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[SPARK] Add common sql test utility methods to DeltaSQLTestUtils (d…
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## Description
Adding the most commonly used methods in testing; such as getting the
delta log, snapshot, protocol, stats, columns etc in `DeltaSQLTestUtils`
so that we don't have to keep reimplementing them over and over again
and just use this trait instead.

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  • Loading branch information
stefankandic authored Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 71cf788 commit e621c5d
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Showing 2 changed files with 230 additions and 5 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -43,11 +43,6 @@ class DeltaVariantSuite

import testImplicits._

private def getProtocolForTable(table: String): Protocol = {
val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, TableIdentifier(table))

private def assertVariantTypeTableFeatures(
tableName: String,
expectPreviewFeature: Boolean,
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,17 @@ package


import scala.util.Random

import{DeltaColumnMappingTestUtilsBase, DeltaLog, DeltaTable, Snapshot, TableFeature}
import{DeltaStatistics, PreparedDeltaFileIndex}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{JsonNode, ObjectMapper}

import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

trait DeltaSQLTestUtils extends SQLTestUtils {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,4 +84,224 @@ trait DeltaSQLTestUtils extends SQLTestUtils {

/** Returns random alphanumberic string to be used as a unique table name. */
def uniqueTableName: String = Random.alphanumeric.take(10).mkString

/** Gets the latest snapshot of the table. */
def getSnapshot(tableName: String): Snapshot = {
DeltaLog.forTable(spark, TableIdentifier(tableName)).update()

/** Gets the table protocol of the latest snapshot. */
def getProtocolForTable(tableName: String): Protocol = {
/** Gets the `StructField` of `columnPath`. */
final def getColumnField(schema: StructType, columnPath: Seq[String]): StructField = {
schema.findNestedField(columnPath, includeCollections = true).get._2

/** Gets the `StructField` of `columnName`. */
def getColumnField(tableName: String, columnName: String): StructField = {
val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, TableIdentifier(tableName))
getColumnField(deltaLog.update().schema, columnName.split("\\."))

/** Gets the `DataType` of `columnPath`. */
def getColumnType(schema: StructType, columnPath: Seq[String]): DataType = {
getColumnField(schema, columnPath).dataType

/** Gets the `DataType` of `columnName`. */
def getColumnType(tableName: String, columnName: String): DataType = {
getColumnField(tableName, columnName).dataType

* Gets the stats fields from the AddFiles of `snapshot`. The stats are ordered by the
* modification time of the files they are associated with.
def getUnvalidatedStatsOrderByFileModTime(snapshot: Snapshot): Array[JsonNode] = {
.map(file => new ObjectMapper().readTree(file.stats))

* Gets the stats fields from the AddFiles of `tableName`. The stats are ordered by the
* modification time of the files they are associated with.
def getUnvalidatedStatsOrderByFileModTime(tableName: String): Array[JsonNode] =

/** Gets the physical column path if there is column mapping metadata in the schema. */
def getPhysicalColumnPath(tableSchema: StructType, columnName: String): Seq[String] = {
new DeltaColumnMappingTestUtilsBase {}.getPhysicalPathForStats(
columnName.split("\\."), tableSchema

/** Gets the value of a specified field from `stats` JSON node if it exists. */
def getStatFieldOpt(stats: JsonNode, path: Seq[String]): Option[JsonNode] =
path.foldLeft(Option(stats)) {
case (Some(node), key) if node.has(key) => Option(node.get(key))
case _ => None

/** Gets the min/max stats of `columnName` from `stats` if they exist. */
private def getMinMaxStatsOpt(
tableName: String,
stats: JsonNode,
columnName: String): (Option[String], Option[String]) = {
val columnPath = columnName.split('.')
val schema = getSnapshot(tableName).schema
val colType = getColumnType(schema, columnPath)
assert(colType.isInstanceOf[StringType], s"Expected StringType, got $colType")

val physicalColumnPath = getPhysicalColumnPath(schema, columnName)
val minStatsPath = DeltaStatistics.MIN +: physicalColumnPath
val maxStatsPath = DeltaStatistics.MAX +: physicalColumnPath
getStatFieldOpt(stats, minStatsPath).map(_.asText()),
getStatFieldOpt(stats, maxStatsPath).map(_.asText()))

/** Gets the min/max stats of `columnName` from `stats`. */
def getMinMaxStats(
tableName: String,
stats: JsonNode,
columnName: String): (String, String) = {
val (minOpt, maxOpt) = getMinMaxStatsOpt(tableName, stats, columnName)
(minOpt.get, maxOpt.get)

/** Verifies whether there are min/max stats of `columnName` in `stats`. */
def assertMinMaxStatsPresence(
tableName: String,
stats: JsonNode,
columnName: String,
expectStats: Boolean): Unit = {
val (minStats, maxStats) = getMinMaxStatsOpt(tableName, stats, columnName)
assert(minStats.isDefined === expectStats)
assert(maxStats.isDefined === expectStats)

/** Verifies min/max stats values of `columnName` in `stats`. */
def assertMinMaxStats(
tableName: String,
stats: JsonNode,
columnName: String,
expectedMin: String,
expectedMax: String): Unit = {
val (min, max) =
getMinMaxStats(tableName, stats, columnName)
assert(min === expectedMin, s"Expected $expectedMin, got $min")
assert(max === expectedMax, s"Expected $expectedMax, got $max")

/** Verifies minReaderVersion and minWriterVersion of the protocol. */
def assertProtocolVersion(
protocol: Protocol,
minReaderVersion: Int,
minWriterVersion: Int): Unit = {
assert(protocol.minReaderVersion === minReaderVersion)
assert(protocol.minWriterVersion === minWriterVersion)

/** Verifies column is of expected data type. */
def assertColumnDataType(
tableName: String,
columnName: String,
expectedDataType: DataType): Unit = {
assert(getColumnType(tableName, columnName) === expectedDataType)

/** Verifies `columnName` does not exist in `tableName`. */
def assertColumnNotExist(tableName: String, columnName: String): Unit = {
val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {
sql(s"SELECT $columnName FROM $tableName")
assert(e.getMessage.contains(s"`$columnName` cannot be resolved"))

* Runs `select` query on `tableName` with `predicate` and verifies the number of rows returned
* and files read.
def assertSelectQueryResults(
tableName: String,
predicate: String,
numRows: Int,
numFilesRead: Int): Unit = {
val query = sql(s"SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE $predicate")
assertSelectQueryResults(query, numRows, numFilesRead)

* Runs `query` and verifies the number of rows returned
* and files read.
def assertSelectQueryResults(
query: DataFrame,
numRows: Int,
numFilesRead: Int): Unit = {
assert(query.count() === numRows, s"Expected $numRows rows, got ${query.count()}")
val filesRead = getNumReadFiles(query)
assert(filesRead === numFilesRead, s"Expected $numFilesRead files read, got $filesRead")

/** Returns the number of read files by the query with given query text. */
def getNumReadFiles(queryText: String): Int = {

/** Returns the number of read files by the given data frame query. */
def getNumReadFiles(df: DataFrame): Int = {
val deltaScans = df.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.collect {
case DeltaTable(prepared: PreparedDeltaFileIndex) => prepared.preparedScan
assert(deltaScans.size == 1)

/** Drops `columnName` from `tableName`. */
def dropColumn(tableName: String, columnName: String): Unit = {
sql(s"ALTER TABLE $tableName DROP COLUMN $columnName")
assertColumnNotExist(tableName, columnName)

/** Changes `columnName` to `newType` */
def alterColumnType(tableName: String, columnName: String, newType: String): Unit = {
sql(s"ALTER TABLE $tableName ALTER COLUMN $columnName TYPE $newType")

/** Whether the table protocol supports the given table feature. */
def isFeatureSupported(tableName: String, tableFeature: TableFeature): Boolean = {
val protocol = getProtocolForTable(tableName)

/** Whether the table protocol supports the given table feature. */
def isFeatureSupported(tableName: String, featureName: String): Boolean = {
val protocol = getProtocolForTable(tableName)
protocol.readerFeatureNames.contains(featureName) ||

/** Enables table feature for `tableName` and given `featureName`. */
def enableTableFeature(tableName: String, featureName: String): Unit = {
|ALTER TABLE $tableName
|SET TBLPROPERTIES('delta.feature.$featureName' = 'supported')
assert(isFeatureSupported(tableName, featureName))

/** Drops table feature for `tableName` and `featureName`. */
def dropTableFeature(tableName: String, featureName: String): Unit = {
sql(s"ALTER TABLE $tableName DROP FEATURE `$featureName`")
assert(!isFeatureSupported(tableName, featureName))

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