- Avoid recreating stateset objects continually. (74246)
- Rename the record parameter when its property get renamed (74168)
- Improve performance of expensive operation
- Fix oop syncing (74240)
- Switch to LanguageVersion.CSharp13 now that the compiler has added this api.
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 327: Build ID 2487009 (74241)
- Remove some vestiges of the old solution crawler.
- Remove obsolete service
- Make project system workspace transformation functions resilient to being attempted twice (74189)
- Set intermediate path sooner (74229)
- Remove fallback options for SimplifierOptions (74222)
- Add LanguageVersion for C# 13 (74215)
- Report a diagnostic on missing body in partial property implementation (74224)
- Preserve trivia for 'Use Collection Expression' fixer in more cases
- Fix issue with 'use explicit cast' and compound assignments
- Add analyzer/fixer to move people over to System.Threading.Lock
- Escaping also considers record structs (74125)
- MetadataAsSource options (74212)
- Doc Cookbook Auto Interface Implementation (73906)
- Do not offer 'convert' namespace when the ns has sibling types
- Merge release/dev17.11 to main (74211)
- Ide options (74053)
- Add fallback options to solution snapshot (74038)
- Update insertion config (74202)
- EnumerableConditionalWeakTable and WeakEvent (74160)
- On-the-fly-docs update naming (74173)
- Fix scenario where lightbulbs weren't being displayed (74191)
- Better detect equivalence in our strong name provider (74151)
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 327: Build ID 2484077 (74192)
- Ensure an empty run result doesn't throw when generators are present. (#74034) (74174)
- Consume new Razor EA (74134)
- Move PEPropertySymbol to use the same UncommonFields pattern that PEMethodSymbol uses (74132)
- Report diagnostic for field and value in property accessors when used as primary expressions only (74164)
- UI improvements for the Copilot rename feature (74149)
- Avoid failing docs check on temporary network errors (74181)
- Sign VSSetup/Installer/ (74103)
- Fix error recovery for various nested conversion scenarios (74089)
- Ensure an empty run result doesn't throw when generators are present. (74034)
- Reduce allocations in AbstractProjectExtensionProvider.FilterExtensions (74112)
- Avoid re-running all codeaction requests at low priority. (74083)
- Handle early attribute required members cycle (74110)
- Enable TSA (74165)
- Remove GetTempPath copy (74159)
- Use ITextDifferencingService.DiffSnapshotSpans instead of allocating full buffer text during codeaction previews (74114)
- Add weak heuristics in our designer scanning code to improve experience during things like configuration switch.
- Remove semantic model keep-alive code in completion (73844)
- Reduce time spent in ConflictResolver.Session.GetNodesOrTokensToCheckForConflicts (74101)
- Support navigating to an interceptor location when on an intercepted method call.
- Handle unspecified anonymous type property in VisualBasicOperationFactory (74091)
- Enable some type test scenarios involving ref like type parameters (74102)
- Mark partial properties feature as shipped (74147)
- Add overload resolution priority status (74128)
- Temporarily disable R2R (74136)
- Make sure task completes on exception path (74106)
- Update config for snap (74119)
- Require AddExplicitInterfaceImplementation for adding a type that implements member explicitly (73206)