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Releases: xsc/pandect

Version 1.0.2

17 Nov 11:48
@xsc xsc
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  • Fixes a problem with repackaged Java classes causing collisions (#22).

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "1.0.2"]

Version 1.0.1

23 Jan 12:49
@xsc xsc
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  • Fixes a problem with creating hash/signature results as a byte array.

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "1.0.1"]

Version 1.0.0

23 Jan 12:09
@xsc xsc
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This is version 1.0.0 of pandect. There are no functional or public API changes compared to 0.6.1.


  • Use Github Actions for CI.
  • Use lein-isolate/mranderson to inline potemkin (since this often causes a dependency conflict).
  • Use kaocha for testing.

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "1.0.0"]

Clojars Release 0.6.1

21 Oct 20:53
@xsc xsc
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Breaking Changes



Fixes a namespace declaration (see #15), thanks to @mavbozo!

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "0.6.1"]

Clojars Release 0.6.0

17 May 18:39
@xsc xsc
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Breaking Changes

  • The BouncyCastle dependency (org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on) has to be explicitly included now if algorithms provided by BC shall be used.
  • After the standardisation of SHA3 in late 2015, the previously included implementation has been renamed to "Keccak" (see BouncyCastle's release notes for version 1.53). What is now included as "SHA3" (sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384 and sha3-512) adheres to the standard.

New Algorithms

  • SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
  • BLAKE2b-160, BLAKE2b-256, BLAKE2b-384, BLAKE2b-512


Instead of calling BouncyCastle constructors directly, they are now accessed using the getInstance methods of Digest and Mac - just like the algorithms provided by default. This should make it simpler to add new algorithms in future since we just have add its identifier.

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "0.6.0"]

Clojars Release 0.5.4

19 Sep 11:30
@xsc xsc
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Breaking Changes

  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: The internal ByteConvertable protocol moved from pandect.gen.hmac-generator into pandect.utils.convert.


This release implements RSA signature functions for MD2, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512, as well as DSA functions for SHA-1:

(require '[pandect.algo.sha1 :as sha1])

(let [pair (-> (doto ( "RSA")
                 (.initialize 768)) 
  (def private-key (.getPrivate pair))
  (def public-key (.getPublic pair)))

(sha1/sha1-rsa "Trust me!" private-key)
;; => "a98690722fafb61c8f6576d8fd8130a85c35..."

(sha1/sha1-rsa-verify "Trust me!" *1 public-key)
;; => true

Just as all other of pandect's functions, these take byte arrays, strings, Files or InputStreams as first parameter.

Additionally, two occurrences of count have been replaced with alength and String.length() respectively, to remove some indirection.

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "0.5.4"]

Clojars Release 0.5.3

06 Aug 14:57
@xsc xsc
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Breaking Changes



  • replaces an occurence of count on byte arrays with alength (see #13). Thanks to @alexanderkiel!

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "0.5.3"]


07 Apr 17:49
@xsc xsc
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Breaking Changes



This release cosists of code licensed under the MIT License (formerly: Eclipse Public License).

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "0.5.2"]

Clojars Release 0.5.1

01 Feb 10:37
@xsc xsc
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Breaking Changes

  • the namespace pandect.utils.buffer moved to pandect.buffer.

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "0.5.1"]

Clojars Release 0.5.0

16 Jan 20:58
@xsc xsc
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Breaking Changes

  • Strings passed to hash/HMAC functions get converted to UTF-8 byte arrays
    (formerly the platform's default charset was used).
  • Files/InputStreams used as HMAC secret are directly converted to byte array
    (formerly they were read as a String, then converted to a byte array according
    to the platform's default charset).

Artifact Coordinates

[pandect "0.5.0"]