All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #489 fix: delete bug
- #485 feat: delete granule endpoint
- #482 feat: updated name spaces and naming of resources
- #478 feat: uds lib update
- #448 fix: wrong location archive keys
- #475 fix: index to es is not setting bbox correctly
- #472 feat: amalgamation download type
- #459 fix: single catalog multiple collections
- #457 breaking change : update uds lib
- #455 fix: updated marketplace bucket policy to require ssl
- #449 fix: use dlq to avoid sqs bottleneck + ignore both none & empty array in validation
- #438 feat: import uds lib for core logic
- #415 breaking change : auxiliary files stage out
- #419 feat: trying to get docs page working
- #411 fix: check by id first to see if the granule exists before updating it
- #402 feat: daac sender + receiver logic
- #407 fix: download from http with stream enabled
- #399 fix: replace health check ssm
- #398 feat: add mock daac lambda logic
- #396 feat: adding daac archive config
- #393 fix: less than 200 is ok. not error
- #390 feat: add additional role to s3 bucket policy
- #385 feat: different web service for stac browser
- #373 fix: updating path for httpd testing
- #372 feat: market place bucket
- #369 feat: add cnm response archival lambda
- #368 feat: adding automated ingestion lambda
- #365 feat: add granuile cnm ingester tf
- #361 feat: uploading successful feature collection to s3
- #362 feat: add health check ssm
- #254 breaking: allow custom-metadata in granules dapa query
- #333 breaking: catalog & collection endpoint + items link
- #295 feat: download granule json is public url
- #297 feat: granule stac asset with "roles" logic
- #303 feat: find stac metadata file
- #312 feat: stage in step to use dapa url to get the queries.
- #339 feat: testing stac browser ui
- #344 feat: update stac catalog list
- #316 fix: granules cnm bug fixes
- #320 fix: stage out result file in a different directory
- #325 fix: replace anything not alphanumeric to 3 underscores
- #335 fix: split into different catalog base url
- #337 fix: add cors to fast api
- #342 fix: no filename in main data.stac.json file
- #347 fix: downgrade pystac to 1.9
- #347 fix: downgrade pystac to 1.9
- #344 feat: update stac catalog list
- #342 fix: no filename in main data.stac.json file
- #339 feat: testing stac browser ui
- #337 fix: add cors to fast api
- #335 fix: split into different catalog base url
- #333 breaking: catalog & collection endpoint + items link
- #325 fix: replace anything not alphanumeric to 3 underscores
- #320 fix: stage out result file in a different directory
- #316 fix: granules cnm bug fixes
- #312 feat: stage in step to use dapa url to get the queries.
- #303 feat: find stac metadata file
- #297 feat: granule stac asset with "roles" logic
- #295 feat: download granule json is public url
- #254 breaking: allow custom-metadata in granules dapa query
- #282 fix: no double version update pr - tested
- #263 fix: metadata stac generate cmr file postfix
- #264 feat: collection validation in catalog
- #270 fix: pr creationg to update version failed
- #253 fix: Stage out succeeded when there is an error
- #252 fix: version update + changelog via pr
- #249 chore: update version + change log
- #248 fix: github action write protected branch 15
- #233 fix: github action write protected branch 7
- #207 feat: upper limit = 50 for collections
- #201 feat: Custom metadata mechanism
- #95 feat: elasticsearch branch
- #204 chore: clean.up - remove old codes
- #200 fix: parallelize upload
- #194 fix: Cataloging large number asynchronously by batch + download is stuck when there are large number of files
- #190 feat: Using Fastapi for all API endpoints
- #193 fix: add collection folder in s3 upload
- #188 fix: Update stage out task to read STAC items from STAC catalog
- #119 Update data download task to allow staging data from DAAC HTTPS to local work directory
- #123 Update metadata reader to parse metadata from CHIRP xml files
- #157 Update stage-in to support HTTP/HTTPS download that doesn't require EDL
- #170 Parallelize data download in stage in task
- #125 Update metadata parser/transformer names to reflect metadata format instead of data processing level
- #128 UDS search docker image to perform CMR search + pagination
- #129 UDS search docker image to perform UDS search + pagination
- #130 Update stage out (upload data to S3) to read catalog.json
- #133 Update stage in task to take as input STAC input file
- #141 Update stage in to modify input STAC JSON to point to local urls
- #147 UDS tasks to support optional output file parameter
- #151 Update catalog task to take stac input file
- #155 Update UDS catalog task to wait for granules to be registered
- #158 Update stage in task to use relative path for href in STAC
- #159 Update stage out task to not require integration with UDS DAPA
- #160 Update stage in to require FeatureCollection STAC as input and only download specific assets
- #167 Add retry logic for temporary failure in name resolution in Earth Data Login
- #181 Update stage in task to auto retry upon 502 errors
- #182 fix: Retry if Download Error in DAAC
- #169 feat: parallelize download
- #156 feat: added filter keyword in granules endpoint + repeatedly checking with time boundary for cataloging result
- #165 fix: convert all outputs into json str
- #163 breaking: new upload implementation for complete catalog (no connection to DAPA)
- #161 breaking: search to return feature-collection. download to read feature-collection + return localized feature-collection w/ relative paths
- #154 fix: production datetime not in +00:00 format
- #152 fix: allow catalog stage input from file
- #149 feat: writing output content to a file if ENV is provided
- #148 fix: use cas structure to generate metadata for stac
- #146 feat: Stac metadata extraction
- #144 fix: downloaded stac to return local absolute path
- #142 feat: Support DAAC download files stac file, not just direct json text
- #138 feat: Checkout stage with STAC catalog json
- #132 feat: add DAAC download logic
- #136 fix: uncomment temporal in CMR granules search
- #134 feat: add option to parse downloading stac from file
- #131 granules query pagination
- #126 reduce pystac length by keeping only data asset
- #124 configurable file postfixes for PDS metadata extraction + rename function names which will break previous terraforms
- #120 breakup upload and download dockers into search + download & upload + catalog
- #112 update dockerfile base images
- #104 added Updated time in collection & item STAC dictionaries
- #104 use pystac library objects to create collection and item STAC dictionaries
- #103 return a dictionary including HREFs instead of a string REGISTERED
- #100 status=completed is only for granules, not for collections
- #94 Added DAPA lambdas function name to parameter store for UCS API Gateway integration
- #98 accept provider from ENV or optionally from user call
- #79 Collection Creation endpoint with DAPA format
- #80 level.1.a.missing.filename
- #82 not honoring offset and limit in Collection query
- #89 check pathParameters is None
- #62 Added OpenAPI spec for DAPA endpoints
- #66 Added pagination links to STAC response of DAPA endpoints
- #64 Added temporal coverage to DAPA collection endpoint
- #67 Updated STAC collection schema to be compatible with PySTAC library
- l1A granule id is
not to duplicate re-runs
- Added: use username & password to login to cognito to get the token
- Added lambda for parsing metadata from Sounder SIPS L0 metadata files #14
- Pushed docker image to