset name not linked in Reports > Asset Maintenance Report
- Fixed issue where users cannot log in with generated password
- Fixed #6634: Asset Import History fixes and optimizations
- Fixed #6704 -
asset API endpoint permissions
- Removed
- we don’t use it anymore
- Insert audited items to the top of the list in bulk audit
- Use username instead of email address in password reset to prevent confusion
- Added Notifications Overview
- Added Migrating Files
- Updated Configuration to include AWS settings
- Added Getting Started in User's Manual
Want to Help Test?
Awesome! First things first, you should NOT test this in production yet, as it's a beta release. If you'd like to help us test, make a new copy of Snipe-IT and upgrade your copy to v5.0.0-beta-1.0, that way your data is safe. You should treat this test instance as a version you could easily throw away when you're done testing. (Hopefully it won't come to that, but hey, computers are hard.)
Things we're very interested in folks testing:
- LDAP/AD integration (login and sync)
- Using S3 to store files. We've built a little tool to help you migrate your local files to S3, which you can read about here.
- Client-side validation
If you need to create new bug reports for this beta release, please make sure you include the beta release version in the Github issue title so we can easily see that it's an issue specific to this beta.
For general upgrading instructions, click here. Users who installed Snipe-IT via Git (recommended) can just run php upgrade.php
For a full list of changes, see the changelog.
Upgrading from v3
Please see the upgrade instructions here. After completing the upgrade below, be sure to clear your browser cookies.
Special thanks to @jwhulette, @patrict, @VELIKII-DIVAN, @liquidhorse, @Seldaek, @inietov, @benrubson, @NMathar, @smb, @Sxderp, @fanta8897, @andreybolonin, @shinayoshi, @reuser, @KeenRivals, @omyno, @jackka, @herroworrd, @colin-campbell, @HinchK, and @uberbrady for helping bring v5 to life!