- [*] Updates Floating Action Button(FAB) color to black, shape to squircle, and icon to plus [#18599]
- [*] Block editor: Image block - Fix issue where in some cases the image doesn't display the right aspect ratio [wordpress-mobile/gutenberg-mobile#5869]
- [*] Me, and gravatar is moved to bottom navigation as fourth tab [#18606]
- [*] [internal] We now display a privacy popup requiring consent from users residing in GDPR jurisdictions after login. [#18696]
- [*] Updates Floating Action Button(FAB) color to black, shape to squircle, and icon to plus [#18599]
- [*] Block editor: Image block - Fix issue where in some cases the image doesn't display the right aspect ratio [wordpress-mobile/gutenberg-mobile#5869]
- [*] Me, and gravatar is moved to bottom navigation as fourth tab [#18606]
- [*] [internal] We now display a privacy popup requiring consent from users residing in GDPR jurisdictions after login. [#18696]