Below is existing conversations from Discord with @andy PIper#7618 about a peculiar issue TruthSeeker#6765 and me (NikosSprocket#1873) having lately with my X500 size Quadcopter and almost random "Radio Failsafe" messages that recover less than a second most of the time.
I have built a X500 size quadcopter Arducopter with ELRS Tx/Rx. I had the quad flying smoothly and performed many Stabilize, RTLs, SmartRTLs missions with excellent results. One day, due to user error I hit the Disarm switch during flight and the Quad fell from the sky on dirt. Damage was minimal, 1 leg support and 1 prop. I printed new parts and replaced arm holders, just to be on the safe side. Then tested all electronics GPS compass, IMUs operating perfectly and hovers or and static powered up MP readings where good except I start seen the short "Radio Failsafe" and recoveries.
Since then I have replaced the ELRS Rx without any change on this behavior. I also got more Failsafes with Arducopter version 4.3.6, 4.3.5 and V4.5.0-dev more frequent the Radio Failsafes than with 4.2.3.
The last test was done using 4.23 and sitting in the garage floor with a battery connected and had a dgps lock but did not have any Radio Failsafes looking at the MP through Sik telemetry. The next day I went to the flying field and within a few minutes of Loiter it went to Radio Failsafe and RTL.
I am waiting for a new FC controller to eliminate any hardware issues.
Firmware: MatekH743-bdshot
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Airframe type
Hardware type
Matek H743-Slim V3 FC
Matek AP_PERIPH GNSS M10-L4-3100
Matek X Class 12S PDB
Radiomaster TX16S EdgeTX v2.8.3 - ELRS 3.2.1
Radiomaster Rx RP3 2400RX ELRS 3.2.1
T-Motor F35A 32bits 3-6S ESC
ELRS 3.2.1:
Rate: F500
Telem Ratio: Std (1:128)
Sw Mode: Wide
Tx Power 250mW
Logs & Param