Releases: xibosignage/xibo-cms
Our first patch release of Xibo CMS 4.2, see the announcement here:
Change Log
There are 26 solved issues in this patch release:
- Commands: ChromeOS missing form the available on dropdown #3588
- Connector: SSP connector is disabled when other connectors enabled state is toggled #3586
- Connector: CAP/NWS connector does not raise the right metrics to trigger an emergency alert via Schedule Criteria #3579
- DataSet: remote dataset column fields do not update #3598
- Displays: adding a teamviewer or webkey link breaks the grid #3581
- Displays: ChromeOS player software packages need to be verified before unpacking
- Layouts: multi-edit tags no saving correctly #3584
- Layouts: scheduling from the layout page throws an error
- Layout Editor: unable to add any elements after resizing an image #3585
- Layout Editor: saving a template from a layout using global elements breaks on import if those widgets have been excluded from the export #3574
- Layout Preview: video has no sound
- Layout Preview: set duration of more than one video is not obeyed
- Playlist Editor: CKEditor is missing #3600
- Schedule: display filter breaks when selecting lots of displays #3583
- Schedule: expand the field size for reminders and critiera
- Schedule Criteria: UI is broken #3601
- Schedule Criteria: improvements to the criteria selection form for Emergency Alerts
- Tasks: MySQL gone away on stats export #3569
- Templates: publish form throws a JS error
- Upgrade: migration failure with MariaDB #3595
- UI: incorrect buttons on the sessions page #3592
- UI: performance improvement rendering the user interface when there are a lot of users/groups in the CMS #3587
- UI: minor fixes to the CMS welcome page
- Widget: stock symbols input is not working for a single element #3591
- Widget: weather element background image does not show on display #3524
- XMDS: CDN file download links removed by mistake #3578
Our first release of Xibo CMS 4.2, see the announcement here:
Change Log
The following items have been resolved since 4.2.0-beta. To find out what has changed since 4.1, please see the above release announcement.
- Campaigns: improve the filter options for assigning layouts to a list campaign
- 3568: Daypart: unable to retire
- 3543: Layout Editor: multi-word queries did not return search results in properties panel
- 3572: Layout Editor: importing from a provider like Pixabay fails when name is too long
- Layout Editor: limit the number of characters shown in the viewer bar
- 3561: Library: improve the direct link to viewing a library item
- 3576: Schedule: calendar/agenda not refreshing after deleting an event
- Schedule: fix various issues with the date/time picker
- Users: improved the welcome page shown when a new user logs in for the first time
- 3575: Widget: Flipclock AM/PM not visible when using a background colour
Our beta release of 4.2 is now available! This release is a development preview and should not be used in production. This release should be used for testing only.
Key features and improvements for this release:
- National Weather Service (NWS) meteorological alerts
- Revised and improved Schedule Criteria for Emergency Alerts
- Upgrade process for XMR in Docker install
Bugs resolved:
- Fixed Reporting: time connected summary report does not work with Today as the range
- User search redirects to layout page instead of displaying results
- Reporting: API requests / session history should default to showing requests/sessions
- Display: Player Type filter shows Chrome OS with a space
Our first alpha release of 4.2! This release is a development preview and should not be used in production. This release should be used for testing only.
Key features and improvements for this release:
- Emergency Alerts Widget supporting Common Alert Protocol (CAP) feeds
- New rich text and code editors
- Improved Layout Preview experience
- Stability and performance improvements from updated front / back end libraries and improved bundling
- A new XMR messaging service which uses WebSockets instead of ZeroMQ
Bugs resolved:
- Campaign: additional filters when assigning layouts to a layout list campaign #3482.
- Connector: Pixabay should use the 1080p version of a file
- Displays: Fixed an issue recording audit logging from a player #3571
- Folders: multiselect folders and share them #3407.
- Layout Editor: introduced a “Clear Canvas” option in the control menu.
- Layout Editor: images are added to the canvas with their original aspect ratio instead of always being square
- Layout Editor: elements in groups will align to the corners/centre when resized
- Playlist: dynamic playlists can be filtered by folder
- Preview: fix an error which stopped previewing when an unsupported video was loaded #3473.
- Reporting: standardise range filters across all reports #2732.
- Schedule: add validation for numeric fields on add/edit forms #3559.
- Security: improved the sanitization of prior routes #3556.
- Security: fixed an issue whereby the background image from a layout could be seen in the library page by a user without sharing view access.
- Security: elements in the layout editor should obey edit rights from sharing #3516.
- User: search by first and last name on the user page.
- UX: added an active class to the navigation menu #3526.
- Widget: improved the scoping of CSS styles in widgets such that they do not affect each other.
Our second patch release of Xibo CMS 4.1, see the announcement here:
Change log
The following items have been resolved in this patch release:
- 3533: Display: Non-destructive feature should include send command
- 3490: Reporting: display alert report (col sizing, filtering, etc)
- 3525: Folders appear empty but cannot be deleted due to old file revisions remaining
- 3542: Layout Editor: Add description to module templates and fix tooltips that don't work
- 3534: Layout Editor: Elements don't rescale after saving
- 3516: Layout Editor: Elements need to obey sharing permissions
- 3538: Layout Editor: Unable to add new playlists after removing dynamic playlist in layout editor
- 3531: Layout Editor: Saving region properties not working
- 3512: Layout/Playlist Editor: Add dismiss-able notice for minimum resolution
- 3502: Layout Preview: interactive actions not working
- 3485: Layout Preview: element group displaying on incorrect layer
- 3499: Layouts: Canvas only layouts should set their duration from any images added or a 10 second minimum
- 3535: Layouts: I/O Exception after importing layout with playlists from version 2.3.17 to 4.x.x
- 3514: Library: Add media (URL) Validation needed for unsupported URLs like YouTube
- 3511: Remote Dataset: Unexpected error for long URI string
- 3532: Schedule Criteria: Wrong delete button and delete flow
- 3537: Schedule Edit: Missing "Use Relative Time" field when editing Custom scheduled events
- 3523: Schedule Grid: Sort by criteria shows errors
- 3519: Schedule Filter: Cannot clear dates when selecting a range
- 3518: Schedule: Validation error with up cursor input in Hours
- 3517: Schedule: Image Scheduling: Error when closing Select Media form while creating an image schedule
- 3515: Widget: Calendar Number of Items option in widget has no effect on Static Templates
- 3522: Widget: Global element: Gradients on text or elements do not render in the player
- 3507: Widget: Calendar All-Day Events displayed in monthly calendar despite Exclude All-Day option enabled
- 3509: Widget: Calendar Web hook triggers not activating for events
- 3510: Widget: Fallback data not persisting when update interval ends
- 3520: Widget: Menu Board Element: Name text cutoff with Fit to selection and gradient settings
- 3528: Widget: Menu Board Elements: Options doesn't have Font Family property
- 3524: Widget: Weather Element: The image does not display on the player
- 3530: XMDS load spikes for displays which all start at the same time of day
Our first patch release of Xibo CMS 4.1, see the announcement here:
Change log
The following items have been resolved in this patch release:
- 3508: Commands: Create Alert on Command output in XMDS is wrong
- 3505: Connectors: Scrolling to the bottom of the dropdown trigger a ‘load more results’ action which duplicates the data
- 3481: Display: assigning a display to a group from the Display page doesn't clear the cache
- 3493: Display: Player logging not possible to get audit logging from the player
- Display: performance improvement where Layouts have actions
- 3501: Layout Editor: Error in console when grouping currencies and global elements
- 3496: Layout Editor: Published Layout Action tab not visible
- 3492: Layout Editor: Toolbox Size popup buttons disappear on drag
- 3488: Layout Editor: you can't upload an image into an image placeholder
- 3486: Layout Editor: Elements added in quick succession create multiple widgets
- 3497: Layout Editor: Xibo Layout Exchange tab visible when connector is disabled
- 3503: Library: uploader should limit the number of concurrent uploads
- 3494: Playlist: Top bar styled like the Editor topbar
- 3356: Reporting: add grouping options to proof of play reporting
- 3498: Schedule: Add Synchronised Event Save button not working
- 3487: Schedule Criteria: weather "clear sky" condition does not match
- 3500: Translations: module/module template strings are not translatable
- 3489: UX: Help button gets in the way of paging and mobile forms
- 3506: Widget: Flip Clock Shadow appears behind Clock Widget when using RGBA color
- 3495: Widget: weather stencil unable to copy asset
Our first release of Xibo CMS 4.1!
This release is the result of 12 months of enhancements and improvements to the CMS, find out what has changed:
Change log
The following items have been resolved since 4.1.0-rc3. To find out what has changed since 4.0, please see the above release announcement.
- Campaigns: unable to set the start/end date on Ad Campaigns
- 3483: Display: (Assign Files) The + button remains active even after media files have been assigned to the display
- 3478: Display: it should be possible to update the detail of an alert when submitting the end
- 3479: Displays: feature based access with view permissions to non-destructive edit only features
- 3477: Displays: file assignment form search filter
- Layout Editor: deleting elements and groups at the same time throws as error
- Layout Editor: slot not being updated for groups
- Layout Editor: media results not being updated after adding media from a provider
- Layout Editor: we should not show the playlist editor for dynamic playlists
- Layout Editor: background image layering is not respected or represented in the layer tool
- 3480: Playlists: the API should not allow manual changes to media assignments on dynamic playlists
Our 3rd release candidate for 4.1!
This release is a development preview and should not be used in production. This release should be used for testing only.
The following items have been fixed in this release:
- Android: Correct the coordinates for Android player window size in Display Settings Profile
- Android: fix an issue with elements not rendering
- 3463: Dataset Advanced Filter: Text based display tag is not replaced at runtime on the player
- 3404: DataSet: Value discrepancy when storing large integers in number values
- DataSet: do not render HTML content in the data view
- 3476: Developer: cannot change the datatype of a module template
- 3472: Developer : Template XML import is broken
- Layout Preview: fix background colour
- 3475: Layout Preview: Text element "fit to selection" doesn't work
- Library: do not allow previewing of generic files
- Logs: Fix the log processor so that logs are recorded with page/method
- Schedule Criteria: add a CMS API to send criteria updates to the player
- Theme: Fix an issue with the login page not being positioned correctly
The look, feel and main functionality of 4.1 is finalised. This is one of a series of release candidates over the coming weeks which will fix any issues found in 4.1. New features will be developed in 4.2.
Our 15th patch release of 4.0!
Our 2nd release candidate for 4.1!
This release is a development preview and should not be used in production. This release should be used for testing only.
Key features and improvements for this release:
- Data Connector: add to the connector interface so that Data Connector JavaScript can be predefined
- Data Connector: added development documentation
- Layout Editor: fix toolbox save preferences
- Layout Editor: fix issues with resizing elements and rotation
- Module: settings not being displayed on configure form
- Playlist Editor: published layouts should not allow sorting
- Preview: fix for layering
- Preview: fix for circle and date/time elements
- Schedule Criteria: added development documentation
- Widget: fix an issue with Menu Board Products not always displaying
- Widget: fix an issue with Mastodon item direction
- Xibo Exchange: fix an issue publishing a layout imported from Xibo Exchange
- Xibo Exchange: include templates designed for Xibo 4.1
- XMDS: Improvements to how logs are submitted and sanitized
Fix bugs from prior 4.1 releases:
- 3466: Playlist: Previous/Next controls are not clickable and Edit Playlist button require double-click
- 3460: Schedule Action: Unable to save Action event due to an error
- 3459: Dataset: typographical error in the dataset Edit Form
- 3454: Media Replace and Delete: with 'Delete Old Version' unchecked causes name conflict and inconsistencies
- 3453: Weekly and Monthly Calendar widgets display issue on WebOS
- 3451: Editor Preview: Webpage not rendering
- 3444: Schedule Event: Add Form Modal Doesn't Close on Save When Criteria is Added
- 3437: XMDS: Player has empty scheduled event when a scheduled layout has a draft
- 3458: DataSet: trying to import without any columns logs an unhelpful error
- 3456: Dataset: Importing a CSV file with an empty line fails via remote dataset and uploading the file
- 3357: Reporting: calculate a device availability percentage and show in a table
- 3362: Auditing: API requests should be audited
The look, feel and main functionality of 4.1 is finalised. This is one of a series of release candidates over the coming weeks which will fix any issues found in 4.1. New features will be developed in 4.2.