What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?
Feature: Support SMAA (Sub-pixel morphological antialiasing). It's a pracital implementation of MLAA (Morphological antialiasing).
Use Case: As far as I know, It's the best antialiasing that based on full-screen postprocessing only. It has the following advantages:
- No temporal blur. TAA is a quite big trade-off: sometimes it looks absolutely amazing, sometimes horribly blur. There is even a dedicate subreddit for complaining about TAA: /r/fuckTAA.
- Render pipeline independent: Unlike MSAA, SMAA doesn't need you to change anything on the render pipeline. It's truly just a post-processing effect. Forward or deferred rendering doesn't matter.
- Anti-aliasing on texture: MSAA only anti-aliases the boundaries of triangles. SMAA anti-aliases the aliasing cause by low-res textures too. (Of course it's a trade-off as well. Sometimes you don't want that.)
- Looks better than FXAA: well never mind, anything looks better than FXAA.
What solution would you like?
Implement a SMAA post processing effect.
What alternative(s) have you considered?
TAA, MSAA, FXAA. But as I stated, SMAA has unique advantages over them.
Additional context
Official SMAA implementation: (MIT license)
3D Graphics Discussion: #4630 (I'm not sure if I should just posted there, but some items in that post link to separate issuse so I assume it's fine to open a new issue for further discussion/details)