Releases: openzipkin/zipkin4net
Zipkin4net 1.3.0
New functionality:
Support B3 single header format. #218
Now Zipkin4net understands and propagates B3 single format. It also
understands the multiheader B3 format.
Add route filtering for Owin and AspNetCore middlewares #229
There is a new parameter to allow applications to setup filtering based
on the url. This allows for instance to not trace your /health,
/app_status, /prometheus, etc.
Bug fixes:
Annotation's ToString provide more debugging data #220
Requests require host of throw exception #221
Check null in ClientTrace.Error #227
zipkin4net 1.2.3
Make TracingHandler compatible with HttpClientFactory
zipkin4net 1.2.2
Make IRecordDispatcher public and exchangeable
zipkin4net 1.2.1
Request without host throw exception
zipkin4net 1.2.0
Change api key
zipkin4net 1.1.1
Bug fixes, many thanks to:
- @anthonywanted found and fixed a bug where escaping was not correctly done in JSON serializer (#157)
- @adamrodger added support for .net v4.6.1 for (#159)
First release of zipkin.middleware.owin nuget
zipkin4net 1.1.0
Bump versions to have a symetrical system (every nuget is now in version 1.1.0)
zipkin4net 1.0.0
Breaking changes:
- Criteo.Profiling.Tracing prefix was replaced by zipkin4net in namespaces and assemblies
- Removed classes:
- Criteo.Profiling.Tracing.Utils.TraceHelper
- Criteo.Profiling.Tracing.Middleware.TracingHandler
- Removed methods:
- Criteo.Profiling.Tracing.Tracers.Zipkin.ZipkinTracer::ZipkinTracer(IZipkinSender sender, IStatistics statistics = null)
- Criteo.Profiling.Tracing.Transport.Http.HttpZipkinSender::HttpZipkinSender(string zipkinCollectorUrl)