This plan captures what we work on during second halve of December and January. We will ship early February.
The endgame for this iteration is tracked in #19031
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend for annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔵 | more details required |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
- performance
- discoverability
- UI scalability
- Expand API
- Improve discoverability of panels and explore the use of tabs for switching among panels Improve discoverability of panels and explore the use of tabs for switching among panels #18078 @bpasero
- File type/language specific settings Support file-type-specific settings #1587 @sandy081
- Initial investigation into
multi root workspaces
@waderyan - Investigate int Welcome experience Investigate int Welcome experience #18091 @chrmarti
- Support to run tasks in the integrated terminal Support moving the tasks framework to use the integrated terminal #15584, Execute tasks in terminal instead of output panel #18312 @dbaeumer @Tyriar
- Polish settings experience (searching, sorting, actions, layout, switching between user/workspace settings) Improve User/Workspace settings experience #18094 @sandy081 @bgashler1
- Terminal: Improve Windows support Improve Windows support in integrated terminal #13625 @Tyriar
- Terminal: Improve performance Improve xterm.js performance #17875 @Tyriar
- Explore Hot Exit strategies when switching between folders and how to configure them Hot exit on switching folders #15467 @Tyriar
- Improve keyboard navigability for Search results Suboptimal hotkey workflow for "find in files" #17324 @roblourens
- Adopt new TextMate Scope representation New theme matching and new tokens format #18317 @alexandrudima
- Tooling for grammar authors (see also the scope extension) Add tooling for grammar and theme authors #18068 @alexandrudima
- Ship updated monaco editor (depends on TextMate Scope adoption) @alexandrudima
- Investigate in mini map support @alexandrudima
- Auto indent support improve indentation rules #17868
- Improve auto indent on enter for languages like Ruby @rebornix
- 🏃 Add 'Reindent all Lines' command Reindent all lines #18958 @rebornix
- Format on Paste (setting) Support format on paste #13945 @rebornix @jrieken
- Monaco editor: remove IE9 and IE10 support Remove IE 9 and 10 workarounds #18057 @rebornix @alexandrudima
- Language protocol
- Markdown
- Synchronized scrolling in markdown preview Support to scroll markdown preview with source scrolling #5047 @mjbvz
- Emmet
- Add support for loading emmet preferences, profiles and snippets from external files Emmet extensions_path option #11679 @ramya-rao-a
- Add support for the map syntax [scss] scss map syntax showing as an error #1758 @aeschli
- TypeScript/JavaScript
- ATA UI improvements UX improvements for automated typings acquisition #15209 @mjbvz @jrieken
- TS 2.1.5 adoption Adopt TypeScript 2.1.5 #18052 @mjbvz
- Reference code lens ✋ on some TS issues Reference Code Lens for TypeScript #18054 @mjbvz
- Disable an extension pack Disable extension pack with its dependencies #16666 @sandy081
- Add extension packs category Create Extension Pack Category #18056 @waderyan
- Add a yeoman generator for an extension pack @egamma
- Dynamic extension recommendation improvement (add language ID and extension ID) Improve dynamic extension recommendations #18147 @joaomoreno @waderyan
- Just my code UI
- Support node core modules (introduce magic path) Just my code: introduce a magic path for core modules #16918 @weinand @isidorn
- Introduce 'deemphasize' style of Source objects in CALL STACK view Honor 'deemphasize' hint of Source objects in CALL STACK view #18396 @isidorn @weinand
- extension based implementation Debugging - UI/protocol support for "blackbox script"/"Just my code" #14728 @roblourens @isidorn
- Support 'restart' option for 'launch' requests Support 'restart' option on 'launch' configs too #17381 @weinand
- Improvements and adoptions of printing objects in the debug console Switch to variablesReference logging for all cases vscode-chrome-debug-core#145 @roblourens @isidorn
- Enable source maps by default to simplify configuration Enable source maps by default to simplify configuration vscode-chrome-debug-core#134 @roblourens @weinand
- Show inline values in source when stepping Show inline values in source when stepping through code #13424 @isidorn
- Review and assess user testing feedback, explore improvements to simplify setup Debug setup simplification (user testing) #18098 @weinand @isidorn @roblourens
- Explore support to launch/debug single files when there is no project folder and no launch.json Debugging without an open folder #285 @isidorn @weinand
- Revisit the 'add configuration' button UI to add a configuration snippet Revisit the 'add configuration' button UI to add a configuration snippet #18359 @isidorn
- Add launch config snippets for common node scenarios Add launch config snippets for common node scenarios #18776 @weinand
Extension Authoring
- Source Control provider API Provisional SCM API & git extension #15894 @joaomoreno
- Provide preview of Git support running from an extension Polish git as an SCM extension #18615
- Debug - support to launch an adapter through an extension Allow extensions to handle launching of the debug adapter. #8645 @weinand @isidorn
- Leverage TS support for readonly properties in API (replace readonly doc annotation) use new readonly modifier #12732 @jrieken
- Progress API Explore providing an API for providing progress information #18066 @jrieken
Contributions to Extensions
- php parser adoption and completion PHP parser explorations #15818 @mousetraps
- TSLint support to selectively enable JS validation @egamma
- Go - add telemetry Add Telemetry vscode-go#646 @ramya-rao-a
- Go - Explore Go language server seeded by SourceGraph Trial use of Go language server by sourcegraph vscode-go#706 @ramya-rao-a
- Go - Implement Step Out feature in debugging @ramya-rao-a
- Performance
- Continue work on startup performance Improve workbench start-up performance #15455 @jrieken @bpasero
- Invest into tools for measuring the startup performance Tools to analyse/share startup performance #18087 @jrieken
- Enable that a user can easily report a startup perf problem. Explore document/publish how user can run a startup perf report, ask user to create an issue with the report #18080 @bpasero
- Proxy support - provide setup so that community can help us with proxy testing Help Wanted: Proxy testing #18103 @joao
- Explore what it takes to ship VS Code as a UWP application Explore what it takes to ship VS Code as a UWP application #15820 @bpasero
- Telemetry
- Add metrics like last 7/28 day active and last active day for events like File read/write by mime type, extension activation, core feature usage and type of workspace @ramya-rao-a
- Docathon December Doc-a-thon vscode-docs#702
- Improve exception experience Improve exception experience #16860 @weinand @isidorn
- Column break points Breakpoints on particular column #14784 @isidorn @weinand
- Auto indent: auto indent lines when moving them up/down @rebornix
- Keyboard layout improvements Move keybinding dispatching off e.keyCode #17521 @alexandrudima
- ✋ Support large extension, adopt new marketplace support Adopt Marketplace large extensions support #18146 @joaomoreno
- Additional theming options in the workbench Support to theme the entire workbench #3112 @bpasero @aeschli
- ✋ Linux auto update/auto signing rpm & repository for Fedora Linux #229 Distribute VS Code via a signed apt repository #2973 @Tyriar
- Investigate in applying the Settings UI improvements to keybinding customization Investigate and Improve Key bindings customisations experience #18095 @sandy081 @bgashler1
- ESLint support multi-round auto fixes #154@dbaeumer
- Adopt new Status Codes APIs for Intellisense Status codes and well-defined errors in XYZProvider interfaces #15454 @jrieken
- Adopt cancellation token support Adopt cancellation token support in TS Server #18053 @mjbvz