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Web Conference 2024.05.28 Curb

James Barr edited this page May 30, 2024 · 4 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Monthly on a Tuesday call at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Meeting Agenda

Prioritizing New CDS Features

  • Welcome (5 mins)
  • Announcements - Michael Schnuerle (5 mins)
  • Stoovo Presentation (10 mins)
  • Prioritizing New CDS Features (30 mins)
    • OMF Release Process for CDS
    • Discussion of key issues


  • Hosts: Brian Hamlin, SDOT
  • Note Taker: James Barr, Turnstone
  • Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF

Action Items and Decisions

  1. All members: Please submit contributions on Github where relevant to you. There just isn't enough time in meetings to discuss all open issues.



  1. Welcome (Brian Hamlin)
    1. Housekeeping Review
    2. Agenda
    3. Introduction to CDS
  2. Announcements (Michael Schnuerle)
    1. Introduction to new Steering Committee
    2. SMART Grant Update: 3rd Round NOFO is out (Em Burnett)
      1. Deadline July 12
      2. Talk to Em or Michael if looking at Curb Digitization
      3. USDOT is looking to fund projects that are different from current curb collaborative
    3. Curb Vendor Interviews (Mitch Vars)
      1. Speaking with vendors that have implemented or are working on it.
      2. Vendors working on CDS: reach out — link:
  3. Stoovo Presentation
    1. Location & Curb Intelligence—digital map of curb objects & parking availability
    2. Satellite intel from CV, telemetry from smartphones (via app), validation by delivery and building tenants
    3. Delivery insights by location, to blockface level
    4. Demo (~18 minutes into recording)
  4. Prioritizing New CDS Features
    1. OMF Release Process for CDS
      1. Reviewed roadmap in Github
      2. Contributions: Please read & comment in Github!
        1. Github is how everything gets done.
        2. If you haven't: create an account, and visit Issues page to stay informed.
        3. Comment, when relevant to your work
        4. Add your own ideas as Issues
      3. Decision-making: consensus-oriented with clear process
        1. Regular reviews to ensure process is still serving the community
      4. Release types
        1. Major: breaking changes (eg: 1.0, 2.0)
        2. Minor: non-breaking (eg: 1.1, 2.1)
      5. Release cycles & approvals review
        1. Working groups > tech council > board
    2. Discussion of key issues
      1. Review of issues list & pinned items
      2. #119 Linestrings & Polygons as curb zones
        1. Right now, considering optional lines as a 1.1 non-breaking change
        2. Could consider both polygones and linestrings being optional as Beta, for later inclusion as a breaking change
        3. Omaha is currently using all polygons. Details found in the Getting Started Guide here.
      3. ACTION: Please submit contributions on Github where relevant to you. There just isn't enough time in meetings to discuss all open issues. 
  5. Meeting adjourned for time.
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