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Get started and work with the zero player

Yorn edited this page Mar 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

First start

So, you have the raspberry pi (zero) image on your sd card and start the module.

What you need to do now:

Use your mobile or laptop, to wifi-connect to the wifi accesspoint. Then name is zeroPlayer (empty password)

Then your cell phone may complain, you are not connected to the internet (as this is correct!)

So if you are logged into the wifi accesspoint, you can open your favorit browser and type:

and you will enter the "empty" zeroplayer web interface.

fill you audio files onto the sd card

There is an upload button, where you can add one or multiple files. That works ok, but if you have a lot of files, you may use other possibilities.

Note: the sdcard is formated to the smallest possible size (reason for that is, that yocto does not know your sd card size), so you should resize the base partition.

If you do not know, how to do that, here is the hint: Tips and Tricks - change partition size

If you are under linux, you can just jump to your music library and use scp (recursive call) to copy all your files:

scp -r * root@

ssh root@ 'sync && systemctl restart audioserver'

Then your audio server is starting up with your music.

just reload your page on your browser.

But you do not see anything on your first page.

The first page is reserved for dedicated playlists.

if you type in some part of the name in the search field (or use the asterisk / * ) then you will see your importet music.

What, when no images are shown, or the title/album/performer name is incorrect?

The whole system is based on id3 information. So they must be in place. So if you want to correct this, use some common tools to edit the id3 tags of your audio files (e.g. Easytag what comes with ubuntu)

configure to use caching for faster startup

In case, your library grows bigger, reading all id3 and cover information can take long (remember, you are working on a sd card). So it would be a good idea to enable some caching.

You can printout the current configuration by

ssh root@ 'cat /etc/audioserver.json'

In case caching is disabled

	"EnableCache": false,

login and enable it! Hope you know the vi editor!

ssh root@
vi /etc/audioserver.json
systemctl restart audioserver

After that, the cache is created. So the directory should look something like that:

ssh root@ 'ls /var/audioserver/cache/'

Note: If you think, your cache is screwed up (e.g. you changed the id3 tags), please just remove all files within the cache directory and restart the audioserver.

ssh root@ 'rm -rf /var/audioserver/cache/*'
ssh root@ 'sync && systemctl restart audioserver'

Any more questions?

contact me!

ideas how to use the player