A Turborepo with Strapi v4 (w/ postgres database) + Next.js powered by docker and docker-compose
Phabricator review submission/management tool
🌊 A springy, composable parallax-scroller for React - deprecated
Offline usage for Ember Data, based on localstorage adapter, but now uses Mozilla's localforage as data source
🏰 An exciting game of programming and Artificial Intelligence
All the sources for my (not powered by React anymore) blog
A set of Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more.
❄️ a short introduction to node.js
zalun / FlightDeck
Forked from mozilla/FlightDeckSDK and Gallery of Mozilla JetPacks
zalun / newnewtab
Forked from mozilla/newnewtabNew Tab page: content server and recommendation service
Apptastic triage to create an app for Facebook
New Tab page: content server and recommendation service
zalun / WebBuilder
Forked from mozilla/WebBuilderPrototyping the Mozilla Web Builder
DEPRECATED - Prototyping the Mozilla Web Builder
A Firefox add-on that helps you use the Add-on Builder.
A JavaScript MVC application framework, round 2.
zalun / FlightDeck-lib
Forked from mozilla/FlightDeck-libVendor library for FlightDeck
Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope, Pydoc, breakpoints from box.