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Rushing edited this page Aug 20, 2010 · 2 revisions

City Designs!

Designing cities is a very important part of battlecity gameplay. A bad city can easially fall, no matter how great you are at the game.
The Command Center is the most important building in your city. If you are orbable, and said orb is placed on the pad of the Command Center, then your entire city is destroyed!
Generally people place three walls on the pad, but depending on the city layout, you might want to place a turret on one spot instead. Another trick players often do is build three factories around the Command Center, this prevents it from being accessable without first bombing parts of your city.
Houses and researches are less important than factories, and as such are generally placed in some rudementary circle around the city. Inside this circle should be your factorys.
The least important factories, From least to most.

  • Cloak
  • DFG
  • Flare
  • Bazooka
  • Sleeper
  • Bomb
  • Orb
  • Mine
  • Med-kit
  • Wall
  • Turret
  • Plasmer

Of course this is just a personal opinion, but it’s shared by many. The same rules apply for researches, if you have a two-layer of reaserch/houses, or just a well defended area with a reserch in it, it’s best to place the more important reserches in those places.
Another trick players use is to alternate House-Research. This ensures that you don’t lose two important researches, or two houses, leaving four buildings unpopulated.

… I will add more to this when I’ve finished organizing my city designs, and sorry for bad grammar/spelling. I often do this while bored at work, and they don’t have spellcheck, and they keyboards are stiff and hard to use.

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