Tiny Tricks is a collection of (more or less) tiny modules for VCV Rack.
Currently the following are included (v1.1.0):
- Tiny Tricks Arithmetic (TT-A)
- Tiny Tricks Logic (TT-L)
- Sample and Hold x16 (SH16)
- Modulation Generator (MG1)
- Modulation Generator x8 (MG8)
- Modulation Generator x16 (MG16)
- Attenuator x8 (A8)
- Random Mute x8 (RM8)
- Random Stereo Mute x8 (RM8s)
- Simple Sine Oscillator (TT-SINE)
- Simple Sawtooth Oscillator (TT-SAW)
- Simple Square Oscillator (TT-SQR)
- Simple Triangle Oscillator (TT-TRI)
- Sine+ Oscillator (TT-SINE+)
- Sawtooth+ Oscillator (TT-SAW+)
- Square+ Oscillator (TT-SQR+)
- Triangle+ Oscillator (TT-TRI+)
Potential upcoming modules:
- Random Mix x8 (RX8)
- Random Stereo Mix x8 (RX8s)
- Configurable Sample and Hold x8 (SH8c)
- Have an idea for a module? Create an issue and suggest it - I might do it.
Feel free to join the project, copy source code or panel designs.
Questions, comments, suggestions and everything else: Submit an issue.
Best regards, Thomas René Sidor
Version 1.2.1
- Fixed: Random Mix x8 (RX8) not working in trigger mode.
Version 1.2.0
- Added: Random Mix x8 (RX8)
- Added: Simplex Noise (SN1)
- Added: Simplex Noise x8 (SN8)
- Fixed: Tint Trick Logic output to low max 1V (#6)
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed: RM8Base.svg missing or not needed ? (#4)
- Fixed: Oscillators not oscillating until you change frequency
- Fixed: Author name formatting in plugin.json
- Fixed: Proper saving and restoring of hardsync states in oscillator modules
- Fixed: Naming of modules to not include Tiny Tricks
- Changed: Name from Tiny Trick Modules to Tiny Tricks
Version 1.1.0
- Added: Simple Sine Oscillator (TT-SINE)
- Added: Simple Sawtooth Oscillator (TT-SAW)
- Added: Simple Square Oscillator (TT-SQR)
- Added: Simple Triangle Oscillator (TT-TRI)
- Added: Sine+ Oscillator (TT-SINE+)
- Added: Sawtooth+ Oscillator (TT-SAW+)
- Added: Square+ Oscillator (TT-SQR+)
- Added: Triangle+ Oscillator (TT-TRI+)
- Fixed: Small issues in plugin.json (#1 #2 )
Version 1.0.2
- Fixed incorrect tags in plugin.json
- Updated formatting of plugin.json
Version 1.0.1
- Intial release