newnewtab is a project to enhance Firefox users' apps experience. When opening a new tab, they are offered their own (currently installed) tabs, along with one or more recommended apps.
It is planned for recommendations to be targeted, yet privacy-preserving.
You may find development wiki valuable.
- install node and redis
- clone the repository
- install dependencies using npm
npm install -d
- run application
node app
In order to get this to work at all, you'll need to whitelist the address newnewtab is running from in your about:config in Firefox (tested in version 15+ -- i.e. Nightly). Basically, open up your about:config and add the key: dom.mozApps.whitelist. Make sure localhost:3000 (or wherever newnewtab is running from) is there so it can access your installed apps!
By default, settings are in config-default.js
. You can override settings
in there with environment variables (PORT
will override express:port
but if you want to customize lots of settings locally (either for
development or deployment), you can create config-local.json
and that file
will augment or add to settings read by default.
is not version-controlled; feel free to edit it to your
heart's content.
Use node script/fetch_recommendations