v0.12.4 (2019-08-23)
- Fix for regional compute disk creation and testing. #171 (skpaterson)
v0.12.3 (2019-08-23)
v0.12.2 (2019-08-23)
v0.12.1 (2019-08-23)
- Add support for regional Google compute disk #164 (walterdolce)
v0.12.0 (2019-08-23)
- Update to InSpec 4 #155 (skpaterson)
v0.11.0 (2019-07-18)
v0.11.0 (2019-04-30)
Closed issues:
- google_container_cluster method has_logging_enabled? reporting wrong #136
- Add support for google_subnetwork_iam_bindings #122
- Add support for google_folders and related resources #111
Merged pull requests:
- Subnet iam policy #142 (slevenick)
- Regional node pools #139 (slevenick)
- Add exists? method to google_compute_address #138 (ivantsepp)
- Logging enabled regex #137 (slevenick)
- Version bump 0100 #133 (skpaterson)
- Correct names for nested object properties. #132 (slevenick)
- Add support for backend buckets, cloud functions #130 (slevenick)
v0.10.0 (2019-03-20)
Closed issues:
- google_compute_router: iterating bgp.advertised_ip_ranges? #128
- Fix dataset test display #125
- test setup fails when specifying a region other than europe-west2 #114
- Filter projects by ACTIVE status #108
- JUnit, JSON Reporters not working #89
- google_project_alert_policy doc use "name" when code ask "policy" #86
- google_compute_firewall: can't use allow_ssh? when the the rule is a DENY rule #73
- Support DNS record sets #66
- Support regional clusters #65
- Avoid dynamic property definition, or warn about it #25
Merged pull requests:
- Move region to MM generated #129 (slevenick)
- to_s updates #127 (slevenick)
- Add folder resource #120 (slevenick)
- Update for google_container_regional_clusters control. #118 (skpaterson)
- Update google_container_regional_cluster control to use correct region. #117 (skpaterson)
- Ensure region selection works as expected. #116 (skpaterson)
- improve test info in README #115 (bleything)
- Add BigQuery, Source Repositories #113 (slevenick)
- Update google_organization(s) controls only_if condition to include o… #112 (skpaterson)
- Add ability to test individual as well as multiple organisations #110 (walterdolce)
- Implement ability to filter GCP projects by lifecycle state #109 (walterdolce)
- Master updated #107 (slevenick)
- Merge most recent Magic Modules generated master #105 (slevenick)
- Http hc backend #104 (slevenick)
- Trigger healthcheck additions #103 (slevenick)
- Target pools autoscalers #102 (slevenick)
- Version bump 090 #101 (skpaterson)
v0.9.0 (2019-01-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Add instance group manager and resource record set resources #100 (slevenick)
- Pubsub subscription + topic #99 (slevenick)
- Adding pagination for key rings and crypto keys resources. #97 (skpaterson)
- Add compute disk resource #96 (slevenick)
- Feat/pubsub magicmodule #95 (jnahelou)
- Fix for forwarding rules with nil network and update README. #93 (skpaterson)
- Tweaks to MM SSL policies resources and update README. #92 (skpaterson)
- Add support for google_compute_forwarding_rules and google_compute_forwarding_rule #91 (jnahelou)
- Add Magic Modules generated resource for SSL Policy #90 (slevenick)
- Update README for new resources #85 (skpaterson)
- Added support for google_compute_region_instance_group_manager #84 (jnahelou)
- Updating README with new resources and adding CHANGELOG for v0.8.0. #83 (skpaterson)
v0.8.0 (2018-11-23)
Closed issues:
- google_storage_bucket_acl fails with "Not Found" when the ACL doesn't exist #80
- How to Install? #77
- Magic Modules #74
- verifying via kitchen-terraform verifier #71
- Using InSpec with the GCP transport crashes when used with
resources #61
Merged pull requests:
- Update the DNS key and zone signing methods to the new key names. #82 (skpaterson)
- Fix an error when the bucket ACL doesn't exist #81 (iangelov)
- Add support for google_compute_vpn_tunnels and google_compute_vpn_tunnel #79 (jnahelou)
- Improve some of the infrastructure tests that were failing under 'nor… #78 (skpaterson)
- Improve fw resources to handle 'all' cases. #76 (skpaterson)
- Version bump v0.7.0. #75 (skpaterson)
- Updated README for new GCP profile initialization, pending https://gi… #70 (skpaterson)
v0.7.0 (2018-10-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Extra nil checks, some error values changed #69 (alexpop)
- Fix nil checks in google_project_logging_audit_config resource #68 (alexpop)
- Fix nil exception when no zones are returned for a region #67 (alexpop)
- Bump version to v0.6.0 #64 (skpaterson)
v0.6.0 (2018-10-18)
Closed issues:
- google_project resource works with project ID/number instead of name as seen in the docs #39
- Improved firewall rule handling #27
- Enhancement: Support Fuzzy Match with Instance Group Name #23
- google_compute_instance_group doesn't respond to exists? or exist? #22
- google_compute_instance_group: location symbol doesn't exist #21
- Node Pool fails requiring cluster_id #20
- google_container_node_pool.rb example bug #19
- found the documentation #17
Merged pull requests:
- Improve google_project#to_s output #62 (adrienthebo)
- Add service account auth instructions and example #60 (alexpop)
- Adding google_user(s) and project alert policy resources #59 (skpaterson)
- Added support for metadata and label content based compliance #58 (pleonovitch)
- Updated Dockerfile with more layers and terraform #57 (jjasghar)
- Updates to controls affected by service account name change. #56 (skpaterson)
- Added resource doc links from recent PRs. #55 (skpaterson)
- Kubernetes resource updates #54 (skpaterson)
- Cloud SQL resources #53 (skpaterson)
- Storage updates #52 (skpaterson)
- VM Updates #51 (skpaterson)
- Networking related updates #50 (skpaterson)
- Project audit logging #49 (skpaterson)
- Minor fix for region instead of zone in first google_compute_region e… #48 (skpaterson)
- Updates for service account and related resources #47 (skpaterson)
- Add google_compute_region(s) resources, tests etc. and updated README. #46 (skpaterson)
- Added google_compute_network(s) and google_compute_subnetwork(s) resources. #45 (skpaterson)
- Bump version to v0.5.0 #44 (skpaterson)
v0.5.0 (2018-08-21)
Closed issues:
- Unable to use resources provided by this library when invoked via test kitchen and kitchen-terraform #37
Merged pull requests:
- Resolve Debian 8 EOL issue, now pin all tf module versions explicitly. #43 (skpaterson)
- Added project logging resources #42 (skpaterson)
- Add storage bucket IAM resources #41 (skpaterson)
- Update the google_project version as per #39. Also udpate the associ… #40 (skpaterson)
- Add kms resources #36 (skpaterson)
- Bump version to 0.4.0 #34 (skpaterson)
- Add iam resources #33 (skpaterson)
v0.4.0 (2018-06-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Add more resources #32 (skpaterson)
- Fw small fix #31 (skpaterson)
- Improved firewall resource #30 (skpaterson)
- README improvements and update resource docs to make more accessible. #29 (skpaterson)
v0.3.0 (2018-06-14)
Closed issues:
- update google_project inline documentation #12
- add missing documentation #11
- google_compute_instance does not return the right value for machine_type #10
Merged pull requests:
- Bump version and corrected minimum inspec version in root config file. #28 (skpaterson)
- Fixes according to issues: #19, #20, #21 and #22. #24 (skpaterson)
- Add plural resources #18 (skpaterson)
- Added missing documentation following InSpec standards, resolves #11. #16 (skpaterson)
- Add FAQ for inspec exec errors when gcp transport is not specified. … #15 (skpaterson)
- Update google_project inline documentation and make other resource do… #14 (skpaterson)
- Adding machine_size helper function to tidy up API response for machi… #13 (skpaterson)
- add kudos for @martezr #9 (chris-rock)
- Added minimum supported inspec version to inspec.yml #8 (skpaterson)
- Updating Gemfile to use latest inspec release. Fix for only_if test … #7 (skpaterson)
- update readme with api and quota settings #6 (chris-rock)
- add travis checks #5 (chris-rock)
- pass when terraform destory may fail #4 (chris-rock)
- Added configuration flag to separate resources requiring elevated pri… #3 (skpaterson)
- Inspec train gcp #2 (skpaterson)
- update readme #1 (chris-rock)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator