Describe the proposal
Currently in Graviton, we only have UTs to cover the correctness of code, but we cannot be sure of the correctness of the whole pipeline because of lacking integration tests.
So we should add a new module to simulate the environment and build the integration test framework. So that we could easily add new integration tests later on.
Task list
- [Subtask] e2e integration test framework #216
- [Subtask] Catalog-hive e2e integration test #198
- [Subtask] metalake operations e2e integration test #217
- [Subtask] Hive2 docker runtime environment #241
- [Subtask] MiniGravtion integration test framework #222
- [Subtask] Relation catalog e2e integration test #218
- [Subtask] GravitonClient e2e integration test #219
- [Subtask] Table operation e2e integration test #220
- [Subtask] Original rest client e2e testing #291
- [Subtask] Supplemental e2e coverage test #299