Tags: thomassidor/tinytricks
Add polyphony and Random Wrangler module (#18) Added: Random Wrangler (RW) Added: Polyphony to simple oscillators (SIN, SAW, SQR, TRI), plus oscillators (SIN+, SAW+, SQR+, TRI+), Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC), Wavetable Oscillator (WAVE), TT-A and TT-L. Huge thanks to @baconpaul for contributing with this! Behind the scenes: Refactored WAVE for performance improvements. Behind the scenes: Improved screenshot generation
v1.4.1 - Community update (#13) * The changes in this release is based on [community feedback](https://community.vcvrack.com/t/tiny-tricks-request-for-feedback/6788). A huge thanks to all who pitched in! * Added: Dark themes. Right click module to access them. * Changed: Some design details in a bunch of modules. * Changed: Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC) now has a trigger input for the waveform mirroring. * Changed: Wavetable Oscillator (WAVE) now has a trigger input for the waveform mirroring plus capturing (this is quite resource intensive). * Changed: Added option to turn off scope in Wavetable Oscillator. Useful for improving the UI performance until scope code is improved. * Changed: Very slight cosmetic request (#12). * Fixed: Modulation Generators (MG1, MG8, MG16) now keeps values within 0-10 when set to UNI.
Development of simplex oscillator plus bugfixes (#10) * Added: Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC) * Fixed: Sync out of simple and plus oscillators only giving 1v * Fixed: Simplex Noise LFOs stop working after some time * Fixed: Random Mix stop working after some time * Changed: Random Mute CV as mod instead of override of mute knob * Changed: Rebased all oscillators to C4 instead of A4 (#9)