This release adds some minor changes to documentation and implements some community contributions.
- Added notice about project evolution: #967
- Added community contributions and bug fixes: #967 #894 #822 #951 #946 #944 #943 #938 #935 #918 #908 #906 #902 #895 #893
This is a minor release containing an important fix and other minor fixes:
- Fixed a bug where loading a dashboard would reset parameters to null (887).
- Fix relationship width parameter for Graph report (889).
Thanks to all the contributors for this release:
This is a minor release containing a few critical fixes and general code quality improvements:
- Fix multiple parameter select (881).
- Fix parameter casting error when loading dashboards(874).
- Fix the fraud demo in the Example Gallery.
Thanks to all the contributors for this release:
This is a minor release containing a few critical fixes and some extra style customizations:
- Fix bad text wrapping for arrays in tables (868).
- Make wrapping in table optional, disabled by default (872).
- Fixed issues where cross database dashboard sharing always reverted back to the default database (873).
- Added option to define style config using environment variables for the Docker image (876).
This is a small release containing a few fixes:
- Fixed rendering of string arrays inside tables, report titles, and report action buttons 849
- Allowed text to wrap in tables, preserving the number of rows 852
- Disabled auto-sorting of Cypher query-based Parameter Select ; use Cypher ORDER BY to control result order 857
- Updated role selector menu, and made user updates more robust 854
Thanks to all the contributors for this release:
This is a hotfix release fixing some breaking issues in the 2.4.3:
- Fixed number parsing using newer versions of the Neo4j driver. 811
- Reverted new connection handler for auto-renewed SSO sessions. 815
- Improved handling of parameters in form extension, resolved local state issues. 813
- Updated Role management extension to no longer execute queries in parallel, improved UX and error handling 813
If you are currently using NeoDash version 2.4.3, we recommend updating as soon as possible.
This release contains several improvements and additions to multi-dashboard management, as well as a bug fixes and a variety of quality-of-life improvements:
Dashboard management and access control:
- Added a UI for handling dashboard access using RBAC, as well as a new extension to simply access control.
- Added button to sidebar to refresh the list of dashboards saved in the database.
- Improved handling and detection of draft dashboards in the dashboard sidebar.
Other improvements:
- Changed CSV export functionality for tables to use UTF-8 format.
- Various improvements / fixes to the documentation to include new images, and up-to-date functionality.
- Added logic for handling refresh tokens when connected to NeoDash via SSO.
- Incorporated tooltips for bar charts with and without custom labels.
Bug fixes and testing:
- Implemented bug fixes on type casting for numeric parameter selectors.
- Fixed issue with report actions not functioning properly on node click events.
- Extended test suite with Cypress tests for advanced settings in the bar chart.
Thanks to all the contributors for this release:
This is a release with a large amount of quality of life improvements, as well as some new features:
- Visualize graphs in 3D with the new 3D graph report. #737
- Improved dashboard management sidebar and handling of drafts. #734
- Added parameter select setting for autopopulating first selector value. #746
- Improved UX for editing page names & dashboard titles. #743
- Unified common settings for each report type. #724
- Title of the browser tab NeoDash runs on is now automatically set to the dashboard name. #708
- Fixed issue where invisible table columns were not handled correctly. #695
- Miscellaneous bug fixes, style improvements & stability fixes. #744
This is a patch release following 2.4.0. It contains several new features for self-hosted (standalone) NeoDash deployments, as well as a variety of UX improvements for dashboard editors.
- Improvements to customizability of the bar chart (styling, legend customization, report actions). #689
- Improved dashboard settings interface, fixed alignment for table download button. #729
- Adjusted ordering of suggested labels/properties for parameter selectors. #728
- Better handling of date parameters when saving/loading dashboards. #727
- Fixed incorrect z-index issue for form creation modals. #726
- Adjusted filtering tooltip on tables to avoid hiding result data. #712
- Fixed uncontrolled component issue for dashboard import modal. #711
- Adjusted font color of graph context popups to use theme colors. #699
- Adjust sidebar database selector to only show active databases. #698
- Incorporated logging functionality for self-hosted NeoDash deployments. #705
- Improved dashboard management in standalone-mode deployments. #705
- Added Docker parameter for overriding the app's logo & custom header. #705
- Changed the dashboard 'save' action to a logical merge, rather than a delete + create, allowing to persist labels across saves. #705
- Docker: Updated Alpine base image to mitigate CVE-2023-38039 & CVE-2023-4863. #705
NeoDash 2.4 is out! 🎂 This release packs a ton of new features, as well as improvements to the existing visualizations.
Key new features:
- A new sidebar with support for managing, save and load multiple dashboards directly from the UI. #657
- Added Forms as a new extension. Forms let you combine multiple parameter selectors in one card and have users edit/submit data to Neo4j. #568
- Added a new advanced visualization type: Gantt charts. #684
- Doubled the grid resolution for dashboards, giving you more freedom to arrange visualizations. #682
- Several improvements for the natural language queries extension - including customizable prompting, and faster schema retrieval. #600
Other improvements:
- Support for multiselect checkboxes as a report action for tables. #688
- Added keyboard shortcuts (CMD/CTRL+Enter) for running Cypher queries from the editor. #694
- Added new experimental graph layouts (trees in various directions), with customizable level distance. #690
- Increased customizability for the Pie chart's styling. #638
- Fixed issues with parameter selector: Better handling of integer / long parameters and processing external updates. #641
- Improvements on text readability for the experimental dark mode. #668
- UX improvements on database connection interface. #675
- Added option to provide a custom message when no data is returned by a report. #683
- Fixed issue where column names were not hidden correctly. #685
Thanks to all the contributors for this release: alfredorubin96, AleSim94, BennuFire, jacobbleakley-neo4j, hugorplobo, brahmprakashMishra, m-o-n-i-s-h, JonanOribe, nielsdejong
This is a bugfix / stability release directly following 2.3.4.
- Fixed issue where orphan relationships prevented graph charts from working (@BennuFire, #586)
- Fix issue where only one style rule was used a time on tables. (@BennuFire, #632)
- Added information about source and target on Graph Chart information modal . (@BennuFire, #627) Based on @brahmprakashMishra PR
- Fixed issue where bar charts where displaying black bars instead of scheme colors. (@BennuFire, #626)
- Added right subpath replacement on shared links redirection while in self deployments. (@m-o-n-i-s-h, #618)
- Dark theme tweaks. (@BennuFire, #585)
- Fixed parameter selector search where numbers were not found and sporadically displayed with decimal points. (@BennuFire, #633)
- Added a configuration in order to list sso providers to be used whenever a database has more than one configured. (@BennuFire, #624)
- Added 'Ignore undefined parameters' advanced setting support for optional parameters on a query. Now queries will assume a null value instead of returning the error 'Parameter not defined'. (@BennuFire, #625)
This is a bugfix / stability release directly following 2.3.2.
- Cleaned up dependencies, add lazy loading and code splitting in the bundle file for faster loading times. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Migrated all icons from Material UI to Needle icons. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Improved contrast for light and dark theme. (@nielsdejong, #545)
- Fixed issue where dashboards were locked in read-only mode, after toggling in the dashboard settings. (@nielsdejong, #545)
- Fixed issue where editing the name of a non-selected page changed the wrong page data. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Fixed issue where color picker was only working on popup selections. (@BennuFire, #579)
- Add user agent to driver session for better logging of NeoDash queries. (@nielsdejong, #545)
What's new in NeoDash 2.3.2? A few bug fixes, performance improvements and more important, it ships phase 2 of our migration to Needle !
Key Features:
- UI updated to use the Neo4j Design Language phase 2, giving NeoDash a similar look-and-feel to other Neo4j tools. This includes the removal of the sidebar and a complete refactor on the header component. (@mariusconjeaud,@konsalex,@BennuFire, #552)
- Experimental Support for Dark Mode.
Parameter Selector Chart
New advanced setting 'Manual Parameter Save' allowing dashboard parameters propagation on demand (instead of automatically on change) (@BennuFire, #545)
Fix delete button leading to inconsistent values on click. (@BennuFire, #545)
Fix search on numbers not being triggered. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Fix performance degradation on schema calculation (@BennuFire, #555)
- Fix standalone bug that prevent user from using username and password fields(@BennuFire, #551)
- Added Sentry Support on (@mariusconjeaud, #546)
- Fix SSO redirection on editor mode (@BennuFire, #543)
What's new in NeoDash 2.3.1? A few bug fixes, improvement of natural language queries with support of Azure Open AI and parameters, Graph Vizualization relationship styling and more below!
Natural language queries
- Support of Azure Open AI (@BennuFire, #515)
- Support parameters on natural language queries (@BennuFire, #514)
Graph Visualization
- Added styling rules for relationship color (@brahmprakashMishra @BennuFire, #537)
Table Chart
- Update TableChart to use first returned row values as titles when transposed (@bastienhubert, #513)
- Fix falsy boolean display on table (@bastienhubert, #536)
Report Actions
- Fix on Style and Action modal that was preventing from setting params on low resolutions (@mariusconjeaud, #533)
- New setting for parameters selector to allow selection of multiple values instead of one + Fix multi selector on dates (@BennuFire, #535)
- Fix bug where protocol was not set properly on share links (@nielsdejong, #521)
- Update word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 (@BennuFire, #526 #527)
NeoDash 2.3 is out! This release brings a brand new look-and-feel, improved speed for large dashboards, and a new extension for querying Neo4j with natural language (using LLMs).
Key features:
- Write Natural Language Queries and use OpenAI to generate Cypher queries for your visualizations.
- UI updated to use the Neo4j Design Language, giving NeoDash a similar look-and-feel to other Neo4j tools.
- Customize branding, colors dynamically with a new Style Configuration File.
Other changes:
- Fixed issues with date picker / free-text parameter sometimes not initializing.
- Improved documentation by fixing broken links, and adding more details around complex concepts.
- Pro Extensions have evolved to open Expert Extensions.
- Fixed issue where deep-linked parameters were not set from the URL.
- Added option to specify absolute width for table columns (in pixels or as percentages).
- Fixed map charts to auto-cluster markers when they collide, or are too close together.
- ... and dozens of other improvements!
Contributors to this release:
- Alfredo Rubin
- Harold Agudelo
- Aleksandar Simeunovic
- Marius Conjeaud
- Brahm Prakash Mishra
- Pierre Martignon
- Kim Zachariassen
- Paolo Baldini
- Niels de Jong
This is a minor release with some small bug fixes, directly following the 2.2.4 release.
- Fixed replacement rules for parameters in iFrames/Markdown reports. #417
- Added automatic header text color switch for reports with a dark background #420
- Fixed handling right click events (for graph exploration) in Neo4j Desktop #415.
- Added support for unweighted Sankey charts #419
This release is a feature-rich package with a variety of new features and bug fixes. NeoDash 2.2.4 features new visualizations, as well as new features in existing visualization components.
Area Map - New!
- Added a new advanced chart interactive area map visualization for rendering geo json polygons. (@alfredorubin96, #401)
- Assign color scale automatically based on numeric values.
- Assign colors to countries based on Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 codes, and area codes by ISO 3166 code.
- Interactive drilldown by clicking on regions in a country.
Graph Visualization
- Added lightweight, ad-hoc graph exploration by relationship type and direction. (@nielsdejong, #401)
- Added experimental graph editing: nodes and relationships, plus creating relationships between existing nodes. (@nielsdejong, #401)
- Fixed incorrect assignment of chip colors in graph visualization footer. (@BennuFire, #296)
- Added experimental CSV download button to graph visualizations. (@JonanOribe, #288, #363)
- Fixed a bug where dashboard parameters were not dynamically injected into drilldown links. (@nielsdejong, #397)
- Added setting to customize the size of the arrow head on an edge. Set to zero to disable directional rendering. (@BennuFire, #410)
Single Value Chart
- Added support for outputting dictionaries in YML format, and rendering new lines. (@nielsdejong, #315)
Choropleth Map
- Added polygon information for missing countries: France, Kosovo, and others. (@BennuFire, #357)
Parameter Selector
- Fixed bug where the parameter selector was not using the selected database to populate results. (@BennuFire, #366)
- Added a date picker parameter selector type for natively specifying dates. (@alfredorubin96, #401)
- Added support for injecting custom queries as a populator for parameter selector suggestions. (@BennuFire, #236, #369)
Table Chart
- Added support for customizing the seperator in csv exports. (@nielsdejong, #337)
- Added support for easily configurable branding/color schemes of the editor. (@nielsdejong, #401)
- Added a new report action to switch pages based on a user interaction. (@BennuFire, #324)
- Added handler for mulitple report actions to be executed on the same event. (@BennuFire, #324)
- Integrated the official released version of the Neo4j Cypher editor component. (@jharris4, #365)
- Fixed hot-module replacement inside webpack configuration. (@konsalex, #396)
- Fixed husky pre-commit hook not triggering correctly on Windows environments. (@bastienhubert, #342)
- Add support for using complex objects in markdown, iframes and report titles. (@BennuFire, #413)
This releases fixes a small set of bugs that slipped through the 2.2.3 release, and adds some minor features:
- Added support for scatter plots by overriding a parameter in the line chart.
- Added the ability to use dashboard parameter as filters in custom parameter selector queries.
- Fixed breaking bug in parameter selector settings causing a white-screen error.
- Fixed auto-coloring of bar charts (resolved back to logic of 2.2.1 and earlier).
- Added a quick fix for automatically resetting the parameter display value when the property display override is toggled.
- Upversioned outdated dashboards and in the NeoDash Gallery.
The NeoDash 2.2.2 release is packed with a bunch of new usability features:
- Changed the built-in Cypher editor to a brand-new CodeMirror Editor.
- Rebuilt the Parameter Select component from scratch for improved stability, performance and extendability:
- Added an optional setting to the parameter selector to display a different property from the one that is set by the selector.
- Use this to - for example - let users choose a name and set an ID for use by other reports.
- Fields no longer reset randomly when parameters are changed.
- Freetext fields are no longer slow - perform as fast as the other selectors.
- Add the option to use rule-based styling based on dashboard parameters.
- Changed rule-based styling on bar and pie charts to override color scheme instead of clear the scheme.
- Extended the Example Gallery with several new demos.
- Adding intermediate report error boundaries for improved app stability.
- Changed docker image name to
. - Improved documementation for developers.
- Fixed inconsistent styling between different pop-up screens, and fixed report title placeholders.
This update provides a number of usability improves over the 2.2.0 release. In addition, it entails various improvements to the codebase, including security patches on the dependencies.
- Column names prefixed with
are now hidden in the table view.
- Added documentation for adding a custom map provider.
Parameter selector:
- Added support for boolean parameters.
- Parameters are now automatically replaced inside report titles.
- Image downloads now include the report title alongside the visualization.
- Applied security patches for dependencies.
- Set test container for release pipeline to fixed version of Neo4j.
- Aligned code style / linting with Neo4j product standards.
- Updated Docker setup to inject
into the application config.
This release marks the official arrival of Extensions, which provide a simple way of extending NeoDash with additional features. Adding your own features to NeoDash just became a lot easier!
NeoDash 2.2 comes with three in-built extensions.
- Rule-Based Styling
- Advanced Visualizations: These provide a means to enable complex visualizations in a dashboard. These were previously available as Radar charts, Treemaps, Circle Packing reports, Sankey charts, Choropleth and a Gauge Chart).
- Report Actions: Which let you create interactivity in dashboards, using the output of one report as input for another visualization. (Expert Extension)
You can enable extensions by clicking the 🧩 icon on the left sidebar of the screen.
Other changes include:
- New example dashboards available in the Dashboard Gallery.
- Customizable background colors for all report types.
- Fixing a bug where the Choropleth map chart was unable to parse country-codes.
This is a minor update which adds some operational/styling improvements, and a bug fix for line charts.
- Added customizable label positions for bar charts.
- Fixed bug where datetimes were not handled correctly by line charts. (#243)
- Added session parameters, set automatically and available to Cypher queries (Documentation).
- Added option to restore debug reports in recovery mode.
- Added option to share dashboards from self-hosted deployments.
New features:
- Added the Dashboard Gallery, a live gallery of example NeoDash dashboards.
- Added Gauge Charts, a contribution of the BlueHound fork.
- Updated testing pipeline to work as an independent procedure.
- Added option to select a different Neo4j database for each report. (#188)
- Added Report Actions, a neodash extension (available in beta) only on (#27)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue preventing dashboards to be shared with a non-standard database name.
- Fixed table chart breaking when returning a property called 'id' with a null value.
- Fixed bug not allowing users to select a different database when loading/saving a dashboard.
- Added error handler for database list race condition in Neo4j Desktop.
New features:
- Added Radar Charts/Spider Charts.
- Added optional markdown description for each report, to be displayed via the header.
- Added option to provide a custom map provider for map charts.
- Added support for default values in parameter selectors.
- Added documentation on deep-linking into NeoDash.
- Added tick-rotation customization for line charts.
- Added option to have children in the sunburst chart inherit colors from their parents.
- Rewiring of the internal query/rendering engine - resulting in far fewer query executions and a smoother UX.
- Changed package manager from
, and bumped node version to 18. Cleaned uppackage.json
. - Reduced flaky behaviour in parameter selectors.
- Added cycle-detection logic for sankey charts.
- Fixed report documentation pop-up to open link in a new window.
Added New Sankey charts:
- Visualize nodes and relationships as a flow diagram.
- Select a customizable flow value from relationship properties.
- Configure a variety of style customizations.
Parameter select:
- Fixed bug where values would randomly be deleted after changing the parameter.
- Added option to customize the number of suggested values when a user enters (part of) a property value.
- Added option to customize search type (CONTAINS, STARTS WITH, or ENDS WITH).
- Added option to enable/disable case-sensitive search.
- Added option to enable/disable removing duplicate suggestions.
- Extended documentation with examples on running NeoDash in Kubernetes.
- Fixed issue where duplicate database names were visible when running NeoDash on an on-prem Neo4j cluster.
Added hotfix for missing function in map visualization (#183).
The 2.1.3 release contains updates to the map visualization, as well as a new Choropleth map report type. Several usability improvements were also added, including fixing all links into the new documentation pages.
- Extended the map visualization with a heatmap mode & marker clustering.
- Added a Choropleth map visualization report type.
- Added support for auto-linking into a predefined database from
- Added optional background color setting for reports.
- Added a new 'resize mode' for page layout creation.
- Added support for drawing dates on a time chart (in addition to existing datetime types).
- Fixed broken links in the documentation portal, all in-app links now point to this portal as well.
The 2.1.2 release contains some bug fixes and minor improvements to the application.
Application changes:
- Added button to clone (duplicate) a report inside a dashboard.
- Added option to show/hide labels inside circle packing charts.
- Changed dashboard layout compaction strategy to be more natural.
- Fixed card headers not rendering correctly in read-only mode.
- Fixed rendering issues for table columns containing null values.
Operational changes:
- Added support for username/password environment variables in Docker.
The 2.1 release is a major update to the NeoDash application.
Main updates:
- Added new drag-and-drop dashboard layout - reports can be moved and resized freely within the dashboard.
- Updated dashboard file format for new layout (2.0 dashboards are automatically migrated).
- Pages can now be reordered by dragging and dropping.
- Added three new hierarchical report types:
- Treemaps
- Sunburst Charts
- Circle Packing Charts
- Styling/usability improvements for pie charts.
- Improved image download (screenshot functionality) for all report types.
- Parameter select reports now resize the selector to fit the available space.
Other changes:
- Added continuous integration and deployment workflows.
- Created a new User Guide with documentation on all report customizations is available.
- Added a new Developer Guide with info on installing, building and extending the application.
This is the final minor update before the 2.1 release.
- Several stability improvements before the 2.1 release.
- Updated Dockerfile to make better use of caching, and pick up environment variables at run time.
- Added option to replace dashboard parameters in Markdown/iFrames to make them dynamic.
- Removed unneeded index column from the CSV download for tables.
- Added optional dashboard setting to enable image downloads for reports/the entire dashboard.
Report features:
- Added optional "Download as CSV" button to table reports.
- Dashboard parameters can now be used in iFrames/Graph drilldown links, and they are automatically replaced when parameters get updated.
- Updating a dashboard parameter now only refreshes the reports that use the parameter.
Standalone mode:
- Enabled deploying standalone dashboards with a direct URL to the dashboard.
- Added functionality to deep link into a NeoDash dashboard with dashboard parameters (use ?neodash_variable_name=value in the URL).
Miscellaneous Bug fixes and improvements:
- Resolved crash caused by invalid geospatial properties in a Map visualization.
- Saving a dashboard now lets users override an existing dashboard with the same name (enabled by default).
- Increased the default row limits for line/bar/pie charts to 250. Added option to override the row limiter in the dashboard settings.
- Updated project README file to refer to the correct port number on Docker deployments.
- Enabled a configurable timeout for parameter selection reports, both a timeout for the suggestion retrieval and a timeout for updating the parameters.
- Fixed dependency issues when installing the application on Windows systems. Bumped suggested npm version to 8.6.
This is a bug fix/minor usability update.
- Resolved error where the float value 0.0 was rendered as 'null' in tables.
- Added alphabetical sorting to all node/relationship inspection pop-ups & parameter select reports.
- Resolved bug where switching pages quickly resulting in an error message.
- Resolved bug where rule-based styling would break on null values.
- Replaced margin-based styling on single value reports with a vertical alignment option.
Added rule-based styling:
- Use the card settings to specify styling rules for tables, graphs, bar/pie/line charts and single values.
- Conditional rules are evaluated on each report render in order of priority.
- Rules can customize colors in tables, node colors & dynamically set the colors of components in your chart.
Minor improvements:
- Better handling of null values in tables.
- Tweaking/reorganization of the Docker file and deployment scripts.
- Renaming/restructuring of source code.
Stability fixes to supplement 2.0.7:
- Hotfix for missing config file in Neo4j Desktop causing startup issue.
- Hotfix for application crashes caused by rendering custom data types in transposed table views.
- Hotfix for object rendering in tables & line-chart type detection.
- Fix for rendering dictionaries in tables/single value charts.
- Added resize handler for fullscreen map views.
- Added missing auto-run config to pie charts.
- Fixed broken value scale parameter for bar charts.
Application functionality:
- Added standalone 'dashboard viewer' mode.
- Added option to save/load dashboards from other Neo4j databases.
- Fixed bug in creating line charts.
- Added support for datetime axis in line charts.
- Added auto-locale formatting to number values in single value / table reports.
- Added unified renderer for value types.
- Updated default font size for single value reports.
- Added optional deep-link button for graph visualizations.
- Added option to disable auto-running a report, to let users explore the query first.
- Minor styling tweaks to the graph views.
For Developers:
- Added more documentation on extending the app.
- New security-vetted docker image available on Docker hub.
Major version updates to all internal dependencies. NeoDash 2.0.6 uses Node 17+, react 17+ and recent versions of all visualization libraries.
- Added pie charts (Including examples and new demo dashboard).
- Added setting to transpose table rows and columns.
- Improved styling on graph pop-up windows.
- Graph visualizations now auto-fit to the report size.
- Added button to reset the zoom on a graph report.
Parameter selection:
- Added relationship property / free text selection options.
- Improved performance of inbuilt Cypher editor.
- Added button to maximize cards while in edit-mode.
- All reports are now maximizable by default.
- Added tiny report sizes.
- Added option to override the default query timeout of twenty seconds.
- Updated docker image build scripts.
- Fixed share link geneneration incorrectly removing capitals from usernames/passwords.
Graph report:
- Fixed node position after dragging nodes.
- Added option to 'lock' graph views, storing the current positions of the nodes in the graph.
- Added experimental graph layouts.
- Fixed bug where the report freezes for very wide tables.
- Added support for rendering native/custom Neo4j types in the table.
Parameter select:
- Fixed issue where the dashboard crashes for slow connections.
- Added button to create a debug file from the 'About' screen.
New features:
- Added option dashboard setting to let users view reports in a fullscreen pop-up.
- Added inspection pop-up for graph visualizations.
- Added option to manually specify node labels/property names in parameter selection reports (for large databases).
- Added example of how to user map visualizations from derived properties.
- Added button to return to the welcome screen.
- iFrames can now take live parameter selections in the hash-part of the URL.
Bug fixes:
- Dashboards will now remember the active selection(s) made in parameter select reports.
- Graph visualizations will no longer draw overlapping lines when a pair of nodes shares bidirectional relationships.
- connection screen is now dismissable if an existing connection exists.
Special thanks to @JipSogeti for their contributions to this release.
UX improvements + bug fixes.
- Parameter selection report:
- fixed bug to allow for selecting properties from nodes with >5 distinct properties.
- Added support for nodes and properties with spaces in their name.
- Sharing:
- Removed persisted URL in share links to avoid getting stuck on shared dashboards
- Table:
- Added option to specify relative column sizes
- Graph:
- Changed node styling to use the last (most specific label) for applying customizations
- Fixed error where incorrect properties were extracted from graphs with multi-labeled nodes
- Fixed node display to hide "undefined" when a non-existing property is selected for that node.
New & Improved Dashboard Editor
- Added new Cypher editor with syntax highlighting / live syntax validation.
- Redesigned Cypher query runner to be 2x more performant.
- Easy custom styling of reports with the "advanced report settings" window.
- Added in-built documentation with example queries and visualizations.
- Updated dashboard layout to better use screen real estate.
- Table View
- New table view with post-query sorting and filtering, and highlighting of native Neo4j types.
- Fixed array property display in table reports.
- Added automatic link generation from URL properties in the table report.
- Graph View
- Updated graph visualization library to a canvas-based renderer, handling 4x larger graphs.
- Added custom node/relationship styling with custom colors, width, and font-size.
- Better property display on graph visualization hover.
- Bar/Line Chart
- New bar/line chart visualizations based on the Charts graph app.
- Added support for multi-line charts, stacked/grouped bar charts.
- Added log scale + explicit limit setting to bar/line charts.
- Line chart hover values are no longer rounded and incorrectly stacked.
- Map View
- Added custom styling options to map visualizations.
- Added dictionary-based point property rendering on maps.
- Stability improvement of map views for offline deployments.
- Single Value Report
- Improved single value report.
- Custom styling (text alignment) of single value reports.
- Property Selection:
- Improved property selection documentation.
- Added optional "clear parameter" setting to parameter selection report.
- property selector now uses the filter to gather more results.
Saving, loading and sharing
- Added setting to turn entire dashboard into 'Standalone mode' from a share link.
- Added option to save/load dashboards from both files and text.
- New "Try a demo" button on the welcome screen.
- added save/load to Neo4j database feature.
- Auto-convert older versions of NeoDash on load.