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Releases: xenondevs/Nova

Nova v0.18-alpha.8

18 Dec 14:46
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Nova v0.18-alpha.8 Pre-release

Nova v0.18-alpha.7

18 Dec 10:24
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Nova v0.18-alpha.7 Pre-release
  • Fixed #536 - Machines with fluid bars uninteractible

Nova v0.18-alpha.6

17 Dec 19:00
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Nova v0.18-alpha.6 Pre-release
  • Added Canvas gui element
  • Fixed #535 - Nova is causing strings and tripwires to be unbreakable
  • Fixed an issue where lines of flying leaves would appear in the world
  • Fixed an issue where leaves, note blocks and tripwire would not have block break effects
  • Fixed an issue where leaves, not blocks and tripwire could not be picked via the middle mouse button
  • Fixed an issue where side configuration menus would not be closed when the associated tile entity was destroyed
  • Fixed an issue where some tile entity guis would stop updating after switching menus

Nova v0.18-alpha.5

14 Dec 09:37
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Nova v0.18-alpha.5 Pre-release
  • Fixed #532 - Placing an unenchanted item into an Enchanting Table crashes server

Nova v0.18-alpha.4

13 Dec 11:52
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Nova v0.18-alpha.4 Pre-release
  • Fixed NovaItem#createItemStack always returning item stacks of count 1
  • Changed recipe key format to include addon- and recipe type namespace
  • InvUI-related fixes

Nova v0.18-alpha.3

09 Dec 19:49
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Nova v0.18-alpha.3 Pre-release
  • Fixed an issue where the Patreon upload service would fail to upload the resource pack

Nova v0.18-alpha.2

08 Dec 20:11
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Nova v0.18-alpha.2 Pre-release
  • Fixed #527 - Updating to 1.21.4 breaks Nova blocks which were in the middle of a process
  • Fixed an issue where tile entity data was not saved properly
  • Fixed an issue where changes to network end points were not saved properly
  • Fixed an issue where added items to tile-entity inventories would be invisible until reopening the gui
  • Fixed an issue where water could destroy non-waterloggable Nova blocks
  • Updated translations

Nova v0.18-alpha.1

07 Dec 18:46
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Nova v0.18-alpha.1 Pre-release


  1. As always, please create a backup before updating to this version.

  2. Nova addons are now loaded as plugins. This means that they now need to be placed in the plugins/ directory, and NOT plugins/Nova/addons/. Addon configs, recipes, etc. will be automatically moved to their new data folders. For this to work properly, the addons need to be present on the first startup of 0.18.

General changes

  • Addons are now loaded as plugins
  • Updated to Minecraft 1.21.4 (1.21.1 is no longer supported)


  • Fixed #462 - Incorrect block picking behavior
  • Fixed #522 - Either TRIPWIRE_UNATTACHED or TRIPWIRE_ATTACHED model working but not both

Addon API

New features

  • Added support for item model definitions in items and entity-backed blocks
  • Added support for equipment definitions
  • Added support for custom tooltip textures
  • New item behaviors: AnimatedDye, Cooldown, Dyeable, Glider

Migration Guide

Nova Documentation - Migration Guide 0.17 ➝ 0.18

Nova v0.17-alpha.39

27 Nov 08:50
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Nova v0.17-alpha.39 Pre-release
  • Fixed #513 - Falling blocks replace cables, deleting them
  • Fixed #521 - Taking fluids from a fluid tank while on a full inventory deletes buckets
  • Fixed a desync when trying to break a block without the Breakable behavior in creative
  • Fixed an issue where the axis value of blocks was selected incorrectly

Nova v0.17-alpha.38

25 Nov 19:24
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Nova v0.17-alpha.38 Pre-release
  • The default axis value for the scoped block state property AXIS is now y
  • ModelBuilder#rotated now assumes models using nova:axis to be aligned with the y axis by default