This yocto-based buildsystem uses a Docker container for the build of a Raspberry Pi zero-w image.
The Dockerfile is located in folder docker
and based on crop porky ubuntu-18.04
The Docker image contains all tools to build with the OpenEmbedded/Yocto buildsystem. The workspace is created in a volume
directory given by the the host.
The buildsystem uses the Google repo tool ( to setup the Yocto layer structure (i.e. checkout all repos).
To know, what to do, when you start the raspberry pi with the image sd card, please have a look at the wiki:
Checkout the right branch (start should be master branch).
git clone
cd zeroPlayerBuild
Build the Docker image:
cd docker
export WORKDIR=$HOME/tmp/workdir/
mkdir -p $WORKDIR
docker build . -t crops/poky
docker run --rm -it -v $WORKDIR:/workdir crops/poky --workdir=/workdir
In case you have set the docker environment, on a second run, you can do:
cd docker
export WORKDIR=$HOME/tmp/workdir/
docker run --rm -it -v $WORKDIR:/workdir crops/poky --workdir=/workdir
inside the running Docker container or on a host which has all required build host packages installed:
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
repo init -u
repo sync
. setup-environment
bitbake zero-image
again, in case you are here for the second (or third ...) time:
repo sync
. setup-environment
bitbake zero-image
The final images are stored on the host at (please set WORKDIR variable in that environment if necessary) in $WORKDIR/build/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi0-wifi/zero-image-raspberrypi0-wifi.rpi-sdimg
sudo su
dd if=/home/yorn/tmp/workdir/build/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi0-wifi/zero-image-raspberrypi0-wifi.rpi-sdimg of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M status=progress