Releases: juju/testing
Releases · juju/testing
What's Changed
- httptesting: fix for Go 1.6 by @rogpeppe in #93
- testing: remove deprecated AddSuiteCleanup function by @davecheney in #94
- add PatchExecHelper and CaptureOutput helpers by @natefinch in #95
- Fix PatchExecHelper.GetExecCommand on Windows by @axw in #96
- Handle the error return from utils.SetHome(). by @ericsnowcurrently in #97
- testing: add TCPProxy.CloseConns by @rogpeppe in #98
- mgo: don't panic while resetting admin password by @davecheney in #99
- Don't drop and recreate the database between tests by @babbageclunk in #100
- testing: don't panic during TearDownTest if SetUpTest failed by @davecheney in #101
- Added BSONEquals checker by @kat-co in #103
- Detect mongod version before starting test server by @babbageclunk in #104
- lp:1596045 handle CRLF in mongo version line by @babbageclunk in #105
- copy clock from juju/juju/testing by @jrwren in #106
- Update to use the latest loggo. by @howbazaar in #107
- Retry mgo dial if unexpected message. by @howbazaar in #109
- Hook up mgo logging and reconnect properly. by @howbazaar in #110
- add NewProxiedSession by @rogpeppe in #111
- implement Clock.NewTimer by @rogpeppe in #108
- Bump mongo error output to 100 lines by @reedobrien in #112
- Update testing.Clock to improve robustness by @reedobrien in #113
- NewProxiedSession - ping to assign a socket to the returned session. by @alesstimec in #114
- checkers: ignore time zone in DeepEqual by @rogpeppe in #115
- MongoDB needs --key=value not --key value now by @dooferlad in #116
- Fixes for replicaset by @macgreagoir in #117
- Introduces a type which can be used to mock calls by @kat-co in #118
- tcpproxy: add pause and resume to the stream by @mhilton in #119
- Disable mgo logging/debugging by default by @axw in #120
- Mongo 3.4 uses a different string to indicate it is ready for connections by @jameinel in #121
- Fix EchoQuotedArgsUnix/AssertEchoArgs by @axw in #122
- Fix PatchExecutableAsEchoArgs on Windows by @axw in #124
- Prefer mongod 3.2 and improve mongod info caching by @mjs in #123
- Default mongo storage backend to mmapv1 by @axw in #126
- Add MgoInstance.SSLEnabled method by @axw in #125
- Remove deprecated --sslOnNormalPorts arg to mongod by @wallyworld in #127
- Fix typo in mongo command by @wallyworld in #128
- Stub check calls without order. by @anastasiamac in #132
- testing: default to mmapv1 only on x86(_64) by @axw in #133
- Don't try to truncate the local replicaset oplog. by @jameinel in #135
- Changes to support Mongo 3.6. by @jameinel in #136
- Expose the version of Mongo that we are testing against. by @jameinel in #137
- enable vendor as the highest priority import path by @ycliuhw in #138
- Add short and long timeouts. by @howbazaar in #139
- Use juju/clock by @howbazaar in #140
- Add the location of mongod in bionic to the list of places we look. by @howbazaar in #141
- Enable Mongo with Replica Sets by @jameinel in #142
- If using Replicaset use wiredTiger. by @jameinel in #143
- Add support for finding the juju-db snap when looking for mongod by @timClicks in #144
- Allow testing of DoRequest against status code by @SimonRichardson in #145
- Malformed errors by @SimonRichardson in #146
- Fix address already in use detection. by @hpidcock in #147
- Move to go mod + fix juju-db snap usage by @hpidcock in #148
- Fix issue with juju suites overwriting HOME by @hpidcock in #149
- Sidestep HOME env var for juju-db snap testing by @hpidcock in #150
- Add multi-checker by @hpidcock in #151
- Add go style expressions for multichecker matching. by @hpidcock in #152
- Upgrade juju/utils package to v2 by @hpidcock in #153
- Fix performance issue with using collstats. by @hpidcock in #154
- Only use mmapv1 args for mmap storage engine by @wallyworld in #155
- Only use maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis for mongo 4 by @wallyworld in #156
- Update to use juju/mgo/v2 repo by @wallyworld in #158
- Ensure that the namespaced collections in the logs db are removed during teardown. by @achilleasa in #160
- Allow suites that depend on MgoSuite to disable cleanup. by @hpidcock in #162
- Update to use utils/v3 by @wallyworld in #163
- Upstream dep updates by @wallyworld in #164
New Contributors
- @natefinch made their first contribution in #95
- @babbageclunk made their first contribution in #100
- @kat-co made their first contribution in #103
- @reedobrien made their first contribution in #112
- @alesstimec made their first contribution in #114
- @macgreagoir made their first contribution in #117
- @mjs made their first contribution in #123
- @anastasiamac made their first contribution in #132
- @ycliuhw made their first contribution in #138
- @timClicks made their first contribution in #144
- @SimonRichardson made their first contribution in #145
- @hpidcock made their first contribution in #147
- @achilleasa made their first contribution in #160
Full Changelog: