Releases: pluginsGLPI/formcreator
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.10 or later. Previous versions are not compatible with GLPI 10.0.13.
Bug Fixes
- abstracttarget: missing escaping before SQL query (06d9089)
- adding 2.13.10 empty sql file (f6d63ea)
- adjust dashboard widget height (aab508d)
- dropdownfield, glpiselectfield: group restriction (#3489) (46efb33)
- dropdownfield: useless duplicate conditions for tickets (d81a43e)
- fieldsfield: mandatory check failure on dropdowns (9ac92f0)
- fieldsfield: required property update on UI (feb1de0)
- files: entity (#3566) (f1ecc2d)
- form: bad itemtypes names (11d9e6b)
- glpiselectfield: ambiguous column with tickets (2d5ad80)
- handle negative due date for service levels (ed147ef)
- issue: SQL warning if groups of the user contain an empty ID (580eba5)
- knowbase,form: kb item translation missing (603b8ea)
- knowbase: categories in reverse alphanumeric order (8011971)
- ldapfield: HTML encoding when copying filter from GLPI (e56eaca)
- php lint (aa12610)
- section: bad update when importing a section with conditions (15907b8)
- set the default value of the dropdown as empty string (#3563) (f336e1b)
- SQL error when user ID missing (17c0358)
- target_actor: duplication fails for some types (1ff8a55)
- target_actor: duplication requires export of ID, not name (3efc9cd)
- targetticket: actors format (e468aa3)
- Revert "Revert "feat(glpiselectfield): support Cluster itemtype"" (8e06c17)
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.10 or later. Previous versions are not compatible with GLPI 10.0.13.
Bug Fixes
- prevent issue when response body has blank characters (1b141a3fa)
- command: typos (2681eca61)
- dropdownfield: ambiguous column in SQL query (3c0630554)
- dropdownfield: incomplete group restriction (eebcc21f1)
- formansswer: keep tickets on delete (b3cc8d2b9)
- formanswer: translate section name for targets (cb9ce0fb6)
- hiddenfield: escaping problem when displaying default value in question designer (3818383e1)
- install: dashboard setup with pre 2.13.7 appearance (08d3871e1)
- issue: deduplicate rows whern showing technicians in issues (8bc96d3dc)
- issue: prevent list of all issues in search engine (55530d976)
- reminder: visibility (826881427)
- target_actor: duplicate failure with gours, supliers or users (d77cde058)
- target_actor: groups duplication (dbfcc796b)
- targetticket: set location may fail (75144be06)
- textarea: support for min/max size and regex (09682e9b8)
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.10 or later.
Bug Fixes
- restoring ticket may create inconsistency in DB (3cf3e4ebd)
- abstractitiltarget: itil category from template shall not take precedence (8f8d9a7c4)
- category: translation feature of dropdowns not handled (6287f1b34)
- dropdownfield: display of username (af43a9cf1)
- form: better theme compatibility, UI enhancement (9146ea57a)
- form: import access restrictions may ignore uuids (9d23d4c1e)
- formanswer: redirect after submit may lead to unavailable page (599451af4)
- formanswer: requester can edit refused answer (c4f799b2c)
- formanswer: show spinner when validate (c59dc72ac)
- formanswer: status update on ticket change (079a12063)
- glpiselectfield: disable anonymization of user for answer resolution (66bea30e0)
- glpiselectfield,dropdownfield: prevent php warning (4da93e38e)
- install: ineffective data fix un upgrade to 2.13.7 (c31134c35)
- issue: SQL scaping problem when updating a ticket (56ddff261)
- issue: bad status if ticket has valdiation on creation (fc0ea0a00)
- locales: resolve locales management warnings (d5db37452)
- radiosfield,checkboxesfield,glpiselectfield,requesttypefield,urgencyfield: validate default value before saving (4815abeda)
- requesttype: force english for comparisons (7b9e94114)
- selectfield: translation breaks validation checks (28b4781d8)
- target_actor: actors ID not converted when duplicating a form (c5167c16c)
- textareadield: missing translation for default value (bda43df77)
- DropdownField: Load translation for plugin too (16a1379a8)
- DropdownField: Load translation for plugin too (6af1766d1)
- formanswer: log any failure when saving a answer (5d84054af)
- formanswer: show item's name in web page title (c7e81cb9d)
- glpiselectfield: attach existing documents to targets (63999d068)
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.
Bug Fixes
- Adding READ right for display reservations menu tab (03e6281e)
- bad lcoale in en_US (db9986f1)
- resize dashboard to match GLPI's core (#3306) (9272cda3)
- TargetChange: use RichText instead of plaintext (8845b888)
- checkboxesfield,radiosfield,selectfield: add missing error messages (66585193)
- datefield, datetimefield: comparison against empty string (be4831c7)
- dropdownfield: SQL error for GLPI objects / tickets and some specific rights (2539e366)
- dropdownfield: handle specific case with Entity itemtype (bd25e7d1)
- dropdownfield: missing entity restriction setting (54543cb3)
- dropdownfield: prevent language switching and log error (49f8fc07)
- fieldsfield: restore mandatory field as read only (52a9fc2b)
- form,category: obey show count on tabs parameter (f4ebf9e5)
- form_language: obey show counter in tab setting (9dfc3b8d)
- formanswer: php warning (ce078990)
- formanswer: prevent silent rejection of answers (d630302d)
- formanswer: redirect to login if session expired (eb0acb65)
- glpiselectfield: fix namespace (#3287) (613e0fad)
- install: missing row in sql query, causing PHP warning (0c47776a)
- issue: php warnings when anonymisation enabled (f6f01d7d)
- issue: prevent fatal error in tooltip (3419affc)
- question,section: duplicate a question or section must duplicate inner conditions (22597832)
- section: cannot rename section twice (7bbb9b81)
- section: condition rule loss after duplicate / import (883a1227)
- section: duplicate form may lead to bad question id in condition (a6f9c41c)
- section: rename section impacts display of inner questions (c4277d8c)
- selectfield,multiselectfield: fix possible encoding problem (8aaec8ac)
- targetchange,targetproblem: folow method call signature for fields plugin (016696ab)
- textfield: Unescaped HTML when displaying a form answer (6ce71f95)
- textfield: exception while displaying counters (0a857d7f)
- textfield: target ticket title need html encoding (1b71d652)
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.
Bug Fixes
- SQL error when inconsistency in DB (1af78720), closes #3242
- translate field label in error messages (a4bf10a6)
- DropdownField: fix array key value format (7729fe20)
- FormAnswer: redirect to FormAnswer or to list if needed (44e4ab6d)
- category: SQL statement cause MariaDB crash (fb94035a)
- checkboxesfield,multiselectfield: php warning (342c39e9)
- condition: conditions don't work when not sanitized (f2b0fad5)
- faq: visibility (#3118) (252ef204)
- filefield: rebuild uploads for answer edition (4f1cdf6e)
- form: double post broken (07b8a1a1)
- form_language: inverted arguments (261e5361)
- form_language: restrict languages to those known by GLPI (f8dc0803)
- formanswer: catch and report exception to end user (9dd9777f)
- formanswer: too many escaping (e518b7de), closes #3271
- formanswer: translate question label (61722daf)
- glpiselectfield: max_tree_depth_not_saved (462ea695)
- install: prevent fatal error in migration (b0b15710)
- item_targetticket: export of question based composition (dc8c931a)
- radiosfield, selectfield: allow unset default value (020bd45b)
- radiosfield, selectfield: check default value before save (d4a2ecb4)
- section: condition rule loss after duplicate / import (0cedafbb)
- selectfield: show contact field (11c86b7c)
- selectfield,radiosfield: abusive escaping (db01a561)
- targetchange,targetproblem: several fields must use rich text (cf24aa19)
- targetticket: request source (c72901c7)
- targetticket: request source may be unexpected value (2fd6cf54)
- targetticket,targetchange,targetproblem: missing translation of target content (902efa78)
- translation: delete rich editor's ghost toolbar (ba97c842)
- translation: dialog width (0b46dec3)
- translation: typo in localizable tring (3bb2f3d4)
- reminders (6ed85cd3)
- abstractitiltarget: duplicate (3c093012)
- category: show category comment in service catalog (09727147), closes #394
- clean_tickets_command: Take merged tickets into account (768cd467)
- form: edit recursion with massive actions (7c918d3b)
- formaccesstype: massive action (53a4285a)
- glpiselectfield: PDU in assets section (f9f2d0bf)
- glpiselectfield: refactor entity_restriction (b3fb0804)
- install: stronger upgrade for unsigned columns (030f93e3)
- notificationtargetformanswer: label tags (f1dc000c), closes #1023
- section: update condition count after section edition (8c04048f)
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.
⚠️ File / image upload removed from public forms
GLPI 10.0.5 contains a fix which breaks ability to upload files from a public form. It not possible restore this feature without introducing a security problem. Therefore, in this version, it is no longer possible to add a question of type File in a public form. Questions of type Textarea won't allow users to upload pictures anymore.
It is recommended to update your public forms to remove questions of type File. If you don't, then requesters will encounter problems when they try to upload files.
Upgrade from 2.13.0 or later
A database sanity check is done before running the upgrade. If the tables of the plugin have a difference with the expected schema the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:
The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.13.0.
To see the logs run the command bin/console plugin:install formcreator -f
It is required to fix the database, using the diff produced by the CLI command given in the message. Once done, try again to upgrade.
ℹ️ If you know what you are doing you may bypass the sanity check from CLI with the following command.
bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -f -p skip-db-check
Bug Fixes
- add missing domain for public forms translation (#3162) (970f183c6)
- duplicate key when updating a profile (1bd6a2ab6)
- remote glpi prefix for commands (651444a27)
- abstractitiltarget: set priority from urgency and impact (#3178) (1269edd51)
- checkboxes: better display (f8fe93a63)
- checkboxes: padding between items (a62f879ce)
- condition: infinite loop detection (172d5e8eb)
- dropdownfield: prevent ambiguous column name (b54523219)
- form: remove obsolete translations on update (3cc58ac7d)
- form: rename form answer properties tab (a3395179d)
- form_language: avoid persistent rich editor toolbar when closing modal (11a8808b5)
- form_language: display problems when translating (93073e656)
- form_language: filter out obsolete translations (b38555c5e)
- formanswer: access restriction (a9451d982)
- install: distinguish error messages for sanity check (b798bf264)
- notifications: missing lang tags (3cad18562)
- question: missing conditions count after update (ea185beb8)
- question: updating a question returns sanitized label (936ccd475)
- radios: update escaping of valies (c940e1764)
- radiosfield: better display (fe6c2e8d0)
- restrictedformcriteria: bad key when generating error message (6cabca1fe)
- targetchange,targetproblem: harmonize implemetnation with targetticket (1ba402de0)
- targetchange,targetproblem: missed code refactor (e24d2fc13)
- targetticket: wrong property label (fd3d30973)
- textareafield: target ticket shows HTML when image uploaded (56fc8d54d)
- translation: avoid rn when using formatted rich (html) text (24113a353)
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.
Upgrade from 2.13.0 or later
A database sanity check is done before running the upgrade. If the tables of the plugin have a difference with the expected schema the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:
The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.13.0.
To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator
It is required to fix the database, using the diff produced by the CLI command given in the message. Once done, try again to upgrade.
ℹ️ If you know what you are doing you may bypass the sanity check from CLI with the following command.
bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -f -p skip-db-check
Bug Fixes
- handle undefined setting for service catalog homepage (411ae3597)
- typo in french locale (f61ded17a)
- abstractitiltarget: multiple tag questions set but not displayed in designer (90f2a95d8)
- checkboxesfield,multiselectfield: default value not displayed (8f36ab726)
- composite: ignore link to non existing ticket (8502d4b16)
- condition: allow longer texts (eecdf8a2a)
- condition: display of tested question shows wrong item (5d34da8b4)
- condition: width of question dropdown (ce0389efd)
- dropdownfield: empty SQL IN statement when restricted tickets rights (5c5244a85)
- form: image upload handling in header field (5dc66a5ef)
- formanswer: default search filter hides legit access (2dc9f8e3f)
- formanswer: malformed search option (5339b7912)
- formanswer: missing newline between sections of fullform tag (61122bc93)
- formanswer: temporary disable debug mode (e9e8da484)
- formanswer, textfield, textareafield: escaping (3e0666d4d)
- glpiselectfield: cannot set empty value by default for entity question (fe2130bbe)
- glpiselectfield: restore entity restriction for users (e525b3a82)
- helpdesk: better handling of users that can't see tickets (a93f03126)
- install: add empty schema for new version (817a9ec7e)
- install: resync not needed in upgrade to 2.13.4 (d66a12017)
- install: typo in method name (eac5d77ac)
- issue: follow entity change on ticket transfer (434bd3572)
- issues: Tooltip consistency with core (c45d21550)
- question: subtype plural and appliance in bad group (1f780370a)
- tagfield: php warning (cc4b673a8)
- targetticket: allow more itemtypes to associated elements (#3155) (cee504c24)
- textfield: useless HTML entity encode (c3d03b51e)
This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 or later only. Users of GLPI 10 must use Formcreator 2.13 or later. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.
Help / Contribution needed
- Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
- documentation review and updates
Bug Fixes
- ldapquestion: missing files (4b4d801b)
This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.
Upgrade from 2.13.0 or later
A database sanity check is done before running the upgrade. If the tables of the plugin have a difference with the expected schema the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:
The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.13.0.
To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator
It is required to fix the database, using the diff produced by the CLI command given in the message. Once done, try again to upgrade.
ℹ️ If you know what you are doing you may bypass the sanity check from CLI with the following command.
bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -f -p skip-db-check
Possible encoding problems in tickets created in GLPI 9.5 or older
bin/console glpi:plugins:formcreator:clean_tickets
Bug Fixes
- abstractitiltarget: copy may generate unwanted ouput to navigator (8792ed3dc)
- abstracttarget: support for sla and ola from question (e4c6ffeb6)
- category: do not access page if the plugin is not active (a959839c7)
- category: don't activate plugin to access categories (4cd4f600e)
- checkboxesfield: back to BR (c8908f265)
- checkboxesfield: back to BR (56d1e7e94)
- checkboxesfield, radiosfield: checkboxes and radios backslashes (#3050) (47da0ea0a)
- common: captcha check (b2b7efc89)
- dashboard: fix dashboard height (712bdc8ad)
- datefield: change event and comparison (9da947783)
- filefield: do not assume index of files (a02a9c7ce)
- form: delete question does not reset preview tab (ad87ddc87)
- form: prevent SQL error (17aa94309)
- form: prevent sending two csrf tokens (c04c71bab)
- form: tab name must obey 'show count' setting (b89232eb3)
- form_language: call to undefined method (137a66047)
- formanswer: page switching loose filter (14d3ed7ac)
- install: bad command in error message (f357d9ca4)
- install: handle possible null while changing fields (0a847af4c)
- issue: access to saved searches from service catalog (b7481825a)
- issue: default joint for issue (631888e47)
- issue: show save button for followup edit (810c854f1)
- issue: sync issue fails when a ticket has several validators (3f51fbdd9)
- issue: useless criteria nesting (369fdb57b)
- selectfield: too many unescaping (706b70faa)
- targetticket: set request source if no rule specified (2e04680eb)
- textareadifield: error when deduplicating uploads (666d81395)
- wizard: consistent breadcrumb on several pages (6639cda03)
This version is compatible with GLPI 9.5.5 or later only. Users of GLPI 10 must use Formcreator 2.13 or later. Support of GLPI 9.5.4 and earlier has been dropped, see notes of version 2.11.3 to know the reason.
Help / Contribution needed
- Locales updates: Some languages don't have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
- documentation review and updates
Bug Fixes
- abstracttarget: retrieve sub itemtype from question (eccf3d1a)
- condition: empty sql IN statement (8e4d0491)
- dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: shiw item ID only on user preference (53dc3aeb)
- form: lightbulb always gray in darker theme (76a42bb4)
- glpiselectfield: bad WHERE criteria with entities (154a3531)
- glpiselectfield: comparison with regex (e6986b04)
- issue: performance problem in sync issue query (0e1761c9)
- issue: performance problem in sync issue query (74b38ec0)
- issue: requester replaced by author on ticket update (a8580a79)
- issue: sync issues problem when a ticket has several validators (backport 2.12) (#2971) (e3011590)
- radiosfield: accessibility from keyboard (e528aae7)
- targetticket: assign group actor from object (42aaadd4)
- textareafield: compatibility with GLPI 9.10 (a325a948)
- textareafield: compatibility with GLPI 9.5.10 (7f2ff1a9)
- textfield: remove invalid '\r\n' tokens (#3065) (da9d8dca)
- wizard: bad label when searching KB items (f469d048)
- ldapselectfield: lazy loading (1afc6753)