- Add dates to allowed PHPDoc types of Builder::having() by @miken32 in #54899
- [11.x] Fix double negative in
query by @owenvoke in #54902 - Add test for Arr::partition by @liamduckett in #54913
- [11.x] Expose process checkTimeout method by @mattmcdev in #54912
- [12.x] Compilable for Validation Contract by @peterfox in #54882
- [11.x] Backport "Change
method return types to\Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator
" by @carestad in #54917 - [11.x] Revert faulty change to
doc block by @axlon in #54919 - Ensure ValidationEmailRuleTest skips tests requiring the intl extension when unavailable by @alikhosravidev in #54918
- ✅ Ensure Enum validation is case-sensitive by adding a new test case. by @alikhosravidev in #54922
- [12.x] Feature: Collection chunk without preserving keys by @liamduckett in #54916
- [12.x] Add test coverage for Uri::withQueryIfMissing method by @mohammadrasoulasghari in #54923
- Fix issue with using RedisCluster with compression or serialization by @rzv-me in #54934
- [12.x] Add test coverage for Str::replaceMatches method by @mohammadrasoulasghari in #54930
- [12.x] Types: Collection chunk without preserving keys by @liamduckett in #54924
- [12.x] Add
method to TestResponse for dumping various response payloads by @Sammyjo20 in #54933 - [11.x] Backport "Fix issue with using
with compression or serialization" by @rzv-me in #54935 - [12.x] feat: add
support toHasOneThrough
by @calebdw in #54759 - [12.x] Hotfix - Add function_exists check to ddBody in TestResponse by @Sammyjo20 in #54937
- [12.x] Refactor: Remove unnecessary variables in Str class methods by @mohammadrasoulasghari in #54963
- Add Tests for Str::pluralPascal Method by @mohammadrasoulasghari in #54957
- [12.x] Fix visibility of setUp and tearDown in tests by @naopusyu in #54950
- [12.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in #54944
- Fix missing return in
by @parth391 in #54941 - Handle case when migrate:install command is called and table exists by @joe-tito in #54938
- [11.x] Fix callOnce in Seeder so it handles arrays properly by @lbovit in #54985
- Change "exceptoin" spelling mistake to "exception" by @hvlucas in #54979
- [12.x] Add test for after method in LazyCollection by @mohammadrasoulasghari in #54978
- [12.x] Add
methods toContext
by @mattmcdev in #54976 - Ensure ExcludeIf correctly rejects a null value as an invalid condition by @alikhosravidev in #54973
- [12.x] apply Pint rule "no_spaces_around_offset" by @browner12 in #54970
- [12.x] apply Pint rule "single_line_comment_style" by @browner12 in #54969
- [12.x] do not use mix of newline and inline formatting by @browner12 in #54967
- [12.x] use single indent for multiline ternaries by @browner12 in #54971