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项目来自 bonfy/github-trending

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  • 【2024-12-28】dexie / Dexie.js - A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB
  • 【2024-12-27】ruby / setup-ruby - An action to download a prebuilt Ruby and add it to the PATH in 5 seconds
  • 【2024-12-26】moshang-ax / lottery - 🎉🌟✨🎈年会抽奖程序,基于 Express + Three.js的 3D 球体抽奖程序,奖品🧧🎁,文字,图片,抽奖规则均可配置,😜抽奖人员信息Excel一键导入😍,抽奖结果Excel导出😎,给你的抽奖活动带来全新酷炫体验🚀🚀🚀
  • 【2024-12-22】violentmonkey / violentmonkey - Violentmonkey provides userscripts support for browsers. It works on browsers with WebExtensions support.
  • 【2024-12-20】huggingface / transformers.js-examples - A collection of 🤗 Transformers.js demos and example applications
  • 【2024-12-18】dbt-labs / - The code behind
  • 【2024-12-15】666ghj / Weibo_PublicOpinion_AnalysisSystem - An excellent Weibo public opinion analysis and prediction system.
  • 【2024-12-14】http-party / node-http-proxy - A full-featured http proxy for node.js
  • 【2024-12-13】viarotel-org / escrcpy - 📱 Graphical Scrcpy to display and control Android, devices powered by Electron.
  • 【2024-12-12】bluewave-labs / checkmate - Checkmate is an open-source, self-hosted tool designed to track and monitor server hardware, uptime, response times, and incidents in real-time with beautiful visualizations.
  • 【2024-12-10】jezen / is-thirteen - Check if a number is equal to 13.
  • 【2024-12-04】OpenNebula / one - The open source Cloud & Edge Computing Platform bringing real freedom to your Enterprise Cloud 🚀
  • 【2024-11-30】xanderfrangos / twinkle-tray - Easily manage the brightness of your monitors in Windows from the system tray
  • 【2024-11-29】besuper / TwitchNoSub - An extension to watch sub only VOD on Twitch
  • 【2024-11-27】gnmyt / Nexterm - The open source server management software for SSH, VNC & RDP
  • 【2024-11-24】7Sageer / sublink-worker - 无需服务器,一键部署,快速使用自建节点分享URL进行订阅转换,提供灵活的自定义选项,支持SingBox/Clash/V2Ray/Xray
  • 【2024-11-18】metowolf / vCards - 📡️ vCards 中国黄页 - 优化 iOS/Android 来电、信息界面体验
  • 【2024-11-16】lucahammer / tweetXer - Delete all your Tweets for free
  • 【2024-11-14】InternLM / MindSearch - 🔍 An LLM-based Multi-agent Framework of Web Search Engine (like Pro and SearchGPT)
  • 【2024-11-10】muxinc / media-elements - A collection of HTMLMediaElement compatible elements and add-ons
  • 【2024-11-09】dotnet / eShopSupport - A reference .NET application using AI for a customer support ticketing system
  • 【2024-11-05】frappe / lms - Easy to Use, 100% Open Source Learning Management System
  • 【2024-11-04】Azgaar / Fantasy-Map-Generator - Web application generating interactive and highly customizable maps
  • 【2024-11-04】jesse-ai / jesse - An advanced crypto trading bot written in Python
  • 【2024-11-02】SnapDrop / snapdrop - A Progressive Web App for local file sharing
  • 【2024-10-30】poloclub / transformer-explainer - Transformer Explained Visually: Learn How LLM Transformer Models Work with Interactive Visualization
  • 【2024-10-30】medic / cht-core - The CHT Core Framework makes it faster to build responsive, offline-first digital health apps that equip health workers to provide better care in their communities. It is a central resource of the Community Health Toolkit.
  • 【2024-10-25】GSSoC24 / Postman-Challenge - This is the all in one place for documentation help regarding the postman challenge.
  • 【2024-10-25】ai-shifu / ChatALL - Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vicuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, 讯飞星火, 文心一言 and more, discover the best answers
  • 【2024-10-22】torinmb / mediapipe-touchdesigner - GPU Accelerated MediaPipe Plugin for TouchDesigner
  • 【2024-10-20】PranshulGG / WeatherMaster - A Weather app for android 🌦🌞☔
  • 【2024-10-19】huggingface / transformers.js - State-of-the-art Machine Learning for the web. Run 🤗 Transformers directly in your browser, with no need for a server!
  • 【2024-10-14】chaxus / ran - web components library, machine learning, function library and so on.
  • 【2024-10-12】sindresorhus / eslint-plugin-unicorn - More than 100 powerful ESLint rules
  • 【2024-10-10】revoltchat / self-hosted - Deploy Revolt using Docker.
  • 【2024-10-06】inertiajs / inertia - Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps using classic server-side routing and controllers.
  • 【2024-10-02】software-mansion / radon-ide - VSCode extension that turns your editor into a fully fledged IDE for React Native and Expo.
  • 【2024-10-01】fineanmol / Hacktoberfest2024 - Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2024. Don't forget to spread love and if you like give us a ⭐️
  • 【2024-09-30】m14r41 / PentestingEverything - Penetration Testing For - Web | Mobile | API | Thick Client | Source Code Review | DevSecOps | Wireless | Network Pentesting, etc...
  • 【2024-09-28】LedgerHQ / ledger-live - Mono-repository for packages related to Ledger Live and its JavaScript ecosystem.
  • 【2024-09-26】ThePansmith / Monifactory - A Modern Remaster of Nomifactory
  • 【2024-09-24】chrishubert / whatsapp-api - This project is a REST API wrapper for the whatsapp-web.js library, providing an easy-to-use interface to interact with the WhatsApp Web platform.
  • 【2024-09-22】Neet-Nestor / Telegram-Media-Downloader - A script allowing you to download images and videos from Telegram web even if the group restricts downloading.
  • 【2024-09-20】Unitech / pm2 - Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
  • 【2024-09-14】cmliu / - 这个项目是一个基于 Cloudflare Workers 的 Docker 镜像代理工具。它能够中转对 Docker 官方镜像仓库的请求,解决一些访问限制和加速访问的问题。
  • 【2024-09-14】SAP / openui5 - OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready web applications, responsive to all devices, running on almost any browser of your choice.
  • 【2024-09-11】rabbitmq / rabbitmq-server - Open source RabbitMQ: core server and tier 1 (built-in) plugins
  • 【2024-09-08】lyfe00011 / whatsapp-bot - A whatsapp bot based on baileys
  • 【2024-09-08】bitfocus / companion - Bitfocus Companion enables the reasonably priced Elgato Streamdeck and other controllers to be a professional shotbox surface for an increasing amount of different presentation switchers, video playback software and broadcast equipment.
  • 【2024-09-06】stripe-samples / accept-a-payment - Learn how to accept a payment from customers around the world with a variety of payment methods.
  • 【2024-09-06】dromara / skyeye - 智能办公OA系统[SpringBoot2-快速开发平台],适用于医院,学校,中小型企业等机构的管理。Activiti5.22+动态表单实现零java代码即可做到复杂业务的流程实施,同时包含文件在线操作、日志、考勤、CRM、ERP进销存、项目、拖拽式生成问卷、日程、笔记、计划、行政等多种复杂业务功能。同时,可进行授权二开。
  • 【2024-09-04】iam-veeramalla / observability-zero-to-hero - [WIP]: Repo for learning observability
  • 【2024-09-02】xnx3 / translate - Two lines of js realize automatic html translation. No need to change the page, no language configuration file, no API key, SEO friendly!
  • 【2024-08-29】remarkjs / react-markdown - Markdown component for React
  • 【2024-08-27】evgeny-nadymov / telegram-react - Experimental Telegram web client with tdlib, webassembly and react js under the hood
  • 【2024-08-23】micromatch / micromatch - Highly optimized wildcard and glob matching library. Faster, drop-in replacement to minimatch and multimatch. Used by square, webpack, babel core, yarn, jest, ract-native, taro, bulma, browser-sync, stylelint, nyc, ava, and many others! Follow micromatch's author:
  • 【2024-08-22】mermaid-js / mermaid-cli - Command line tool for the Mermaid library
  • 【2024-08-21】bluewave-labs / bluewave-uptime - BlueWave Uptime Monitor application
  • 【2024-08-19】TiddlyWiki / TiddlyWiki5 - A self-contained JavaScript wiki for the browser, Node.js, AWS Lambda etc.
  • 【2024-08-19】Itxxwasi / WASI-MD-V2 - WASI-MD-V2 is a Cool Multi-Device WhatsApp bot developed by WASI TECH. This bot is just developed for using whatsapp in funny ways.
  • 【2024-08-16】marcelscruz / public-apis - A collaborative list of public APIs for developers
  • 【2024-08-09】cables-gl / cables - cables is a tool for creating beautiful interactive content
  • 【2024-08-06】hackthedev / dcts-shipping - A Chat Platform like Discord but self-hostable like TeamSpeak
  • 【2024-08-03】SadeghHayeri / GreenTunnel - GreenTunnel is an anti-censorship utility designed to bypass the DPI system that is put in place by various ISPs to block access to certain websites.
  • 【2024-08-02】CanadaHonk / porffor - A from-scratch experimental AOT JS engine, written in JS
  • 【2024-07-29】spicetify / cli - Command-line tool to customize Spotify client. Supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
  • 【2024-07-27】jquery / jquery-ui - The official jQuery user interface library.
  • 【2024-07-24】PrismJS / prism - Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
  • 【2024-07-20】kevin-mizu / domloggerpp - A browser extension that allows you to monitor, intercept, and debug JavaScript sinks based on customizable configurations.
  • 【2024-07-18】cavi-au / Consent-O-Matic - Browser extension that automatically fills out cookie popups based on your preferences
  • 【2024-07-06】metafloor / bwip-js - Barcode Writer in Pure JavaScript
  • 【2024-07-03】microsoft / botframework-sdk - Bot Framework provides the most comprehensive experience for building conversation applications.
  • 【2024-07-01】toncenter / tonweb - JavaScript SDK for TON (The Open Network)
  • 【2024-06-30】antfu / vscode-file-nesting-config - Config of File Nesting for VS Code
  • 【2024-06-30】twbs / icons - Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.
  • 【2024-06-28】dotenvx / dotenvx - a better dotenv–from the creator of dotenv
  • 【2024-06-27】ciiiii / cloudflare-docker-proxy - A docker registry proxy run on cloudflare worker.
  • 【2024-06-26】jhuckaby / performa - A multi-server monitoring system with a web based UI.
  • 【2024-06-19】DefiLlama / chainlist -
  • 【2024-06-14】hotwired / turbo-rails - Use Turbo in your Ruby on Rails app
  • 【2024-06-14】aws-actions / amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition - Registers an Amazon ECS task definition and deploys it to an ECS service.
  • 【2024-06-14】software-mansion / react-native-reanimated - React Native's Animated library reimplemented
  • 【2024-06-14】debezium / debezium-examples - Examples for running Debezium (Configuration, Docker Compose files etc.)
  • 【2024-06-14】OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable - Upgradeable variant of OpenZeppelin Contracts, meant for use in upgradeable contracts.
  • 【2024-06-13】paulmillr / chokidar - Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
  • 【2024-06-06】xaboy / form-create - 🔥🔥🔥 强大的动态表单生成器,通过数据驱动表单渲染,支持可视化设计。提高开发者对表单的开发效率。目前在OA系统、ERP系统、电商系统、流程管理等系统中已稳定应用。
  • 【2024-06-04】ForrestKnight / 3d-portfolio -
  • 【2024-06-03】VajiraTech / VAJIRA-MD - 🇱🇰King vajira md v4 update released🇱🇰
  • 【2024-06-02】Muskansahuincredible / StudyNotion-An-Online-Education-Platform -
  • 【2024-06-02】SyedImtiyaz-1 / GetTechProjects - Make your first Pull Request on this Repo. Don't forget to spread love and give us a ⭐️
  • 【2024-06-01】feiyun0112 / Gradio.Net - Gradio for .NET – a port of Gradio, an open-source Python package that allows you to quickly build a demo or web application for your machine learning model, API, or any arbitrary Python function. Gradio for .NET – 基于 Gradio 的 .NET 移植,Gradio 是一个开源 Python 包,允许你为机器学习模型、API 或任何任意 Python 函数快速构建演示或 Web 应用程序。
  • 【2024-05-31】adysec / cf-mirror - AdySec CF拉平镜像站 | 官方源可信度和稳定性最高,但国内访问速度较慢,通过众生平等Cloudflare,利用全球的边缘节点,将用户请求转发到离用户距离最近的节点,同时缓存静态内容加速,减少网络延迟和下载速度,使用Cloudflare Workers配置反代实现
  • 【2024-05-31】QiuChenlyOpenSource / 91QiuChen - 91 Sex asm code asian cosplay hexinhex porn big dick 花Q
  • 【2024-05-30】844704781 / ximalaya_downloader - ⭐️ 一个可爱且任性的 喜马拉雅专辑音频无限制下载器O(∩_∩)O
  • 【2024-05-30】jagenjo / litegraph.js - A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs to be included in applications independently.
  • 【2024-05-28】WasperAI / Wasper -
  • 【2024-05-28】frappe / gantt - Open Source Javascript Gantt
  • 【2024-05-28】Kingjux / Venocyber-md - Introducing Venocyber md bot your personal chuddybuddy md you were looking for this is most powerful Whatsapp chat bot created to ensure your WhatsApp personal requirements you are all in one ✍️👋👋
  • 【2024-05-25】apple / password-manager-resources - A place for creators and users of password managers to collaborate on resources to make password management better.
  • 【2024-05-24】github / relative-time-element - Web component extensions to the standard element.
  • 【2024-05-24】imputnet / cobalt - save what you love
  • 【2024-05-23】ibrahimaitech / BMW-MD - BMW MD the faster bot that can do any thing in seconds,Trending Wabot
  • 【2024-05-22】Pactum7 / ticket-grabbing - 猫眼纷玩岛大麦抢票、余票监控AutoX.js脚本,手机移动端,全场次选购
  • 【2024-05-21】metaskills / experts - Experts.js is the easiest way to create and deploy OpenAI's Assistants and link them together as Tools to create advanced Multi AI Agent Systems with expanded memory and attention to detail.
  • 【2024-05-21】V2RaySSR / Free-VLESS - 通过 Cloudflare,免费部署 VLESS节点
  • 【2024-05-20】sindresorhus / create-dmg - Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds
  • 【2024-05-16】google-marketing-solutions / ga4_dataform -
  • 【2024-05-14】aegir-assembly / omni-clip - Open source video editing web application
  • 【2024-05-13】Dev-tanay / Rubik-Cube - Rubik Cube
  • 【2024-05-13】Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Maa-Vimala -
  • 【2024-05-13】GameSphere-MultiPlayer / Dot-Box - Dot-Box is a game where players take turns drawing lines between dots to create boxes. The player who completes the most boxes wins. It's a simple yet strategic game enjoyed by people of all ages.
  • 【2024-05-13】JiyaGupta-cs / ShopNex - React Ecommerce App
  • 【2024-05-13】Kunal-agrawall / AI-Jarvis -
  • 【2024-05-13】digitomize / digitomize - Digitomize, part of Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub, is an open-source platform that combines two main sections: Contests and User Profiles. It allows users to explore upcoming coding contests and dynamically create developer portfolios.
  • 【2024-05-12】swapnilsparsh / 30DaysOfJavaScript - Projects made during the 30 days of the JavaScript challenge
  • 【2024-05-12】hugeicons / hugeicons-react - Boost your UI with Hugeicons React Icons. 3,800+ free customizable stroke icons for sleek web development and design projects. An open-source react icon library tailored for React.
  • 【2024-05-12】x0tools / WeChatOpenDevTools -
  • 【2024-05-12】buxuku / VideoSubtitleGenerator - 批量为本地视频生成字幕文件,并可将字幕文件翻译成其它语言
  • 【2024-05-12】ibrahimaitech / BLACK-PANTHER-XMD - Black panther md is the fastest wabot that helps WhatsApp users to enjoy smooth life
  • 【2024-05-09】said7388 / github-portfolio - Create a Portfolio Website using your GitHub username. This website template is constructed with next.js and tailwind CSS, allowing you to display your work and skills as a software developer.
  • 【2024-05-09】taikoxyz / operations - Operations related scripts
  • 【2024-05-09】yonggekkk / Cloudflare_vless_trojan - Cloudflare代理脚本,支持workers与pages两种形式部署,实现Vless与Trojan两种协议。CF优选域名、优选官方IP反代IP多平台一键脚本
  • 【2024-05-08】heyseth / worm-sim - Simulate the C. Elegans worm brain in your browser and interact with the worm as it moves around
  • 【2024-05-08】Admiral-Billy / Pokerogue-App - An app to play in an app window. Wow!
  • 【2024-05-05】Astropeda / Asta-Md - ᴀ sɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛsᴀᴘᴘ ʙᴏᴛ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴀsᴛʀᴏᴘᴇᴅᴀ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ
  • 【2024-05-05】automatisch / automatisch - The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money.
  • 【2024-05-05】ibrahimaitech / IBRAHIM-AI-10.10 - BMW MD the faster bot that can do any thing in seconds,Trending Wabot
  • 【2024-05-04】Pandasswap / PancakeswapBot - PancakeSwap Prediction Bot
  • 【2024-05-04】tencent-connect / bot-docs - QQ频道机器人文档
  • 【2024-05-04】AbhishekSuresh2 / Phoenix-MD - ℹ️ A Simple WhatsApp Bot With Advanced Features
  • 【2024-05-02】IvanGlinkin / CCTV - Close-Circuit Telegram Vision revolutionizes location tracking with its open-source design and Telegram API integration. Offering precise tracking within 50-100 meters, users can monitor others in real-time for logistics or safety, redefining how we navigate our surroundings
  • 【2024-05-02】mouricedevs / Gifted-Md - Gifted Md is a Cool Multi-Device WhatsApp bot which offers a wide range of extraordinary features, making it an advanced and user-friendly bot for various purposes.
  • 【2024-05-02】TacoGuy21 / Greatsword-V3 - Please star if you fork (This is an unblocker, link making tutorial attached below.)
  • 【2024-05-02】hjdhnx / hipy-server - hipy t4服务后端
  • 【2024-04-30】virus010101 / linfeng-community - 林风社交论坛小程序|H5论坛|app论坛是java+vue+uniapp开发的前后端分离社交论坛问答发帖/BBS项目,包括论坛图文帖,视频,圈子,IM私聊,微信支付,付费贴,积分签到,钱包充值等论坛小程序论坛app完整功能
  • 【2024-04-29】ibrahimaitech / IBRAHIM-MD - Black panther md the fastest wabot that helps WhatsApp users to enjoy smooth life
  • 【2024-04-29】jadehh / TVSpider - 影视和猫影视爬虫仓库
  • 【2024-04-28】Lunakepio / Mario-Bros.js - A Mario Bros in 3D with React
  • 【2024-04-26】fatwang2 / search2ai - Help your LLMs online
  • 【2024-04-25】0xlau / biliplus - 🧩 A Chrome/Edge extension to feel better in
  • 【2024-04-25】ErickWendel / parallelizing-nodejs-ops - Example of how to Migrate 1M items from MongoDB to Postgres in just a few minutes using Node.js child process
  • 【2024-04-24】code-charity / youtube - [Top~1 open YouTube / Video Web-Extension] Enrich your experience & choice! 🧰100+ clever features📌set & forget📌Longest-standing (yet rare & tough alone. Please help/join🧩us👨‍👩‍👧‍👧) ..⋮ {playback|content discovery|player|extra buttons|distractions|related videos|shorts|ads|quality|codec|full tab|full screen}
  • 【2024-04-24】apache / cordova-ios - Apache Cordova iOS
  • 【2024-04-24】SiJiDo / X - 红蓝对抗快速搭建基础设施平台
  • 【2024-04-23】Sbermarketing-Analytics / InternFrontend-EntryTask -
  • 【2024-04-23】OpenDroneMap / WebODM - User-friendly, commercial-grade software for processing aerial imagery. 🛩
  • 【2024-04-21】surfbryce / beautiful-lyrics - Completely revolutionizes the Spotify Lyrics Experience by introducing Live Lyrics, Dynamic Backgrounds, and Immersive Views
  • 【2024-04-20】replicate / llama-chat - A boilerplate for creating a Llama 3 chat app
  • 【2024-04-20】Arun020 / Jarvis-AI - A small virtual Assistant
  • 【2024-04-20】archtaurus / RetroPieBIOS - Full BIOS collection for RetroPie
  • 【2024-04-20】UseInterstellar / Interstellar - One of the most popular modern web proxies with blazing fast speeds and a variety of games.
  • 【2024-04-19】facebook / react-native-website - The React Native website and docs
  • 【2024-04-18】fatwang2 / coze2openai - Turn Coze API into OpenAI
  • 【2024-04-18】bpc-clone / bypass-paywalls-clean-filters -
  • 【2024-04-18】rastapasta / mapscii - 🗺 MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet <= on Mac (brew install telnet) and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows
  • 【2024-04-16】Bistutu / FluentRead - 拥有基于上下文语境的人工智能翻译引擎,为网站提供更加友好的翻译,让所有人都能够拥有基于母语般的阅读体验。
  • 【2024-04-15】Oligard008 / Pancakeswap-Bot - Bot for PancakeSwap Prediction – 30technical indicators. Multichain with MetaMask
  • 【2024-04-15】NaishengZhang / blog - Blog Platform Using Spring Boot
  • 【2024-04-14】gezhaoyou / picprose - PicProse is a better cover image generator tool for Medium, YouTube, BiliBili, Blog and many others
  • 【2024-04-14】adrianhajdin / aora - Build your first mobile application
  • 【2024-04-14】eidam / cf-workers-status-page - Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack/Telegram/Discord notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV storage.
  • 【2024-04-13】leibnizli / hummingbird - A compression (jpg/png/webp/svg/gif/css/js/html/mp4/mov) App, it can convert different format pictures, support for macOS and Windows.
  • 【2024-04-13】safak / react-firebase-chat -
  • 【2024-04-12】apachecn / rate-my-supervisor -
  • 【2024-04-12】nextapps-de / flexsearch - Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js
  • 【2024-04-12】dai-shi / use-signals - An experimental React hook for TC39 signals
  • 【2024-04-10】camwiegert / typical - Animated typing in ~400 bytes 🐡 of JavaScript
  • 【2024-04-09】stackframe-projects / pgmock - In-memory Postgres for unit/E2E tests
  • 【2024-04-09】alexpinel / Dot - Standalone app for fully local RAG with Mistral 7B
  • 【2024-04-09】langflow-ai / langflow - ⛓️ Langflow is a dynamic graph where each node is an executable unit. Its modular and interactive design fosters rapid experimentation and prototyping, pushing hard on the limits of creativity.
  • 【2024-04-07】curtisf / logger - Loggerbot version 3, the Discord bot serving nearly 24 million users.
  • 【2024-04-07】kolbytn / mindcraft -
  • 【2024-04-06】Ottodix / Eole-foobar-theme - Eole blows gently into your ear his nicest melodies.
  • 【2024-04-06】ExpTechTW / TREM-electron - Taiwan Real-time Earthquake Monitoring ( 臺灣即時地震監測 )
  • 【2024-04-05】missuo / FreeGPT35 - Utilize the unlimited free GPT-3.5-Turbo API service provided by the login-free ChatGPT Web.
  • 【2024-04-05】mscdex / ssh2 - SSH2 client and server modules written in pure JavaScript for node.js
  • 【2024-04-04】TimeRainStarSky / TRSS-Plugin -
  • 【2024-04-02】safak / full-stack-estate -
  • 【2024-04-02】urbandroid-team / dont-kill-my-app - Android vendors, don't kill my app!
  • 【2024-03-31】eduardoleao052 / js-torch - A JavaScript library like PyTorch, built from scratch.
  • 【2024-03-31】justimyhxu / GRM - Large Gaussian Reconstruction Model for Efficient 3D Reconstruction and Generation
  • 【2024-03-31】anticensority / runet-censorship-bypass - Chromium extension for bypassing censorship in Russia
  • 【2024-03-30】somta / Juggle - 一款适用于微服务编排,第三方api集成,私有化定制开发,编写BFF聚合层等场景的强大低码编排工具!
  • 【2024-03-30】wahdalo / tiktok-src - Tiktok downloader & auto upload to reels facebook (with puppeteer)
  • 【2024-03-30】OrionReed / dom3d - Browser extension to view and debug the DOM in 3D space.
  • 【2024-03-30】franceking1 / Flash-Md -
  • 【2024-03-30】techwithtim / Django-React-Full-Stack-App -
  • 【2024-03-29】2ri4eUI / CFW-BOT - Cloudflare Woker Bot ! No servers needed, just pure Xray link creation, all running smoothly on PythonAnywhere. a Shortcut to internet freedom! ✨"
  • 【2024-03-29】asyncapi / generator - Use your AsyncAPI definition to generate literally anything. Markdown documentation, Node.js code, HTML documentation, anything!
  • 【2024-03-29】k1nd0ne / VolWeb - A centralized and enhanced memory analysis platform
  • 【2024-03-28】danni-cool / wechatbot-webhook - http 请求驱动的微信机器人
  • 【2024-03-26】hrishioa / lumentis - AI powered one-click comprehensive docs from transcripts and text.
  • 【2024-03-26】sahir2k / twitter_face_swap -
  • 【2024-03-25】xiaopanglian / icefox - Typecho微信朋友圈主题 icefox
  • 【2024-03-25】micheleg / dash-to-dock - A dock for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash out of the overview transforming it in a dock for an easier launching of applications and a faster switching between windows and desktops.
  • 【2024-03-25】Onezyh / Worker-Vless-2-USB -
  • 【2024-03-24】jayofelony / pwnagotchi - (⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning.
  • 【2024-03-23】huanghanzhilian / c-shopping-rn - This is a complete App developed by React Native (Expo). It is a beautiful e-commerce shopping application. 这个是一个React Native(Expo) 开发的完整App应用,是一个精美的电商购物应用。
  • 【2024-03-23】Nuked88 / ComfyUI-N-Sidebar - A simple sidebar for your ConfyUI!
  • 【2024-03-23】zeke / livestory -
  • 【2024-03-23】IseeJ / CosmosPersona - for fun :D
  • 【2024-03-23】ThePrimeagen / fem-git -
  • 【2024-03-23】[Xtremilicious / project


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