What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?
I often use Local for systems that keep track of local ui input, timers, counters, etc. For data that only needs to be accessed in a single system, it's very convenient especially for prototyping to not have to manage resources or components. Using Local<> with a default value however is a lot more complex and makes Local<> much less appealing to use. The workaround described in the docs is to use a resource and convert your system into a capturing closure, which is more complex.
What solution would you like?
A possible solution would be a function on Local<> to set an intial value that is only in the first run of the system.
fn counter(mut count: Local<i32>) {
*count += 1;
What alternative(s) have you considered?
An alternative workaround is to create a wrapping type, and impl default on that type, then Local. This is still simpler than the closure solution, and makes more sense, but I feel this can be simplified further.
struct CounterLocal(i32);
impl Default for CounterLocal {
fn default() -> Self {
fn counter(mut count: Local<CounterLocal>) {
count.0 += 1;